Current issue: December 2014

...Mexico, a massacre too far; Ukraine’s uncertain east; Afghans fearful as West pulls back; US, philanthropy or welfare? Italy stems migration; South Africa’s own subprime crisis; fall of France’s man in Africa; China’s workers strike; media information belongs to us all; scripting the future ... and more...


Rafael Barajas on Mexico’s violence

In this interview about Mexico’s current state of crisis following the disappearance of 43 students in September, journalist and political cartoonist Rafael Barajas tells George Miller: "The social fabric in entire zones [of Mexico] has been (...)

Must read

Whose Europe?

by Stefano Liberti

Italy has borne the cost of policing the migrant waterways of the Mediterranean, in order to save lives, then to allow those saved to try to find a future elsewhere in Europe. That policy no longer (...)

Ode to the banana tree  *

by Ericka Beckman

Subcontracting social welfare  *

by Benoît Bréville

Freeing the fourth estate  *

by Pierre Rimbert
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