- published: 30 Aug 2016
- views: 462
The X-wing fighter is a fictional starfighter from the original Star Wars trilogy and the Star Wars expanded universe. They are depicted as the primary interceptor and dogfighter of the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic. The craft has been merchandised as a variety of toys, models licensed for use in games, novels and comics.
Industrial Light & Magic's (ILM) Joe Johnston sketched and Colin Cantwell built models that eventually became the final X-wing fighter in Star Wars. The X-wings were designed to appear more "traditional" than the Empire's TIE fighters. ILM built miniatures in various scales, with wing markings indicating which prop represented which pilot. When ILM fell behind on generating X-wing footage, Star Wars producer George Lucas and his editors temporarily used World War II dogfight footage for initial editing cuts. Each X-wing model was built around a hollow core made from surgical tubing, which allowed lighting, cooling, and electrical connectors for the wing motors to be installed and maintained. The cockpit windows were made from faceted glass so that accurate reflections could be filmed. Although the movie's initial script and novelization describe the X-wings as belonging to "Blue squadron", limitations in bluescreen photography led to the markings on the filming models, as well as the fictional squadron affiliation being changed to red.
Finals | X-Wing | GenCon 2016 | Francois Fressin - Marcel Manzano
PlayStation VR avec STAR WARS Battlefront Rogue One - X-wing VR Mission :15
PlayStation VR avec STAR WARS Battlefront Rogue One - X-wing VR Mission :30
ARC-170 Unboxing | Wave 9 | X-Wing
X-Wing Wave 9 Batrep - Rebels Vs. Scum
Australian X-Wing Nationals 2016 - Final
PlayStation VR ft. STAR WARS Battlefront Rogue One - X-wing VR Mission
SF Bay Area X-Wing Sweet 16 Invitational | David VS Bernie | Party Scouts vs Dengar Tel
Top 8.2 | X-Wing | Hoth Open Series | Zach Bunn - Nathan Eide
BOARD GAMES - Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game - 4th October 2016
Francois and his double VCX-100 (Ghost) list faces Marcel's Jumpmasters led by Dengar, Zuckuss, and 4-LOM! Straight from GenCon 2016, the winner here is the North American X-Wing Champion! → SQUAD TEMPLATES: http://goo.gl/tUolrW → SQUAD TOKENS: http://goo.gl/od0Str → ASTEROIDS & DEBRIS: http://goo.gl/0y9oTF → OUR WEBSITE: http://goo.gl/BFSuxi → SUBSCRIBE ON YT: http://goo.gl/IRnzjF → FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/HgZd61 → TWITTER: http://goo.gl/l37dSX Thank you so much for watching, sharing, and purchasing. It allows us to keep moving forward!
https://www.playstation.com/fr-ca/explore/playstation-vr/ Découvrez un nouvel univers d'expériences de jeu avec le PlayStationMDVR. Redéfinissez vos attentes en matière d'immersion en prenant place dans le cockpit d'un X-wing pour exécuter une mission importante pour la Rébellion avec Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One: X-wing VR Mission. Offert exclusivement pour le PlayStationMDVR dès la période des Fêtes, ce contenu est gratuit* pour tous les propriétaires d'un exemplaire du jeu Star WarsMC BattlefrontMC. *Star WarsMC BattlefrontMC pour la PS4MC, le PlayStationMDVR et la caméra PlayStationMDCamera sont requis (tous vendus séparément) Pour en savoir plus sur le PlayStation VR – En vente dès le 13 octobre 2016 : http://www.playstation.com/psvr/ Pour en savoir plus sur Star Wars Battlefront...
Découvrez un nouvel univers d'expériences de jeu avec le PlayStationMDVR. Redéfinissez vos attentes en matière d'immersion en prenant place dans le cockpit d'un X-wing pour exécuter une mission importante pour la Rébellion avec Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One: X-wing VR Mission. Offert exclusivement pour le PlayStationMDVR dès la période des Fêtes, ce contenu est gratuit* pour tous les propriétaires d'un exemplaire du jeu Star WarsMC BattlefrontMC. *Star WarsMC BattlefrontMC pour la PS4MC, le PlayStationMDVR et la caméra PlayStationMDCamera sont requis (tous vendus séparément) Pour en savoir plus sur le PlayStation VR – En vente dès le 13 octobre 2016 : http://www.playstation.com/psvr/ Pour en savoir plus sur Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One: X-wing VR Mission – Offert dès la période des F...
The ARC-170 shows off the new auxiliary firing arc mechanic and introduces some killer pilots. Join us for a review of this new Rebellion ship from X-Wing's Wave 9! → SQUAD TEMPLATES: http://goo.gl/tUolrW → SQUAD TOKENS: http://goo.gl/od0Str → ASTEROIDS & DEBRIS: http://goo.gl/0y9oTF → OUR WEBSITE: http://goo.gl/BFSuxi → SUBSCRIBE ON YT: http://goo.gl/IRnzjF → FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/HgZd61 → TWITTER: http://goo.gl/l37dSX Thank you so much for watching, sharing, and purchasing.
Finally getting to test out some new Wave 9 builds today! Tossing Luke Skywalker on an Arc-170 should be fun!
2016 Australian X-Wing Nationals. Jarren Foss vs Ben Doyle Like General Games on Facebook" https://www.facebook.com/generalgamesaustralia/?fref=ts Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/general_games_aus/?hl=en Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeneralGamesAus Visit us at www.generalgames.com.au
Discover a new world of gaming experiences with PlayStation®VR. Redefine your expectations of immersion as you put yourself in the cockpit of an X-wing to carry out an important mission for the Rebellion with Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One: X-wing VR Mission. Arriving exclusively to PlayStation®VR this holiday, it is free* for all owners of Star Wars™ Battlefront™. * Requires Star Wars™ Battlefront™ for PS4™, PlayStation®VR and PlayStation Camera (all sold separately) Learn More about PlayStation VR – Coming October 13th, 2016 @ http://www.playstation.com/psvr/ Learn More about Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One: X-wing VR Mission – Coming this Holiday 2016 @ https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/star-wars-battlefront-ps4/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Trinitysquadgaming Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrinitySquadGaming/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrinitySquadron David's: https://geordanr.github.io/xwing/?f=Scum%20and%20Villainy&d;=v4!s!134:-1,-1,174,173,178,-1:-1:-1:;174:19,1,126,-1,121,-1:-1:25:;174:19,136,126,-1,182,-1:-1:25:&sn;=Party%20Scouts Bernie's List: https://geordanr.github.io/xwing/?f=Scum%20and%20Villainy&d;=v4!s!171:57,-1,-1,21,180,-1:29:3:;172:19,126,1,177,121,-1:-1:25:&sn;=Dengar%20Tel
Our own Zach Bunn flies his Imperial Aces against an equally terrifying Aces list in the hands of Nathan "The Kid" Eide! Get ready for some maneuvering... → SQUAD TEMPLATES: http://goo.gl/tUolrW → SQUAD TOKENS: http://goo.gl/od0Str → OUR WEBSITE: http://goo.gl/BFSuxi → SUBSCRIBE ON YT: http://goo.gl/IRnzjF → FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/HgZd61 → TWITTER: http://goo.gl/l37dSX Thank you so much for watching, sharing, and purchasing. It allows us to keep moving forward!
Watch us live every evening on http://www.twitch.tv/yogscast Skip to start: 05:40 HatFilms are here with more board games, this week X-Wing Miniatures! Watch more HatFilms streams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-jQnJXNH-s&list;=PLvSp-8FGBzxljf4D84t_7696lolrkSnKO&index;=1 Thanks for watching our stream VODs! You can subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/yogscastlive?sub_confirmation=1 You can find more HatFilms videos on their main channel here: https://www.youtube.com/hatfilms Want to watch more Livestreams? Check out some of our playlists below: Monday - Duncan & Lewis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v66xZsAWgP4&index;=1&list;=PLvSp-8FGBzxkNCe_T12sGNiK_-CdNzRdy Tuesday - HatFilms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-jQnJXNH-s&list;=PLvSp-8FGBzxljf4D84t_7696lolrkSnKO&index;=1 Wednesday ...
半年前に買ったX-WINGを久々に飛ばしてみました。 少しづづ、飛行機のお勉強した成果が出てきました。 もっと、ながーーーく飛行出来るように…ガンバ!! この日は、結構風があった💦無風の日に飛ばしたいでーーす🎵
Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One: X-Wing VR Mission, sera disponible en exclusivité sur PlayStation VR à Noël. Cette toute nouvelle mission sera gratuite pour tous les détenteurs de Star Wars Battlefront. Dans cette mission, les joueurs pourront vivre l'un de leurs plus grands rêves Star Wars : piloter un X-wing dans les profondeurs de l'espace. L'extension numérique est en cours de développement chez DICE et Criterion Games, les experts en gameplay de véhicules fun, excitant et rapide, comme le prouvent les motojets dans Star Wars Battlefront. Toute l'actualité du jeu sur notre blog : http://po.st/ActuStarWarsBattlefrontVR Toutes les actualités du PlayStation VR sur notre blog : http://po.st/PlayStationVRActus Voir ou revoir toutes les vidéos des jeux PlayStation VR : http://po.st/Play...
Star Wars™ Battlefront™ https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/tid=CUSA00640_00
All Eyes on the system placed before you.
no time for an explanation.
Deceitful, why we dancing
if you listen
close enough
doesn't it feel, like a broken record.
Slicing through the skin
the sound has been over played and overrated
but the dance shop takes a long time dont it
we go round and round.
forget the heart, the life, the sting, the stage, the sound.
we go all round, this way
I quess the powers that we will see
it's time to make, our dicision and if you listen
close enough.
doesn't it feel, like a broken record.
Slicing through the skin
the sound has been over played and overrated
and do I excist to satisfy you
and satisfy nothing
Im right here and I hoping to be something,
to mean something to somebody at all.
but it's the same old song, one dance
with the same old song.
same old song, same old song, same old song, it's the same old song
same old song, same old song, same old song, it's the same old song
doesn't it feel like a broken record, a broken record.
I excist to satisfy you to satisfy nothing.
fear stares the wrong ways.
but right know Im hoping to be something
to mean someting to somebody at all.