A pigment is a material that changes the color of reflected or transmitted light as the result of wavelength-selective absorption. This physical process differs from fluorescence, phosphorescence, and other forms of luminescence, in which a material emits light.
Many materials selectively absorb certain wavelengths of light. Materials that humans have chosen and developed for use as pigments usually have special properties that make them ideal for coloring other materials. A pigment must have a high tinting strength relative to the materials it colors. It must be stable in solid form at ambient temperatures.
For industrial applications, as well as in the arts, permanence and stability are desirable properties. Pigments that are not permanent are called fugitive. Fugitive pigments fade over time, or with exposure to light, while some eventually blacken.
Pigments are used for coloring paint, ink, plastic, fabric, cosmetics, food and other materials. Most pigments used in manufacturing and the visual arts are dry colorants, usually ground into a fine powder. This powder is added to a vehicle (or binder), a relatively neutral or colorless material that suspends the pigment and gives the paint its adhesion.
Fra Angelico (born Guido di Pietro; c. 1395 – February 18, 1455) was an Early Italian Renaissance painter described by Vasari in his Lives of the Artists as having "a rare and perfect talent".
He was known to contemporaries as Fra Giovanni da Fiesole (Brother John of Fiesole) and Fra Giovanni Angelico (Angelic Brother John). In modern Italian he is called il Beato Angelico (Blessed Angelic One); the common English name Fra Angelico means "Angelic Brother."
In 1982 Pope John Paul II conferred beatification, in recognition of the holiness of his life, thereby making the title of "Blessed" official. Fiesole is sometimes misinterpreted as being part of his formal name, but it was merely the name of the town where he took his vows as a Dominican friar, and was used by contemporaries to separate him from other Fra Giovannis. He is listed in the Roman Martyrology as Beatus Ioannes Faesulanus, cognomento Angelicus—"Blessed Giovanni of Fiesole, nicknamed Angelico".
Vasari wrote of Fra Angelico:
Fra Angelico was born Guido di Pietro at Rupecanina in the Tuscan area of Mugello near Fiesole towards the end of the 14th century. Nothing is known of his parents. He was baptized Guido or Guidolino. The earliest recorded document concerning Fra Angelico dates from October 17, 1417 when he joined a religious confraternity at the Carmine Church, still under the name of Guido di Pietro. This record also reveals that he was already a painter, a fact that is subsequently confirmed by two records of payment to Guido di Pietro in January and February 1418 for work done in the church of Santo Stefano del Ponte. The first record of Angelico as a friar dates from 1423, when he is first referred to as Fra Giovanni, following the custom of those entering a religious order of taking a new name. He was a member of the Dominican community at Fiesole. Fra, an abbreviation of frate (from the Latin frater), is a conventional title for a friar or brother.
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Pigment - Sztuka wygodnego myślenia
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E' tanto che non sto solo veramente in questa stanza
Infatti sono indietro con le analisi di coscienza
Ho maturato debiti con la mia introspezione
Ho perso il vizio di chiedere sempre "per favore"
Ma sono stanco e devastato da una vita sempre al varco
Fatta di nottate e treni in ritardo
Intanto in autostrada è basso il pericolo di sesso
Quindi adesso sto in silenzio e ci rifletto
Finestrino aperto
Fiore nel deserto
E sorprendersi di nuovo a ballare un lento
Dentro qualche cosa urla e canta
È ancora calda
Nella mutanda
Dietro la tua cicatrice
Che cosa c'è
Una storia brutta o una felice?
Bho..allora 10 piegamenti
10 piegamenti!
C'è voluto tempo ma finalmente me ne accorgo
Che chi si accanisce e alza la voce ha sempre torto
Chi sceglie la via dell'arroganza paga pegno
E quindi...10 piegamenti, 10 piegamenti
Ho bisogno di cambiare rimanendo sempre uguale
E spesso ho paura di avere paura
Però quando si vuole bene intendo bene davvero
Tutto il resto è poco, tutto il resto è zero!
Dietro la tua cicatrice
Che cosa c'è
Una storia brutta o una felice?
Bho..allora 10 piegamenti
10 piegamenti
Dietro la tua cicatrice
Non so che c'è
Una storia brutta o una felice?
Bho..allora 10 piegamenti
10 piegamenti
Giù, giù...10 piegamenti, 10 piegamenti
Giù, giù...10 piegamenti, 10 piegamenti
Per chi non riesce a stringere mai i denti...
Lascio scorrere a fatica le giornate
Strade, occhi, stringi bene i denti
Per tacere la paura che hai nel cuore
Non criticare gli altri prova a far di meglio tu
Il vento delle tue mani mi passa dentro
Tempesta nel mio mare tra ragione e sentimento
Tra spirito e cuore c'è un'enorme differenza
Il primo se lo perdi lo ritrovi...l'altro no!
Dietro la tua cicatrice
Che cosa c'è
Una storia brutta o una felice?
Bho..allora 10 piegamenti
10 piegamenti
Dietro la tua cicatrice
Non so che c'è
Una storia brutta o una felice?
Bho..allora 10 piegamenti
10 piegamenti
Giù, giù...10 piegamenti, 10 piegamenti