The National Government want to make more changes to employment law. The changes will result in lower wages. The Government thinks that is a good thing. But low wages are already pushing thousands and thousands of Kiwis to leave for Australia.
The CTU is committed to action on pay and employment equity on all fronts: political, industrial and campaigning. Unions are not alone in calling for pay and employment equity and the CTU and CTU unions are part of the Pay and Employment Equity Coalition.
At least 30% of New Zealand’s workers – over 635,000 people – are in insecure work. We believe it may well cover 50% of the workforce. 95,000 workers have no usual work time, 61,000 workers have no written employment agreement, 573,000 workers earn less than the Living Wage and almost a quarter of a million Kiwi workers say they have experienced discrimination, harassment or bullying at work. 
As the gap between the rich and the poor grows in New Zealand and poverty increases, more and more New Zealanders don't get paid enough to meet their needs, enjoy their lives and participate in society.

What's New...

  • Meat workers need Jobs that Count

    The CTU is supporting todays Meat Workers Union campaign to combat insecure work in a core New Zealand export industry.

    2 weeks 2 days ago
  • Cuts in public services, not positive action, likely from Government’s Budget Policy Statement

    The horizon for workers looks gloomy with the release today of the Budget Policy statement.

    2 weeks 3 days ago
  • Government cutting back at health services to dangle tax cuts

    The health service is already too stretched, and cutting further into New Zealanders’ health services to fund tax cuts is irresponsible, the CTU said today.

    Leaked cabinet committee papers have revealed District Health Boards need an additional $440 million next year but Treasury has recommended cutting this back by $190 million.

    2 weeks 3 days ago
  • CTU Minimum Wage Submission 2014

    The 2014 CTU Minimum Wage Submission calls for a strong rise in the minimum wage. New Zealand workers have low wages by the standards of developed countries.  

    3 weeks 1 day ago
  • Insecure Work: Social Consequences and the New Zealand Experience

    This research report" Insecure work: Social Consequences and the New Zealand Experience, was undertaken by VUW Social Policy Honours Student, Brent Neilson, while he was on placement at the CTU in 2014. It follows on from the CTU report into insecure work in 2013, Under Pressure, and expands on the personal and social consequences of insecure work. The reseacher used focus groups and thematic analysis to examine the impacts of insecure work on personal health, family life, social life and on employment and careers.

    3 weeks 2 days ago