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Mehmed IV Modern Turkish Mehmet (Ottoman Turkish: محمد رابع Meḥmed-i rābi'; also known as Avcı Mehmed, Mehmed the Hunter; January 2, 1642 -- January 6, 1693)...
This video is about Groovy Historian : Podcast on History of Sultan Mehmed IV just about the changes and how he tried to revival the ottoman empire through social, culture and political military might as well the condition of the warfare and his life. i hope you all have enjoyed stay groovy. my channel : follow me : check out my groovy historical blog :
Soundtrack to Mehmed II, the Ottoman leader in Sid Meier's Civilization IV. Includes Early, Middle and Late Soundtracks.
Mehmed IV Modern Turkish Mehmet (Ottoman Turkish: محمد رابع Meḥmed-i rābi'; also known as Avcı Mehmed, Mehmed the Hunter; January 2, 1642 -- January 6, 1693) was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1648 to 1687. Taking the throne at age six, his reign was significant as he changed the nature of the Sultan's position forever by giving up most of his executive power to his Grand Vizier. Born at Topkapı Palace, Constantinople, in 1642, he was the son of Sultan Ibrahim (1615--48) by Valide Sultan Turhan Hatice, a Ruthenian (Ukrainian) concubine, and the grandson of Kösem Sultan of Greek origin. Soon after his birth, his father and mother quarreled, and Ibrahim was so enraged that he tore Mehmed from his mother's arms and flung the infant into a cistern. Fortunately, Mehmed was rescued by the harem servants. His father's actions resulted in Mehmed cutting his head, which left him with a lifelong scar. Reign Mehmed ascended to the throne in 1648 at the age of only six. His ascension marked the end of a very volatile time for the Ottoman Dynasty; there had been a Mustafa I deposed twice and two Sultans killed, including Mehmed's father and predecessor, Ibrahim. Sultan Mehmed IV was known as Avcı, "the hunter", as this outdoor exercise took up much of his time. His reign is notable for a brief revival of Ottoman fortunes led by the Grand Vizier Mehmed Köprülü and his son Fazıl Ahmet. They regained the Aegean islands from Venice, and Crete, during the Cretan War (1645--1669). They also fought successful campaigns against Transylvania (1664) and Poland (1670--1674). At one point, when Mehmed IV allied himself with Petro Doroshenko, Ottoman rule was close to extending into Podolia and Ukraine. See Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks for his correspondence with the Cossacks. A later vizier, Kara Mustafa was less able. Supporting the 1683 Hungarian uprising of Imre Thököly against Austrian rule, Kara Mustafa marched a vast army through Hungary and besieged Vienna at the Battle of Vienna. On the Kahlenberg Heights, the Ottomans suffered a catastrophic rout by Polish forces famously led by their King, John III Sobieski (1674--96), and his Holy League allies, notably the Imperial army. But on September 12, 1683, the Austrians and their Polish allies under King Jan Sobieski took advantage of dissent within the Turkish military command and poor disposition of his troops, winning the Battle of Vienna with a devastating flank attack led by Sobieski's Polish cavalry. The Turks retreated into Hungary, however this was only the beginning of the Great Ottoman War as the armies of the Holy League began their long, but successful campaign to push back the ottomans to the Balkans. Later life and death In 1687 he was deposed by the combined forces of Yeğen Osman and the janissaries. Mehmed then was imprisoned in Topkapı Palace. However, he was permitted to leave the Palace from time to time, as he died in Edirne Palace in 1693. He was buried in Turhan Hadice Sultan's tomb, near his mother's mosque in Constantinople. Just before he died in 1691, a plot was discovered in which the senior clerics of the empire planned to reinstate Mehmed on the throne in response to the ill health of his successor, Suleiman II. His favourite harem girl was Emetullah Rabia Gülnûş Sultan, who was a slave girl and his later wife taken prisoner at Rethymnon (Turkish Resmo) in the island of Crete. Their two sons, Mustafa II and Ahmed III, became Ottoman Sultans during (1695--1703) and (1703--1730) respectively. Purported exchange with Cossacks An incident during Mehmed IV's reign is remembered mainly in Ukraine and Russia. The Zaporozhian Cossacks defeated Ottoman forces in the field and refused the Sultan's demand to submit, answering him with a letter full of insults and profanities. This response is commemorated in the famous late 19th-century painting Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks by the Russian painter Ilya Repin. In 1658 Mehmed IV received and patiently listened to the English Quaker preacher Mary Fisher, who believed she was sent by God to speak to him. The meeting is known mainly from Fisher's own very favorable account (see Mary Fisher) rather than from Ottoman sources
IV. Mehmet ya da Avcı Mehmet adıyla da bilinir (2 Ocak 1642, İstanbul -- 6 Ocak 1693, Edirne), 19. Osmanlı padişahı ve 98. İslam halifesidir. Padişah İbrahim...
What is Mehmed IV? A report all about Mehmed IV for homework/assignment. Mehmed IV Modern Turkish Mehmet (Ottoman Turkish: محمد رابع Meḥmed-i rābi‘; also known as Avcı Mehmed, Mehmed the Hunter; January 2, 1642 – January 6, 1693) was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1648 to 1687. Taking the throne at age six, his reign was significant as he changed the nature of the Sultan's position forever by giving up most of his executive power to his Grand Vizier. Intro/Outro music: Discovery Hit/Chucky the Construction Worker - Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under CC-BY-3.0 Text derived from: Text to Speech powered by Images are Public Domain or CC-BY-3.0: Mehmed_IV_Wien_Museum.jpg from IV_Mehmet.jpg from
What is Mehmed IV? A documentary report all about Mehmed IV for homework/assignment. Mehmed IV Modern Turkish Mehmet (Ottoman Turkish: محمد رابع Meḥmed-i rābi‘; also known as Avcı Mehmed, Mehmed the Hunter; January 2, 1642 – January 6, 1693) was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1648 to 1687. Taking the throne at age six, his reign was significant as he changed the nature of the Sultan's position forever by giving up most of his executive power to his Grand Vizier. Intro/Outro music: Discovery Hit/Chucky the Construction Worker - Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under CC-BY-3.0 Text derived from: Text to Speech powered by Images are Public Domain or CC-BY-3.0: Mehmed_IV_Wien_Museum.jpg from IV_Mehmet.jpg from Mehmed_IV.jpg from Mehmed_IV_by_John_Young.jpg from Estampes_par_Nicolas_de_Larmessin.f190.Mehmed_IV,_sultan.jpg from,_sultan.jpg 770px-Mehmed_IV_Wien_Museum.jpg from 4._Mehmet.jpg from Sultan_Mehmed_IV.jpg from Siege_of_Buda_1686_Frans_Geffels.jpg from Tughra_of_Mehmed_IV.JPG from
Semerkand Tv - Minyatürlerle Osmanlı.
This is the theme of Mehmed II in Civilization IV: Warlords. This is also the theme of Suleiman in Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword. No copyright infringeme...
This is the theme of Mehmed II and Suleiman the Magnificent in Civilization IV: Warlords. It's a great song, and was requested by Ekulyen. I have included al...
Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi'nde "Uzak Komşu Yakın Anılar - Türkiye ile Polonya İlişkilerinin 600 Yılı" sergisi kapsamında gerçekleştirilen etkinliklerin ilki olan v...
Er wird Fußstapfen hinterlassen, die kaum zu füllen sind. ▽▽▽ Weitere Informationen ▽▽▽ ---Serienbeschreibung Playlist: Dann bringen wir doch mal ein wenig Abwechslung in Günnas und egonsons Europa Universalis 4 Projekt. Egonson: Günna: ---Diverse Links ◆Gewohnt auf Amazon einkaufen und dabei Kanal kostenfrei unterstützen:;=1638&creative;=6742&linkCode;=ur2&site-redirect;=de&tag;=legendarymarv-21 ◆Video-Uploads als RSS-Feed: ◆Twitch-Livestream: ◆Partner des Gamestar-Netzwerks: ◆Auf Facebook followen: ◆Auf Google+ liken: ◆Auf Twitter teilen: Oder war das andersrum? Ah, who cares? ◆Steam-Gruppe: ◆Steam-Profil: ◆Systemvorstellung: ---Weitere Informationen zu Serie und Spiel Modifikationen für diese Let's Play Runde: Deutsch Community-Korrektur: Better UI: Auflösung: Full HD / 1920x1080p Videotyp: Let's Play Spiel: Europa Universalis IV Version: 1.3.1 1683 Nation: Bayern / Deutschland / Heiliges Römisches Reich Genre: Globalstrategie Sprache: Deutsch / German Entwickler: Paradox Development Studios "Copyright © 2013 Paradox Interactive AB."
NUOVA RUBRICA ***** Con l'epica risposta dei Cosacchi alle richieste del Sultano Mehmet IV, inauguriamo una nuova rubrica: quella delle Curiosità Stori...
Yorumlayan: Zafer Çağlayan Albüm Adı: Osmanlı Padişahları Söz & Müzik: Zafer Çağlayan Yapım: Berekat Yayınevi
TEME: 1) IRA izvela neuspješan atentat na Margaret Thatcher [ϑæ'čə], britanska političarka (Grantham, 13.bX. 1925 – London, 8. IV. 2013) (1984.) 2) ubijen Mehmed-paša Sokolović, osmanski državnik i vojskovođa (Sokolovići, kraj Višegrada, 1506 – Carigrad, 11. X. 1579). Odveden u Drinopolje kao dječak; poturčen. Isprva komornik, potom admiral (kapudan-paša) osmanske ratne flote (1546) i rumelijski begler-beg (1549). Od 1565. kao veliki vezir gotovo samostalno upravljao unutarnjom i vanjskom politikom Carstva. Kao vojskovođa istaknuo se u mnogim ratovima i bitkama (u austro-tur. ratu 1551–62. i 1566; protiv Perzije 1566; u Sudanu, diljem Sredozemlja). Zaslužan za obnovu osmanske flote uništene u bitki kraj Lepanta (1571), dao inicijativu za prokopavanje Sueza. Podupirao umjetnike i pisce. Dao sagraditi kameni most na Drini u Višegradu (1571). U doba njegova vezirovanja na Porti je djelovalo i mnogo Hrvata, a hrv. jezik bio je jedan od služb. jezika. Ubijen u uroti. 3) rođena Eleanor Roosevelt, amer. humanitarka i političarka (New York, 11. X. 1884 – New York, 7. XI. 1962). Nećakinja predsjednika SAD-a Th. Roosevelta i supruga predsjednika F. D. Roosevelta. Zagovarala razvoj socijalne aktivnosti u društvu kao nadopune drž. regulativi na polju prosvjete, zaštite maloljetnika i soc. pomoći nezaposlenima i socijalno ugroženima. Nakon smrti muža stalna je predstavnica SAD-a u Općoj skupštini UN-a 1945–53. i predsjednica Odbora UN-a za prava čovjeka 1946–53. Pod njezinim vodstvom sastavljena je i usvojena Sveopća deklaracija o ljudskim pravima 1948. 4) Nepoznato o poznatom – počeo II. burski rat (1899). Burski ratovi su dva rata između brit. okupacijskih snaga i burskih (podrijetlom nizozemskih) stanovnika današnje Južnoafričke Republike. Vodili su se s prekidom od 1881. do 1902. Buri iz dotadašnje brit. kolonije Cape (burski Kaap), nezadovoljni brit. vlašću i reformnim zahvatima brit. uprave (ukidanje ropstva), tijekom prve pol. XIX. st. utemeljili su na prostorima preotetim od Zulua svoje republike Natal, Transvaal i Oranje. Tijekom 1850-ih i 1860-ih god. i te su republike došle pod brit. kontrolu. Nezadovoljni brit. iskorišćivanjem i ojačani otkrićem ležišta dijamanata i zlata na svojem području te razvojem industrije, Buri iz Oranja i Transvaala su 1881, pod vodstvom P. K. Krügera, poveli I. rat za nezavisnost te im je iste god., nakon pobjeda nad brit. postrojbama, Konvencijom u Pretoriji priznata nezavisnost. Zanimljivo je da je Hrv. sabor ubrzo po izbijanju ustanka priznao bursku nezavisnost, iako taj čin nije imao veće voj.-polit. značenje. Želeći se ponovno domoći nalazišta zlata i dijamanata u Transvaalu i Oranju, brit. premijer krunske kolonije Cape Cecil Rhode iskonstruirao je problem oko nedovoljnih prava engl. useljenika u Transvaalu (tzv. Uitlanderi). Nakon mnogobrojnih polit. pritisaka i neuspjeha da se problem razriješi mirno, obje burske države objavile su rat 11. X. 1899, čime je započeo II. rat za nezavisnost. Nakon početnih uspjeha u nizu bitaka (Ladysmith, Kimberley, Mafeking), malobrojne burske snage (o. 35 000 ljudi) počele su uzmicati pred brit. nadmoći (o. 250 000 vojnika pod zapovjedništvom generala Robertsa i Kitchenera). Gl. gradovi obiju država (Johannesburg i Pretoria) osvojeni su već 1900, ali se gerilski otpor nastavio, a ustanak je izbio i u Capeu. Pokušaj transvaalskog predsj. Krügera da putovanjem u Europu potakne ostale velesile na intervenciju u korist burskih republika nije uspio, iako je široka javnost sa simpatijama pratila njihov otpor. Radi gušenja otpora brit. snage upotrijebile su dotad neviđeno nasilje (osnutak prvih koncentracij. logora za civilno stanovništvo), koristeći se pritom i crnačkim starosjedilačkim stanovništvom ogorčenim na Bure zbog segregacionističke politike i otimanja teritorija. Buri su 31. V. 1902. bili prisiljeni na kapitulaciju te je nezavisnost njihovih republika ukinuta, ali im je ipak odobrena šira autonomija.
Kösem Sultan Mâh-Peyker Sultan Vera Effigies Turcorvm Imperatoris Ibrahim Filii, Et Sultanæ, Eiusdem Matris (1707).jpg Born Anastasia 1590 Tinos Died 3 Septe...
Turhan Hatice Sultan, Devletlu İsmetlu Turhan Hadice Valide Sultan Aliyyetü'ş-şân Hazretleri (1628? -- 1683), was one of the hasekis ("favourite concubine") ...
Titel: Die Belagerung (Originaltitel: 11 Settembre 1683) DVD-Start: 16. März 2015 Label: NewKSM Nachdem Kara Mustafa, der Großwesir des Osmanischen Reiches, von Sultan Mehmed IV. die Standarte des Propheten anvertraut bekommt, beginnt er seinen Feldzug gegen das Christentum. Nach diversen vernichtenden Feldzügen ist das nächste Ziel Wien, die Residenzstadt des römisch-deutschen Kaisers und das „Tor nach Westeuropa“. Nach einem Sieg wäre der Weg nach Rom frei und das Ende des Abendlandes besiegelt. So beginnt nach monatelanger Belagerung im September 1683 die schicksalsträchtige „Schlacht am Kahlenberg“, in der 300.000 kampferprobte Osmanen einem Freiwilligen-Heer von 15.000 Bürgern gegenüberstehen. Ein schier aussichtsloses Ringen, wie es scheint, wäre da nicht die polnische Kavallerie unter König Johann III. Sobieski … Mit einem Budget von ca. 20 Millionen Dollar präsentiert Regisseur Renzo Martinelli ein monumentales Werk in der Tradition von „Ironclad“ und „Centurion“. Die Hauptrolle in diesem historischen Epos verkörpert Hollywoodstar und Oscar®-Gewinner F. Murray Abraham, u.a. weltbekannt aus der Emmy-nominierten Serie „Homeland“. Follow us on Facebook: www. Subscribe on YouTube:
Deity Inland Sea Normal speed No huts No events.
Deity Inland Sea Normal speed No huts No events.
Deity Inland Sea Normal speed No huts No events.
Deity Inland Sea Normal speed No huts No events.
Deity Inland Sea Normal speed No huts No events.
Deity Inland Sea Normal speed No huts No events.
Deity Inland Sea Normal speed No huts No events.
Deity Inland Sea Normal speed No huts No events.
Deity Inland Sea Normal speed No huts No events.
Map type: Fractal Map size: Standard Difficulty: Immortal Speed: Normal 문명4: Beyond the Sword 플레이 영상입니다.
Mehmed The Conqueror - Ottoman Empire Mohammad Musa Sharif الدولة العثمانية - محمد الفاتح - محمد موسى الشريف.
"Das Leben ist eine riesige Torte und ich wollte mehr als nur einen Krümel vom Kuchen abhaben." Mit 25 hat Mehmet E. Göker mit dem Vertrieb privater Krankenv...
Presentation by Christopher Jon Bjerknes, August 8, 2007 in Glendale, California. On the motives and background of the crypto-Jewish murderers, the Young Tur...
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Şimşirgil ile Tarih ve Medeniyet programı Aynur Ayaz'ın sunumu ile her pazar 21:55 te Cine5 TV'de. Gerçek Tarih doğru adreste...
Osman Gazi (I. Osman) (1281--1326) Orhan Gazi (I. Orhan) (1326--1359) I. Murat (1359--1389) Yıldırım Bayezit (I. Bayezit) (1389--1402) Fetret devri (1402--14...
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Codename Aristotle Socrates Onassis (Αριστοτέλης Ωνάσης) the Alpha and the Omega Ω - Nemesis, commonly called Ari or Aristo, Onassis (name invented by Quisling J Stalin Foch Van Bergen Baron Berwick), a prominent bisexual spy Ottoman Revolutionary Dönmeh / Young Turk with Paris Foreign Missions Society, posing as a Greek shipping magnate. Born in 1900 in the Frankish quarter of Salonica, recruited in 1918 by Allied General Franchet d'Esperey as Enachi Esparcidos, terminated 15 March 1975 in Paris. Polygamist (from πολύς γάμος), on his deathbed at 88 Ave. Foch, he was forced to surrender his fortune to the Unitarian wife in Norway. In 1923, Aristo left for Buenos Aires, on a Nansen passport given to him by Vidkun and NKVD-Maria Quisling in Sofia, for his first job (in international espionage) at the British United River Plate Telephone Company, during Operation Trust (операция "Трест") . Thessaloniki - HQ of Young Turk movement in early 20th century. Dönmeh refers to a group who secretly practiced Sabbateanism after Sabbatai Zevi, a 17th-century kabbalist who claimed to be Messiah, and became a Muslim in order to escape punishment by Sultan Mehmed IV. French President Nicolas Sarkozy's mother was born to the Mallah family, one of the oldest Dönmeh families of Thessaloniki (Salonika), in Greece. The Young Turks (Jön Türkler (plural) or Turkish: Genç Türkler (plural), from French: Les Jeunes Turcs) was a secularist Turkish nationalist reform party in the early twentieth century, favoring reformation of the absolute monarchy of the Ottoman Empire. Officially known as the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), their leaders led a rebellion against Sultan Abdul Hamid II. They contributed to establish the Second Constitutional Era in 1908 and The İttihat ve Terakki (Committee of Union and Progress) based on the ideas of the Young Turks ruled the Ottoman empire from 1908 until the end of World War I in November 1918. Operation Nemesis (Նեմեսիս» գործողութիւն) was the Armenian Revolutionary Federation's code-name for a covert operation in early 1920s to assassinate the Turkish planners of the Armenian Genocide. The Operation, between 1920--1922, assassinated many significant political and military figures of the Ottoman Empire, the Internal Affairs Minister of Azerbaijan and Armenians who were worked against the Armenian cause. It was named after the Greek goddess of divine retribution, Nemesis. The Boatmen of Thessaloníki (Гемиджиите, Гемиџиите) or the Assassins of Salonica, were an anarchistic group active in the Ottoman Empire in the years around 1900. Its members were young graduates from the Bulgarian Men's High School of Thessaloniki. From 28 April until 1 May 1903 the group launched a campaign of terror bombing in Thessaloniki, the so called "Thessaloniki bombings of 1903". Their aim was to attract the attention of the Great Powers to Ottoman oppression in Macedonia and Thrace. Zacharias Basileios Zacharoff, GCB, GBE (October 6, 1849 Muğla -- November 27, 1936 Monte Carlo, Monaco), was an Ottoman Revolutionary Dönmeh, arms dealer and financier. His association with Louis II of Monaco led to his purchase of the debt-ridden Société des Bains de Mer which ran Monte Carlo's famed casino, the principal source of revenue for the Prince. Zaharoff was a friend of both the actress Sarah Bernhardt and her Greek husband Jacques Damala. When Damala's mistress (who injected him with heroin between acts of plays he was appearing in) had an illegitimate daughter by him in 1889, she left the baby in a basket (with a note) on Sarah Bernhardt's doorstep. The baby was given into the care of Zaharoff, who found a family to raise her in eastern Thrace (in Adrianopole). In 1920 she posed for Picasso, and she had affairs with American spy Ernest Hemingway and Gabriel D'Annunzio (an early Italian Fascist). Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Jonssøn Quisling (18 July 1887 -- 24 October 1945) was a Norwegian politician and Unitarian minister. On 9 April 1940, with the Nazi invasion of Norway in progress, he seized power in a Soviet-backed coup d'état. Operation Trust (операция "Трест") was a counterintelligence operation of the State Political Directorate (GPU) of the Soviet Union. The Onassis Dynasty Onassis Dynasty DVD Release Date: December 5, 2005
ilahi ve sohbet dinleyebileceginiz mükemmel bir radyo doğru kaynakları ile birlikte sizlere dini bilgiler i anlatan bir ste dini konular sitesiFatih sultan Mehmet'in Kısaca Hayatı ve İcraatları. FSM Köprüsü'nün yapımında dönemin Karayolları Genel Müdürü olanYaman KÖK,FSM Köprüsü'nün yapımını anlatıyor. Facebook: Wep site: twitter: Mehmed II or Mehmed the Conqueror (30 March 1432 -- 3 May 1481) (Ottoman Turkish: محمد ثانى, Meḥmed-i s̠ānī; Turkish: II. Mehmet Turkish pronunciation: [mɛːm... Documentary about Muhammad al-Faatih (Sultan Mehmet al-Fateh) and the conquest of Istanbul (Contsantinople) ... Fatih Sultan Mehmet. Fatih SUltan Mehmet. Bu zamanın Firavunları bizi nasıl aptallaştırdığını görün TIKLAYIN........... ALLAH bizi uyarmıştı Napolyonun fat... Kont Drakula Kimdir... Bu güne kadar az çok film izleyen herkes kont dracula hakkinda fikir sahibidir. Kont dracula... osmanli fatih sultan mehmet belgesel osmanli fatih sultan mehmet belgesel. The life stories of scholars and artisans who lay the foundation of the Ottoman state are the subject of the most expensive documentary in Turkish history. F... Amatör Fatih Sultan Mehmet belgeseli. Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han. Dünya tarihinin en büyük liderinin tam belgeseli için tıklayınız Doguştan lider olan Fatih, İstanbul'un fethinden ... Fatih Sultan Mehmetin Blgeseli. fatih sultan mehmed iki papaz film muzigi,devlet millet bu sana allah tan yuklu bir emanet adin mehmed sen fatih ol diye verildi sana bu belgesel video indir... Nihat Hatipoğlu - Fatih Sultan Mehmet ( Dosta Doğru ) Fatih Sultan Mehmed, Üstad Kadir Mısıroğlu, 30.05.2014 Üstad Kadir Mısıroğlu, Mehmet Ali Önel'in A Haber'de sunduğu Deşifre programına misafir olarak katıldı... Please Subscribe. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Şimşirgil anlatıyor: Kazıklı Voyvoda (Dracula) kimdir, Dracula Year Zero filmi hakkında. Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han Biyo. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Şimşirgil ile Tarih ve Medeniyet. Yayın Tarihi: 20 Mayıs 2012 Konu: Fatih Sultan Mehmed Han, Şahsiyeti, Faaliyetleri. Fatih Sultan Mehmet belgesel, fatih sultan mehmet, fatih sultan mehmet kimdir, fatih sultan mehmet belgeseli. FATİH SULTAN MEHMED, 'KADI' NIN HUZURUNDA YANİ ... Istanul since 1453 Preparation for the conquest of Istanbul started only, one year ahead Iuge canons that were necessary for the siege were moulded. In 1452,... FATİH SULTAN MEHMED, 'KADI' NIN HUZURUNDA YANİ MAHKEMEDE. OSMANLI TOKADI'NDAN HERKESİN İZLEMESİ GEREKEN MUHTEŞEM BİR SAHNE. KOSTÜMLER, MEKANLAR VE TABİ Kİ ... İstanbul elbette feth olunacaktır. O'nu fetheden komutan ne güzel komutan ve O'nun askeri ne güzel askerdir! Fatih Sultan Mehmet'in Istanbuldaki 'Resimi' @ w
Mustafa II Ghazi (Ottoman Turkish: مصطفى ثانى Muṣṭafā-yi sānī) (February 6, 1664 -- December 28/30, 1703) was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1695 to 1703. He was born at Edirne Palace a son of sultan Mehmed IV (1648--87) and Valide Sultan Mah-Para Ummatullah Rabia Gül-Nush, originally named Evemia, who was of Greek Cretan descent. Mustafa II abdicated in favor of his brother Ahmed III (1703--30) in 1703. Military Campaigns During his reign the Great Turkish War, which had started in 1683, was still going on. After the failure of the second Siege of Vienna (1683) the Holy League had captured large parts of the Empire's territory in Europe. The Habsburg armies came as far as Nis, modern-day Serbia. Sultan Mustafa II was determined to recapture the lost territories and therefore he personally commanded his armies. First, the Ottoman navy recaptured the island of Chios after defeating the Venetian Fleet twice, in the Battle of the Oinousses Islands (1695) and in the Battle of Chios (1695), in February 1695. On June 1695 Mustafa II left Edirne for his first military campaign against the Habsburg Empire. By September 1695 the town of Lipova was captured. On 18 September 1695 after the Naval Victory of Zeytinburnu the Venetian Navy was destroyed. A few days later the Habsburg army was defeated in the Battle of Lugos. Afterwards the Ottoman Army returned to the capital. Meanwhile the Ottoman fortress in Azov was successfully defended against the besieging Russian forces. On April 1696 Mustafa II left Edirne for his second military campaign against the Habsburg Empire. On August 1696 the Russians besieged Azov for the second time and captured the fortress. On August 1696 the Ottoman troops defeated the Habsburg army in the Battle of Ulaş and in the Battle of Cenei. After these victories the Ottoman troops captured Timişoara and Koca Cafer Pasha was appointed as the protector of Belgrade. Afterwards the army returned to the Ottoman capital. On June 1697 Mustafa II left the capital on his third military campaign against the Habsburg Empire. However, the Ottoman Army suffered a defeat in the Battle of Zenta and Grand Vizier Elmas Mehmed Pasha died in the battle. Afterwards the Ottomans signed a treaty with the Holy League. The most traumatic event of his reign was the loss of Hungary by the Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699. This event marked the beginning of the long decline of the Ottoman Empire. At the end of his reign, Mustafa II sought to restore power to the Sultanate, which had been an increasingly symbolic position since the middle of the 17th century, when Mehmed IV had signed over his executive powers to the Grand Vizier. Mustafa II's strategy was to create an alternative base of power for himself by making the position of timars, the Ottoman cavalrymen, hereditary and thus loyal to him. The timars, however, were at this point increasingly an obsolete part of the Ottoman military machine. The strategem (called the "Edirne event" by historians) failed, and Mustafa II was deposed in the same year, 1703. He died at Topkapı Palace, Constantinople. He married twice, to Valide Sultan Saliha Sabkati, mother of Mahmud I, and to Valide Sultan Shehsuvar, mother of Osman III.
Suleiman II (April 15, 1642 -- June 22/23 1691) (Ottoman Turkish: سليمان ثانى Süleymān-i sānī) was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1687 to 1691. The younger brother of Mehmed IV (1648--87), Suleiman II was born at Topkapı Palace in Constantinople and had spent most of his life in the kafes (cage), a kind of luxurious prison for princes of the blood within the Topkapı Palace (it was designed to ensure that none could organize a rebellion). His mother was a Serbian girl named Katarina Saliha Dilâşub Sultan. Reign Ottoman--Habsburg War The Ottoman Army after suffering a devastating defeat during the Second Battle of Mohács. Immediately after assuming the throne, the Ottomans suffered a devastating defeat at the second Battle of Mohács. Unable to rule effectively himself, Suleiman II shrewdly appointed Köprülü Fazıl Mustafa Pasha as his Grand Vizier. Even so, when Russia joined an alliance of European powers, the Ottomans suffered the devastating Crimean campaigns. Under Köprülü's leadership the Ottomans halted an Austrian advance into Serbia and crushed an uprising in Macedonia and Bulgaria until Köprülü Fazıl Mustafa Pasha was killed in the Battle of Slankamen by Austrian forces. Suleiman II died at Edirne Palace in 1691. He married Khadija, but died without issue. Relations with the Mughal Empire In 1688 the desperate Ottoman Sultan Suleiman II urgently requested for assistance against the rapidly advancing Austrians, during the Ottoman--Habsburg War however the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb and his forces were too heavily engaged in the Deccan Wars against the Marathas to commit any formal assistance to their desperate Ottoman allies.
Osmanlı Padişahları-19 Sultan 4 Mehmed Avcı , Osmanlı Eğitim Ocakları
Map type: Fractal Map size: Standard Difficulty: Immortal Speed: Normal 문명4: Beyond the Sword 플레이 영상입니다.
Map type: Fractal Map size: Standard Difficulty: Immortal Speed: Normal 문명4: Beyond the Sword 플레이 영상입니다.
Map type: Fractal Map size: Standard Difficulty: Immortal Speed: Normal 문명4: Beyond the Sword 플레이 영상입니다.
Map type: Fractal Map size: Standard Difficulty: Immortal Speed: Normal 문명4: Beyond the Sword 플레이 영상입니다.
The greatest empire according to surface of the land Ottoman Empire - 5.5 million km² Mehmed IV., 1680 Macedonian Empire - 5.9 million km² Alexander the Great Roman Empire - 5.9 million km² Trajan Maurya Empire - 5.9 million km² Ashoka Han empire - 6.0 million km² Wu Di in 206 BC Japanese empire - 7.4 million km² WWII Sasanian Empire - 7.4 million km² Empire of Brazil - 8.1 million km² Rashidun Caliphate - 9 million km² in 662 United States - 10 million km² 1898-1902 1906-1908 Abbasid Caliphate - 10 million km² in 750 Portuguese empire - 10,400,000 km² Achaemenid Empire - 10,700,000 km² Darius I Qing Empire - 13 million km² Qianlong French Empire - 13,500,000 km² Umayyad Caliphate - 15.0 million km² Spanish Empire - 20 million km² Charles III Russian Empire - 22,800,000 km² Nicholas I in 1855 including Alaska Mongol Empire - 24 million km² British Empire - 33,700,000 km² George V in 1922
Tarih, geçmişin olaylarını kaynak malzemelerin eleştirel bir incelemesine dayanarak kronolojik tutarlılık içinde irdeleyen ve genellikle bunların nedenleri konusunda açıklamalarda bulanan bilim dalı. 19. yüzyıl sonlarında çağdaş profesyonel tanımına kavuşmuş, amaç ve yöntemleri belli, özerk bir disiplindir.. Tarihçi Yazar Ekrem Şama yorumları ile tarih..
Melek Ahmed Pasha (c. 1604–1662) was an Ottoman statesman and grand vizier during the reign of Mehmed IV. He was of Abkhaz (or Abazin) origin. According to o...
Tabanıyassı ("flat-footed") Mehmed Pasha (died 2 February 1637) was an Ottoman statesman of Albanian descent. He was governor of Egypt from September 1628 to...
Mehmed IV Modern Turkish Mehmet (Ottoman Turkish: محمد رابع Meḥmed-i rābi'; also known as Avcı Mehmed, Mehmed the Hunter; January 2, 1642 -- January 6, 1693) was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1648 to 1687. Taking the throne at age six, his reign was significant as he changed the nature of the Sultan's position forever by giving up most of his executive power to his Grand Vizier. Born at Topkapı Palace, Constantinople, in 1642, he was the son of Sultan Ibrahim (1615--48) by Valide Sultan Turhan Hatice, a Ruthenian (Ukrainian) concubine, and the grandson of Kösem Sultan of Greek origin. Soon after his birth, his father and mother quarreled, and Ibrahim was so enraged that he tore Mehmed from his mother's arms and flung the infant into a cistern. Fortunately, Mehmed was rescued by the harem servants. His father's actions resulted in Mehmed cutting his head, which left him with a lifelong scar. Reign Mehmed ascended to the throne in 1648 at the age of only six. His ascension marked the end of a very volatile time for the Ottoman Dynasty; there had been a Mustafa I deposed twice and two Sultans killed, including Mehmed's father and predecessor, Ibrahim. Sultan Mehmed IV was known as Avcı, "the hunter", as this outdoor exercise took up much of his time. His reign is notable for a brief revival of Ottoman fortunes led by the Grand Vizier Mehmed Köprülü and his son Fazıl Ahmet. They regained the Aegean islands from Venice, and Crete, during the Cretan War (1645--1669). They also fought successful campaigns against Transylvania (1664) and Poland (1670--1674). At one point, when Mehmed IV allied himself with Petro Doroshenko, Ottoman rule was close to extending into Podolia and Ukraine. See Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks for his correspondence with the Cossacks. A later vizier, Kara Mustafa was less able. Supporting the 1683 Hungarian uprising of Imre Thököly against Austrian rule, Kara Mustafa marched a vast army through Hungary and besieged Vienna at the Battle of Vienna. On the Kahlenberg Heights, the Ottomans suffered a catastrophic rout by Polish forces famously led by their King, John III Sobieski (1674--96), and his Holy League allies, notably the Imperial army. But on September 12, 1683, the Austrians and their Polish allies under King Jan Sobieski took advantage of dissent within the Turkish military command and poor disposition of his troops, winning the Battle of Vienna with a devastating flank attack led by Sobieski's Polish cavalry. The Turks retreated into Hungary, however this was only the beginning of the Great Ottoman War as the armies of the Holy League began their long, but successful campaign to push back the ottomans to the Balkans. Later life and death In 1687 he was deposed by the combined forces of Yeğen Osman and the janissaries. Mehmed then was imprisoned in Topkapı Palace. However, he was permitted to leave the Palace from time to time, as he died in Edirne Palace in 1693. He was buried in Turhan Hadice Sultan's tomb, near his mother's mosque in Constantinople. Just before he died in 1691, a plot was discovered in which the senior clerics of the empire planned to reinstate Mehmed on the throne in response to the ill health of his successor, Suleiman II. His favourite harem girl was Emetullah Rabia Gülnûş Sultan, who was a slave girl and his later wife taken prisoner at Rethymnon (Turkish Resmo) in the island of Crete. Their two sons, Mustafa II and Ahmed III, became Ottoman Sultans during (1695--1703) and (1703--1730) respectively. Purported exchange with Cossacks An incident during Mehmed IV's reign is remembered mainly in Ukraine and Russia. The Zaporozhian Cossacks defeated Ottoman forces in the field and refused the Sultan's demand to submit, answering him with a letter full of insults and profanities. This response is commemorated in the famous late 19th-century painting Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks by the Russian painter Ilya Repin. In 1658 Mehmed IV received and patiently listened to the English Quaker preacher Mary Fisher, who believed she was sent by God to speak to him. The meeting is known mainly from Fisher's own very favorable account (see Mary Fisher) rather than from Ottoman sources
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The Inquisitr 2015-04-17Add comment Reprints + - ... ' '' ... Calhoun, which fell to 2-4 in Conference AA-IV, also received a quality pitching performance.
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