Carolyn Janice Cherry (born September 1, 1942), better known by the pen name C. J. Cherryh, is a United States science fiction and fantasy author. She has written more than 60 books since the mid-1970s, including the Hugo Award winning novels Downbelow Station (1981) and Cyteen (1988), both set in her Alliance-Union universe.
Cherryh (pronounced "Cherry") appended a silent "h" to her real name because her first editor, Donald A. Wollheim, felt that "Cherry" sounded too much like a romance writer. Her initials, C.J., were used to disguise the fact that she was female at a time when almost all science fiction authors were male. Her middle name is /dʒəˈniːs/, with the accent on the second syllable (and not the more common pronunciation /ˈdʒænɪs/).
The author has an asteroid, 77185 Cherryh, named after her. Referring to this honor, the asteroid's discoverers wrote of Cherryh: "She has challenged us to be worthy of the stars by imagining how mankind might grow to live among them."
Cherryh was born in 1942 in St. Louis, Missouri and raised primarily in Lawton, Oklahoma. She began writing stories at the age of ten when she became frustrated with the cancellation of her favorite TV show, Flash Gordon. In 1964, she received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Latin from the University of Oklahoma (Phi Beta Kappa), with academic specializations in archaeology, mythology, and the history of engineering. In 1965, she received a Master of Arts degree in classics from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, where she was a Woodrow Wilson fellow.
[2015.2.11] CJ vs IM I 2015 SBENU LoL Champions Spring
GTA San Andreas - Las apuestas de CJ con sus amigos - Loquendo
CJ Tiene un Hijo - GTA San Andreas (Loquendo)
[2015.2.7] JIN AIR vs CJ & KT vs IM l 2015 SBENU LoL Champions Spring
GTA San Andreas Loquendo || CJ gana una casa en la montaña
[2015.01.10] NJE vs KT & SKT vs CJ | 2015 Sbenu LoL Champs Spring
GTA San Andreas - CJ Se Enamora De Goku - Loquendo
CJ Se Enamora Por Primera vez - GTA San Andreas (Loquendo)
President Obama: Do you really love America?
LOQUENDO GTA San Andreas Cj juega minecraft Cap 4 Parte 1
LOQUENDO GTA San Andreas Cj juega minecraft Cap 4 Parte 3
Loquendo-GTA San Andreas-Especial de Halloween 2014-Cj se convierte en Zombie
GTA San Andreas Loquendo - La Policia Precoz de CJ y el Tio Gilipollas Cap.1
[2015.01.21] CJ vs KT | 2015 Sbenu LoL Champs Spring
Madea jumps into action when her niece, Shirley, receives distressing news about her health. All Shirley wants is to gather her three adult children around her and share the news as a family. But Tammy, Kimberly and Byron are too distracted by their own problems: Tammy can't manage her unruly children or her broken marriage; Kimberly is gripped with anger and takes it out on her husband; and Byron, after spending two years in jail, is under pressure to deal drugs again. It's up to Madea, with the help of the equally rambunctious Aunt Bam, to gather the clan together and make things right the only way she knows how: with a lot of tough love, laughter ... and the revelation of a long-buried family secret.
Madea: Hey, Harold.::Harold: Hey, Ms. Madea. What's wrong with your car now?::Madea: Nothing.::Harold: For real?::Madea: Nothing's wrong with it at all, except the other day I went out there and put my foot on the gas, and the trunk opened! What the hell is that, Harold? You are triflin' as hell! I'm so tired of bringing my car up in here for you to fix, I am not bringin' it to you no more, do you understand? Not ever again. Every time I go out there in the morning, I try to start my car, do you know what happens? Do you know what happens, Harold? It don't start; I have to pray. You know God don't like me. You know He don't like me, all the hell I done did in my lifetime, you know He don't like me at all, Harold.::Harold: Alright, let me look at...::Madea: No, sit down. Do what you do best, sit down. Just stay right where you at. Just plant your ass right there in that chair. Every time I come here, you sittin' in that chair. People waitin' on their cars, you sittin' in that chair. You supposed to be changin' the oil, you sittin' in that chair. Supposed to be changin' the windshield wiper blades, you sittin' in that chair. Supposed to wash the car, you sittin' in that chair. Let me tell you something: when you die, tell them people to bury you on your stomach to give your ass a break!
Madea: See, y'all Christians is somethin'... y'all go pull out that Bible, but y'all don't know which prescripture to use for which situation. You got to find the right prescripture. There's a prescripture that says, "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so." Have you been redeemed by the Lord?::Shirley: Yes.::Madea: That's right, so if you've been redeemed by the Lord, and somebody does something to you that you don't like, even yo' kids, you can beat the hell outta them and just say, "So?" So that's what I'm'a do. I'm'a beat the hell outta them and say, "So?" And I'm'a bring them over here 'cause you've been redeemed, aight. It makes perfect sense, don't it? Halleluyer! Halleluyer!
Aunt Bam: Let's sing the baby a nursery rhyme... "Row row row your hoe, up and down the street, merrily merrily merrily, she's just a piece of meat."
Madea: Sit down you black leprechaun looking like you're out of a damn box of chocolate, lucky charms.
The Saga Continues...
John Klein is involved in a car accident with his wife, but while he is unharmed, his wife mentions a moth shaped creature appearing. After her death, John begins to investigate the secrets behind this mentioned Mothman. It takes him to a small town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, where he discovers a connection with the same problem. Here he meets Connie Mills, while he continues to unravel the mystery of what the Mothman really is.
Keywords: airplane-crash, based-on-novel, based-on-supposedly-true-story, black-out, brain-surgery, brain-tumor, bridge-collapse, bright-light, broken-mirror, broken-window
What do you see?
Based on true events
Connie: Do you realize what's happening to you?
John Klein: What do you look like?::Indrid Cold: It depends on who is looking.
John Klein: Two weeks ago, we were house hunting. One day you're just driving along in your car, and the universe just points at you and says, "Ah, there you are, a happy couple. I've been looking for you. I've been looking for you."
Connie: Hey! Do you know that woman?::John Klein: What woman?::Connie: She just left. You didn't see her?::John Klein: No.::Connie: That's strange. She had long red hair, green eyes, real pretty. She was asking about you, John?::John Klein: Did you see which way she went?::Connie: No.::John Klein: What did she say?::Connie: She asked a lot of strange questions. You know, "What are you doing here?". And she asked if you were happy.::John Klein: What did you say?::Connie: I asked her for some I.D.::John Klein: Did she give you any?::Connie: No. She just said, "Tell John I'm sorry for ruining everything", and then she got up and walked out. What's wrong?::[John shows her a picture of his DEAD wife]::John Klein: Was it her? Was it her?::Connie: That's your wife!::John Klein: It was her.
John Klein: I think we can assume that these entities are more advanced than us. Why don't they just come right out and tell us what's on their minds?::Alexander Leek: You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?
John Klein: What's in my hand?::Indrid Cold: Chapstick.
John Klein: Look, here's the thing: I don't know how I ended up here last night. And I didn't even know I was in West Virginia. Somehow, between one and two thirty, I traveled four hundred miles and ended up on that your road by your house... and I've got no memory of it.::Gordon Smallwood: And you call me crazy?
Connie Parker: Looks like he's been dead about eight hours. He died of exposure. What made you come out here?::John Klein: He called me.::Connie Parker: When?::John Klein: I didn't like the way he sounded.::Connie Parker: When did he call you, John?::John Klein: About an hour ago.
Alexander Leek: In the end it all came down to just one simple question. Which was more important - having proof, or being alive? Trust me. I turned away years ago, and I've never looked back.::John Klein: Didn't you need to know?::Alexander Leek: We're not allowed to know.
Ed Fleischman: Look, she's not Mary. Not by a mile. But you know what? No one ever will be.
Ricky Santoro is a flamboyant and corrupt Atlantic City cop with a dream: become so well connected that he can become mayor. In lieu of that, he'll settle for keeping his comfortable lifestyle. On the night of the heavyweight boxing championship, Rick becomes mixed up in the assassination of the Secretary of Defense, an assassination involving his best friend. Becoming the investigating officer in the case, Rick soon uncovers a conspiracy to kill the Secretary and a mysterious woman in white. The conspiracy was shocking, but not half as shocking as the identity of its mastermind.
Keywords: american-flag, animal-in-title, arena, assassination, atlantic-city-new-jersey, audience, bare-chested-male, beating, betrayal, blood-spatter
Believe Everything Except Your Eyes
Watch Closely
Now you see it. Now you don't.
He's got 14,000 eyewitnesses and no one saw a thing.
Seeing is Deceiving
Julia: Look, I'm sorry.::Rick Santoro: Who gives a shit if you're sorry?::Julia: What are you mad at me for?::Rick Santoro: Because I didn't have to know! You decided to have this problem, not me! My world would've gone on turning just fine, but now, either way I look, I have to do something that I don't wanna do. Do you I understand, I do not wanna do this!
Rick Santoro: Who the hell do you think you are, lady? Sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong. You were a number cruncher. Just crunch the goddamn numbers.
Rick: I'm betting that the redhead you followed is the same person who told Tyler to throw the fight. She's one. Shooter's two. Tyler's three. The drunk who shouted the signal is four and whoever was on the other end of that radio is five. Five people make a conspiracy, right?
Kevin Dunne: Terri likes to talk to me during sex. Last night she called me from the hotel.
'Ricky' Santoro: It isn't lying! You just tell them what you did right, and you leave out the rest!
Commander Kevin Dunne: How's Angela?::'Ricky' Santoro: Fat, fabulous, fantastic - I love her.::Commander Kevin Dunne: How's the other one - what's her name? Candy?::'Ricky' Santoro: Oh, Monique? Skinny, mean, expensive - I *LOVE* her!
[Points at the bodyguard's hand on his arm]::'Ricky' Santoro: See where your hand is? That's a felony.
Rick: This is fight night and I am the king.
Kevin Dunne: Don't give me that wounded look. You haven't got the face for it.
Kevin Dunne: [after Rick is pummeled by Tyler] Sounds like three broken ribs to me. What is this? A heroic stand? You're the wrong guy for it, Rick. You'll be all alone in the spotlight. And guys like you can't stand up to that light. You'll burn up under it. The press starts looking for dirt on you - and they will - it will be a mudslide. Forget about your job, your sweet life in Margate. Start thinking about jail! Your girlfriend will be gone, too, at the first sign of trouble but not before she has a little chat with Angela so say good-bye to your wife too! Twice a month with Michael won't be so bad, if you can get him to spend the night in your shitty apartment! You will lose it all, my friend - everything! And your whole connected life will fall the hell apart. Is that what you want? All you have to do is be consistent for God's sake. Do what you always do: Take the money! You want to be a hero? You want to do something for your country? Then tell me where the girl is! [Rick, wounded and bleeding, smiles and spits blood onto Dunne's medals]
Three young boys, Rocky, Colt and Tum Tum together with their neighbor girl, computer whiz Amanda are visiting Mega Mountain amusement park when it is invaded by an army of ninjas led by evil Medusa, who wants to take over the park and hold the owners for ransom. Kids and retired TV star Dave Dragon, who made his farewell appearance at the park at the time the ninjas appeared, have to break Medusa's vicious plans.
Keywords: 1990s, action-hero, ak-47, amusement-park, birthday-party, boyfriend-girlfriend-relationship, brawl, brother-brother-relationship, child-fighting-adult, child-in-peril
Saving the day the ninja way
Rocky Douglas: It's no good! We need a three-prong outlet!
Sam Douglas: So uh, just another typical day at the park, eh boys?::Colt Douglas: Yeah, pretty boring, I guess.
Jessica: Tum Tum, I made your favorite bacon, lettuce, tomato, bologna, ham and swiss cheese sandwich.::TumTum: No thanks mom, I'm not hungry...
Colt Douglas: [Throws Water on Dave Dragon's face] You okay? Those guys messed you up pretty bad.::Dave Dragon: Who are you kids?::Colt Douglas: I'm Colt, these are my brothers, Rocky and Tum Tum.
Dave Dragon: [Approaches a bomb fashioned into an oxygen tank powered torpedo with a sledge hammer] Allow me! [smashes the tank with the hammer, sending it flying]
[Rocky, Colt, Tum Tum, and Dave Dragon face off against Medusa and her ninjas]::Medusa: The Three Little Bears and the Big Bad Wolf has come to rescue Goldilocks. Get 'em.
Archie Corelli: We're dealing with the law here, not solid geometry
Founded in 1910 just outside of the city limits of Gilbert located in Lanville County, Texas, the Chicken Ranch has for generations been known as the best whorehouse in Texas for its wholesome fun, strict moral code and cleanliness, all perpetuated by its original owner, Miss Wulla Jean. Seven years ago, Miss Wulla Jean passed on, leaving the Chicken Ranch to her favorite working girl, Miss Mona Stangley, who wants to keep the same traditions of Miss Wulla Jean. The Chicken Ranch has always had the unofficial blessing of the local authorities, who see the ranch providing an important community service, one which most in local authority have used at one time or another in their life. In fact, Miss Mona and Lanville County Sheriff Ed Earl Dodd have been in a relationship for years, Ed Earl who is Miss Mona's protector, albeit one with a hot temper and good ol' boy attitude that doesn't exactly match the needs of his law upholding position. That blessing may change when television personality and consumer watchdog, Melvin P. Thorpe, one of the most powerful men in the state, starts an on-air exposé of the illegal activities at the Chicken Ranch, the exposé which includes Ed Earl's role in letting it happen. Ed Earl and Miss Mona's relationship goes through some difficult times on how to deal with this issue, especially with the upcoming annual party night with the players following the Thanksgiving Day football game between the University of Texas and Texas A&M;, this party which is arguably the Chicken Ranch's busiest night of the year and one filled with tradition for the ranch and the participating schools. Will the Chicken Ranch be able to remain open especially in light of a spineless Governor who sways to the direction of polls, and will Ed Earl and Miss Mona's relationship be able to withstand the pressure?
Keywords: based-on-adaptation, based-on-article, based-on-magazine-article, based-on-stage-musical, blockbuster, brothel, brothel-madam, college-football, college-student, corset
With Burt and Dolly this much fun just couldn't be legal!
[first lines]::Deputy Fred: It was the nicest little whorehouse you ever saw!
Miss Mona: You know what burns my ass?::Ed Earl: What?::Miss Mona: A flame about three feet high!
Miss Mona: You know, it's always a business doing pleasure with you, Charlie!
Ed Earl: They want me to close her down, run her out of town. How can I ask her to leave when all I want her to do is stay?
[On space aliens]::Ed Earl: I saw a picture once, of them fellers from, you know, that's supposed to be from up there? Fly around? Tiny little fellers. Bald-headed, little feet, little hands - got no peckers.::Miss Mona: Got no peckers? [Ed shakes his head no] Well, I ain't interested. I don't think my girls would be either!
[On wearing a Speedo]::Ed Earl: Be like putting two bowling balls in a marble bag!
[On the Chicken Ranch Scandal]::C.J.: All we wanted to do was keep it quiet! Now thanks to Ed Earl, it's the hottest thing on the air since "The Gong Show"!
[On the Chicken Ranch]::Deputy Fred: If you grew up anywhere in Texas, you knew at an early age they was selling somethin' out there - and it wasn't poultry!
Melvin P. Thorpe: The power of television, of public exposure - it scares me. I swear, I could get the mayor's own children to throw rocks at him!
The Governor: [singing] Ooh, I love to dance the little sidestep / Now they see me, now they don't / I've come and gone / And ooh, I love to sweep around a wide step / Cut a little swath / And lead the people on!
[2015.2.11] CJ vs IM I 2015 SBENU LoL Champions Spring
GTA San Andreas - Las apuestas de CJ con sus amigos - Loquendo
CJ Tiene un Hijo - GTA San Andreas (Loquendo)
[2015.2.7] JIN AIR vs CJ & KT vs IM l 2015 SBENU LoL Champions Spring
GTA San Andreas Loquendo || CJ gana una casa en la montaña
[2015.01.10] NJE vs KT & SKT vs CJ | 2015 Sbenu LoL Champs Spring
GTA San Andreas - CJ Se Enamora De Goku - Loquendo
CJ Se Enamora Por Primera vez - GTA San Andreas (Loquendo)
President Obama: Do you really love America?
LOQUENDO GTA San Andreas Cj juega minecraft Cap 4 Parte 1
LOQUENDO GTA San Andreas Cj juega minecraft Cap 4 Parte 3
Loquendo-GTA San Andreas-Especial de Halloween 2014-Cj se convierte en Zombie
GTA San Andreas Loquendo - La Policia Precoz de CJ y el Tio Gilipollas Cap.1
[2015.01.21] CJ vs KT | 2015 Sbenu LoL Champs Spring
GTA San Andreas Cj vs Pie grande, Scream, Slenderman y Piggsy Loquendo
GTA San Andreas - La navidad de CJ (Especial de navidad 2014) - Loquendo
CJ se va al concierto de skrillex y tiene un trabajo XD
CJ COMPRA LA PS4 - Gta San Andreas Loquendo
Gta San Andreas Loquendo-Cj enseña a su hijo manejar bicicleta
GTA San Andreas Loquendo || CJ lleva a su Hijo Palucho de Putas
GTA San Andreas Loquendo Cj consigue empleo Parte 1
SK Telecom T1 vs CJ Entus | Game 1 Champions Korea LCK Spring 2015 W1D3 | SKT T1 vs CJ G1