20110717 第一屆IBAF世界少棒錦標賽-中華vs古巴冠軍戰(中華隊奪冠最後一刻)
2013 第二屆 IBAF 中華隊 同一片天空 MV
20130726 IBAF第二屆世界盃少棒錦標賽 韓國 VS 中華台北 4上 游擊手陳致均Double Play!俐落阻止韓國隊的上半局進攻!
IBAF世界少棒錦標賽 冠軍賽 中華v.s古巴 賽事精華
20130726 IBAF第二屆世界盃少棒錦標賽 韓國 VS 中華台北 6上 韓國教練不滿主審好壞球判定,主審冷處理,立馬驅逐離場
IBAF 12U BWC Mexico vs Philippines
20130727 IBAF第二屆世界盃少棒錦標賽 中華台北vs委內瑞拉 1上 自信心十足, 陳致均一開賽就轟出全壘打!!!
20110710 IBAF世界少棒錦標賽 中華 vs.日本 朱麥可滿貫全壘打
IBAF 18U World Baseball Championships USA vs Canada
HIGHLIGHTS: USA vs. Japan at the IBAF 'AAA'/18U World Cup
2011 IBAF冠軍戰 中華隊 萬昭清 攻守俱佳表現
【 IBAF 】IBAF少棒休息一天,小球員參觀動物園
20110717 第一屆IBAF世界少棒錦標賽-中華vs古巴冠軍戰(中華隊奪冠最後一刻)
2013 第二屆 IBAF 中華隊 同一片天空 MV
20130726 IBAF第二屆世界盃少棒錦標賽 韓國 VS 中華台北 4上 游擊手陳致均Double Play!俐落阻止韓國隊的上半局進攻!
IBAF世界少棒錦標賽 冠軍賽 中華v.s古巴 賽事精華
20130726 IBAF第二屆世界盃少棒錦標賽 韓國 VS 中華台北 6上 韓國教練不滿主審好壞球判定,主審冷處理,立馬驅逐離場
IBAF 12U BWC Mexico vs Philippines
20130727 IBAF第二屆世界盃少棒錦標賽 中華台北vs委內瑞拉 1上 自信心十足, 陳致均一開賽就轟出全壘打!!!
20110710 IBAF世界少棒錦標賽 中華 vs.日本 朱麥可滿貫全壘打
IBAF 18U World Baseball Championships USA vs Canada
HIGHLIGHTS: USA vs. Japan at the IBAF 'AAA'/18U World Cup
2011 IBAF冠軍戰 中華隊 萬昭清 攻守俱佳表現
【 IBAF 】IBAF少棒休息一天,小球員參觀動物園
[ELTA體育HD] IBAF世界少棒錦標賽 - 陳子揚陽春砲 + 朱麥可滿貫彈 (1080p)
2011 IBAF少棒 冠軍戰 古巴 小動作 大集合
IBAF/韓國隊 作弊....試圖用手肘製造觸身球......Korean cheat in the game.
20130720 IBAF世界盃少棒錦標賽 日本vs中華台北 ENDING
20130726 IBAF第二屆世界盃少棒錦標賽 韓國 VS 中華台北 2下 陳柏均兩段式盜壘聰明騙過捕手
2011第一屆IBAF世界少棒錦標賽中華隊球員自我介紹 1~9號
IBAF U18 世界野球2012第2ラウンドvs韓国《ハイライト》
20130726 IBAF第二屆世界盃少棒錦標賽 韓國 VS 中華台北 6上 楊鈞傑長傳一壘刺殺打者比賽結束
【日韓戦】IBAF 18U日本コールド勝ちの後、韓国選手ハイタッチ拒否w
The International Baseball Federation (Spanish: Federación Internacional de Béisbol) is the worldwide governing body recognized by the International Olympic Committee as overseeing, deciding and executing the policy of the bat-and-ball sport of baseball at the international level. One of its principal responsibilities is to organize, standardize and sanction international competitions among its 118 national member federations through its various tournaments to determine a world champion and calculate world rankings for both men's and women's baseball. The IBAF is the lone entity that can assign the title of "world champion" to any baseball team delegated to represent a nation. Its headquarters are located in Lausanne, Switzerland--the Olympic Capital.
The first-ever international baseball event was a series of exhibition games that took place during the 1904 Summer Olympic Games in St. Louis, MO. (USA). The exhibition proved so successful that it was given an encore at the 1912 Summer Olympic Games in Stockholm, Sweden.
inside i'm gone
you knew that all along
without the distance you never get away
plastic bag image
is over now it's over now
the color fading is all the way to grey
we are strong but we're dumb
we look above
trusting the instinct
is not about what you think
the one reaction is only to obey
and i'm staring
all around not far down
judge the distance from the ground and pray
we are strong but we're dumb
For all those people I've met
Thinkin' I live my life in regret for all those choices I've made
I have the utmost respect for my Lord
He's given me
The ultimate reward
of life in heaven when I'm gone from here
I'll get goin when my Lord appears
So take time realize just one thing
To give it up cause He's your one KING
Everything to my God above
He's my one and only true love
Everything to my God above
He's my one and only true love
Everything I've dreamed of
Keeps me going through my day
And through my night and
Through my week
He's everything I'd ever want
Everything to my God above
He's my one and only true love
Here I go again I get myself a paper and pen
Sit down start to pray and I write about my life of sin
All those years when I didn't know Him
Well now I do and His love is showin'
Everything He's ever done everything He'll ever do
Take Him inside He'll do the same thing for you
I know you think you can talk the talk
Let me see you do it now
Let me see you walk the walk
Saia do ócio
Não caia no óbvio
Não quero ter um sócio
Eu quero um antÃdoto
pra viver melhor
Em nome da fé
acertar a si mesmo
como em transe
em busca de algo superior
Praticando a maldade
sem sentir
como se estivesse certo
Em busca
de um desafio
poderoso por um instante
Cai o mito
de quem está falando
e a ganância
se refugiam na dor
Natureza sofredora
Faca de dois gumes
Brasa espalhada
que vira pó
Feels like it was yesterday
Nothings changed except everything
I'll always remember
The last words that you said to me
This emptiness fills everyday
And youre way above
Youre touching the sun
I still love you more then anyone
Cause youre higher, higher than i'll ever be
You meant everything to me
Turn my head as a car goes by
Wonder could it be you this time
I keep starin at the driveway
Hoping you'll walk up any day
This empty house is killing me
And youre way above
Youre touching the sun
I still love you more then anyone
Cause youre higher, higher than i'll ever be
You meant everything to me
I realize youre not coming home to me
No ones here i'm not alone
Cause i'll always love you thinking of you
And somehow life goes on
I couldnt find the words
I dodnt have the nerve
To tell you everything i missed
It was so beautiful, so unbelievable
I hope i see you again
And youre way above
Youre touching the sun
I still love you more then anyone
Cause youre higher, higher than i'll ever be
The wind was feeling me, my skin and my senses
Trying to take care me, guiding through faces
Autumn leaves across my face, blinding me from where I'm going I could hardly move,
but I didn't want to
Carry me away, high above the naked trees
I want to fly, a night bird in the autumn sky
The wind was feeling me, my skin and my senses
Trying to take care me, guiding through faces
Autumn leaves across my face, blinding me from where I'm going I could hardly move,
but I didn't want to
Carry me away, high above the naked trees
I want to fly, a night bird in the autumn sky
Carry me away, high above the...
Carry me away, high above the...
In the battle for belonging
Every doorbell has its code
With a stare it can be opened
Now you have it now you don't
There are buildings there are people
Walk around and look up to
Every swallow has its season
Every gallow has its noon
By the rythm of your language
By the sparkle in your stride
Talk in riddles or be candid
With a shield or open wide
The lesson you must learn
No one could ever teach
Open up and reach for the stars
Above you
Above you
If you have a way of knowing
Every river can be crossed
Lose the sparrow that had landed
For the one that never was
There's a song for every dreamer
As they climb over this fence
Trading roses for the real world
As the second week commences
Where no one has control
Where the young clipse the old
Predjudice and wisdom
All the same
I want you