Yasna 28, Avestan
Yasna 28, Avestan
Yasna 28, Avestan
Prologue to the Ahunavaiti Gatha of Zarathushtra.
Recitation of the sacred Avesta / Holy Gathas / Ahnunavad by Dr. Ramiyar Karanjia اهنودگات
Recitation of the sacred Avesta / Holy Gathas / Ahnunavad by Dr. Ramiyar Karanjia اهنودگات
Recitation of the sacred Avesta / Holy Gathas / Ahnunavad by Dr. Ramiyar Karanjia اهنودگات
https://www.facebook.com/zartosht.espantaman https://www.facebook.com/Holy.Avesta https://www.facebook.com/zarathustra.zoroaster Click Here to download the e...
Havan Gah Prayer - Khorde Avesta
Havan Gah Prayer - Khorde Avesta
Havan Gah Prayer - Khorde Avesta
Hawan Gah sunrise to midday 1. xshnaothra ahurahe mazdå, ashem vohû...(3). fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô, hâvanêe ashaone ashahe ...
Linguist: Origins of Old Persian (Avestan) Is In Afghanistan - Iranians (Must Watch This!!!) Part 1
Linguist: Origins of Old Persian (Avestan) Is In Afghanistan - Iranians (Must Watch This!!!) Part 1
Linguist: Origins of Old Persian (Avestan) Is In Afghanistan - Iranians (Must Watch This!!!) Part 1
According to Doctor Mohammed Hussein (دکتر محمد حسین) is an Afghan Linguist, Persian is primarily a Aryan language that originated from the Avestan dialects, brought to Iran by Aryan invaders and/or settlers from the places which are now called Bactria (now Afghanistan).
داکتر محمد حسین, يک زبان شناس افغان می گويد: نیای زبان اقوام آریایی٬ زبان آرئیو - آری (دری) بوده که بعد ها این زبان با مهاجرت شاخه یی از اقوام آریایی بنام پارتها ( اشکانیان ) از باختر ( بلخ) بسمت شمالغرب وارد سرزمین ترکمنستان امروزی بمرکزیت شهر نسأ گردیده و در آنجا رواج گردیده است. بدنبال آن در پی اشغال و ضمیمه نمودن سرزمینهای چون فارس ( ایران امروزی ) و همچنان سرزمین عراق ب
Zoroastrianism 101 - Ashem Vohu (spoken with calligraphy and transliteration)
Zoroastrianism 101 - Ashem Vohu (spoken with calligraphy and transliteration)
Zoroastrianism 101 - Ashem Vohu (spoken with calligraphy and transliteration)
Ashem Vohu - Manthra spoken in TexA-vestan (Avestan with a Texan accent), and written in the Iranian script of the Sassanian Empire. A beautiful spoken/calligraphy ritual to start your day, and/or retire with at night. Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds. Praises to Ahura Mazda for all that is. Read The Gathas.. because it's awesome!
The Talysh and Avestan language
The Talysh and Avestan language
The Talysh and Avestan language
The Talysh and Avestan language Talış Talish Talysh Avesta Zərdüşt Zoroaster Zərdüştlük Caspian Hind European Iranian Kadusi Caspi Talysh mountain people lan...
Gathas 28:4 in Avestan and Persian
Gathas 28:4 in Avestan and Persian
Gathas 28:4 in Avestan and Persian
ýê urvânem mêñ gairê vohû dadê hathrâ mananghâ ashîshcâ shyaothananãm vîdeush mazdå ahurahyâ ýavat isâi tavâcâ avat xsâi aêshê ashahyâ. 4. I who have set my ...
Tajik group sing in Xurasanian Avestan-Gatha style - Maadar by Group Samo
Tajik group sing in Xurasanian Avestan-Gatha style - Maadar by Group Samo
Tajik group sing in Xurasanian Avestan-Gatha style - Maadar by Group Samo
Tajik group from beautiful country of Greater Badakhshan sing in Gatha-style of Avesta a beautiful traditional ancient Manichaen Tajik poem.
Excerpts from The Avesta
Excerpts from The Avesta
Excerpts from The Avesta
Library of the World's Best Literature (Audio book), Ancient and Modern volume 3 by Charles Dudley Warner, ed. The Library of the World's Best Literature, An...
Yasna 28:2 in Avestan
Yasna 28:2 in Avestan
Yasna 28:2 in Avestan
From the Book of God, the Gathas: 2. I who would serve you, O Mazda Ahura and Vohu Mano, do ye give through Asha the blessings of both worlds, the bodily and...
Avesta Yasna 31,8 يسنا
Avesta Yasna 31,8 يسنا
Avesta Yasna 31,8 يسنا
Niayeshe 4rome Gatha, Yasna 31 Hat 8 az Payambare Mazdayasnian. Namaji Zartoshti .
How to Pronounce Avestan
How to Pronounce Avestan
How to Pronounce Avestan
Learn how to say Avestan correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. Definition of Avestan (oxford dictionary): adjective relating to ...
Khordeh Avesta / Verahram-Yasht by Mobed Firoozgari ورهرام یشت
Khordeh Avesta / Verahram-Yasht by Mobed Firoozgari ورهرام یشت
Khordeh Avesta / Verahram-Yasht by Mobed Firoozgari ورهرام یشت
پیوند دریافت متن کامل ورهرام یشت :
The language of Avesta The Kurdish language Die Sprache der Avesta Die kurdische Sprache
The language of Avesta The Kurdish language Die Sprache der Avesta Die kurdische Sprache
The language of Avesta The Kurdish language Die Sprache der Avesta Die kurdische Sprache
Masooud Amini and Sttar Deldaar and Siavash Avesta
Masooud Amini and Sttar Deldaar and Siavash Avesta
Masooud Amini and Sttar Deldaar and Siavash Avesta
مسعود امینی در مورد ستار دلدار و سیاوش اوستا افشاگری میکند ، او میگوید ستار دلدار وقتی میخواهد با زنش همبستر شود مرد دیگری را نیز به خانهاش میاورد او م...
Naser Arian with Maria Avesta and Farida Hassansei -- 31.03.2014
Naser Arian with Maria Avesta and Farida Hassansei -- 31.03.2014
Naser Arian with Maria Avesta and Farida Hassansei -- 31.03.2014
Naser Arian with Maria Avesta and Farida Hassansei -- 31.03.2014.
Judaism influenced Zoroastrianism Part 14 Linguistic Dating of the Avestan Texts
Judaism influenced Zoroastrianism Part 14 Linguistic Dating of the Avestan Texts
Judaism influenced Zoroastrianism Part 14 Linguistic Dating of the Avestan Texts
I discuss the Linguistic Dating of the Avesta. THE FORMATION OF ACHAEMENID IMPERIAL IDEOLOGY AND ITS IMPACT ON THE AVESTA http://www.soudavar.com/ACHAEMENID%...
The Kurdish Zend-Avesta (Median) Language (Part 1)
The Kurdish Zend-Avesta (Median) Language (Part 1)
The Kurdish Zend-Avesta (Median) Language (Part 1)
Die kurdische Zend-Avesta (Medes) Sprache (Teil 1 / A-Z)
Avestan "Journey into the unfamiliar"
Avestan "Journey into the unfamiliar"
Avestan "Journey into the unfamiliar"
Recitation of the Sacred Avesta / Holy Gathas / Yasna 28 / Dr.Mobed.Kourosh Niknam
Recitation of the Sacred Avesta / Holy Gathas / Yasna 28 / Dr.Mobed.Kourosh Niknam
Recitation of the Sacred Avesta / Holy Gathas / Yasna 28 / Dr.Mobed.Kourosh Niknam
http://www.facebook.com/ProphetZarathustra http://www.facebook.com/Holy.Avesta http://www.facebook.com/KhordehAvesta Download the entire Gathas from here : h...
Percer les mystères de l'Avesta (Professeur Jean Kellens)
Percer les mystères de l'Avesta (Professeur Jean Kellens)
Percer les mystères de l'Avesta (Professeur Jean Kellens)
Zoroastrianism is a religion founded in ancient times by the prophet Zarathushtra, known to the Greeks as Zoroaster. Zoroastrianism was the dominant world re...
Avesta/Poetic Gathas Yasna 28.1-28.11
Avesta/Poetic Gathas Yasna 28.1-28.11
Avesta/Poetic Gathas Yasna 28.1-28.11
The opening and the first song of the poetic gathas, Recited all by heart. Authentic recitation based on the ancient avestan script.
Recitation of the Sacred Avesta (سرایش اوستای پاک در همایش مانثره)
Recitation of the Sacred Avesta (سرایش اوستای پاک در همایش مانثره)
Recitation of the Sacred Avesta (سرایش اوستای پاک در همایش مانثره)
https://www.facebook.com/zartosht.espantaman هاوَنِ اِ . اَشَئـونِ . اَشـَهِ . رَتـْوِه -- یَسنـائیـچه . وَهمائیچـه . خْشْنَئوُ ترائیچه . فْرَسَـس تـَه یـَه ...