Vlog Update! - Back from Blizzcon, Jumpers & Oxfam Thanks!
Vlog Update! - Back from Blizzcon, Jumpers & Oxfam Thanks!
Vlog Update! - Back from Blizzcon, Jumpers & Oxfam Thanks!
Here's another quick pre-Christmas update letting you know what's to come and what's happening! Big thanks to Oxfam, West Oxfordshire Academy of Performing Arts and to Cokethorpe School for the awesome remix :) Charity christmas jumper: http://yogsca.st/XmasJumper Buy games for charity: http://games.yogscast.com Follow us on twitch for livestreams: http://twitch.tv/yogscast
You can donate to Oxfam here - http://www.oxfam.org.uk/donate
Stuff we mentioned:
Last week's vlog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZGr6T_HKnM
Oxfam YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/OxfamGreatBritain
Blizzard's charity goat: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/bl
The Power of People Against Poverty - Oxfam
The Power of People Against Poverty - Oxfam
The Power of People Against Poverty - Oxfam
Trying to solve poverty is a lot like trying to solve a really hard puzzle. That's why Oxfam has a new six-sided strategy to tackle it, driven by the power o...
We are Oxfam Australia
We are Oxfam Australia
We are Oxfam Australia
We are the power of people against poverty. We've been working with communities for more than 60 years, and we provide people with the skills and resources t...
It All Starts With You - Oxfam Ad
It All Starts With You - Oxfam Ad
It All Starts With You - Oxfam Ad
Oxfam DRTV advert, featuring the voice of Stephen Fry. The advert focuses on showing the ripple effect that small regular donations can have on a whole commu...
Lift lives for good with Oxfam -- the TV ad
Lift lives for good with Oxfam -- the TV ad
Lift lives for good with Oxfam -- the TV ad
When you lift one person, you give them the power they need to lift others. It's the start of a chain reaction that could lift an entire community - now and ...
It's a Better Life without Oxfam [Winner of D&AD; Awards]
It's a Better Life without Oxfam [Winner of D&AD; Awards]
It's a Better Life without Oxfam [Winner of D&AD; Awards]
credits: Students Christian Asmar Manu Manceda Virginia Feito Tutor Elvio Sanchez College Miami Ad School, Madrid orginal URL: http://www.dandad.org/awards/s...
NEWSNIGHT: Oxfam's Ben Phillips and SodaStream CEO talk West Bank settlements and Scarlett Johansson
NEWSNIGHT: Oxfam's Ben Phillips and SodaStream CEO talk West Bank settlements and Scarlett Johansson
NEWSNIGHT: Oxfam's Ben Phillips and SodaStream CEO talk West Bank settlements and Scarlett Johansson
After the Scarlett Johansson controversy, Oxfam's Director of Policy Ben Phillips and SodaStream CEO Daniel Birnbaum speak separately to Newsnight about the ...
Oxfam - Be Humankind TV advert
Oxfam - Be Humankind TV advert
Oxfam - Be Humankind TV advert
Be aware, be moved, be involved. Be Humankind - visit www.oxfam.org.uk And if you like this, why not become a fan of Oxfam on Facebook too - http://www.faceb...
Clifton Oxfam appeal funny.
Clifton Oxfam appeal funny.
Clifton Oxfam appeal funny.
A satire charity comedy appeal for Clifton.
Food & You - Oxfam's GROW video
Food & You - Oxfam's GROW video
Food & You - Oxfam's GROW video
This animated story journeys through the broken food system and then looks at the transformation that is already underway to bring about change. It brings it...
Worksop Oxfam Appeal (funny)
Worksop Oxfam Appeal (funny)
Worksop Oxfam Appeal (funny)
Very Funny
Oxfam America: Working together to end poverty and injustice
Oxfam America: Working together to end poverty and injustice
Oxfam America: Working together to end poverty and injustice
Oxfam America is an international relief and development organization that saves lives, helps people overcome poverty, and fights for social justice. Join us...
Oxfam Fair Trade Clips
Oxfam Fair Trade Clips
Oxfam Fair Trade Clips
Clips promoting fair trade practices and shedding light on injustice.
#IGUALES Acabemos con la desigualdad extrema - Oxfam Intermón
#IGUALES Acabemos con la desigualdad extrema - Oxfam Intermón
#IGUALES Acabemos con la desigualdad extrema - Oxfam Intermón
http://www.desigualdad.org - 30/10/2014 - Lanzamos #IGUALES, una campaña que denuncia el peligroso aumento de la desigualdad extrema en todo el mundo.
About Oxfam Australia
About Oxfam Australia
About Oxfam Australia
In My Place: Oxfam, Coldplay and you fight land grabs
In My Place: Oxfam, Coldplay and you fight land grabs
In My Place: Oxfam, Coldplay and you fight land grabs
Big land deals are putting people and their possessions out of place, forcing them from the place they call home. To send a global message about this injusti...
Oxfam Unwrapped: How it works
Oxfam Unwrapped: How it works
Oxfam Unwrapped: How it works
Tricky to buy for friend or relative? Looking for a unique gift from just £5? Oxfam Unwrapped is a brilliant but simple idea and one which can help you lift ...
Cambiamos vidas que cambian vidas - Oxfam Intermón
Cambiamos vidas que cambian vidas - Oxfam Intermón
Cambiamos vidas que cambian vidas - Oxfam Intermón
http://www.oxfamintermon.org - Una de cada tres personas en el mundo vive en la pobreza. Oxfam está decidida a cambiar esto movilizando el poder de las personas contra la pobreza.
Trabajamos a nivel mundial con herramientas innovadoras y eficaces, para lograr que las personas puedan salir de la pobreza por sí mismas y prosperar. Salvamos vidas en situaciones de emergencia y ayudamos a recuperar medios de vida. Impulsamos campañas para que las voces de las personas en situación de pobreza puedan influir en las decisiones que les afectan en el ámbito local y global.
En todo lo que hacemos, desde Oxfam trabajamos creando alianzas con otras o
Scarlett Johansson, SodaStream and Oxfam - Weekly Wipe
Scarlett Johansson, SodaStream and Oxfam - Weekly Wipe
Scarlett Johansson, SodaStream and Oxfam - Weekly Wipe
From series 2, episode 5 of Charlie Brooker's Weekly Wipe. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03tyzsq More about this story from Jonathan Cook: Oxfam's silence...
Oxfam on Tour presents Coldplay's Us Against the World
Oxfam on Tour presents Coldplay's Us Against the World
Oxfam on Tour presents Coldplay's Us Against the World
Exclusive video from Coldplay live in Berlin released by Oxfam to celebrate 26000 fans joining the GROW food justice campaign on the Mylo Xyloto tour. http:...
Coldplay - In My Place (Oxfam edit) Acoustic
Coldplay - In My Place (Oxfam edit) Acoustic
Coldplay - In My Place (Oxfam edit) Acoustic
Coldplay and Oxfam are looking for creative people for the In My Place film! Recorded at Absolute Radio's studios in One Golden Square in 2002. Courtesy of A...
Give a little lift with Oxfam
Give a little lift with Oxfam
Give a little lift with Oxfam
People have the power to change their own lives for good. All they need is a little lift. Oxfam helps people earn, learn, and grow their way out of poverty. ...
YOU Can Help Fight Hunger with Oxfam America
YOU Can Help Fight Hunger with Oxfam America
YOU Can Help Fight Hunger with Oxfam America
Check out Oxfam America's new video starring Charlyne Yi, featuring music by Rogue Wave and Ra Ra Riot. Then find out how YOU can make a difference by hostin...