Asphalt i/ˈæsfɔːlt/ or /ˈæʃfɔːlt/ or /ˈæsʃfɛlt/, also known as bitumen, is the sticky, black and highly viscous liquid or semi-solid present in most crude petroleums and in some natural deposits; it is a substance classed as a pitch. Until the 20th century, the term asphaltum was also used.
The primary use of asphalt is in road construction, where it is used as the glue or binder mixed with aggregate particles to create asphalt concrete. Its other main uses are for bituminous waterproofing products, including production of roofing felt and for sealing flat roofs.
The terms asphalt and bitumen are often used interchangeably to mean both natural and manufactured forms of the substance. In American English, asphalt (or asphalt cement) is the carefully refined residue from the distillation process of selected crude oils. Outside the United States, the product is often called bitumen. Natural deposits terminology also sometimes uses the word bitumen, such as at the La Brea Tar Pits.
Naturally occurring asphalt is sometimes specified by the term "crude bitumen"; its viscosity is similar to that of cold molasses. whilst the material obtained from the fractional distillation of crude oil [boiling at 525 °C (977 °F)] is sometimes referred to as "refined bitumen".
Farid El Abdellaoui (born June 4, 1986), better known as Farid Bang, is a Düsseldorf-based rapper of Moroccan descent.
Farid Bang was born in Melilla, Spain, and grew up in the Spanish city of Malaga, before he moved with his family to Düsseldorf, Germany at the age of eight. He is signed to record label German Dream Entertainment
Farid Bang began to rap, at the age of 19, together with his friend called "Tekken". Through Summer Cem he met Eko Fresh, who signed him to his label German Dream Entertainment. In 2005 Farid Bang was featured on three songs appeared Eko Fresh's mixtape Fick immer noch deine Story. During that time, he used the pseudonym "Farid Urlaub" (based on German rock artist Farin Urlaub). In 2006, an album was planned to be released, entitled Ghetto Kodex, which however never got published.
After the release of his debut album, Farid Bang stated that he won't record an album in 2009. As well as his fellow rapper Kollegah confirmed to not record for his own.
On March 2009, Farid Bang was featured on the song "Westdeutschlands Kings" from Chronik 2, an album that features the artists of Düsseldorf hip hop label Selfmade Records. The song features also Kollegah and Favorite, and leaked online as free "pre-single".
Asphalt 8: Airborne Walkthrough - Part 46 - Career Season 7: HEAT
Asphalt 8: Airborne Walkthrough - Multiplayer Part 3 - S Class Koenigsegg Agera R Gameplay
Asphalt 8: Airborne - Teaser trailer #1
Asphalt History [2004-2014]
How its Made Paving Asphalt
How To Install An Asphalt Driveway
EL GRAN RETO! - Asphalt 8 con Vegetta
Asphalt Cowboys Hello Sweden
Squeezie VS Cyprien sur Asphalt 8 !
Farid Bang ► ASPHALT MASSAKA 3 ◄ [ official Album Teaser ]
Asphalt Cowboys Irgendwas ist immer
Asphalt 8 Airborne Walkthrough - Part 67 - Season 9: Beyond
Based on Terry Pratchett's Novel. On Discworld (a world carried by four elephants standing on a huge turtle in space), a small girl, Susan Sto Helit, has got a major problem. Her grandfather is Death, who wants to forget that he has just "processed" his adopted daughter and her husband who was Susan's mother and father as this is causing him great grief and Death is a person that can remember everything, much to his chagrin. Susan find herself pressed into taking over Death's "duty" but finds that she is falling in love with an elf/human, Imp, who is slowly being taken over by a kind of "musical" force that is forcing Imp and his friends to play Rock Music to the Discworld. The Rock Music is proving to be a great success, but it has got plans for Imp and everybody wanting to play it and it is up to Susan, the head of the wizards, the Archchancellor and Death (that is, if he can be found and made to remember who/what he is.) to stop it before it conquers the entire Discworld...
Keywords: archchancellor, based-on-novel, cult-tv, death, discworld, drunkenness, dwarf, elephant, foreign-legion, grim-reaper
A story of reality, fantasy and the bits in the middle
Death: I need to imbibe vast ammounts of alcohol.
CMOT Dibbler: I give you... the "Band with Rocks in"-tour-bus!::Glod Glodson: It's a farm-cart.::CMOT Dibbler: It's a tour-bus!::Glod Glodson: I know a farm-cart when I see one, even if it *is* painted blue...
Death: I shall leave your room exactly as you left it...::Susan Sto Helit: Thank you.::Death: ...- a *mess*!
Death: Oh... bugger!
Asphalt 8: Airborne Walkthrough - Part 46 - Career Season 7: HEAT
Asphalt 8: Airborne Walkthrough - Multiplayer Part 3 - S Class Koenigsegg Agera R Gameplay
Asphalt 8: Airborne - Teaser trailer #1
Asphalt History [2004-2014]
How its Made Paving Asphalt
How To Install An Asphalt Driveway
EL GRAN RETO! - Asphalt 8 con Vegetta
Asphalt Cowboys Hello Sweden
Squeezie VS Cyprien sur Asphalt 8 !
Farid Bang ► ASPHALT MASSAKA 3 ◄ [ official Album Teaser ]
Asphalt Cowboys Irgendwas ist immer
Asphalt 8 Airborne Walkthrough - Part 67 - Season 9: Beyond
Asphalt 8 Airborne Walkthrough - Part 66 - NEW Update DUBAI Season 8
How to Pave a Road with Asphalt
Como ganhar dinheiro no Asphalt 8 Airbone para Windows 8.1 (Hack)
Asphalt 8 - Discover the Metal Technology!
How to hack Asphalt 8 Airborne on windows 8/8.1 [NEW OCTOBER 10.2014]
Asphalt Overdrive - CGI Trailer
Asphalt Rejuvenation, Asphalt Rejuvenator - Seal Coating, Large Parking Lots
Asphalt Cowboys Willkommen in der Hölle
Bushido: Die Party ist vorbei, denn ab jetzt heißt rappen 'Bloodsport'!
Ich kenn weder, dich deine Crew, noch dein Kack-Dorf!'Fuck Torch'
Ich hab keinen Respekt, kein Komplex und überhaupt keine ahnung worüber du Nutte
rappst, Fick, auf alle Macs ( MC's ), ich bin zu hart für deutschen Rap, mir ist
scheißegal wohin ihr geht und wo ihr euch versteckt!
Jetzt ist Breakdown ich komm in deinen Town, geh dir ein Baumhaus bauen, ich bums
jetzt deine Frau! Ich mach mein Geld mit Trips, Koks und Crack-Rocks und bis der
Asphalt brennt, mach ich am Block den Jackpot, ich rap noch immer für die Kids am
Spielplatz, es hat sich nichts geändert, Sonny macht den Beat krass!
'Die Street hasst euch' Eure Tracks, euren ammi-Slang! 'Ihr seid Toys' Weil ich komm
und eure Party bang! Ich bin zu direkt, zu brutal, zu komplett, bin der Grund warum
Stuttgart nichts verkauft und verreckt!
Ab jetzt ist jeder der beschissen rappt mein Feind, drück auf Stop, wenn du genug
hast, oder fürs Battle-rewind, yeah!
2xChorus: Die Felgen spiegeln sich im Asphalt- bis der Asphalt brennt, Du siehst die
Stadt bei Nacht-solange bis der Asphalt brennt, Der Stein ist nur solange kalt-bis
der Asphalt brennt, Ich rap für meinen Bezirk- solange bis der Asphalt brennt!
Fler: Wer bietet mehr als ich, Frank White, ihr seid alle ganz weit, davon entfernt
mich zu erreichen, ich bin ganz weit weg! Gib mir das Mic du Keck ich rappe und das
Land schreit, ich box euch beide nur aus dem Grund weil ihr verwandt seid.
Ich mach mein Tape und jeder von euch will dabei sein, du willstmich battlen und ich
fick dir in dein Steißbein, Bushido seine Skyline, wer macht den besten Beat der
Stadt, du machst auf Gangster, doch ich fick auch euer Lied, du Spast. Die ganze
Welt ist jetzt mein Feind, ich zieh euch ab und geh, alleine durch die Straßen aus
der Stadt in der ich leb.
Wer ist so hart wie ich und überlebt in dieser Zeit, in dieser Stadt, in dem Bezirk,
mit keiner Hilfe weit und breit?
Jetzt bin ich underground, morgen hol ich den Comet, du gehst nach Hause, weil im
Hip-Hop ohne mich nichts geht. Du kommst zu spät, mein Tape ist leider ausverkauft,
macht was ihr wollt, ihr Spasten ihr bleibt out!
the asphalt is leaning on me like a mountain.
the pressure is building and i'm exhausted.
i know you know there is nowhere to go.
knowing is trying; its not a secret.
i know you know there is nowhere to go.
i'm sleeping in a basement; it's cold and undusted.
the pictures are hanging all my walls like a guilliotine.
i know you know there is nowhere.
laying down here trying to think of nothing,
Speaking in tongues. Living as spies. Filling the holes in our eyes.
Searching for signs of life to take us home.
As slaves to this obsession our will is its direction.
Hidden brights. Only yellow lines and the scarce street light
and more green signs will shape our lives.
Feed our lives with asphalt veins.
Fueled by our need to create and define with asphalt veins.
We'll find our way back home between lines in the road.
We'll find vanishing eyes, lost, consciously trapped, confined.
We'll find promising signs. Lives reunite and light to rise again.