Esau ( /ˈiːsɔː/; Hebrew: עֵשָׂו; Standard Hebrew: Esav; Tiberian Hebrew: ʿĒśāw; ISO 259-3 ʕeśaw; Greek: Ἡσαῦ; Arabic: عِيسُو "Hairy" or "Rough"), in the Hebrew Bible, is the oldest son of Isaac. He is mentioned in the Book of Genesis, and by the minor prophets, Obadiah and Malachi. The New Testament later references him in St Paul's Letter to the Romans and in the Letter to the Hebrews.
Esau is the progenitor of the Edomites and the twin brother of Jacob, the patriarch of the Israelites.Esau and Jacob were the sons of Isaac and Rebekah, and the grandsons of Abraham and Sarah. Of the twins, Esau was the first to be born with Jacob following. Isaac was sixty years old and Rebekah is believed to have been much younger when the boys were born. The grandfather Abraham was supposedly still alive, being about 160 years old at that time.
Esau, a "son of the desert" became a hunter who had "rough" qualities that distinguished him from his twin brother. Jacob was a shy or simple man, depending on the translation of the Hebrew word "Tam" (which also means "relatively perfect man"). Throughout Genesis, Esau is frequently shown as being supplanted by his younger twin Jacob (Israel).
Esau, Rome, Herod, & Khazars
Esau - Cielito Lindo LA KIDS
A Visual To What Is Coming To Esau
If you won't take Jacob's word for it, take Esau's... The Truth shall set you Free!!!
WHY God loves Jacob/Israel & hates Esau: I FINALLY UNDERSTAND!!!
Esau was Black & Nephilim are White, Mixed Races
GOCC Bible Teachings ~ Esau vs. Jacob... the Perpetual War
Esau - Te quiero (La Academia Kids)
The Story of Esau and Jacob
Jacob and Esau - IUIC
Contractor's Routine is the depiction of one day in the life of Jacob Borschevsky, who although, apparently harmless is a rather quirky and strange human being. Because of his lack of skills at fitting in with normal society, Jacob has developed a full and rich fantasy life, complete with an ultra ego, who as his mentor is available at Jacob's beacon call. When Jacob resorts to horrible acts of violence and murder as a means of coping with his considerable frustrations with the workings of the real world, it is left to the audience to decide - will Jacob's mentor be able to stop the violence from spilling over into the real world?
Keywords: art-collector, dream, killer, madness, mayhem, murder, san-francisco-california
You've Been Measured
Art Professor: No one will learn if other people aren't honest in their critiques. If the artist is offended, then really, they have no business showing their art to the world, and what good is art if it is not shared with the world?
Art Professor: Anyway, as a friendly advice to you, before even continuing to study under my supervision, check your "priceless" ego at the door.::Art Professor: Art is not a hobby!
Jacob: Your conscience is three levels lower than urban canalization
Olivia lives in a small town in Nova Scotia, Canada along with her son, Thomas, a daughter, Sarah, and has been separated from her French-speaking husband, Jean Marc. She has an estranged brother named Jack Walker who she has not seen for many years, as he refused to return her phone calls, and neglected to attend their father's funeral in Montana, U.S.A.. Due to opening of Cynaco and MacNeil Mining Company, the town expects to have about new 125 new jobs. One day she gets a surprise visit from Jack, both brother and sister update each other, and Jack also gets to meet Thomas and Sarah, as well as Olivia's attractive South Asian neighbor, Lia, a single mother. He soon starts an affair with her, and even moves in her house. What Olivia and Lia do not know that Jack has been labeled an Eco-Terrorist, is on the most wanted list of the FBI, his presence has a negative influence on Thomas, who will soon end up getting arrested, while Jack himself is busy collecting gas cans, and empty milk jugs on a possible project that he may launch against Cynaco and the MacNeil Mining Company, which he feels are polluting Earth.
Keywords: arrest, arsonist, brother-sister-relationship, chemical, environmentalist, eye-examination, fugitive, gold-mine, idealism, nature
How far must you go to escape the past?
Set along Chicago's Little Village neighborhood, 'On The Downlow' is a new feature based on Chicago filmmaker Tadeo Garcia's award-winning short 'Broken Warning'. 'On The Downlow' is the explosive story of the relationship between Isaac and Angel, two young Latinos involved in a Southside Chicago gang. The decisions these men make and the paths they each take create a trap for them in a community where rules can't be broken and secrets won't be tolerated. With characters that defy stereotyping and a surprising tenderness, On The Downlow is an unconventional look at life in the hood.
Keywords: catholic-priest, closeted-homosexual, confession, gang-initiation, gang-member, gay-interest, gay-kiss, gay-latino, gay-teenager, gunplay
Angel: No use living in hell when you know where the door to Heaven is.
Priest: One is not forced into being bad my son, one decides for himself what he will or will not do.
From creation to the commandments, Man's greatest journey starts here.
In the land of Canaan lives Isaac, son of Abraham, with his clever, strong-willed wife Rebekah and his twin sons Esau and Jacob. The first-born, Esau, is a strong and fearless hunter with a voracious appetite for sensual pleasures. Jacob is a shepherd, more tender and compassionate than Esau. Just as Esau is the pride of his father, so is Jacob the apple of his mother's eye. Rebekah is convinced that Jacob, though the second born son, is the chosen one and the rightful heir of Isaac and Abraham. And she tells him that when she was with child, God announced to her: "Two nations are within thy womb. Two manner of men shall be delivered to you. The one shall be stronger than the other and the elder shall serve the younger". One day Esau returns from a hunt to find Jacob preparing a lentil porridge. Famished, he asks Jacob for some food. Jacob agrees, but on one condition: that Esau sell him his birthright. Since Esau ascribes little value to its meaning, he readily agrees and they conclude the pact. Time has passed. Isaac has grown old and nearly blind. It is time to pass on his paternal blessing to the firstborn. He asks Esau to hunt and prepare some game for him, after which he will give him his blessing. Rebekah knows she must act now. Cornering Jacob, she pressures him into deceiving Isaac so that he obtains the blessing instead of Esau. Jacob resists, but when Rebekah vows to take the blame for this ploy, he finally consents. And thus does Jacob trick his father. When Esau returns from the hunt and appears before his father, he explodes in anger when he learns of the scheme. Having obtained only a lesser blessing from Isaac, he vows to kill Jacob as soon as his father passes away. Isaac, following Rebekah's suggestion, advises Jacob to flee to Harran, to the home of Laban - Rebekah's brother, and to ask him to marry one of his daughters. Laden with gold, silver, skins, spices and oils, Jacob sadly leaves his home and his loved ones. Soon, however, he realizes that he is being followed: a Canaanite, one of Esau's brothers-in-law, robs him of the treasure that was to be his dowry. One night, as he is asleep, Jacob has a vision of a stairway with angel-like figures on it. During this vision God promises him protection and prosperity. The next morning, Jacob swears to remain faithful and devoted to God. After an arduous journey, Jacob arrives in Harran. Haggard and drained of his strength, he immediately forgets his fatigue when he sees a pretty young girl at the fountain. The girl is Rachel, the youngest daughter of his uncle Laban. And Jacob falls head over heels in love with her. Though Laban greets his nephew heartily, he cannot conceal his disappointment that Jacob has arrived without any gifts. Laban's two sons, Morash and Be'or, are less delighted by Jacob's arrival. Jacob soon asks Laban to let him marry Rachel, and he even accepts Laban's rigorous conditions: that Jacob become his indentured servant for a full seven years. Jacob proves to be a singularly successful herdsman and contributes mightily to the welfare of Laban's people. Thus after seven years, Laban is unwilling to let him leave and devises a cunning scheme... When Jacob awakens on the morning following the consummation of his marriage with Rachel, he is horrified to discover that he has slept with Rachel's older sister Leah instead. Laban forced Leah to take her sister's place in the dark tent. As Jacob rages, Laban claims that according to the law of the land, a father must marry off his older daughter first. He is willing, however, to make Jacob another offer: for another seven years in his service, he can take Rachel as his wife in one week's time. And again, Laban and his people enjoy seven more years of rich harvests and expanding flocks, all thanks to Jacob's superior abilities. But while the unloved Leah bears Jacob many children, Rachel, his one and only love, remains barren for many years, until Joseph finally sees the light of day. After his second period of indenture is over, Jacob strikes another deal with Laban, whereby he is allowed to assemble his own herd. His prosperity soon sparks the envy of Laban's sons Morash and Be'or, who accuse Jacob of deceiving them and of stealing their property. Jacob decides it is time to move back to Canaan, and flees with his wives, children and servants. As soon as Laban hears about their escape, he rounds up his sons and his men and gives chase. He finally meets up with Jacob on Mount Gilead. But before he can reach Jacob, God appears to Laban and warns him not to harm Jacob or his people. Jacob's most grueling ordeal, however, still awaits him: his meeting with his brother Esau. Fearing that Esau still intends to kill him, Jacob sends messengers with gifts to his brother to announce his coming. The messengers return sooner than expected, reporting that Esau is already on his way to meet him - with 400 armed men. Jacob sets up camp on the banks of the river Jabbok. That night, while his people await Esau with fear and trembling, Jacob withdraws to collect himself on the other side of the river. There Jacob is attacked by a mysterious being whom he cannot identify. It is an angel. As the struggle intensifies and the angel realizes that he cannot subdue Jacob, he strikes him fiercely on the hip. But Jacob, who gradually realizes who his adversary is, continues to grapple with him and refuses to relinquish his hold until the angel has blessed him. Ultimately the angel yields and gives Jacob the blessing together with the new name of "Israel". He thus confirms Jacob's right to the blessing which he originally obtained by deceit. The following morning, as Esau's army approaches, Jacob gathers his people behind him and awaits his brother. As Esau arrives at the head of his troops, Jacob humbly throws himself at his brother's feet. Esau breaks the tension by coming towards Jacob with open arms and welcoming him home. Reconciling their past differences, Jacob and Esau embrace.
Keywords: based-on-book, biblical, character-name-in-title, jewish, one-word-title, religion, sequel
20,000 degrees fahrenheit and not a drop of water
This film recounts the tales of the Biblical figures, Jacob and Joseph. The first part tells the story of Jacob fleeing his tribe when he cheats his brother out of his birthright, gets cheated himself in his exile years while learning of the need to make amends. The second part is of the story of Jacob's favourite son, Joseph. Betrayed and sold into slavery by his brothers, he meets and overcomes all adversity to become the Prime Minister of Egypt, second only to the Pharoah.
Keywords: biblical, bondage, desert, egypt, jealousy, religion, sibling-rivalry, slavery
Esau, Rome, Herod, & Khazars
Esau - Cielito Lindo LA KIDS
A Visual To What Is Coming To Esau
If you won't take Jacob's word for it, take Esau's... The Truth shall set you Free!!!
WHY God loves Jacob/Israel & hates Esau: I FINALLY UNDERSTAND!!!
Esau was Black & Nephilim are White, Mixed Races
GOCC Bible Teachings ~ Esau vs. Jacob... the Perpetual War
Esau - Te quiero (La Academia Kids)
The Story of Esau and Jacob
Jacob and Esau - IUIC
Esau - Yo No Fui Concierto 7
Jacob And Esau Movie. Genesis (La Genèse)
Eliminación Esau - CONCIERTO 12
Jacob the Evil Black Jack and Esau P1.avi
Who is Esau? Part 1
Pb Claudio Duarte Aprendendo com Jacó e Esau Completo
ROTHSCHILDS ADMIT they are of the HOUSE OF ESAU, Interview PART 1
ROTHSCHILDS ADMIT they are of the HOUSE OF ESAU, Interview PART 2
ROTHSCHILDS ADMIT they are of the HOUSE OF ESAU, Interview PART 3
SJ Esau Interview — a Exclusive
Esau Kanyenda giving a first interview in Russian
ROTHSCHILDS ADMIT they are of the HOUSE OF ESAU, Interview PART 4 Final
Esau Kanyenda - Interview with Bryansk TV
Audio Interview: Esau Foofafimae Kekeubata 20 October 2014
Esau Mwamwaya Interview -- a Exclusive
Esau/ Job Interview
OMG Interviews Meiling Esau
Job interview Dan Esau
interview with esau
Esau & Hueber System NERB Testimonial - Fulton Brewery
Voices of Leaders Interviews Bernard Esau, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia
ALUM TV interviews Christie Esau
1972 Game 4 phil esposito rallies the nation
Esau & Hueber System NERB Brewhouse: Haas Innovations Brewing tour and testimonial
Jacob and Esau Bible Project
Esau & Hueber System NERB Testimonial - Ellicottville Brewing Company - Peter Kreinheder
Esau & Hueber System NERB Testimonial - Ellicottville Brewing Company - Dan Minner
Yeah, Esau up in here
With some old off the top of the dome shit
That I wrote down
Now I can make a song
About all you wack rappers
But that shit's already been done
Or a song about all you thug rappers
And all you REALLY done
But I'ma do this one about me
Cause if I don't ring my own bell, son
Then you know that shit ain't even gonna get rung
I'm the nicest on the mic ever, yeah right
Man I ain't even the dopest kid
You heard on the mic tonight
But I still up in your cypher
And embarrass myself
And I still have enough audacity to tell you
I was the best MC on your set
Man you ain't hear me
I did a collab with myself once
But I kicked myself off the track
Cause I was talking too much junk (too much)
Then I wanted to a joint with Pras
But when we got up in the studio
He got mad at me cause I told him
His shit was way hotter than Nas
Man he thought I was being funny
Man cause I was
I was only fuckin with him
Cause I wanted to fuck with his Cuz
But now I can't think
And my brain's a buzz
I need to go listen to some old school hip-hop
And bite some shit like Mos Def does
Man, I'm wacker than Rawkus' website
I'm bright like the night
I'm about as fly as a fuckin emu in flight
Man I'm not the storm, I'm the calm
And I'm not the bomb
And if you want to listen
To these wack ass lyrics
Go get them shits from Flash
You want at
Man, there ain't too many kids
Out there that are wacker than me
Except for Mase and Puffy
And that whole damn Harlem World Family
And that kid Cam'Ron
You know that punk better keep his distance
Cause his rhyming skills are about as tight
As Lance "UN" did his business
The farewell tour and debut album
I sold three units so far
But you know I'm still countin (one)
And at this pace it'll take me
69 years and four months to go platinum
So I guess I'm never gonna be needing
That new business accountant
But you know I got some cash man
I just can't spend it
My house payments over due
So I had to let my cousin move in it (come on, move in)
And my whip's kind of fly
Just got a huge dent in it (trashed)
That big 54-inch T.V. in the front room
Man, my mom rented it (thanks)
Man, I ain't got too many real fans
That's why you won't catch my live act
I ain't been on stage in a
Long long long time jack
And the last time someone met me backstage
When the lights went black
They said, "Forget about your autograph,
I want my motherfuckin ten dollars back"
Hello, it's me and i must tell you the truth
Please don't refuse the fact that I know and you know - You ain't fly
For those of you who don't know who?
I'm talking about, it isn't you
I'm talking to those who misconstrue money and realness for talent - You ain't fly
Puffy, the only CEO that rhymes, please sign me to a deal of mine
So I can prove in my mind, to myself - you ain't fly
Let me do a joint with mase so I can get on his case and
Fix his lisp and show him to his face - You Ain't Fly
Then arrange a dinner with me and Total,
I'll pick them up in a limo and when they show
All made up with makeup and leather I'll whisper - You ain't fly
Master P and your No Talent Family meet with me
Cause ya'll make me say UGHHHHH - You ain't Fly
Mystikal aka the only male rapper with weave
Ms Melodie, oh my bad MIa - You ain't fly
Silk, what the fuck do you listen to when you rhyme
Kane and Abel they gotta be the worst group of all time
I heard them one time and said goddamn - They ain't fly
Jermaine Dupri, solo album with no solo songs,
can't even carry one joint on your own
Met him at Kaya came up to him and said - You ain't fly
After that I stopped in VA, Va Beach to be exact
Timbaland was on the phone recording his rap
So I bypassed missy, looked at Magoo and said - You ain't fly at all
Mya you say you wear a size 4, I don't care, you need to go fix your voice
You think you a diva and you might be cute but - You ain't fly
But enough hating on these fools, I'll talk about you
You know you don't feel them, but then you don't tell the truth
When asked you say - they're doing they're thing - You ain't fly
Labels continue to give wack artists deal
putting out shit they think you should feel
and radio continues to play it because steve smith says it's real - He ain't fly
Mends Recordings is my record label,
had enough confidence to make this project able
But don't have enough money to make it available - They ain't fly
If you hate this because i'm touching you or your crew,
you need to make a record about me, cause this one's about you
Run and Go tell your friends that Esau told you - You ain't fly
I might talk shit about all things i consider inferior
But, I like to think I see things clearer
Cause I can even look at myself in the mirror and say - You ain't fly
I feel no peer pressure. If I lived in Cali
between Blood and Crip blocks I'd be a cross dresser, I'm the man.
If i stood up and started rhyming in church
I'd have the whole congregation saying Goddamn - that kid's nice
Forget the offering plate pass around the liquor and dice.
Up in this piece word to Jesus.
Word life I'm wild - Honestly honesty's my style.
'Cause I tell jokes about handicapped kids and don't even smile
Yah, dah, du get on the short bus,
Cause you holding up the perfect ones of us, hush.
Watch your mouth, motherfucker please,
unlike you I cheered for clinton out loud
when he had Monica on her knees
I know it's fucked up and not nice, but it's my mouth
and i'm the one that's going to have to pay the price.
For saying all these things out loud and not keeping them to myself
and if that's the price then damn right i'm going to hell
I'm going to hell son, take my soul and set it free below
Got me flexing on the world tell it where I'm about to go
I'm going to hell, quick for sure you know, see me on the top
Even if I'm on the bottom still my body's gonna rock
I'm going to hell, I'm going to hell
The debut be the farewell too - for who
Esau bring the evil out of you - me too
Esau to burn in hell yo
I once met Jesus in a mosque, right after I talked to Allah.
We was in a synagogue, with Buddah and Vishnu.
They said damn right you going to hell, what'd you expect,
you've offended everyone and everything you've ever met
I'm sorry, i'm an honest guy.
I've said everything you were scared to say
and I've tried everything you were scared to try.
I don't play people like they're some kind of game
and I got balls enough to treat everyone the same
I once told Stevie Wonder to watch his diet,
I put ground pork in Farrakhan's falafel and told him to try it,
I yelled out oj is innocent, but he killed that bitch,
and started a riot
and I gave marion barry a piece of crack and told him to light it.
I once paid a hooker dwarf to go up on me,
I gave Tonya the idea to bust Nancy in the knee,
I got mad at my grandma and knocked out her false teeth
and Sammy Davis once told me he had his eye on me
At times I feel all dirty like I just raped myself.
I'm such an asshole that I can't even respect myself
and I guess that's why I'm all by myself
and when they lock me away in prison for life
I won't even touch myself
I feel like you don't be understanding me,
because I'm not a disciple of your hypochristianity.
Every day when I turn on the TV,
I see Robert Tilton doing his best to convert me.
Or take money from me to build up his so called ministry,
As a christian do you prove your faith financially.
Can poor people go to heaven, if so how about me?
and why haven't I ever seen a TV muslim missionary
I'll be judged on earh by you and then i'll be punished in hell.
For not being mislead and being myself.
Of all my faults I'm well aware and listen,
I can even drop 5% knowledge in your ear.
You say i'm going to hell, it well I'm already here
All these kids today screaming underground, do they know what it means
To make 7 albums, work everyday and go hungry just to chase your dreams
To be #1 in Gavin, CMJ, Impact and BRE
Then have to beg a promoter to open up for Run-D.M.C.
Nah, I don't think so, my sh*t's fat too, so is his
But is there room for all of us in the shady rap biz
Put your 12's out yourself, push it, beg the pd
to play it and chart it, then maybe some kids will hear of you in NYC
Or LA, or college in Tennessee or maybe it'll reach overseas
To Italy and maybe even to the heads in the military
If you're lucky, you're website will get 10 hits a day
and Pizzo will sell your stuff online the way
Even them cats at footwork will rock it or play da record in t dot
Mr Bongo in London or all the HMV's in Oz
But until then keep posting up at Davy D and rhyming over others beats
Until you get the knowledge kid, you won't know what underground means
You ain't underground cause you're white, or just cause you're black
You ain't underground cause you recorded your album on a 4 track
You ain't underground cause your beats are wack, or even if they're fat
You ain't underground simply cause your sh*t is abstract
You ain't underground cause you don't cypher,
you ain't underground cause you do
You ain't underground cause you can freestyle and roll with a tight crew
You ain't underground with no airplay
You ain't underground with MTV play
You ain't underground cause 4 kids bump your sh*t out in
Tampa Bay
You ain't underground cause you don't buy mixtapes
You ain't underground cause you do
You ain't underground cause you own every tape by Touch and Clue
You ain't underground cause you're on the net
You ain't underground when you dub cassettes
You ain't underground cause you buy vinyl to rock on your 1200 set
You ain't underground cause you post lyrics
You ain't underground cause you dis them
You ain't underground cause you hate EPMD or even if you missed them
You ain't underground cause you're unknown
You ain't underground if you're unsigned
You ain't underground cause you analyze lyrics in Company Flow rhymes
You ain't underground cause you like Sugarhill
You ain't underground cause you keep it real
You ain't underground cause you do or do not deal
You ain't underground cause you use big words
You ain't underground if you don't curse
You ain't underground cause you get creative with your adverbs
You ain't underground cause you use metaphors, or if you bore
You ain't underground cause you don't have product in any major stores
You ain't underground, yeah I said it
You ain't underground, don't forget it
You ain't underground because your wack ass CD ain't selling
Battle me, I crush you from the start of the song
I'm ill enough to make you forget your part of the song
How many times i got to say it?
How many times must I remind you?
If you was deaf that's the only way someone would sign you
Okay Mr. Black, step up in here boy
So I can get in that ass,
like lesbians hitting it from the back with strap-on sex toys
You're my b*tch now, shut up and don't make no sound
Pretend this studio's a cypher
and do what you usually do - just stand around
Battling Blackmel is harder than rapping to tracks with no drums
harder than playing Nintendo 64 with no thumbs
You so dumb to step to me
Me lyrically I'm scorching
You look like the result of
an unfinished abortion
Greek style fool, I'll abuse you like a Q
I'll cane you like a Kappa,
kid your coming off wacker than a f**king go go rapper
I need No-Doz, cause you ain't got no flows
In fact you shouldn't even rock it, like Philipinos kicking afros
You see I'm f**king up your optics
Esau I dropped your ass quicker
than parapeligic niggas eating with chopsticks
You thought you had a victory, sh*t I'm about to spoil it
Yeah your album about to drop... down my motherf**king toilet
Okay little man, I'll give you a new emcee name it's Mini-Me
Cause lyrically you ain't half as ill as me,
you ain't even half as tall as me
Jump up on the table and look me in the eyes
Is that your real face or a wack emcee disguise
Ah, whatever man
I'm still the livest you seen in your f**king life
The only person that'll put your sh*t out is your f**king wife
I'm killing it, but at the same time I'm trying to save rap
You make about as much sense as a white boy with a wave cap
Oh, your name is Blackmel? That's kind of funny dun
Cause that's the only way I ever see you making any money son
Why don't you quit rapping while your ahead
I killed your rap career
but I? can get you a job rapping for the Greatful Dead
Here you come f**king the beat up, verbally I tongue-kiss beats
Got me rapping over this bullsh*t, some low-budget Swizz beats
You dropped a single I admit a few headz were rocking it,
only reason because you lied and said you had Tupac on it
I don't care if you wear 4 hearing aids and 3 pair of glasses
you can't comprehend half the things I say when I'm getting in your ass
I got a new name for you it's Blaze,
just like the magazine you copied everyone else's style and said it your ways
Oh, you done f**ked up, this microphone get put in your ass
I'm the cross between a beatdown and a foot in your ass
Them simple ass metaphors like elementary schoolwork
You old school nigga, who is your DJ, Kool Herc?
Now if you listening rewind your sh*t and play this spot again
but mute out Blackmel's part, cause he ain't said sh*t worth keeping
Dub it and play it for all your friends and when they get all hyped,
[ VERSE 1: Esau ]
On the first seven days the Gods created the Heaven and the Earth
But the second chapter of Genesis is contradictory to the first
They created the watery Heaven and Earth, the night and day
They separated Heaven and Earth, created land, then vegetation
After that they created the sun, moon, stars, seas and fish and birds, then animals
And to top it all off let us make man in our image, after our likeness
And let him have dominion over everything that creeps on the Earth
As a ruler he was first
When they were finished they picked a spokesman:
I have given you every plant yielding seed
In every tree put seed in its fruit
You shall have them for food
They didn't say anything about hamburger, hot dogs, lamb chops
Bacon, cheese?, hamhocks, chicken peel or barbeque
Now in the second chapter the Gods made Heaven, then Earth
Then man, then vegetation, a straight contradiction of the first
Yet he was placed in the Garden Even where the first limitation was set
No eating from the tree of knowledge, disobedience means death
Feeling man was lonely they brought forth?, animals and birds
But this didn't satisfy him for he was the first
So from his rib, so the story goes, the Gods brought forth a companion for man
Called her woman, as a couple they were first
Now the serpent knowin truth about the tree
Coaxed the first sin to be committed by Eve
Who in turn coaxed Adam to cover they know the deed
When the Gods seen this they were very displeased
With no execution committed
The first contradiction and the first eviction by sendin the couple east
Now the first couple became the first parents of the first son
Who became the first murderer and the first refugee
Which creates the first question by man
The first person had a part in this first dysfunctional family
Was Mrs. Kane the first daughter of the first person I discussed in the Testament
And who were the people who would hold Kane and Abel for the first dismemeberment
Didn't it seem odd that God had to mark him for safety
And why were there people in the land of? Nile?
If they weren't put there by the Gods
[ CHORUS: The Insidious One ]
From the first to the last days
From the first man to the last man
From the first birth to the first sin
To the first book a lie was written in
To the last page?
[ VERSE 2: Esau ]
After decidin the first stage of their experiment was out of order
The Gods felt apt to commit the first mass murder
But first they needed someone they could trust to ensure their experiment would survive
And so the first mortal to become the God's first lieutenant was chosen named Noah he was
On the first day of the first month of his 601st year
The first ship builder and the first zoo keeper
Solid ground was drowned on February 27th
The emerge of the first cruise ship, with the first ordering
They committed the first extinction by makin the Gods their first offering
After first promising Noah this wouldn't happen again
The Gods put the first rainbow in the sky as their symbol of their word of men
They allow meat to be eaten for the first time
And Noah became the first known to? the soil, the first person to make em drink wine
The world spoke one language, it was the first and only time it was truly united
But the Gods weren't excited
Behold, they are one people, they have one language
This is only the beginning of what they will do
We must swing down, scatter and disunite, confuse their crew
In the land of? there was the first great culture with the first?
They were undertaking a great project in a city and a tower that was magnificient
The city was called Bable or Babylon in English
Because it was here that the Gods' plan came to get a little disrupted and shit
Now the first person instructed to head to Kanaan was a man named Abraham
First mentioned in the Bible as the man Abram
He and his nephew Lot split to Kanaan
When Lot? Sodom? Gomorrha in the valley of the Jordan
Sodom was chosen to be destoyed by the Gods because of its wicked ways
This is the first time in the Bible we have a mention of gays
But Lot lived there so Abraham intervened unsuccessfully
So Lot, his wife and his two daughters all had to flee
As they escaped Sodom Lot lost his wife and his daughters lost their men
Becoming lonely and desperate they committed a unthinkable sin
The daughters got their father drunk, laid down with him one by one
And nine months later they both bore their own father's son
Now Abraham married to his half sister had no sons, at least not until he was 101
Then Sarah, half-sister wife bore him a child, a miracle from the Gods
But they had a test for him to prove his obedience, now this is the part that gets wild
They instructed Abraham to make the first human sacrifice
With his only son Isaac but in reality it's just the first with his wife
Sarah's servant Hagar had bore Abraham a son Ismael
The first adulterous affair mentioned in this twisted holy tale
[ VERSE 3: Esau ]
Now I have taken you through the first half of the first chapter
Of the first holy book and for the first time you see a lot fo the firsts in history
It's up to you and your self-education and your self-discovery
And your self-spirituality to decide the integrity
Of this holy book and others like it
And people around you and the people who preach to you and others about it
Make decisions for yourself don't have them inflicted
By the morals and the values of the secretively wicked
Discover the self truth about yourself, don't have your friends and parents pick it
You'll soon discover that atheists are wrong, preachers and ministers too
Everybody picked certain parts of everything to mold in their truth
Live your life on the Earth based on your morals and your own personal word
Before anyone can judge you you have to judge yourself first
I don't need to come off anti-Christian, anti-religious, I know I'm not the worst
People die everyday because of words and Bible verse
Think about what's forced in your mind by people who censor words