- published: 12 Jun 2017
- views: 573
Riisipere (German: Riesenberg) is a small borough (alevik) in the county of Harju, Estonia, and is the Nissi Parish administrative center. Located on the Ääsmäe-Haapsalu road, its distance from Tallinn is 45 km, from Haapsalu 50 km, Märjamaa 30 km, Rapla 40 km.
Riisipere railway station, the terminus of the Elron Tallinn-Keila-Riisipere line, has been electrified since 1981. Originally the railway continued to Haapsalu, but the Riisipere-Haapsalu section was taken up in 2004.
Apart from the manor, Nissi Church is the main place of interest. The church was built in 1873 and designed by St. Petersburg architect David Grimm.
The composer Raimond Valgre was born in Riispere in 1913.
Riisipere manor (German: Neu-Riesenberg) traces its origins as an estate to 1394. It has been owned by various well-known Baltic German families over the centuries. The present building was erected in 1818-1821 during the ownership of Peter von Stackelberg. The grandiose building is one of the finest examples in Estonia of Neoclassical manor house architecture. The front façade is dominated by a six-column portico with a trunctated ornamental gable and two three-storeyed side projections. The interior displays an enfilade of representative premises, including a cupola hall, unique in Estonia, and a richly decorated hypostyle "white hall", abundant with details in stucco. The manor is set in a park with an artificial lake.
Lühifilm Riisipere mõisast ja mõisapargist
Riisipere mõis haunted manor
Riisipere tee 2
Riisipere Laululaps 2015
Urban Exploration - Manor House (Riisipere, Estonia)
riisipere 40 028.MTS
Riisipere esinemine 1
riisipere 40 016.MTS
Aasta on 2017 ning möödunud juba aastaid viimasest Chasing Paranormal osast. Selle kõige uuema video filmimine toimus 2014 aastal, kuid oleme sellel õhtul toimunut hoidnud saladuskatte all. Nüüd siis otsustasime siiki vaatajateni tuua meie ühe põnevaima ja keerukaima uurimise siiani. Meie esimesed külastused Riisipere mõisas olid alati tulemuslikud ning seda sai ka näha Tondipüüdjate saates TV3's. Siiski aga jäi palju lahtiseid otsi ning otsustasime omapäi mõisat uuesti külastada. Tulemuseks siis ennekuulmatud asitõendid ning äärmiselt paeluv materjal. Video tegemise hetkel oli veel Riisipere mõis mahajäetud, kui viimaste andmete kohaselt (2017 algus) on mõisas käimas juba ehitustöö ning meil on selle üle äärmiselt hea meel. Parima vaatamiskogemuse saamiseks soovitame kasutada kõrvaklap...
Kiirendatud video:Võetud 2 kaadrit sekundis, kokku pandud 30 kaadrit sekundis ehk 15 kordne kiirendus
Some ghost may be seen in some clips called orbs.... i really don't believe this :D or maby i should cry for help NB! At 1:34 - 1:35 u can see a strange light (orb) floating in at the topp of the right and then disappear Track : Blue Foundation - Eyes On Fire (Zeds Dead Remix)
Das Gutshaus von Riisipere liess 1818 Peter Gustav von Stackelberg erbauen. Es diente im 20sten Jahrhundert als Heim für Waisenkinder. Seit 1984 steht es leer. Das verlassene Gebäude gilt noch heute als eines der herausragendsten klassizistischen Bauwerke in Estland. (Der nebenan wohnende etwas schrullige aber sehr nette Besitzer schliesst Interessierten das Haus gerne auf) Video: navik.de Audio: Eschberg
10. Lake District, England, the shores of Styhead tarn 9. Dulyn Bothy, North Wales 8. Brecon Beacons: by the Clun Gwyn waterfalls near Ystradfellte 7. Saintes Maries-de-la-Mer in the Camargue, France 6. Abandoned Russian missile base Piirsalu, Estonia 5. the beaches of he beaches of Irakli and Karadere in Greece 4. Abandoned Saint George's church, Luková village, Czech Republic 3. Arctic Circle (just north of) Norway 2. Abandoned Hospital Complex of Beelitz-Heilstätten in Germany 1. Empty Manor House, Riisipere Manor, Estonia
This is a hundred years old manor of the late baron Ernst Johann von Fircks in city Jurmala, Latvia. For the past 50 or more years it was an orphanage, but for the last 10 or so it has been abandoned. It has been rumored that this great old monument is going to be demolished, so I made a video of it (just in case). P.S Sorry no sound. You can see the front view of the manor here: http://www.jurmala.lv/upload/turisms/apskates_objekti/majoru-muiza-a.jpg
Muusikakohvikus musitseerisid Sander Roosimägi ja Harry Säär Raimond Valgre - Muinaslugu muusikas Nissi Valla Kultuurikeskuse Riisipere kultuurimajas 15.05.2016 Film: OÜ Meenutus
Il resoconto di un mese passato in Estonia grazie al progetto Erasmus. Ringrazio coloro che hanno vissuto questa esperienza con me e che hanno contribuito a renderla indimenticabile. Sorry Bon Jovi, we didn't know the lyrics :D Music: Klingande - Jubel (Original Mix)
Saaremaa vlog! Midagi uut minu poolt. Kuidas meeldib? Filmitud Canon Legria Mini'ga. Broneeri puhkus Kase Puhkekülas siin: http://www.kasepuhkekyla.ee Muusika: https://www.youtube.com/user/NoCopyrightSounds Jälgi mind sotsiaalmeedias/FOLLOW ME : Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/riinreitmann Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/riinulife/ My blog: http://riinulife.blogspot.com Snapchat: riinre xoxo!
Excursion dans les environs de Tallinn en Estonie, le cimetière, la plage sur la mer Baltique, les ruines du monastère St Birgit à Piriia. Tour around Tallinn in Estonia, the cemetery, the beach on the Baltic Sea, the ruins of the monastery at St Birgit Piriia. www.marcopoloimaginaire.com
fire is the color of my true love's hair
near to the father sits his golden chair
by prayer and petition to the king on his left
light is the burden that i bear
o so enchanting are these
lovely chains that bind you
'neath their deadly weight
the lord's eye did find you
with fear and tremblin'
before the one with your wounds
your eyes as empty as my savior tomb
warm is the breath of his holy spirit
he who has ears to hear let 'm hear it
torn were the hands of the worthy lamb
may you know his name and fear it
there you are hangin' by the golden rope
there you lie no hope