Equinox is a 1970 American horror film. Originally made in 1967 under the title The Equinox... A Journey into the Supernatural it was directed by Dennis Muren, and stars Edward Connell as Dave, Barbara Hewitt as Susan Turner, Frank Bonner as Jim Hudson and award-winning science fiction/horror writer Fritz Leiber as geologist Dr Arthur Waterman. Special effect were provided by Jim Danforth who later worked on Flesh Gordon, in which he animated a giant monster similar to the ones in Equinox.
The plot revolves around four young friends who head into the woods to look for the lost scientist Dr. Arthur Watermann. The friends picnic and also glimpse a mysterious castle in the woods, as well as finding that Dr Watermann's cabin seems to have been destroyed. A forest ranger watches over the teenagers, who in reality is Asmodeus. When the group stumble upon an ancient book filled with magical lore and symbols - it is presented to them by a cackling old man who they encounter in a cave - Asmodeus sends a variety of monsters (primarily a giant ape-like creature with cloven hoofs, and a giant green-skinned fur-clad creature) to retrieve the book from them at all costs. The ape-like creature kills the old cave-dwelling man. The castle seems to have disappeared, however the friends discover this is due to a force-field or cloak of invisibility; at times in the story they venture to pass this barrier of invisibility.
Creature Features The Al Omega Show Equinox 1970
Equinox (1970, Theatrical Trailer)
Equinox 1970) trailer
Cinema Apocalypse: Equinox (1970) Requested by NihilistSlacker
Equinox (1970) Movie Review
Equinox (1970)
Equinox 1970
Equinox (1970) critica de James Wallestein
El-P - How To Serve Man (The Meanest Things I'd Never Say) & Equinox (1970)
Hidden Gems - Episode 1 - Equinox
Jean Michel Jarre - Equinoxe (Full album)
Equinoxe 4 - Jean Michel Jarre
Autumn Equinox, Harvest Home, Michaelmas, Feast of Mabon ap Modron
Superheroes have needs, too! When up-and-coming superhero Equinox discovers his predisposition for dating his sworn enemy - the hot, sexy villain known only as Sindra - it is up to his pals at Hero, Inc. to keep him on the straight-and-narrow.
A documentary that looks at a diverse group of people who play the online game "The Stone". What is "The Stone" and what is it about it that draws these people to play it? How has "The Stone" gone beyond its original internet origins to become something even more? Is time really the answer? Does Madcap truly believe the mothership is coming? The documentary answers many questions and raises many more. It provides a fascinating study as to why a group of wildly different people play the same online game and how they have taken that game into the real world to form strong connections amongst each other that can be truly life-changing.
Creature Features The Al Omega Show Equinox 1970
Equinox (1970, Theatrical Trailer)
Equinox 1970) trailer
Cinema Apocalypse: Equinox (1970) Requested by NihilistSlacker
Equinox (1970) Movie Review
Equinox (1970)
Equinox 1970
Equinox (1970) critica de James Wallestein
El-P - How To Serve Man (The Meanest Things I'd Never Say) & Equinox (1970)
Hidden Gems - Episode 1 - Equinox
Jean Michel Jarre - Equinoxe (Full album)
Equinoxe 4 - Jean Michel Jarre
Autumn Equinox, Harvest Home, Michaelmas, Feast of Mabon ap Modron
Equinox (Play-Along)
Autumnal Equinox (Narsilion)
This Saturday, July 26th - THE UNDERDOGS @ Equinox
John Coltrane - Equinox
Jon Hassell - Vernal Equinox
NEW SHOW ADDED! The UNDERDOGS - Saturday, July 26th at Equinox
Narada Equinox Sample two - Ballad
Narada Equinox Sample two - Safe Harbor
Narada Equinox Sample two - Americana
Narada equinox Sample two- Saint Tropez
Narada equinox Sample two - Even Love
Narada equinox Sample two- Reclining Civilization
Narada equinox Sample two - My blue star
Narada equinox Sample two- Compañero
Narada equinox Sample two - Fun tango
Narada equinox Sample two - Doctor D
EQUINOX - GOA DREAM MiX 2013 ~~d(♡◡♡)b~~
"EQUINOX 2014" (Progressive PsyTrance)
ritmo - special set for equinox experience
Nev Teaches: How to Play Skrillex - First of the Year (Equinox) Launchpad Tutorial
BTS 6/14/2014 - Cherry Mobile Razor 2.0, Equinox Night, Starmobile Quest, Cloudfone Excite 502q, ...
Skrillex - First Of The Year (Equinox) 5h Ultimate Version HD!
Skrillex - First Of The Year (Equinox) - 1 hour version
Skrillex - First Of The Year (Equinox) - 1 hour version (hq-320kbps)
Equinox. A Very British Bomb
Skrillex - First Of The Year (Equinox) 5h Ultimate Version!
Fall Equinox 2014 Hangout - The Resonance Academy, Unified Physics, and the Delegate Level 1 Program
"EQUINOX 2013" (Progressive PsyTrance Spring Live Set)
Equinox - Psychopath [Full Version]
January 2013 Celebrity Equinox Ultimate Caribbean Cruise
Hearthstone Equinox Get it Hot.wmv
Equinox (snes) Speedrun any% 2:15:40 (8/17/2013)
Ultimate Caribbean Cruise Celebrity Equinox 03 13 2014
Equinox - "Auf Wiedersehen" (Full Album)
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