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Magyar Kupa, döntő Újpest FC - Diósgyőri VTK 1-1 (1-0, 1-1, 1-1) 11-esekkel: 4-3 Gólszerző: Litauszki (1-0) a 6., Bacsa (1-1) a 90+1. percben.
2014.10.29. Magyar Kupa nyolcaddöntő Budapest Honvéd - Ferencváros 0-0 - 11-esekkel: 1-3 összefoglaló Honvéd és a Ferencváros 120 percen keresztül gyűrte egymást a Bozsik-stadionban, de gólt egyik csapat sem tudott szerezni. A hazaiak kispadján első alkalommal foglalt helyet Csábi József, akinek csapata több helyzetet dolgozott ki a Fradinál, de Dibusz Dénes eszén senki sem tudott túljárni. A továbbjutás itt is tizenegyesekkel dőlt el, Honvéd-részről csak Portilla értékesítette büntetőjét, míg a Fradiból Gera, Csukics és Nagy Dominik is betalált, így a zöld-fehérek örülhettek a végén. A Magyar Kupa nyolcaddöntője után tehát alaposan megcsappant az NB I-es csapatok száma, a legjobb nyolc közé csak négyen kerültek be az OTP Bank Ligából (a Videoton FC még kedden biztosította helyét a negyeddöntőben). A negyeddöntő sorsolását november 9-én, vasárnap este tartják a Sport TV Harmadik Félidő című műsorában. Magyar Kupa nyolcaddöntő, eredmények: FC Ajka - Újpest FC 1-1 - 11-esekkel: 3-5 G.: Asztalos 90. ill. Stanisavljevic 53. Kisvárda - Vác FC 4-0 G.: Milovac 46., 76., Hegedüs 72. – 11-esből, Bouard 87. PMFC-Matias - DVSC-Teva 1-0 G.: Romic 64. Szolnoki MÁV – MTK Budapest 2–1 G.: Nagy I. 64. (11-esből), Rokszin 72., ill. Pölöskei Zs. 28. Budapest Honvéd - Ferencváros 0-0 - 11-esekkel: 1-3 Gyirmót - Győri ETO 2-0 G.: Madarász 35., Beliczky 88. Csákvár-Békéscsaba 2-1 (0-1) G.: Gajdos 58., Molnár 73., ill. Birtalan 45.
Ha szereted a magyar focit, katt a Grundblogra: Magyar Kupa-döntő - 2014/05/25 Újpest FC--Diósgyőri VTK 1--1 (1--0, 1--1, ...
Összefoglaló a Diósgyőr szurkolók budapesti túrájából. Zene: Bíborszél - Miskolc.
FTC Rail Cargo Hungaria vs Győri Audi ETO KC Török Bódog Magyar Kupa Döntő 2015.03.29. - Audi Arena Győr Török Bódog Magyar Kupa Döntő 2015 Audi Aréna Győr Török Bódog Magyar Kupa Döntő 2015 Audi Aréna Győr Török Bódog Magyar Kupa Döntő 2015 Audi Aréna Győr Török Bódog Magyar Kupa Döntő 2015 Audi Aréna Győr Győri Audi ETO KC FTC Rail Cargo Hungaria Döntő Győri Audi ETO KC FTC Rail Cargo Hungaria Döntő Győri Audi ETO KC FTC Rail Cargo Hungaria Döntő Győri Audi ETO KC FTC Rail Cargo Hungaria Döntő ETO Fradi Magyar Kupa Döntő 2015 női kézilabda ETO Fradi Magyar Kupa Döntő 2015 női kézilabda ETO Fradi Magyar Kupa Döntő 2015 női kézilabda ETO Fradi Magyar Kupa Döntő 2015 női kézilabda Gyor Györ Győr Gyori ETO Györi ETO Győri ETO Gyor Györ Győr Gyori ETO Györi ETO Győri ETO Gyor Györ Győr Gyori ETO Györi ETO Győri ETO Gyor Györ Győr Gyori ETO Györi ETO Győri ETO Felvezetés Teljes mérkőzés Interjúk Díjátadás Felvezetés Teljes mérkőzés Interjúk Díjátadás Felvezetés Teljes mérkőzés Interjúk Díjátadás Felvezetés Teljes mérkőzés Interjúk Díjátadás Full match Interviews Ceremony Full match Interviews Ceremony Full match Interviews Ceremony Full match Interviews Ceremony HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p HD 720p 2015 03 29 2015/03/29 2015.03.29. 2015 03 29 2015/03/29 2015.03.29. 2015 03 29 2015/03/29 2015.03.29. 2015 03 29 2015/03/29 2015.03.29. 29 03 2015 29 03 2015 29 03 2015 29 03 2015 29 03 2015 29 03 2015 29 03 2015 29 03 2015 29 03 2015 29 03 2015 29 03 2015 29 03 2015 29 03 2015 29 03 2015 29 03 2015 29 03 2015
2014.10.06. Magyar Kupa, sorsolás A kupasorozat 4. fordulójának sorsolását az MLSZ Kánai úti székházában rendezik, október 6-án, 10 órakor. A 3. forduló után kialakult a Magyar Kupa nyolcaddöntőjének 16-os mezőnye. A 4. forduló párosítását október 6-án, hétfőn 10 órától készítik el, az esemény rangjára való tekintettel az MLSZ TV élőben közvetíti a sorsolást. A nyolcaddöntőben is egy mérkőzésen dől el a továbbjutás, a párharcokban az alacsonyabb osztályú csapatok lesznek a pályaválasztók. A Magyar Kupa 16 csapata: Győri ETO FC PMFC-Matias Budapest Honvéd Videoton FC DVTK Ferencváros DVSC-Teva MTK Budapest Újpest FC Csákvár FC Ajka Békéscsaba Gyirmót FC Szolnoki MÁV-Stadler Rail Vác FC KisvárdaA kupasorozat 4. fordulójának sorsolását az MLSZ Kánai úti székházában rendezik, október 6-án, 10 órakor. A 3. forduló után kialakult a Magyar Kupa nyolcaddöntőjének 16-os mezőnye. A 4. forduló párosítását október 6-án, hétfőn 10 órától készítik el, az esemény rangjára való tekintettel az MLSZ TV élőben közvetíti a sorsolást. A nyolcaddöntőben is egy mérkőzésen dől el a továbbjutás, a párharcokban az alacsonyabb osztályú csapatok lesznek a pályaválasztók. A Magyar Kupa 16 csapata: Győri ETO FC PMFC-Matias Budapest Honvéd Videoton FC DVTK Ferencváros DVSC-Teva MTK Budapest Újpest FC Csákvár FC Ajka Békéscsaba Gyirmót FC Szolnoki MÁV-Stadler Rail Vác FC Kisvárda
Az IFBB verseny hivatalos része. Az indulók doppingnyilatkozatot írnak alá. Mindenkitől elnézést kérek, akik nem kerültek rá a filmre. Technikai okok miatt n...
2014.09.24. Kisvárda - Nyíregyháza Spartacus MK mérkőzés összefoglalója.
Újpest - DVTK Magyar Kupa döntő 2014.05.25.
DVSC - Ftc 1-2 2003 Magyar Kupa Döntő.
DVSC - Győr magyar kupa döntő 2013.
Magyar Kupa 4. forduló Videoton FC - Diósgyőri VTK 2-1 (1-0) Gólszerző: Debreceni (1-0, öngól) a 22., Griffiths (1-1) a 64., Nikolics (2-1) a 86. percben.
ÚJPEST-Diósgyőr Magyar Kupa döntő vonulás a Hősök teréről a stadionhoz...
2014.10.28 Magyar Kupa Videoton FC - DVTK 2-1 (1-0) összefoglaló Vezette: Iványi Zoltán Gólszerző: Debreceni (öngól) a 22., Nikolics a 86., ill. Griffiths a 64. percben A Magyar Kupa 4. fordulójának keddi összecsapásán a Videoton FC egy hajrágóllal győzte le 2-1-re a DVTK-t. A Magyar Kupa nyolcaddöntőjének keddi rangadójának első húsz percében aktívabb volt ugyan a Vidi, több kecsegtető akciót is vezetett, de komolyabb mezőnyfölényt nem tudott kiharcolni. A fehérváriak a 22. percben megszerezték a vezetést, Nikolics Nemanja tette a kapu elé a labdát, amely a menteni igyekvő Debreceni Andrásról pattant a hálóba, öngól (1-0). A fordulás után is a hazaiak alakították ki a nagyobb lehetőségeket, a 64. percben mégis a DVTK szerzett gólt, Gosztonyi András lövését követően Calatayud kapusról kijött a labda, Griffiths pedig 5 méterről az üres kapuba továbbított (1-1). A 86. percben megszületett a fehérváriak továbbjutást érő találata, Arturo Alvarez indult meg a kapu felé, majd hozta kihagyhatatlan helyzetbe Nikolicsot, aki 5 méterről passzolt a hálóba (2-1). A fehérváriak ezzel elsőként jutottak be a legjobb nyolc közé a kupában, szerdán további hét csapat követheti a példáját.
Újpest - DVTK Magyar Kupa döntő 2014.05.25.
XI. Ujjerő Boulder Verseny - Magyar Kupa
2002. Győr Magyar Kupa Döntő Újpest v Haladás 2-1.
Aki ott volt, soha nem felejti el a Magyar Kupa döntőjét. Csak egy hajszálon múlt a győzelem, a hangulat pedig kiváló volt Learn about the local, organic ingredients from Kupa'a Farms used by Maui Executive Catering at the Haiku Mill and other event venues. Watch as Chef Jeff Scheer and his staff give a wedding couple and their guests one of the best dining experiences of their lives!
Tobelo, the principal town of N. Halmahera Island in Indonesia can be reached by sea or air and offers a great selection of tourist activities. There's land ...
Yalova Doğanspor.
AMRAP 5': 5 Power Clean/30kg 7 Burpee 9 Squat 4 kör+5Power Clean+2Burpee.
Szardínián jártunk, illetve hajóztunk a Maddalena-szigetek környékén, amikor szembe hozott a jó sorsunk a "Maxi Yacht Rolex Kupa" vitorlás csodáival...íme operatőr:Sz.Ildikó.
Dino Hunter Deadly Shores Gameplay Walkthrough video for iPhone/iPad/Android universal HD. For FAQs and help guides, visit our site Embark on the hunting expedition of a lifetime in pursuit of the ultimate game in Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores! Most dismiss the stories as fairy tales -- fanciful sagas spread by fisherman as they traveled from port to port. They speak of a hidden, untouched island with amazing creatures long thought extinct. Now, having searched dead-end leads high and low for information about this hidden land you have finally found someone who can take you there... HUNT DINOSAURS! Travel throughout the lost island to hunt some of the most terrifying animals in history. Encounter everything from the docile stegosaurus to the frightening T-Rex. VISIT EXOTIC LOCATIONS! Hunt through unbelievable environments like the shipwreck-strewn coast, overgrown jungle and dinosaur bone-yard! EQUIP POWERFUL WEAPONS! Load up on firepower with destructive weapons like the rocket launcher and shuriken crossbow. You need a bit more power to take down these beasts! UNIQUE CHALLENGE SERIES! Progress through different hunting series for rifles, shotguns and assault rifles! Complete them all for even greater rewards! AMAZING GRAPHICS! Experience some of the best graphics mobile has to offer. Dynamic shadows, hi-res textures and realistic models all combine to make this one of the most beautiful hunting games on your mobile device! NOTE: The iPod Touch 4th Gen is not supported -------------------------------------------- Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores is free to play, but you can choose to pay real money for some extra items, which will charge your iTunes account. You can disable in-app purchasing by adjusting your device settings.
Department of Sports and Cultural Centre on behalf of the district administration have launched a two -day celebration for the Modhera Dance Festival 2014 wi...
Najava rukometne utakmice četvrtine finala kupa Republike Hrvatske
Wedding Presentation ชิ้นนี้ไม่ได้ทำขึ้นเพื่อการค้าใดๆทั้งสิ้นครับ ขอบคุณภาพประกอบสวยๆ และเพลงเพราะๆจาก Youtube BANGKOK - DUSK TO DAWN - TIMELAPSE Sri panwa Phuket _ Aerial Cinema Highlight Los Angeles, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions [CAL Charter Flight] China Airlines B737-800 B-18606 NIGHT TAKE-OFF NOTO Airport 能登空港 2013.5.15 Travel Guide_ Los Angeles, California Los Angeles Lakers Top 10 Plays Of The 2013-2014 Season LA Dodgers vs Fla Marlins with Friday Night Fireworks 27 May 2011 Bangkok New Year Eve Celebration 2014, Fireworks @ Central World Plaza, Bangkok, Thailand (RAGE MIX) DJ BL3ND New Year's Eve 2010-2011 Countdown in Times Square Driving through Phoenix, Arizona - GoPro HD Hero2 A380 Landing at LAX (Sydney to Los Angeles) Thai Airways Boeing 777-35R Landing at Brussels Airport _ HS-TKJ [ATC] Tempe Campus Tour - Barrett, the Honors College at Arizona State University Welcome to Grand Canyon University! Romantic Music, Piano แดนสวรรค์รออยู่ Inspiring Emotional Pop_Indie Guitar Instrumental Beat _Run Away_ _NEW_ _2014_ Cinema 4D Sound effect _Feeling Happy_ ไม่ธรรมดา - เบลสุพล
Ditët e ardhshme pritet të nisë Kupa e Botës 2014. Statuja e Krishtit në Rio de Janeiro është objekti më i njohur, identifikues për vendin, dhe natën e mbrëm...
Major source of river Cetina, halfway between Knin and Sinj, Croatia. An abyss, more than a hundred meters deep, delivers ice-cold fresh water, it reminded me of river Kupa source. Once a paradise now lay in ruins, little has changed in last 20 years.
May 7 was a rainy and overcast day in Krakow. My expert guide Monica first took me on a tour of the Krakow Ghetto, where from March 1941 about 15,000 Jewish residents were crammed into a small area of 320 buildings that used to be inhabited by only 3,000 people. The ghetto was liquidated by the Nazis between May 1942 and March 1943, when most of the inhabitants were deported to the Plaszow Labour Camp and to Auschwitz. The second stop on our walking tour on May 7, 2012 was the Schindler Factory, owned by the iconic entrepreneur Oscar Schindler who saved over 1,100 Jewish lives in his enamelware and ammunition factory during WWII. Since 2010 the factory has been turned into a museum that documents the Nazi occupation of Krakow with photos, movies, authentic artifacts and multimedia experiences. It's an amazing museum where I could have spent many hours, studying original photos and objects. The we crossed the bridge over into Kazimierz, Krakow's historic Jewish quarter. We visited the Old Synagogue, the Remuth Synagogue and its cemetery as well as the Temple, Krakow's lavishly ornamented Reform synagogue. Kazimierz also has a Christian part and in my walking tour with my expert guide Monica we visited three important Roman Catholic Churches: the Gothic Corpus Christi Church, St. Catherine's Church (also Gothic), and the lavish Baroque Church on the Rock, Poland's second holiest sanctuary. We also visited the Market Square of Kazimierz which now holds an ethnographical museum. At the end of our walking tour we crossed the entire Old Town of Krakow and headed north of the St. Florian's Gate to a local outdoor market where everything was on sale: fruits, vegetables, meat, clothing, household goods and much more. Shopping locally on the markets is still an important tradition in Poland. I was particularly fascinated by the country cheeses that are made in decorated moulds. They looked delicious... Finally, in the late afternoon, I took a tram and a local bus to the Benedictine Abbey of Tyniec which is located on a steep limestone outcropping on the right bank of the Vistula outside of Krakow. The monastery was founded in 1044 AD and is one of the oldest in Poland. Normally, there is a wonderful view from the abbey over the surrounding countryside, but not on this day due to the rainy weather.
May 7 was a rainy and overcast day in Krakow. My expert guide Monica first took me on a tour of the Krakow Ghetto, where from March 1941 about 15,000 Jewish residents were crammed into a small area of 320 buildings that used to be inhabited by only 3,000 people. The ghetto was liquidated by the Nazis between May 1942 and March 1943, when most of the inhabitants were deported to the Plaszow Labour Camp and to Auschwitz. The second stop on our walking tour on May 7, 2012 was the Schindler Factory, owned by the iconic entrepreneur Oscar Schindler who saved over 1,100 Jewish lives in his enamelware and ammunition factory during WWII. Since 2010 the factory has been turned into a museum that documents the Nazi occupation of Krakow with photos, movies, authentic artifacts and multimedia experiences. It's an amazing museum where I could have spent many hours, studying original photos and objects. The we crossed the bridge over into Kazimierz, Krakow's historic Jewish quarter. We visited the Old Synagogue, the Remuth Synagogue and its cemetery as well as the Temple, Krakow's lavishly ornamented Reform synagogue. Kazimierz also has a Christian part and in my walking tour with my expert guide Monica we visited three important Roman Catholic Churches: the Gothic Corpus Christi Church, St. Catherine's Church (also Gothic), and the lavish Baroque Church on the Rock, Poland's second holiest sanctuary. We also visited the Market Square of Kazimierz which now holds an ethnographical museum. At the end of our walking tour we crossed the entire Old Town of Krakow and headed north of the St. Florian's Gate to a local outdoor market where everything was on sale: fruits, vegetables, meat, clothing, household goods and much more. Shopping locally on the markets is still an important tradition in Poland. I was particularly fascinated by the country cheeses that are made in decorated moulds. They looked delicious... Finally, in the late afternoon, I took a tram and a local bus to the Benedictine Abbey of Tyniec which is located on a steep limestone outcropping on the right bank of the Vistula outside of Krakow. The monastery was founded in 1044 AD and is one of the oldest in Poland. Normally, there is a wonderful view from the abbey over the surrounding countryside, but not on this day due to the rainy weather.
Это видео снято из окна метро, в момент путешествия в Малайзию для моего блога "Live around the world". Метро Куала-Лумпур. Music: Helios - Bless this Mornin...
The oldest and one of the best golf courses in Croatia can be found southwest of Zagreb, near the town of Karlovac. Its 18 holes stretch over 8 kilometers an...
The rivers Kupa and Petrinjčica near Petrinja rose to high levels between 13 and 18th of february 2014. Sandbags and pumps were use by the firebrigade in att...
yuru beee turkiyem kim tutar seni kupa bizim.
Having grown up in Austria, I had never made it to the Czech Republic, one of our neighbouring countries. Prague, in particular, had interested me for a long...
Vote at: uk Eurovision 2011 - UK esc 2011.
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Aisyah Tajuddin's 1.55 ... [Kupas]" - or: "Hudud: A Rice Bowl Issue" ... What should we do with this sort of person?" ... -->.
The Independent 2015-04-01The Kathmandu University Professors' Association (KUPA) extended its support to the hunger strike ...
The Himalayan 2015-03-25In the 45 years Miles Kupa worked as an Australian diplomat, there's one case he cannot shake: ... Kupa, ...
Stars and Stripes 2015-03-08In the 45 years Miles Kupa worked as an Australian diplomat, there's one case he cannot shake: ... Kupa, ...
Fox News 2015-03-07... company has developed an orchard in 73 bighas in Sherpa colony, near the project, and Kupa village.
The Siasat Daily 2015-02-15... buy land but company developed an orchard in 73 bighas of land in Sherpa colony and Kupa village.
The Times of India 2015-02-15More coverage. SEE IT: ... ' " ... Kelsey Gray 7, Garrett Mahon 4, Ryan McMahon 4, Jordan Johnson 5, Dylan Yerkes 9, Justin Kupa 4.
Philadelphia Daily News 2015-02-13Justin Kupa (10 points) was the lone scorer in double figures in Lenape's 51-46 upset victory over visiting No ... Nonleague.
Philadelphia Daily News 2015-01-07Josh Gilmore 3, Jordan Johnson 3, Justin Kupa 3, Garrett Mahon 5, Ryan McMahon 6, Kyle Mulroy 3, Dan ...
Philadelphia Daily News 2015-01-04Josh Gilmore 3, Jordan Johnson 3, Justin Kupa 3, Garrett Mahon 5, Ryan McMahon 6, Kyle Mulroy 3, Dan ...
Philadelphia Daily News 2015-01-03Josh Gilmore 3, Jordan Johnson 3, Justin Kupa 3, Garrett Mahon 5, Ryan McMahon 6, Kyle Mulroy 3, Dan ...
Philadelphia Daily News 2015-01-03You’ve seen our end of year list ... GMT ... Darren Hayman & Emma Kupa - Boy, Look at What You Can’t Have Now ... ).
The Guardian 2014-12-16Virgo, comprised of veteran’s move Aldrin Chan, Choy Dalauta and Richard "Larawang Kupas" Echalico ...
Sun Star 2014-12-14The Kupa (Croatian) or Kolpa (Slovene) river, known in Roman times as Colapis (Latin), forms a natural border between north-west Croatia and southeast Slovenia. It is 297 kilometres (185 mi) long, with its border part having a length of 118 km (73 mi) and the rest located in Croatia.
The Kupa originates in Croatia in the mountainous region of Gorski kotar, northeast of Rijeka, in the area of Risnjak National Park. It flows a few kilometers eastwards, receives the small river Čabranka from the left, before reaching the Slovenian border.
It then continues eastwards, receives influx from the river Lahinja from the left in Primostek, passes Vrbovsko, and eventually detaches from the Slovenian border in Metlika. It then reaches the city of Karlovac, where it receives influx from two other rivers from the right, Dobra and Korana (which in turn is joined by Mrežnica).
It continues flowing to the east, where it merges with Glina from the right as well as Odra from the left, and proceeds to the city of Sisak where it flows into the Sava.