- published: 01 Nov 2010
- views: 5363
A step-through frame (aka open frame or low-step frame) is a type of bicycle frame, often used for utility bicycles, with a low or absent top tube or cross-bar.
Traditionally, bicycles with a step-through frame were known as "Ladies'", "Women's", or "Girls'", mainly for their advantage to riders wearing skirts or dresses. Bicycles with a high top tube (cross-bar), known as a diamond frame, were known as "Men's", "Gents'", or "Boys'". As a result of changing clothing styles since the late 20th century, descriptions that describe the frame style, rather than the presumed sex of the rider, are becoming increasingly common.
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نقترح عليكم على قناة دعاء طريقة تحضير سندويشات التاكوس لديدة وسهلة في التحضير لمعاينة مقادير وطريقة الوصفة باللغة العربية الفصحى يكفي النقر على الرابط اسفله http://www.dou3ae.com/2017/02/tacos-mixte.html مقادير العجين 500غ من الدقيق الابيض المنخول مايعادل 3اكواب وربع 2 ملاعق كبيرة من الزبدة بحرارة المطبخ ملح تم ملعقة كبيرة من الخميرة الخاصة بالخبز ملعقة كبيرة من السكر علبة زبادي من وزن 110غ والحليب السائل لجمع العجين كمية هدا الاخير تبقى على حسب نوعية الدقيق قناة دعاء قناة تحتوي على وصفات مطبخية متنوعة ناجحة من أول تجربة وكدلك نصائح وأفكار وتدابير منزلية ووصفات تجميلية بسيطة نتمنى ان تنال رضاكم واستحسانكم شكرا لتواصلكم وتشجيعاتكم الدائمة بارك الله فيكم وجزاكم المولى خير الجزاء رابط صفحتى على الفيسبوك https://www.facebook.com/%D9%85%D9%88%D9%82%D8%B9-%D8%AF%D8%B9%D8%A7%D8%A1-337852549...
⚡️L'exigence professionnelle et le génie musical au service de votre mariage.⚡️ ✴️ INSTAGRAM ✴️ Dj Farid Officiel https://www.instagram.com/djfarid/ 💛 SNAPCHAT 💛 Djfarid75 https://www.snapchat.com/add/djfarid75 ☎️ Contact- Booking ☎️ 00336. ☎️ 🌟 ALWAYS IN THE PLACE TO BE 🌟 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVtwaitFM24
DJ Talitus tres tres fort
Album: "Sahra" (1997). All copyrights belong to their rightful owners. Disclaimer: This video is not intended for copyright infringement. The audio content does not belong to me I do not profit from this video, I do not own copyright of the photos are from the internet. This is purely for fun.
negafa : Kaouthar Lammari DJ FARID www.facebook.com/prettyweddingstories www.instagram.com/prett_wedding_stories snapchat : Christaeevenell
Coucou les copines, on se retrouve pour un QUI DE NOUS DEUX spécial couple mixte, j'espère que la vidéo vous plaira ;) Abonne toi juste ici : http://bit.ly/2h8lER7 *** ***Mon make up *** *** Les yeux: http://bit.ly/2vZOk52 Le teint(310): http://bit.ly/2f1r0NL Mon mascara chouchou: http://bit.ly/2tTkKBy La robe que je porte : http://bit.ly/2mI3OJ4 ***Mes bon plans et parrainage*** *35 e de réduction sur ta réservation AIRBNB ici: http://bit.ly/2h8OuEV ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Blog : http://www.saraadjaoud.com/ Facebook Twitter Instagram : @saraadjaoud Snapchat : Saraadjaoud Contact professionnel : contact@saraadjaoud.com
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BOOKING christaevenell@gmail.com www.facebook.com/prettyweddingstories www.facebook.com/christaevenell https://www.mariages.net/photo-mariage/christa-evenell-amazone-studio--e92982 Photographe : Christa Evenell Vidéaste : Christa Evenell post prod : christa evenell Vidéaste : Antony Salle : châteaux de Venise Animation : Dj adil Negafa : Negafa Yasmine Coiffure : Hanane Maquillage : Elissar Make up Candy bar : Candy Jade Dakka Marrakchia : karim Elbahja
Explication d'un échange de badminton en mixte
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Diporama couples mixte
Dans cette vidéo je teste un fusil mixte BRNO modèle 502.3 avec plusieurs types de balles et de cartouches : - Sellier et bellots 7x65R - Balle flèche sauvestre - Balle sous calibrées GUALBO 28g - Solognac 7.5 en 32g - Solognac 6 en 36g Quelques explications en fin de vidéo... A bientôt
(Wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga
wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga
wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga rhyming kills a raw beat...
Wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga
rhyming kills a raw beat...
Wack nigga rhyming kills a raw beat...
Wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga
rhyming kills a raw beat...)
Very special...
(Wack nigga rhyming kills a raw beat...)
May I help you?
You need some new shit, I'm here to bless you
Got a style all my own, I'm nothing like the next crew
Good afternoon, now after me there will be none
No continue, no part two
For would be contenders easily saw through
Your value over there now how dare you
Attempt to even act or appear to
Service amplifiers with no fire
Quite frankly I'm offended at how you professed your perfection
But never meant to go on, now peoples let's address it
Exactly how many times you buy an album
That leaves you even somewhat pleased, far too seldom
Thank you, hey yo welcome, I'm just a real deal's fan
I keep no feelings inside, that's how I ride, you know who I am
Distinctly, Mike Zoot, in the no-name suit
And the boots, classic butter, ever item under 50-loot
My fashion statement is basement
Brooklyn night crew with the lyrics you get laced with
A tasteless displays, un-cool, I just can't see them used
Ain't got no soul in there, no technique, no flair
I sabatoge your whole savoir-faire, as we go there
Let's take you to the air, get this whole thing clear
Til one rhyme reappear
I be the winner by unanimous decision on the system
A sound boy killum
I'm the good scientist turned evil villain, just chillin'
If it sound good in the flow it'll start illing
With the service and the lyrics, yo...
(Wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga
rhyming kills a raw beat...)
Straight service, cause uh...
(Wack nigga rhyming kills a raw beat...
Wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga
rhyming kills a raw beat...
Wack nigga rhyming kills a raw beat...)
Like for example
The other night around twelve thirty, or done
It was me and son, playing Tekken part one on Sony Playstation
We doing the all night bid up in the crib
I whooping his ass with this Bruce Lee looking kid
I'm using patterns and codes, catching high-tech rep
On tournament mode, damn near broke son's neck
Then he hit the reset, but fuck those, it was time for that underground
So I turned off the Sony and turned up the sounds
And now I don't recall the DJ, but none the less I'm checking it
Cause the last time I listened yo he played my favorite record
If the beats and rhymes is hectic god respect it
But nothing else can be accepted in my hip hop
Suddenly, my jaw dropped
From two bars of a bassline, then some more scratching
Followed by guitars some pianos, oooh that's banging
I had to say to myself, then I said out loud
Simply because it was the bomb I took the tape off pause
Quickly came the hi-hat on the snare, well mixed
Build up all in the background, 8-oh-8 kicks
All falling on place with the near perfect timing
Then before I know it some stupid nigga start rhyming
So I'm listening, trying to ignore the style he's stealing
Fake bob my head, I can't lie, I can't feel him
Must this happen every time, what's the dealin?
Appealing to the mass, rapper's ass all revealing can't last
So please repause that grass, it's fuckin' up my vibes
And my tape deck, the speakers, as well as the cassette
My accent, on access so hear this well
Ain't no dis, ain't no beef, ain't no gas, ain't no gel
It's just the beat was kinda stink, but the rhymes I couldn't smell
For bigger nose, and I was diggin those too, til the rhyming on the song
Now get rid of those, you rap real wrong
So now I'm forced to turn you off and turn the Tekken back on
(Wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga
rhyming kills a raw beat...)
Straight service in cause uh...
(Wack nigga rhyming kills a raw beat...
Wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga, wack nigga
rhyming kills a raw beat...
Wack nigga rhyming kills a raw beat...)
Word up... Service.
(Wack nigga rhyming kills a raw beat...)
Mike Zoot, EZ Elpee, GuessWhyld (we need the Service)
My man Collossal in the house
Ninteenth, every time, every year
Straight service on first...