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December 24, 2014
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Banning Dissent in the Name of Civility

A student group has revoked an invitation for me to speak at a university because of my views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Its action is part of the routine censorship carried out on campuses against those who will not read from the Israel lobby’s script.
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Truthdig Editor-in-Chief Robert Scheer and the other “Left, Right & Center” panelists discuss Obama’s year-end news conference, during which the president said Sony should have consulted him before canceling the release of “The Interview.” Also, is it a new world for Cuba?

The former congressman explains how three members spirited a Russia sanctions bill through the House, and why the 2016 presidential race could present a false choice.

Is It Time for Progressives to Ditch the Democrats?

A writer argues that progressives “have no power” in the Democratic Party and “Elizabeth Warren will not save us”; an orangutan was freed in Argentina after being declared a “non-human person”; meanwhile, scientists are getting closer to finding a cure for memory loss. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Posted on Dec 24, 2014 READ MORE
Why We Can’t Get the Government We Want and Deserve

Some believe the central political issue of our era is the size of the government. They’re wrong.

Posted on Dec 24, 2014 READ MORE
Have the Kurds Cut the Islamic State in Two, Blocking Supply Lines?

Al-Mada newspaper in Baghdad had an interesting article in the aftermath of the fall of Shinjar to the Iraqi Kurdistan Peshmerga.

Posted on Dec 24, 2014 READ MORE
Fox Affiliate Apologizes for Editing Innocent Protesters to Sound Like Bloodthirsty Cop Killers

A Baltimore Fox station has apologized for what it calls “an honest misunderstanding.”

Posted on Dec 23, 2014 READ MORE
A Brief Military History of Israel and a Prediction for the Future

The armies of Israel once fought brilliantly and to the benefit of the state, but more recent conflicts targeting civilians only serve to isolate the country and alienate its most important allies.

Posted on Dec 23, 2014 READ MORE
Activists Are Not to Blame for Murder of Police

It is absurd to have to say this, but New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, activist Al Sharpton and President Obama are in no way responsible for the coldblooded assassination of two police officers in Brooklyn on Saturday.

Posted on Dec 23, 2014 READ MORE
The Income Gap Between Races Is Wider Than It’s Been for Decades

Wealth inequality between whites and their black and Hispanic counterparts has reached its highest point since the late ’80s and early 2000s in the U.S.

Posted on Dec 23, 2014 READ MORE
Do You Know What Banks Are Actually Doing With Your Money?

Russell Brand sits down with Max Keiser, who hosts a financial show on RT, to ask him to explain some of the things a lot of us don’t understand about banks. Keiser’s answers may surprise and disgust you.

Posted on Dec 23, 2014 READ MORE
What Do Llamas Have to Do With AIDS?

The furry South American creatures may hold the cure to AIDS; Flickr gave up on its plan to sell prints of Creative Commons photos after much criticism; meanwhile, Dick Cheney admits he has no problem with innocent people being tortured. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Posted on Dec 23, 2014 READ MORE
Is the NSA Responsible for North Korea’s Hack of Sony Pictures?

In all the discussions of what is alleged to be North Korea’s horrible cybervandalism against Sony Pictures, I haven’t seen anyone bring up a key issue: The National Security Agency has been for two decades a powerful behind-the-scenes lobby for weak Internet encryption and privacy protocols.

Posted on Dec 23, 2014 READ MORE
The Case Against Torture

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s U.S. military-appointed attorney says in this short documentary, “How we treat people ... is a reflection of who we are as Americans.”

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
Who Is to Blame for North Korea’s Internet Collapse?

Wait—North Korea has the Internet?

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
This Public Alabama Hospital Sues the Poorest of the Poor

More than a century ago, Alabama enshrined a basic protection in the state’s constitution shielding its poorest citizens from being forced to pay debts they couldn’t afford. But a public hospital in the mostly rural southeast corner of the state has found a way around the law.

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
The Duck That Roared

In the short run, President Obama has demonstrated that the term “lame duck” has its limits.

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
Did the CIA Torture So Bush Could Invade Iraq? (Video)

The Bush administration and the CIA tortured al-Qaida suspects because they wanted evidence that linked Saddam Hussein to 9/11 and could be used to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Middle East expert Patrick Cockburn writes at The Independent.

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
Kurds Inflict First Major Defeat on Islamic State, Rescue Yezidis of Sinjar

The pan-Arab London daily, Al-Hayat reports that the Iraqi Kurdistan paramilitary, the Peshmerga, have taken Mt. Sinjar from Daesh (what Arabs call Islamic State).

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
Retired NYPD Detective Criticizes Police Union President’s Antagonistic Remarks

Inflammatory remarks made by Patrick Lynch over the past many weeks of sometimes fatal tension between police officers and private citizens are grounds for dismissal from the force, retired NYPD Detective Graham Weatherspoon says.

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
The War to Start All Wars

As we end another year of endless war in Washington, it might be the perfect time to reflect on the War That Started All Wars—or at least the war that started all of Washington’s post-Cold War wars: the invasion of Panama.

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
Climate’s Impact on Agriculture Could Lead to Calamity

Widespread hunger and poverty are predicted unless strategies are developed to cope with the drop in crop yields climate change will cause.

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
In 2008 Mumbai Attacks, Piles of Spy Data, but an Uncompleted Puzzle

Indian and British intelligence agencies monitored the online activities of a key plotter but couldn’t connect the dots.

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE

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