- published: 27 Mar 2015
- views: 893551
Hong Kong (香港; "Fragrant Harbour"), officially Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, is an autonomous territory on the southern coast of China at the Pearl River Estuary and the South China Sea. Hong Kong is known for its skyline and deep natural harbour. It has a land area of 1104 km2 and shares its northern border with Guangdong Province of Mainland China. With around 7.2 million inhabitants of various nationalities, Hong Kong is one of the world's most densely populated metropolises.
After the First Opium War (1839–42), Hong Kong became a British colony with the perpetual cession of Hong Kong Island, followed by Kowloon Peninsula in 1860 and a 99-year lease of the New Territories from 1898. Hong Kong remained under British control for about a century until the Second World War, when Japan occupied the colony from December 1941 to August 1945. After the Surrender of Japan, the British resumed control. In the 1980s, negotiations between the United Kingdom and the China resulted in the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration, which provided for the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong on 30 June 1997. The territory became a special administrative region of China with a high degree of autonomy on 1 July 1997 under the principle of one country, two systems. Disputes over the perceived misapplication of this principle have contributed to popular protests, including the 2014 Umbrella Revolution.
Hello Kitty (Japanese: ハロー・キティ, Hepburn: Harō Kiti), (full name: Kitty White (キティ・ホワイト, Kiti Howaito)) is a fictional character produced by the Japanese company Sanrio, created by Yuko Shimizu and currently designed by Yuko Yamaguchi. She is depicted as an anthropomorphic white Japanese Bobtail cat with a red bow.
Shortly after her creation in 1974, Hello Kitty greeted the world with a "Hello!" on her very first product. The Hello Kitty vinyl coin purse was introduced by Sanrio in March 1975. The character was then brought to the United States in 1976. The character is a staple of the kawaii segment of Japanese popular culture. By 2010, Sanrio had groomed Hello Kitty into a global marketing phenomenon worth $5 billion a year. By 2014, when Hello Kitty was 40 years old, she was worth about $7 billion a year, all without advertising except on Sanrio's, related show producers', and ticket sales' webpages and at show venues and nearby locations.
Originally aimed at pre-adolescent females, Hello Kitty's market has broadened to include adult consumers. She can be found on a variety of products ranging from school supplies to fashion accessories and high-end consumer products. Including various diamond necklaces. Several Hello Kitty TV series, targeted towards young children, have been produced. Hello Kitty is also the main character at the two Japanese Sanrio theme parks, Harmonyland and the indoor Sanrio Puroland.
Sans haine, sans armes, sans violence (HK et les Saltimbanks)
HK 24 Knurl by Complyfe | Топовая печка для ваших коилов | Обзор от Романыча
Hong Kong vs China: Chinese tourists behaving badly in HK; Anti-China protests - Compilation
BB Ki Vines (Vlog #1)- | BB in HK |
HELLO KITTY SURPRISE TOYS Worlds Biggest Surprise Egg Chocolate HK Surprise Eggs Kids Toy Unboxing
譚詠麟系列之《我愛HK恭囍發財》[粵語] - I Love Kong Kong 2013
[Phim HK] Thiên Long Bát Bộ [Lồng Tiếng]
HK et les saltimbanks. "Ce Soir Nous Irons Au Bal"
par HK et les saltimbanks, extrait de l'album "rallumeurs d'étoiles" http://www.saltimbanks.fr Nouvel album: déjà disponible ici: http://www.la-boutique-militante.com/arts-de-resistance/2121-rallumeurs-d-etoiles-album-cd-d-hk-et-les-saltimbanks.html Paroles: http://www.alterjt.tv/hk-et-les-saltimbanks-sans-haine-sans-arme-et-sans-violence/ réalisé par joyce : lunagaia@yahoo.fr, joyce@alterjt.tv conseil en thématiques de désobéissance : Xavier Renou Pour nous soutenir : https://www.tipeee.com/alterjt http://www.la-boutique-militante.com/ http://www.alterjt.tv http://www.desobeir.net Merci à tous ceux qui figurent dans ces images de désobéissance "sans haine sans armes et sans violence", et à ceux qui les rejoindront sur le chemin de la résistance à toutes les formes d'oppression... Pou...
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1. A group of more than two dozen Mainland Chinese tourists thrust police and staff at a hotel in Hong Kong’s bustling Tsim Sha Tsui neighborhood into their own personal hell 2. China never seems to disappoint with news of people who just don’t know how to behave in public. 3. Hong Kong chief puppet CY Leung’s crazy daughter Chai Yan Leung (梁齊昕) posted this moronic message on Facebook, bragging about her necklace, which was probably made in China, so most likely fake and saying that Hong Kong taxpayers paid for it. Real mature. 4. In recent years, Chinese and Americans have competed for the prize of which country has the loudest and most obnoxious tourists. But that may all be a question of relative distance from each country. 5. A group of Chinese ‘patriots’ today occupied the...
Heckler & Koch SP5K: http://hk-usa.com/hk-models/sp5k-2 The new SP5K was developed as a semiautomatic, civilian sporting pistol (hence the “SP” prefix) that matches the look and feel of the famous MP5K submachine gun.
Vlog #1: So I am in Hong Kong for a vacation but tried shooting in my free time. Dubbed it back in the hotel. Facebook► https://www.facebook.com/BBkiVines/ Instagram► bhuvan.bam22 Snapchat► bbkv22 Twitter►https://twitter.com/Bhuvan_Bam and https://twitter.com/BBkv22. This is an all original work of BB Ki Vines.
WORLDS BIGGEST HELLO KITTY SURPRISE EGG + Kinder Chocolate HK Surprise Eggs + ハローキティ HK Surprise Toys like Hello Kitty Airplane & New Hello Kitty School Bus & Hello Kitty Keyboard Piano Kids Toy Opening Kid-Friendly Toy Review & Unboxing by Hailey's Magical Playhouse. In this kid-friendly kids video, Hailey has so much fun opening a giant Hello Kitty Surprise Egg that has chocolate Kinder surprise eggs inside along with other fun surprise toys like an awesome Hello Kitty Airplane playset that has Jodie, Fifi, and ハローキティ Hello Kitty Pilot figures. It also has a school bus to pretend back to school learning fun and meeting friends you may have missed over summer. The super cute HK Schoolbus has a classroom, student desks, hopscotch and a bus driver seat to really mimic the joy of going to sc...
主演: 谭咏麟 / 陈百祥 / 叶玉卿 / 曾志伟 / 冯淬帆 / 黄宗泽 / 谢天华 / 徐子珊 / 郑欣宜 二十世纪七十年代,各种冒险家混迹在自认为遍地黄金的香港。宋池雄(黄宗泽 饰)憨厚耿直,屡找工作碰壁。一日,他偶遇为人狡诈的夏石森(谢天华 饰),恰巧夏也在找活干,得利于夏石森的巧舌如簧,俩人一起来到茶楼打工。茶楼老板(冯淬帆 饰)原先也靠打工起家,深知生存的不易,他待手下伙计如同家人,加之街坊盏鬼整日里插科打诨,茶楼倒也每天妙趣横生生意红火。不料情祸迭出,宋池雄与夏石森同时爱上太子女美洋洋(徐子珊 饰),演出了一场追爱悲喜剧。时光荏冉,金触风暴席卷港岛,人到中年的宋池雄(谭永麟 饰)本分地捍卫着茶楼,当年的美洋洋(叶玉卿 饰)也早已成人妻人母,而当年的伙计夏石森(陈百祥 饰)已平步青云当了老板....
La nouvelle chanson d’HK et les saltimbanks, « Ce soir, nous irons au bal », est un hommage aux victimes du 13 novembre dernier. La réalisatrice Sandrine Herman en a réalisé le clip, qu’elle offre en exclusivité à l’Humanité. Un clip formidable d’énergie, un appel à résister à l’obscurantisme, joué en langue des signes. Rendez-vous au Carillon à Paris le 10 avril.
On the range today is one of the great modern submachine gun designs, the Heckler & Koch UMP 40. The UMP series was developed in the mid 1990s as a cheaper and lighter replacement for the MP5, which still remains in production today. The gun is a closed bolt, blowback operated design which the .40 S&W; round with excellent accuracy and great control. Eric and Chad demonstrate the UMP 40s accuracy potential at short and long range, as well as the impressive firepower of this weapon, while Ray shows just how quick the UMP 40 is on accurate close range double taps. http://www.shootsteel.com YouTube Hotline: (770)692-9326 Moss Pawn and Gun 6382 Old Dixie Hwy Jonesboro, GA, 30236 http://www.youtube.com/reelmen8888 Shirts & other Apparel: http://www.iraqveteran8888.spreadshirt.com http:...
Our Hong Kong travel guide! Our final episode of season 1, and We had so much fun in Hong Kong, my favourite city in the world. Now we can share our favourite tips, tricks, eats and drinks for your next visit to Hong Kong. Where we stayed - Regal Airport Hotel http://www.regalhotel.com/regal-airport-hotel/en/home/home.html Hotel ICON - http://www.booking.com/hotel/hk/icon-hong-kong.en-gb.html?aid=338557 Apps we mention: Uber - https://www.uber.com/cities/hong-kong
https://www.expedia.com/Hong-Kong.d178263.Destination-Travel-Guides Hong Kong, a former British territory, is one of the most densely populated places in China and in the world. You’ll find quiet neighborhoods full of temples and a dazzling skyline loaded with shopping and dining opportunities. Your Hong Kong tour must include visits to the many religious sites scattered around the city, where incense wafts from shrines and monasteries take over entire hillsides. You’ll have a marvelous time shopping in tax-free Hong Kong, where you’ll be able to find clothing, jewelry, furniture, and everything else under the sun. Don’t forget about Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade, which overlooks the stunning Victoria Harbor. From there, your Hong Kong sightseeing may detour to Central, the city’s main busin...
Let's break down the cost of travelling and staying in one of the most expensive cities in the world; Hong Kong. AirBnB Listing: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/4920159?sug=50 Get $30 off your first stay on Airbnb: https://www.airbnb.com.au/c/aford34?s=8 --------------------- Important stuff --------------------- Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/psychotraveller DON'T FORGET TO BECOME A LITTLE PSYCHO: http://goo.gl/GnWOIt SUBSCRIBE TO SCOTTY DOES: https://goo.gl/ytbzgJ --------------------- Social media is sexy --------------------- Facebook: http://goo.gl/K0u8pa Twitter: http://goo.gl/FsbWJR Pinterest: http://goo.gl/qgRD4v Instagram: http://goo.gl/abzups SnapChat: PsychoTraveller My blog: http://goo.gl/5zP0dG Business email: psychotraveller22 at gmail dot com ------...
Eating my way through Hong Kong, seeing and enjoying the many sights to see on the Island and the Mainland. This 3-day trip is from a backpacker's perspective, living from a small room, with no working toilet. Due to popular demand, here is yet another travel experience and this one is my most elaborate video yet, being longer and including more film footage! Zen's Perspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_o84QTZGVU Thanks for watching! Music in the video is created and owned by me. I have full rights to use it in this video. Music (In order of appearance): Colorplicity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnfIgdjWi60 Worlds Can Wait https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LGv20uMlhw Rainy Resolution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMMiKqr5T04 888 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKv8X...
Share this video and hashtag #NOCinHongkong to win a night stay at Marina Mandarin with free buffet breakfast and dinner for 2 by http://www.hotelscombined.com! Book your Hong Kong activities from http://www.klook.com/noc?utm_source=youtube&utm;_medium=affiliates_noc&utm;_campaign=noc and pay less for more fun! :) SUBSCRIBE TODAY! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=alozerk Music by Ninety9Lives Kozoro - A Spring Without You (feat. Noctilucent) Video Link: http://99l.tv/ASpringWithoutYou Channel: http://99l.tv/Subscribe Album Download Link: http://99l.tv/PressStart Music by Ninety9Lives Foria - Tide (feat. Ke'Nekt) Video Link: http://99l.tv/Tide Channel: http://99l.tv/Subscribe Album Download Link: http://99l.tv/LevelUp Music by Ninety9Lives Kozoro - Curious (feat. Noctil...
http://bookinghunter.com Hong Kong is one of the most exciting cities in the world. What makes this city so vibrant and energetic? It is nearly seven million residents. The city has a unique blend of Western and Chinese culture, which seem to co-exist very well and help make this city so fascinating. The most important places to visit in Hong Kong are: The Big Buddha and Po Lin Monastery (this statue is one of the five largest statues of Chin), The Victoria Peak (this is something like a top view or a view point from where you can see the entire city of Hong Kong), Avenue of Stars (a place of tribute to the film stars, both past and present Hong Kong cinemas) and many more. This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the mos...
You're watching INSIDER TV - the insider's guide to the world's most exciting cities! Here's your essential travel guide when you go to Hong Kong this October 2016! Our celebrity insiders Alycia Chan, Anthony Sandstrom, Jocelyn Luko, Sandy Lau, Giselle Lam, and Michael Chan tour us around the best places to eat, drink, shop, and play in Hong Kong. Make sure you check out these places: Attractions | Hong Kong: http://bit.ly/HKAttractions Restaurants | Hong Kong: http://bit.ly/HKRestaurants Bars | Hong Kong: http://bit.ly/HK-Bars Shopping | Hong Kong: http://bit.ly/HKShopping In case you're travelling to Bangkok, don't miss this year's Bangkok’s International Festival of Dance and Music! Now in its 18th year, the cultural event will showcase over 20 performances throughout its five-week r...
✱ 506 Hotels in Hong Kong - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/9l2RvC ’Hongkong is the Manhattan dream rising from the South-Chinese Sea’- wrote a delighted traveler upon seeing the skyscrapers of the city. The banks, shopping centers and offices of Hong Kong enriched modern architecture with iconic buildings. From the top of the Victoria’s Peak, one can take a look at the main representative of Asian business and trading, which is continuously developing even under Chinese rule. There are multi-storied buses and trams carrying the passengers in the busy inner city. The visitors are attracted by the night market, the Jade Market, the harbor with the living boats, the Star Ferry with its famous ships, the floating restaurants and the junks... -------------- Watch more travel videos ► ...
A quick travel guide on how to travel and experience Hong Kong with a cheap budget. For more of LexGo, visit: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexgoblogtv Twitter: http://twitter.com/lexbonife Website: http://lexgoblogtv.com LexGo, the Youtube travel show is created by Lex Bonife
When I reflect back on our travels around Asia few memories are fonder than our time spent in both Hong Kong and Macau. From the fascinating attractions in both cities to the amazing local eats we really packed in a lot over a short period of time. Some of the top highlights included eating dim sum, taking boat rides, viewing the symphony of lights, eating Macanese street food, frequenting casinos and marveling at the views of both cities from high vantage points. GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/1WDKtVM Joby Gorilla Pod: http://amzn.to/1PgoY5F SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro: http://amzn.to/25KEErs SOCIAL MEDIA & TRAVEL BLOGS AUDREY: blog: http:...
escupo la bandera
me toco la manguera
quedo afuera
no pienso en la manera
de volver a entrar
nada en particular
just thru the window
te agarro y te pringo
con mi ñoqui juega ese yupi
mientras una grupi le saca el queso
por eso me quedo de pie
miro la tevé
ahí ya no están
ni martín karadagián
ni el gran satán hussein
solamente el nieto de kwai chang cain
que francamente
no lo hace muy biein
I gotta make it happen
aunque puede que me maten
cause i've been here
and i've been there i'm going my way
i'm going to cualquier parte
voy a mostrarte donde vas a sentarte
que mirás
tengo una bala y puede ser para vos
i keep the pace in the maze
just in case who's in first base
i got myself fifty ways
like no motherf**kin paul simon
i shine like a diamond d
i paid my fee
keep awake past eleven
i'm free from heaven
i lay six to seven feet, yo, ye,
i mean down in the ground
where the hounds found me
it's the end of the street
besame los pies
hacelo otra vez
diez veces
tus ideas no crecen
quedate sentado al costado
estás tarado o estás mal de la cabeza
igual no entendés
cortate lo que ya sabés
si me pica me rasco
todo me da asco
y solo pienso en hacer la del gran
juan ramón carrasco
jugar de parado como merece
mientras la guita crece
soy bruto como van damme
mirame tocame no te gusta mi cara
yo soy como vos
por eso como arroz cada dos por dos
aquí llegan esos pinches gachos
they're all from the plátano macho
parecen gabachos, gueros, mamones
con cara de culeros
con un solo chumbo los tumbo
y los mando al agujero
y después a la verga
se te sale la mierda