photo: Creative Commons / TUBS
Vierständerhof in Ravensberg Land. The distance between the 2 central rows of uprights roughly defines the width of the Deele. To either side, between the central and outer posts are the stalls. The living accommodation is at the back of the Deele. Above the Deele is an attic (Lagerboden).
photo: Creative Commons / Lidingo
A stable is a building in which livestock, especially horses, are kept. It most commonly means a building that is divided into separate stalls for individual animals. There are many different types of stables in use today such as the American barn which is a large barn with a door each end and individual stalls inside or free standing stables with the classic top and bottom opening doors. The term "stable" is also used to describe a group of animals kept by one owner, regardless of housing or lo
photo: Creative Commons
The Swan Bells near Barrack Square