Genetic engineering, also called genetic modification, is the direct human manipulation of an organism's genome using modern DNA technology. It involves the introduction of foreign DNA or synthetic genes into the organism of interest. The introduction of new DNA does not require the use of classical genetic methods, however traditional breeding methods are typically used for the propagation of recombinant organisms.
An organism that is generated through the introduction of recombinant DNA is considered to be a genetically modified organism. The first organisms genetically engineered were bacteria in 1973 and then mice in 1974. Insulin-producing bacteria were commercialized in 1982 and genetically modified food has been sold since 1994.
The most common form of genetic engineering involves the insertion of new genetic material at an unspecified location in the host genome. This is accomplished by isolating and copying the genetic material of interest using molecular cloning methods to generate a DNA sequence containing the required genetic elements for expression, and then inserting this construct into the host organism. Other forms of genetic engineering include gene targeting and knocking out specific genes via engineered nucleases such as zinc finger nucleases or engineered homing endonucleases.
Genetic Engineering
Human Genetic Engineering
Glowing Rats and Extreme Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering Animation
Mankind's Creation from Alien Genetic Engineering (Full Documentary)
TEDxUCIrvine - Francisco Ayala - Cloning, Genetic Engineering, & The Future of Mankind
Genetic engineering: The world's greatest scam?
DNA - Episode 2 of 5 - Playing.God - PBS Documentary
Genetic Engineering - Seven Wonders of the Microbe World (6/7)
Genetically Engineered Animals
Synthetic Biology Genetic Engineering
Biotechnology - Cloning & Genetic Engineering
Creating Life - The Ultimate Engineering Challenge. (Synthetic Biology documentary)
Can You Genetically Enhance Yourself?
Genetic Engineering
Human Genetic Engineering
Glowing Rats and Extreme Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering Animation
Mankind's Creation from Alien Genetic Engineering (Full Documentary)
TEDxUCIrvine - Francisco Ayala - Cloning, Genetic Engineering, & The Future of Mankind
Genetic engineering: The world's greatest scam?
DNA - Episode 2 of 5 - Playing.God - PBS Documentary
Genetic Engineering - Seven Wonders of the Microbe World (6/7)
Genetically Engineered Animals
Synthetic Biology Genetic Engineering
Biotechnology - Cloning & Genetic Engineering
Creating Life - The Ultimate Engineering Challenge. (Synthetic Biology documentary)
Can You Genetically Enhance Yourself?
Genetic Engineering - the consequences - the cost!
Mixing Human DNA Genetic engineering
Trans-Humanism / Genetic Modification of all Life / Nano-Technology / HAARP / Geoengineering - Film
Mankind's Creation from Alien Genetic Engineering Full Length Documentary
Alien Genetic Takeover: The End of Humanity
Genetic modification
Alien Genetic Engineering of YOU
Can We Genetically Improve Intelligence?
Genetic Engineering (excerpt)
Genetic Engineering and Society, Lecture 3b, Honors Collegium 70A, UCLA
BAD SEED: Danger of Genetically Modified Food - FEATURE FILM
Genetic Engineering and Society, Lecture 1a, Honors Collegium 70A, UCLA
2013 Great Debate: Genetic Modification
Genetic Engineering and Society, Lecture 5a, Honors Collegium 70A, UCLA
3. Genetic Engineering
WARNING: Ebola & the Days of Noah - Mass Scale Genetic Engineering of the Human Race
F. William Engdahl on Genetic Engineering
Chapter 08 Microbial Genetics and Genetic Engineering - Cowan - Dr. Mark Jolley
Genetic Engineering and Society, Lecture 1b, Honors Collegium 70A, UCLA
The Future of Genetic Modification - Full Documentary 1080p HD
Reading/Discussion: Genetic Engineering
Playing God? Monsters, Miracles, and the Politics of Genetic Engineering
Roger Beachy (Danforth Center) Part 2: Genetic Engineering for Virus Resistance in Plants
Mankind's Creation from Alien Genetic Engineering (Full Documentary) - Crime Movie - Full Episode
Just A Summary | Automatic Re-Engineering Of Software Using Genetic Programming
Mankind's Creation from Alien Genetic Engineering (Full Documentary)Fat pigs - g Merle Rey
Synthetic Biology Explained | Genetic Engineering | Biology For Students
Patricia Bacus Genetic Engineering Fall 2014
Just A Summary | Cloning And Genetic Engineering By Nicola Barber
Mankind's Creation from Alien Genetic Engineering Full Length Documentary
Mankind's Creation from Alien Genetic Engineering Full Length Documentary
Mankind's Creation from Alien Genetic Engineering Full Length Documentary
Benefits Of Genetic Engineering -its Applications in medicine
Ancient Alien Genetic Engineering - An Explanation for Evolution ? (DOCUMENTARY)
Ebola – Field Trial in Genetic Engineering Financed by Pentagon?
Mankind's Creation from Alien Genetic Engineering (Full Documentary)
Mankind's Creation from Alien Genetic Engineering (Full Documentary)
Mankind's Creation from Alien Genetic Engineering (Full Documentary)
Prezi® Presentation: genetically modified organism: an organism or microorganism by Meghan Lawver
Just A Summary | Genetic Engineering And The World Trade System: World Trade Forum
Giant Biodynamic Tomato Plant Refutes Genetic Engineering - Monsanto
Human Genetic Engineering.
Debunking GMO Debunking
Genetic Engineering: A love story
Genetic Engineering in Human DNA
Biotechnology Cloning & Genetic Engineering
Efficiant, logical, effective, and practical.
Using all resorces to the best of our ability.
Changing, designing, adapting our mentalities.
Improving our abilities for a better way of life.
Babies. Mother. Hospital. Scissors.
Creature. Judgement. Butcher. Engineer.
These are the little children, the future in our hands.
When all God's children on this Earth inherit all our plans.
These are the lies they tell us. But this is the only way.
When all God's children on the Earth will evermore be saved.
These are the little children, the future in our hands.
When all God's children on this Earth inherit all our plans.
These are the lies they tell us. The future's good as sold.
In all the things we do and know, we really must be told.
Efficient, logical, effective, and practical
Using all resources to the best of our ability
Changing, designing, adapting our mentalities
Improving our abilities for a better way of life
Babies, mother, hospital, [Incomprehensible]
Creature, judgment, butcher, engineer
These are the little children, the future in our hands
When all God's children on this earth inherit all our plans
These are the lies they tell us but this is the only way
When all God's children on the earth will evermore be saved
Babies, mother, hospital, [Incomprehensible]
Creature, judgment, butcher, engineer
Babies, mother, hospital, [Incomprehensible]
Creature, judgment, butcher, engineer
These are the little children, the future in our hands
When all God's children on this earth inherit all our plans
These are the lies they tell us, the future's good as sold
Genetic engineering
Could create an unknown life-force
That could us exterminate
Could create the perfect race
As our subordinated slave
Introducing worker clone
His expertise proficiency
Will surely dig our grave
It's so very tempting
Will he let us exist
When he becomes the creator
Will biologists resist
Bionic man is jumping
Through the television set
He's about to materialise
Efficient, logical, effective, and practical
Using all resources to the best of our ability
Changing, designing, adapting our mentalities
Improving our abilities for a better way of life
Babies Mother Hospital Scissors
Creature Judgement Butcher Engineer
These are the little children
The future in our hands
When all God's children on this Earth
Inherit all our plans
These are the lies they tell us
But this is the only way
When all God's children on the Earth
Will ever more be saved
Babies Mother Hospital Scissors
Creature Judgement Butcher Engineer
Babies Mother Hospital Scissors
Creature Judgement Butcher Engineer
These are the little children
The future's in their hands
When all God's children on this Earth
Inherit all our plans
These are the lies they tell us
The future's good as sold
In all the things we say and do