Angelo is an Italian and Greek masculine given name meaning "angel", or "messenger". Angelo is also an Italian surname that has many variations: Angeli (disambiguation), Angela (disambiguation), De Angelis, D'Angelo, Angelini, Angelino (disambiguation), Angelina (disambiguation), Angelucci, Angeloni, Angeletti (disambiguation).
Angelo as a given name may refer to:
As a surname it may refer to:
The following forenames are related to the forename Angelo:
Pierfrancesco Renga (born June 12, 1968 in Udine, Italy) is an Italian singer-songwriter. He won the Sanremo Music Festival in 2005 with the song Angelo. He also took part to Sanremo Music Festival in 2009 with Uomo senza età and in 2012 with La tua bellezza.
Lucio Dalla Grand Officer OMRI (4 March 1943 – 1 March 2012) was a popular Italian singer-songwriter, musician and actor. He also played clarinet and keyboards.
Dalla was the composer of Caruso (1986), which has been covered by numerous international artists. A version of Caruso sung by Luciano Pavarotti sold over 9 million copies, and another version was a track on Andrea Bocelli's first international album Romanza, which later sold over 20 million copies worldwide. This piece is also on Josh Groban's album Closer, which sold over 5,000,000 copies in the United States. The song is a tribute to the emblematic opera tenor Enrico Caruso. Maynard Ferguson also covered the song on his album "Brass Attitude", after having previously paid tribute to Caruso with his rendition of Vesti la giubba (titled as Pagliacci) on the album "Primal Scream".
Dalla was born in Bologna, Italy. He began to play the clarinet at an early age, in a jazz band in Bologna, and became member of a local jazz band called Rheno Dixieland Band, together with the future film director Pupi Avati. Avati said that he decided to leave the band after feeling overwhelmed by Dalla's talent. He also acknowledged that his film, Ma quando arrivano le ragazze? (2005), was inspired by his friendship with Dalla. In the 1960s the band participated in the first Jazz Festival at Antibes, France. The Rheno Dixieland Band won the first prize in the traditional jazz band category and was noticed by a Roman band called Second Roman New Orleans Jazz Band: with them Dalla performed his first record in 1961, and had the first contacts with RCA records, his future music publisher.
Angelo! Staffel 3 Folge 5 [DEUTSCH\GERMAN] Mal heiter mal wolkig
Angelo! Staffel 3 Folge 4 [DEUTSCH\GERMAN] Keine Süßigkeiten für Peter
Angelo! Staffel 3 Folge 2 [DEUTSCH\GERMAN] Die Hitzewelle
Angelo! Staffel 3 Folge 21 Das große Bettenrennen deutsch ganze folgen 2014
Francesco Renga - Angelo
Angelo La Débrouille ✰ღ✰ En Français ✰ღ✰ Dessin Animé Complet ღ 2 heures ღ Partie 1 HD
Brotherhood Of Man - Angelo
Angelo La Débrouille S02EP40: Décervelator
Angelo! Staffel 3 Folge 23 Die Sueßigkeiten Kammer deutsch ganze folgen 2014
Angelo! Staffel 3 Folge 3 [DEUTSCH\GERMAN] Die Ungeziefer Bande
Angelo la débrouille saison 2 Wiznimaux
Angelo la débrouille-le caleçon bio technologique
Angelo! Staffel 3 Folge 1 [DEUTSCH\GERMAN] Slobber on Ice
Angelo Escobar - Parque Forestal (Completo)
Angelo! Staffel 3 Folge 5 [DEUTSCH\GERMAN] Mal heiter mal wolkig
Angelo! Staffel 3 Folge 4 [DEUTSCH\GERMAN] Keine Süßigkeiten für Peter
Angelo! Staffel 3 Folge 2 [DEUTSCH\GERMAN] Die Hitzewelle
Angelo! Staffel 3 Folge 21 Das große Bettenrennen deutsch ganze folgen 2014
Francesco Renga - Angelo
Angelo La Débrouille ✰ღ✰ En Français ✰ღ✰ Dessin Animé Complet ღ 2 heures ღ Partie 1 HD
Brotherhood Of Man - Angelo
Angelo La Débrouille S02EP40: Décervelator
Angelo! Staffel 3 Folge 23 Die Sueßigkeiten Kammer deutsch ganze folgen 2014
Angelo! Staffel 3 Folge 3 [DEUTSCH\GERMAN] Die Ungeziefer Bande
Angelo la débrouille saison 2 Wiznimaux
Angelo la débrouille-le caleçon bio technologique
Angelo! Staffel 3 Folge 1 [DEUTSCH\GERMAN] Slobber on Ice
Angelo Escobar - Parque Forestal (Completo)
Angelo & GST - Panica-n Oras ( Videoclip Official )
Angelo la debrouille S1x27 La gaffe d Angelo
Angelo La Debrouille En Français - Opération Bonbons - Dessin Animé Complet
D'Angelo - Untitled (How Does It Feel)
Angelo! Staffel 3 Folge 8 Die Eiscreme Retter deutsch ganze folgen 2014
Angélo la débrouille S2 Arrêt de jeu +
Angelo La Debrouille En Français - Fou De Foot - Dessin Animé Complet
Angelo La Débrouille En Français Mon Pire Ami Manetti Dessin Animé Complet
Potra' darti il mare e tu non te ne accorgerai
verra' a dirti se mi vuoi rispondermi e mi avrai
nella bocca annegherai chiudendoti con lei
credevo fosse un angelo ma un angelo non sei
non sarai colpevole bevendo liberta'
la tua gola limpida nell'aria inventera'
continuando a dirtelo anch'io mi asciugherei
credevo fossi un angelo ma un angelo non sei
troppi azzurri inutili pretendono da te
maledici i giudici distruggili per me
la tua bocca si aprira' e forte griderai
credevo fossi un angelo e un angelo sarai
quando stanco aspetterai e il sole picchiera'
la tua fronte lucida un bimbo specchiera'
guardera' negli occhi e tu piangendo gli dirai
credevo fossi un angelo e un angelo sarai
ti dara' la mente e tu ridendo ti alzerai
credevo fossi un angelo.
Long ago,
High on a mountain in Mexico
Lived a young shepherd boy, Angelo
Who met a young girl and he loved her so
Rich was she,
Came from a very high family,
Angelo knew it could never be,
They ran away to their destiny
Running away together
Running away forever
Running away from danger
Hiding from every stranger
They knew it wasn’t wrong
They found a love so strong
They took their lives at night
And in the morning light
They found them on the sand
They saw them lying there, hand-in-hand
Long ago,
High on a mountain in Mexico
Lived a young shepherd boy, Angelo
Who met a young girl and he loved her so
Running away together,
Running away forever,
Running away from danger,
Hiding from every stranger,
They knew it wasn’t wrong
They found a love so strong
They took their lives at night
And in the morning light
They found them on the sand
They saw them lying there, hand-in-hand
Running away together,
Running away forever,
Running away from danger,
Hiding from every stranger,
They knew it wasn’t wrong
They found a love so strong
They took their lives at night
And in the morning light
They found them on the sand
They saw them lying there, hand-in-hand
Running away together,
Running away forever,
Hiding from every stranger,
They knew it wasn’t wrong
They found a love so strong
They took their lives at night
And in the morning light
They found them on the sand
Chumidas amen
Naj be soste, so gerdan
Etisarav tuke godo
Muro mursh san, me hacharav tu
Etisarav tuke godo
Csi kamav te dukhaves ma
Etisarav tuke godo
Long ago high on a mountain in Mexico
lived a young shepherd boy Angelo
met a young girl and he loved her so
rich was she
came from a very high family
Angelo knew it could never be
they ran away to their destiny.
Running away together
running away forever
Running away from danger
running from every stranger
They knew it wasn't wrong
they found a love so strong
they took their lives that night and in the morning light
they found them on the sand
they saw them lying there hand in hand.
Long ago high on na mountain in Mexico
lived a young shepherd boy Angelo
met a young girl and he loved her so.
Running away together
running away forever
Running away from danger
running from every stranger
They knew it wasn't wrong
they found a love so strong
they took their lives that night and in the morning light
they found them on the sand
they saw them lying there hand in hand.
Running away together
running away forever
Running away from danger
running from every stranger
They knew it wasn't wrong
they found a love so strong
they took their lives that night and in the morning light
they found them on the sand
they saw them lying there hand in hand.
In the middle of a lonely day
though you're with me you're so far away
we used to be close real close
Angelo by Lorenzo TognocchiNotte fonda
Senza luna
E un silenzio che mi consuma
Il tempo passa in fretta
E tutto se ne va...
Preda degli eventi e dell'età
Ma questa paura per te non passa mai
Angelo, prenditi cura di lei
Lei non sa vedere al di la di quello che da
E l'ingenuità è parte di lei...
Che è parte di me
Cosa resta
Del dolore
E di preghiere, se Dio non vuole?
Parole vane al vento
Ti accorgi in un momento:
Siamo soli... è questa la realta?
Ed è una paura che... non passa mai
Angelo, prenditi cura di lei
Lei non sa vedere al di la di quello che da
E tutto il dolore
Che grida dal mondo
Diventa un rumore
Che scava, profondo...
Nel silenzio di una lacrima
Lei non sa vedere al di la di quello che da
L'ingenuità è parte di lei...
Chi yamar hoorhon ym be
Nudend dulaahan busgui nadruu oirtood irjiine Angelo
Zorood ongorchiinoo, terhen zuur nadad negen bodol torjiinoo
Hua pa pa, sha la la, pa la la
Gui neeree iim ym bas baidgiimaa
Biyeree chamd duralchiimaa
Bi neeree unencheer chamaig xairlay Angelo
Urgelj chinii derged baiy Angelo
Dal modnii cuuder dor mango shimen suuxsandaa
Bi chini chamdaa xairtai gej helehsendee
chiniihee nariihan goolig belhuusiig tevrengee
Jargah narnii ulbar tuyag xarahsandaa
Chi yamar hoorhon ym be Angelo
Nadruu gantshan udaa haraach Angelo
Namaig chi toohgui l ongoroh ymdaa
Hatsar deer mini zoolon unseech Angelo
Zoruudleed bitgii baigaad baildaa Angelo
Uzesgelen too chini saihan ymdaa
Burhan tengerees buugaad irsen Angelo
Buliglax zurhiig bazluulan balaljiinaa
Balairan balrtan unahviidee
Angelo nadad durlah bii dee unsey bariy gej davrahviidee
Araich dee yahav dee husliig yaj taahav dee
Ug ni bolohgui butexgui gazar ugui durlal hair unegui
Yadgiim bi ugee helnee naanuu tsaanuu urd coino ni garaad nairaad uznee
Er ni ymar haashaa ym be yagaad zaaval iim ym be
teriig haraldaa sohrood suuchihiin eniig gargaach urduur dairchini
Angelo aljiinaa daguuljiinaa davhtsuulan busdiig budliulan
Uiluulan duuluulan tashraar ni yagaajiina
Chi yamar hoorhon ym be Angelo
Nadruu gantshan udaa haraach Angelo
Namaig chi toohgui l ongoroh ymdaa
Hatsar deer mini zoolon unseech Angelo
Zoruudleed bitgii baigaad baildaa Angelo
Uzesgelen too chini saihan ymdaa
Tengeriin dagina baidag geluu tegvel teriig haraa
Hamgiin saihnaaraa ineej orgood dalla garaa
Ineemseglenhen gunhaj yvna saihan Angelo
Zaaval chamaig ooriin bolgoy setgelee ilchley do
Ternii dulaliin burhan minii zurhiig denduu onojee
Minii hairiin burhan durlaad uitgar duuren honojee
Husel moroodliin gunj mini namaig haraach dee araich dee
Zurh mini zurhee olood onilood harvaach dee
Tengisiin ergeer zugaalj yavahad namuuhan salhi ni ilbene
Dars shimen chiniihee saihan nudiig bi shirtene
Saihan torson ter mini zovhon gantshan nadad hairtai ym
Busdiin govidlogo teesen harts ni nadad unen laitai ym
Chi yamar hoorhon ym be Angelo
Nadruu gantshan udaa haraach Angelo
Namaig chi toohgui l ongoroh ymdaa
Hatsar deer mini zoolon unseech Angelo
Zoruudleed bitgii baigaad baildaa Angelo
kairaku o musabotte kinen subeki yoru dakara
zaiaku o tanoshinde nando de mo tachiagatte
kankaku o ayatsutte ryoukiteki na aibu o motto
saikai o kansha shite mou ichido kata yoseatte
me o mihiraite yakitsukete wasurenaide
kono yoake ga atarashii hajimari no gishiki sa
kyuuai no inryoku ni kimi wa hikaretanda dakara
nukedashite sono genjitsu o
gyakusetsu no monogatari de taisetsu na basho e tsureteyuku yo
mada dare mo shiranai oka e
kankaku o ayatsutte ryoukiteki na aibu o motto
saikai o kansha shite mou ichido kata yoseatte
me o mihiraite yakitsukete wasurenaide
kono yoake ga atarashii hajimari no gishiki sa
kyuuai no inryoku ni kimi wa hikaretanda dakara
nukedashite sono genjitsu o
gyakusetsu no monogatari de taisetsu na basho e tsureteyuku yo
mada dare mo shiranai oka e
me o mihiraite yakitsukete wasurenaide
kono yoake ga atarashii hajimari no gishiki sa
kyuuai no inryoku ni kimi wa hikaretanda dakara
nukedashite sono genjitsu o
gyakusetsu no monogatari de taisetsu na basho e tsureteyuku yo
mada dare mo shiranai oka e