The Vedic period (or Vedic age) was a period in history during which the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, were composed. The time span of the period is uncertain. Philological and linguistic evidence indicates that the Rigveda, the oldest of the Vedas, was composed roughly between 1700–1100 BCE, also referred to as the early Vedic period. The end of the period is commonly estimated to have occurred about 500 BCE, and 150 BCE has been suggested as a terminus ante quem for all Vedic Sanskrit literature.
Transmission of texts in the Vedic period was by oral tradition alone, and a literary tradition set in only in post-Vedic times. Despite the difficulties in dating the period, the Vedas can safely be assumed to be several thousands of years old. The associated culture, sometimes referred to as Vedic civilization, was probably centred early on in the northern and northwestern parts of the Indian subcontinent, but has now spread and constitutes the basis of contemporary Indian culture.
Civilization (or civilisation) is a sometimes controversial term that has been used in several related ways. Primarily, the term has been used to refer to the material and instrumental side of human cultures that are complex in terms of technology, science, and division of labor. Such civilizations are generally hierarchical and urbanized. In a classical context, people were called "civilized" to set them apart from barbarians, while in a modern-day context, "civilized peoples" have been contrasted with primitive peoples.
There is a tendency to use the term in a less strict way, to mean approximately the same thing as "culture" and therefore, the term can more broadly refer to any important and clearly defined human society.[citation needed] Still, even when used in this second sense, the word is often restricted to apply only to societies that have attained a particular level of advancement-especially the founding of cities.
The level of advancement of a civilization is often measured by its progress in agriculture, long-distance trade, occupational specialization, a special governing class and urbanism. Aside from these core elements, a civilization is often marked by any combination of a number of secondary elements, including a developed transportation system, writing, standardized measurement, currency, contractual and (tort-based) legal systems, characteristic art and architecture, mathematics, enhanced scientific understanding, metallurgy, political structures, and an astronomical understanding.
Scientific Proofs of Vedic Life
vedic civilization
Vedic civilization (1/5)
Vedic civilization (2/5)
Vedic civilization (4/5)
Vedic Age in India & Contribution to Culture | Mocomi Kids
Bharat Ek Khoj - Episode 03 - The Vedic People & The Rigveda
Vedic period
Vedic/Indian civilization - The Most Advanced, Oldest and Continuous Civilization
History Of India - Vedic Period 1
Ancient Knowledge of the Vedas and Bhagvatam
Rig Veda -- Full Chanting
History : Society & Economy during Vedic Period
Significance of the Vedic Period
Scientific Proofs of Vedic Life
vedic civilization
Vedic civilization (1/5)
Vedic civilization (2/5)
Vedic civilization (4/5)
Vedic Age in India & Contribution to Culture | Mocomi Kids
Bharat Ek Khoj - Episode 03 - The Vedic People & The Rigveda
Vedic period
Vedic/Indian civilization - The Most Advanced, Oldest and Continuous Civilization
History Of India - Vedic Period 1
Ancient Knowledge of the Vedas and Bhagvatam
Rig Veda -- Full Chanting
History : Society & Economy during Vedic Period
Significance of the Vedic Period
The Aryans and the Vedic Age - reading lesson for kids
Vedic Empire Confirmed - A Journey into Ancient Indian Civilization Pt 1
Vedic/Indian Civilization - The Birthplace of Mathematics, Science and Astronomy
R 64D aka R Gad - Fall of the Vedic civilization
Vedic Empire Pesents-WAVES 2000 - "Contemporary Views on Indian Civilization"
Vedic civilization truth and Max Muller exposed.
Western Imperialism/Consumerism versus the Vedic Civilization
Vedic/Indian Civilization - The Birthplace of Philosophy, Religion, Physics and Chemistry
Later Vedic Period
Interview with Vedic Astrologer Carol Allen
Interview of Vedic Astrologer Dr. Chakrapani Ullal
Interview with Vedic Astrologer Vaughn Paul Manley
Significance of the Vedic Period - Part 2
Interview of Kapiel Raaj on Vedic Astrology
Vedic Astrologer Das Goravani - Interview by KRSchannel - Part 3 of 3
Interview with Vedic Astrologer Sam Geppi
My Secret Practice: Interview with Thom Knoles, Teacher of Vedic Meditation
Kenneth Miller, Vedic Astrologer Interview with Nadiya Shah
Sarasvati River and the Vedic Civilisation. Interview with Dr. NS Rajaram - Part 2
Sarasvati River and the Vedic Civilisation. Interview with Dr. NS Rajaram - Part 5
Sarasvati River and the Vedic Civilisation. Interview with Dr. NS Rajaram - Part 8
Interview of legendary Vedic Astrologer DAS GORAVANI Part 2 of 3
Nicholas Kazanas, Vedic scholar interviewed by S. Kalyanaraman (1/2)
Nicholas Kazanas, Vedic scholar interviewed by S. Kalyanaraman (2/2)
Transition period between two mahadasha in Jyotish (Vedic Astrology)
Dasha of Disease Lord in Jyotish - Planetary Periods in Vedic Astrology
Vedic Astrology - Aquarius Cycle
Interview of His Holiness on Vedic Maths - Part 4
My Interview with the Late Prof Huang Xinchuan on Vedic Culture in Ancient China
Vedic Prophecies # 2: The Coming Spiritual Changes, by Stephen Knapp
Lecture on alternate Ascendants In Vedic Astrology by Vaughn Paul Manley
Vedic Empire - World History As It Was (Who is an Aryan)
Ancient India History 4 - Later Vedic Period & Caste Formation
Vedic Empire Confirmed - A Journey into Ancient Indian Civilization Pt 2
Vedic Civilization vs. None (Conversation)
Vedic Civilization vs. None
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: A Vaisnava Model for Protecting and Propagating Vedic Civilization
The Mahabharata vedic knowledge ancient History Documentary
Vedic Origins Of Civilization The Fallacy Of The Aryan Invasion Myth
Vedas in Telugu
Creating a Global Vedic Restoration
History " Society & Economy during Vedic Period Part 2
The Falldown of Vedic Civilization in India - Prabhupada 0878
All About - Vedic period
SB 3.29.6 - Mayapur Exhibits/Vedic Yugas and the Stone Age (Alachua 12/19/97)
The Whole Scheme of Vedic Civilization - Give Liberation to the People - Prabhupada 0772
Demons and Vedic civilization part 1
Demons and Vedic Civilization part 2
Vedic Tour of Our Universe Enchanter
Vedic Empire Confirmed A Journey into Ancient Indian Civilization Pt 1
Vedic Empire Confirmed A Journey into Ancient Indian Civilization Pt 2
Vedic Origins Of Civilization (from
Vedic Origins Of Civilization & The Fallacy Of The Aryan Invasion Myth
India as a Vedic Civilization 11th April 2014
What was society like during the vedic period?
Ancient Knowledge of the vedic civilisation