In physics and chemistry, plasma is a state of matter similar to gas in which a certain portion of the particles are ionized. Heating a gas may ionize its molecules or atoms (reduce or increase the number of electrons in them), thus turning it into a plasma, which contains charged particles: positive ions and negative electrons or ions. Ionization can be induced by other means, such as strong electromagnetic field applied with a laser or microwave generator, and is accompanied by the dissociation of molecular bonds, if present.
The presence of a non-negligible number of charge carriers makes the plasma electrically conductive so that it responds strongly to electromagnetic fields. Plasma, therefore, has properties quite unlike those of solids, liquids, or gases and is considered a distinct state of matter. Like gas, plasma does not have a definite shape or a definite volume unless enclosed in a container; unlike gas, under the influence of a magnetic field, it may form structures such as filaments, beams and double layer. Some common plasmas are found in stars and neon signs. In the universe, plasma is the most common state of matter for ordinary matter, most of which is in the rarefied intergalactic plasma (particularly intracluster medium) and in stars.
Plasma Physics' Answers to the New Cosmological Questions by Dr. Donald E. Scott - Full Video
Universe - Episode 1 - The Cosmology Quest - The Electric Universe and Plasma Physics
Universe - Episode 1 - The Cosmology Quest - The Electric Universe and Plasma Physics
Universe - Episode 2 - The Cosmology Quest - The Electric Universe and Plasma Physics
The Fresh Face of Plasma Research
Mod-01 Lec-01 Introduction to Plasmas
The Primer Fields Part 1
Fusion Plasma Physics and ITER - An Introduction (1/4)
Fusion Plasma Physics and ITER - An Introduction (2/4)
Space Plasma Physics Explained in Two MInutes
Extra Dimensions found? Plasma Physicist finds Hidden Portals in Earths Magnetic Field
AST 210/EE 213 - Lecture 13: Plasma physics
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory 'Remote Glow' Experiment
Plasma Physics' Answers to the New Cosmological Questions by Dr. Donald E. Scott 1 of 7
Plasma Physics' Answers to the New Cosmological Questions by Dr. Donald E. Scott - Full Video
Universe - Episode 1 - The Cosmology Quest - The Electric Universe and Plasma Physics
Universe - Episode 1 - The Cosmology Quest - The Electric Universe and Plasma Physics
Universe - Episode 2 - The Cosmology Quest - The Electric Universe and Plasma Physics
The Fresh Face of Plasma Research
Mod-01 Lec-01 Introduction to Plasmas
The Primer Fields Part 1
Fusion Plasma Physics and ITER - An Introduction (1/4)
Fusion Plasma Physics and ITER - An Introduction (2/4)
Space Plasma Physics Explained in Two MInutes
Extra Dimensions found? Plasma Physicist finds Hidden Portals in Earths Magnetic Field
AST 210/EE 213 - Lecture 13: Plasma physics
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory 'Remote Glow' Experiment
Plasma Physics' Answers to the New Cosmological Questions by Dr. Donald E. Scott 1 of 7
The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory - Advancing Fusion and Plasma Science
Virtual Tour of Centre of Plasma Physics - Institute for Plasma Research (CPP-IPR)
Mod-01 Lec-21 Plasma Physics Grad B and Curvature Drifts
Let's Play SimCity (2013) - S2E40: PLASMA PHYSICS (MEGA SPECIAL)
Plasma Physics? Ionized Atmosphere part 1
Plasma Fusion -- hoax or breakthrough reality?
Plasma Physics Lab and the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor, 1989
The Cosmic Thunderbolt - Electric Universe and Plasma Physics
International Conference on Plasma Physics - ICPP2014
Dr. John Luginsland - Plasma and Electro-energetic Physics
FORGOTTEN YOU ARE BEGOTTEN; Photonics; Plasma Physics; Plasmonics & Spintronics
AST 210/EE 213 - Lecture 14: Plasma physics (continued)
Fundamental Physics and the LHC- A Progress Report - Princeton Plasma Physics Lab
To Boldly Go: America's Next Era in Space. The Plasma Universe
26th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. Ralf Schneider
"PLASMA PHYSICS" - SimCity LP ep. 12
Mars in 39 Days?: the VASIMR Plasma Engine. Franklin Chang-Diaz, Ph.D.
Ben Longmier | Plasma Ambipolar Thrusters
Mod-01 Lec-02 Plasma Response to fields: Fluid Equations
Focus Fusion: Cheap, clean, unlimited energy
Flourescent lamp teardown | plasma ball experiement | high class experiment | physics class |
[New National Universe solar documentary 2014] The Electric Universe and Plasma Physics
Universe Episode 1 The Cosmology Quest The Electric Universe and Plasma Physics
Universe - Episode 2 - The Cosmology Quest - The Electric Universe and Plasma Physics
The Electric Sun -Documentary "Plasma Physics' Dr Donald E Scott" NASA
All About - Plasma (physics)
Plasma Ball Fun & Physics
Detailed work at Lawrenceville Plasma Physics to resolve arcing problem with nuclear fusion project
LCD, CRT & Plasma TV Technik (Ad_Tech#16) [Compact Physics]
Nonlinear and Relativistic Plasma Physics by V. Alexander Stefan, (Editor)
[New National Universe solar documentary 2014 full HD]The Electric Universe and Plasma Physics
PHYSICS of the ENERGY SOURCES Series: Laser Driven Thermonuclear Fusion
Falcon Winters Plasma Faith Physics Arctic Falcon
Numerical Plasma Physics
Center for Plasma-Material Interactions, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Picking up the final stainless steel parts
Showing off our new scope
Head in the clouds, feet on the ground,
Earth falling out beneath me, fire in the sky
Singing my brow, it's nowhere safe.
Take me where I'm weightless
Up there in outer space.
From up here, everything below is peaceful.
I'm sincere, when I say I truly miss home.
Physics is a bitch cause I'm up now,
But eventually I gotta come down.
Gimmie one good reason
not to reach those heights again.
Gimmie one good reason
Cause I'm finally nearing the end.
So will you be there,
Whenever I do come down
Will you be there?
A moment's peace, a sigh of relief
Not but what-ifs and maybes unanswered,
While on my feet.
So pick me up, take me to far reaches
While astronomers eyes are shut.
Cause I'm here, I'm shaking in the distance.
No fear, blanked out of existence
Physics is a bitch, the higher I get
The faster and farther I plummet.
Gimmie one good reason
Not to reach those heights again.
Gimmie one good reason
Cause I'm finally nearing the end.
Make me believe I shouldn't risk it all again.
Gimmie one good reason
Cause I'm finally over the edge.
So will you be there,
Whenever I do come down
Will you be there?
Head in the clouds,
Feet on the ground.
Earth falling out,
Never come down...
Gimmie one good reason
Not to reach those heights again.
Gimmie one good reason
Cause I'm finally nearing the end.
Make me believe I shouldn't risk it all again.
Gimmie one good reason
Cause I'm finally over the edge.
So will you be there,
Whenever I do come down
Will you be there?
You rock and ruin
Your odds were thin
It's so hard to gauge
With something left in
I know there's no sorry
There's no time to cry
The thoughts that remain
I have rewired (have been rewired)
What could it have possibly meant
I'm left here with questions
And the sudden descent
And all the injustice
Calculate the damage
Divvy up my dirty share
Take away the promises
And the complicated stares
Calculate the damage
Divvy up my dirty share
Take away the promises
And the complicated stares
We talked of sainthood (talked of sainthood)
And porno magazines (and magazines)
Now I'm missing the H (I'm missing the H)
On my typewriter keys (on my typewriter keys)
What could it have possibly meant
Now I'm left here with questions
And sudden descent
And all the injustice
That's why we
Calculate the damage
Divvy up my dirty share
Take away the promises
And the complicated stares
Calculate the damage
Divvy up my dirty share
Take away the promises
And the complicated stares
Take away, take away, take away
Calculate the damage
Divvy up my dirty share
Take away the promises
And the complicated stares
Calculate the damage
Divvy up my dirty share
Take away the promises
And the complicated stares
Better now we never talk
Arguments are fewer
Better now we never talk
I'm done if you are
Calculate the damage
Divvy up my dirty share
Take away the promises