Feministing's holiday cards for 2014

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Thanks to the support of our community, we launched the redesigned Feministing.com last month, and we’re so excited by all your positive feedback and words of encouragement. This site will take us into the next 10 years of Feministing and beyond, and we couldn’t have done it without you. 

Daily Feminist Cheat Sheet

Missouri State Rep. Rick Brattin doubles down on his bill that would require a permission slip from the father to get an abortion. “The woman’s life is not altered.”

When landlords sexually harass their renters.

North Carolina’s mandatory ultrasound law has been permanently struck down. 

Missouri State Rep. Rick Brattin doubles down on his bill that would require a permission slip from the father to get an abortion. “The woman’s life is not altered.”

When landlords sexually harass their ...

Black women with hands raised in fists, cell phones up documenting protests, holding signs. The woman in the center is a femme in bold red lips.

Women at the forefront of #BlackLivesMatter protests

If you’ve been paying attention to who’s been behind the scenes of much of the action in the aftermath of the extrajudicial murders of Eric Garner and Mike Brown, you might have noticed that Black women are at the forefront of the movement. 

If you’ve been paying attention to who’s been behind the scenes of much of the action in the aftermath of the extrajudicial murders of Eric Garner and Mike Brown, you might have noticed that Black women are ...


Pregnant women aren’t being arrested to protect their fetuses

Lately, articles have been circulating about the control and punishment of pregnant people for crimes like fetal homicide or assault on a fetus, an issue that we’ve been talking about here for years. In these stories, women are arrested or incarcerated for ignoring doctor’s orders, using illegal drugs while pregnant, or even for experiencing uncontrollable health conditions like miscarriage.

Lately, articles have been circulating about the control and punishment of pregnant people for crimes like fetal homicide or assault on a fetus, an issue that we’ve been talking about here for years. ...

(L-R) Synead Nichols & Umaara Elliott, Millions March planners

The Feministing Five: Synead Nicholas and Umaara Iynaas Elliot

Last weekend, two young black women activists and artists, Synead Nichols, 23, and Umaara Iynaas Elliot, 19, co-organized New York’s massive Millions March, which was held in response to the recent incidents of racist police violence in both Ferguson and New York.

Last weekend, two young black women activists and artists, Synead Nichols, 23, and Umaara Iynaas Elliot, 19, co-organized New York’s massive Millions March, which was held in response to ...


It’s not about you: When men take women’s style personally

The politics of women’s appearance is a painful tug of war between the meanings women intend to convey (which are as varied as the tiles of a mosaic) and those imposed on them by society, often by men who cannot countenance a symbolic universe in which women’s expression does not exist solely for male consumption. 

The politics of women’s appearance is a painful tug of war between the meanings women intend to convey (which are as varied as the tiles of a mosaic) and those imposed on them by society, often by men ...


Fucking With Feministing: Vaginal Orgasms

Welcome to the second installment of Fucking with Feministing (check out our first installment here)! This monthly sex advice column is the place where readers get feminist advice on my favorite subject!

Welcome to the second installment of Fucking with Feministing (check out our first installment here)! This monthly sex advice column is the place where readers get feminist advice on my favorite subject!

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