Mahāvīra (Sanskrit: महावीर "Great Hero", Kannada: ಮಹಾವೀರ Mahāvīra, Malayalam: മഹാവീരൻ Mahāvīran and Tamil: அருகன் Arukaṉ) is the name most commonly used to refer to the Indian sage Vardhamāna (Sanskrit: वर्धमान; traditionally 599–527 BCE) who established what are today considered to be the central tenets of Jainism. According to Jain tradition, he was the 24th and the last Tirthankara. In Tamil, he is referred to as Arukaṉ or Arukadevan. He is also known in texts as Vira or Viraprabhu, Sanmati, Ativira,and Gnatputra. In the Buddhist Pali Canon, he is referred to as Nigantha Nātaputta and Gyatra Putta.
In a place called Kundalagrama (Vaishali district) situated close to Besadha Patti, 27 miles from Patna in modern day Bihar, India, Mahavira was born in a royal family to King Siddartha and Queen Trishala on the 13th day under the rising moon of Chaitra (12 April according to the Gregorian calendar). While still in his mother's womb it is believed he brought wealth and prosperity to the entire kingdom, which is why he was named Vardhaman. An increase of all good things, like the abundant bloom of beautiful flowers, was noticed in the kingdom after his conception. Trishala had a number of auspicious dreams before giving birth to Vardhaman (14 according to the Svetambaras and 16 according to the Digambaras), signs foretelling the advent of a great soul.He found "Nirvana" at the age of 72 in 527 BC near Rajgir, Bihar .Vardhaman's birthday is celebrated as Mahavir Jayanti, the most important religious holiday of Jains around the world.
Mahavira Biography
Sri Mahavira Bhagwan Jinalayam Boomi Puja-Saidapet 26-1-11 -Part-1.wmv
Lord mahavira
Lord Mahavir Life Story Part 1
Buddha Mahavira Yesu Sai by Ravin Raj @ Orlando
Shri Mahavira Puja 91 - 1 Parte
comparsa !!! Mahavira !!!
Life of Lord Mahavira - Jai Jinendra
Batucada Mahavira ensayo 2014
Buddha Mahavira
21 names of Shri Mahavira - UK
Mahavira Biography
Sri Mahavira Bhagwan Jinalayam Boomi Puja-Saidapet 26-1-11 -Part-1.wmv
Lord mahavira
Lord Mahavir Life Story Part 1
Buddha Mahavira Yesu Sai by Ravin Raj @ Orlando
Shri Mahavira Puja 91 - 1 Parte
comparsa !!! Mahavira !!!
Life of Lord Mahavira - Jai Jinendra
Batucada Mahavira ensayo 2014
Buddha Mahavira
21 names of Shri Mahavira - UK
Mahavira abrió el Lanzamiento de los Carnavales Rafaelinos 2014
Historia de las ideas: Mahavira
Mahavira Jayanti Part 1
1991 03 28 Shri Mahavira Puja Australia 40m
1990-06-16 Puja Shri Mahavira; Barcelona, Spain
Jain Bhajan For Any Occassion- O Mahavira Pyare, Mahavir Bhagwan Song
Scoala de Yoga MISA - Concurs Mahavira Ananda Bucureşti 2011
Sun Yogi Uma Shankar:Messages from Mahavira Babaji - P5/5
Mahaveer Swami & Snake- Story in Hindi
Part 1 Sri Mahavira statue Installationat Birudur 23 11 2012
Tents manufacture by Mahavira Tents (India) Pvt Ltd
Sun Yogi Uma Shankar: Messages from Mahavira Babaji - P4/5
Video-A Visit to Varthamana Mahavira-Eekkadu- Thiruvallur- Tamilnadu
Part-2 . Installation of 16 feet tall Sri Mahavira statue at Birudur village- .wmv
Mahavir Bhim - Animated English Story 4/8
Sri Mahavira Bhagvan Pachakalyana and Prathishta Mahothsava - -Saidapettai-Chennai--1.wmv
Conversations with Dada - The Last Sermon of Mahavira
Video-Part-1 of 3 parts- Sri Mahavira Bhagwan jinalayam celebrations-Saidapet-Chennai-24-02-2013
yet another discovery of Mahavir Thirthankar idol - now at Iralachery Tamilnadu
Part-10(Final)Sri Mahavira Bhagavan Pancha Kalyanam-saidapettai-Chennai-Tamilnadu.wmv
Mahavir Jayanti in Montreal - Jain Puja and Teachings of Mahavir on Non-violence by Mr. Dave Jain
Mahavira- Torture Garden, live @ 229 club 19/03/10
Jainism Told By Mahavira
Amma was given Mahavir Award
Gawala Jab Gawalin Se Bola [Hindi Mahaveer Bhajan] by Meena, Rajender Jain
Mahaveera Transport on IndiaMART Leaders of Tomorrow 2012
Sri Mahavira Bhagwan Jenma Kalyan-Poet Inderjith speaks at Adampakkam Jinalayam- 13 4 14
Sri Mahavira Bhagwan Jenma Kalyana celebrations in Saidapet- Chennai-13-4-14