SLOMATICS – Estron(2014)

Slomatics-Estron-ArtworkIf you felt the ground shaking beneath your feet, the last week or so, it could be an earthquake or, most probably, a neighbor playing SLOMATIC’s newest album, “Estron”. Ireland’s SLOMATICS along with CONAN and BLACK SHAPE OF NEXUS are arguably the heaviest bands on this planet. “Estron” signifies their 4th full length album and bares the amazing artwork of fantasy master, Tony Roberts. The sci-fi theme along with sporadic space elements give the record a slight progressive touch, but don’t dare to assume that SLOMATICS are denying their Doom character or have decided to follow different routes. Practically, continuing from where their last masterpiece left off, the double guitars -with tons of extra fuzz- and thundering drums -made to sound as explosive as possible- offer some of the best and heaviest riffs the band ever wrote. I don’t know how heavy the new CONAN is gonna sound but with tracks like, “Troglorite”, “Futurian” and “Lost Punisher” they have to do a damn great job to beat “Estron”. A must…


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