England cricketer Lauren Winfield thrills pupils

Yorkshire captain and England Ladies cricketer Lauren  Winfield helps coach pupils at St Wilfrid’s Primary School York

Yorkshire captain and England Ladies cricketer Lauren Winfield helps coach pupils at St Wilfrid’s Primary School York

First published in Education news

ENGLAND and Yorkshire cricketer Lauren Winfield bowled York school pupils over when she dropped in for a special visit.

The sporty star chatted to juniors at St Wilfrid’s RC School about her international career, before she put the infants through their paces with some skills sessions in the playground.

Wicketkeeper Lauren said she had a “fantastic afternoon” at the Monkgate primary.

She added: “The children were engaged with the biggest smiles on their faces and were an absolute pleasure to visit.

“I would definitely love to come back. It was a very enjoyable day and one of the reasons I love my ambassador role.”

Lauren also took part in several races with the children during lunchtime. And she admitted: “I may have to work on my sprints though, as one of the boys was closing the gap!”

Head teacher Jane Conway said: “We are so grateful for these opportunities, which give our pupils inspirational role models to aspire to.”

The visit was made possible through the Chance 2 Shine Primary School scheme, delivered through Yorkshire Cricket Board.


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