
Sony Ericsson P800 with Symbian UIQ versus Sony XPERIA S with Android 2.3.7 review
Compare between first Sony smartphone and first Sony Ericsson smartphone from www.XPERIA.c...
published: 04 Mar 2012
author: JozaCmar
Sony Ericsson P800 with Symbian UIQ versus Sony XPERIA S with Android 2.3.7 review
Sony Ericsson P800 with Symbian UIQ versus Sony XPERIA S with Android 2.3.7 review
Compare between first Sony smartphone and first Sony Ericsson smartphone from www.XPERIA.cz Device - Sony XPERIA S and Sony Ericsson P800 Version of Android ...- published: 04 Mar 2012
- views: 3461
- author: JozaCmar

BeiBei UIQ 3.3 Prototype Menu Walkthrough (part 1)
BeiBei P220i Prototype UIQ 3.3 Menu Walkthrough (part 1)...
published: 09 Jul 2008
author: PhonerX
BeiBei UIQ 3.3 Prototype Menu Walkthrough (part 1)
BeiBei UIQ 3.3 Prototype Menu Walkthrough (part 1)
BeiBei P220i Prototype UIQ 3.3 Menu Walkthrough (part 1)- published: 09 Jul 2008
- views: 17252
- author: PhonerX

BeiBei UIQ 3.3 Prototype Menu Walkthrough (part 2)
BeiBei UIQ 3.3 Prototype Menu Walkthrough (part 2), Widgets, Wifi....
published: 11 Jul 2008
author: PhonerX
BeiBei UIQ 3.3 Prototype Menu Walkthrough (part 2)
BeiBei UIQ 3.3 Prototype Menu Walkthrough (part 2)
BeiBei UIQ 3.3 Prototype Menu Walkthrough (part 2), Widgets, Wifi.- published: 11 Jul 2008
- views: 4475
- author: PhonerX

MWC08: Opera Mobile 9.5 running on a UIQ device
Opera Mobile is a powerful mobile browser designed for Symbian, Windows Mobile and Linux o...
published: 17 Feb 2008
author: palmsolo
MWC08: Opera Mobile 9.5 running on a UIQ device
MWC08: Opera Mobile 9.5 running on a UIQ device
Opera Mobile is a powerful mobile browser designed for Symbian, Windows Mobile and Linux operating systems. The latest version was announced just prior to th...- published: 17 Feb 2008
- views: 27830
- author: palmsolo

UIQ Developer Conference - Boston
UIQ Technologies had a developer conference in Boston May 10&11, 2007 where developers met...
published: 12 May 2007
author: Jack Cook
UIQ Developer Conference - Boston
UIQ Developer Conference - Boston
UIQ Technologies had a developer conference in Boston May 10&11, 2007 where developers met with UIQ executives and representatives of several phone companies...- published: 12 May 2007
- views: 561
- author: Jack Cook

BeiBei UIQ 3.3 Prototype Walkthrough
BeiBei UIQ 3.3 Prototype Walkthrough, Opera Mobile 9.5, Widgets, SMS, Media Center, Pictur...
published: 19 Jul 2008
author: PhonerX
BeiBei UIQ 3.3 Prototype Walkthrough
BeiBei UIQ 3.3 Prototype Walkthrough
BeiBei UIQ 3.3 Prototype Walkthrough, Opera Mobile 9.5, Widgets, SMS, Media Center, Pictures, Video, Music.- published: 19 Jul 2008
- views: 5898
- author: PhonerX

Interface sur Sony Ericsson G900 sous UIQ
Vous découvrirez dans cette video les menus et l'interface du Sony Ericsson G900 avec sous...
published: 02 Jun 2008
author: mobifrance
Interface sur Sony Ericsson G900 sous UIQ
Interface sur Sony Ericsson G900 sous UIQ
Vous découvrirez dans cette video les menus et l'interface du Sony Ericsson G900 avec sous écran tactile.- published: 02 Jun 2008
- views: 19519
- author: mobifrance

HTC TouchFlo 2D for P1i - UIQ - GDesk Theme
HTC TouchFlo 2D for UIQ3 by un_seen Download: http://www.uiq3.eu/viewtopic.php?t=9711 Musi...
published: 15 May 2009
author: unseenpl
HTC TouchFlo 2D for P1i - UIQ - GDesk Theme
HTC TouchFlo 2D for P1i - UIQ - GDesk Theme
HTC TouchFlo 2D for UIQ3 by un_seen Download: http://www.uiq3.eu/viewtopic.php?t=9711 Music by Royksopp - Happy Up Here.- published: 15 May 2009
- views: 17120
- author: unseenpl

UIQ, Usability test
Usability test at UIQ....
published: 06 Mar 2008
author: Peter Blaschke
UIQ, Usability test
UIQ, Usability test
Usability test at UIQ.- published: 06 Mar 2008
- views: 2093
- author: Peter Blaschke

Bonde das irmazinhas - uiq uiq a uiq uiq a
Os jovens veio aqui para cultuar com Zayra e Gabi levar pra orar a IOBPC serve pra jejuar ...
published: 26 May 2013
author: Jennifer Lopes
Bonde das irmazinhas - uiq uiq a uiq uiq a
Bonde das irmazinhas - uiq uiq a uiq uiq a
Os jovens veio aqui para cultuar com Zayra e Gabi levar pra orar a IOBPC serve pra jejuar Zayra, Gabi e Jennifer Nois vamos cantar ! uiq uiq a uiq uiq a.- published: 26 May 2013
- views: 181
- author: Jennifer Lopes

TEST 3 Navigation molette w960i / Symbian UIQ 3.1 walkman SE
test 3 test de la rapidité de la navigation par la molette sur le coté du smartphone walkm...
published: 20 Jan 2008
author: frenchanitya
TEST 3 Navigation molette w960i / Symbian UIQ 3.1 walkman SE
TEST 3 Navigation molette w960i / Symbian UIQ 3.1 walkman SE
test 3 test de la rapidité de la navigation par la molette sur le coté du smartphone walkman w960i !! Programme du test de navigation : 1 - accés walkman et ...- published: 20 Jan 2008
- views: 2169
- author: frenchanitya

Metro-GO v2.0 UIQ 手機導航 with Bluetooth GPS Receiver
Metro-GO v2.0 for UIQ v3.0 smartphone. It is easy to use and friendly . It need to connect...
published: 30 Aug 2007
author: Yeh Titan
Metro-GO v2.0 UIQ 手機導航 with Bluetooth GPS Receiver
Metro-GO v2.0 UIQ 手機導航 with Bluetooth GPS Receiver
Metro-GO v2.0 for UIQ v3.0 smartphone. It is easy to use and friendly . It need to connect bluetooth gps receiver.- published: 30 Aug 2007
- views: 4885
- author: Yeh Titan

Luthier Tips du Jour - Double Tops - Part I of II
Luthier and Instructor, Robert O'Brien, along with luthier Alan Dunwell, shows how to cons...
published: 10 May 2012
author: OBrienGuitars
Luthier Tips du Jour - Double Tops - Part I of II
Luthier Tips du Jour - Double Tops - Part I of II
Luthier and Instructor, Robert O'Brien, along with luthier Alan Dunwell, shows how to construct a double top or composite top guitar soundboard. Part one of ...- published: 10 May 2012
- views: 30734
- author: OBrienGuitars
Vimeo results:

Cycle de cinéma et de performance du 12 Novembre au 12 Décembre 2013
published: 28 Oct 2013
author: PHANTOM
Cycle de cinéma et de performance du 12 Novembre au 12 Décembre 2013
Bande annonce réalisée par Adeline Gourdoux
Extraits de :
"In search of UIQ", Silvia Maglioni et Graeme Thomson
"Handsworth songs", Black Audio Film collective
"Communion", Penny Siopis
"The Master is Drownig", Penny Siopis
"Deep State", Butler et Mirza
"Moon Calendar", Hiwa K
"Other faces", William Kentridge
"Ukungenisa", Nandipha Mntambo
"Le courant", Gregg Smith
"Feelin Cosmic", Dineo Seshee Bopape
"The Pilot", Bridget Baker
"Terms of endearment", Johan Thom
"Steglitz House", Bridget Baker
"Shoud we never meet again", Gregg Smith
Musique de "communion" Penny Siopis : "Umlolozelo" Brother Clement Sithol

118 Adressboken for 3
118 Adressboken - Se namn och adress på det nummer som ringer innan du svarar!
- Det sn...
published: 09 Jun 2008
author: Mobile Nordic
118 Adressboken for 3
118 Adressboken - Se namn och adress på det nummer som ringer innan du svarar!
- Det snabbaste, billigaste och enklaste sättet att söka nummer, adresser och kartor från din mobil.
Hur funkar det?
Med 118 Adressboken på din mobil, kan du söka hur mycket du vill på namn, nummer, bransch eller företag för endast 1 kr per dag. Du kan snabbt bläddra igenom sökresultaten och hitta på kartan det du letar efter. 118 Adressboken kan användas på nästan alla mobiltelefoner med färgskärm.
När din telefon ringer kommer 118 Adressboken automatiskt att söka upp och visa dig namn och adressen på numret innan du svarar. Även om du INTE har personen i din egen kontaktlista. Du kan även gå tillbaka i samtalslistan och se vilka som ringde dig då du inte hade möjlighet att svara.”Se vem som ringer” fungerar på Nokia series 60 telefoner ( N och E-serien), Windows mobile och SonyEricsson och Motorolas UIQ telefoner.
Du kan även välja att lägga till informationen som visas direkt i din egen adressbok i mobilen. Det finns även en funktion för att söka upp alla missade samtal och få upp en lista med namn, nummer och adress på avsändare.

1-MareVento-A New Wind - Sfravecatura
published: 31 May 2013
author: bin - uiq
1-MareVento-A New Wind - Sfravecatura

ECRS Market Series - Hand Sketched Animation
Ever seen the 80's A-Ha "Take On Me" music video?
That's what inspired this video. I sho...
published: 11 Jan 2013
author: Austin Saylor
ECRS Market Series - Hand Sketched Animation
Ever seen the 80's A-Ha "Take On Me" music video?
That's what inspired this video. I shot with my iPhone, exported 12fps, printed each frame out, traced every frame, scanned all the sketches, imported into after effects, added the music and voice over and voila. It took almost 1,000 sketches and a month and a half to complete.
I hope you enjoy, and if you find it entertaining, please share it with your friends :)
Music: "Changing of Seasons" by Tony Anderson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lxy0Nr6UIQ
Voice Talent: Ari Ross who can be found at ThinkingOutsideTheVoiceBox.com
Youtube results:

Spinning Ball - Symbian UIQ game by Cube Multimedia (2005)
A short video showing the game Spinning Ball on Sony Ericsson P800. You can see various po...
published: 29 Aug 2007
author: uralus
Spinning Ball - Symbian UIQ game by Cube Multimedia (2005)
Spinning Ball - Symbian UIQ game by Cube Multimedia (2005)
A short video showing the game Spinning Ball on Sony Ericsson P800. You can see various possibilities of steering using the touchscreen as well as two differ...- published: 29 Aug 2007
- views: 5676
- author: uralus

BengalBoy Reviews the Sony Ericsson P1i Symbian UIQ Smartphone at BengalBoy.Com..
BengalBoy Reviews the Sony Ericsson P1i Symbian UIQ Smartphone at BengalBoy.Com.. Video of...
published: 26 Jun 2012
author: Bengalboycom
BengalBoy Reviews the Sony Ericsson P1i Symbian UIQ Smartphone at BengalBoy.Com..
BengalBoy Reviews the Sony Ericsson P1i Symbian UIQ Smartphone at BengalBoy.Com..
BengalBoy Reviews the Sony Ericsson P1i Symbian UIQ Smartphone at BengalBoy.Com.. Video of phone and description of its features and hardware.- published: 26 Jun 2012
- views: 42
- author: Bengalboycom

Smartphone Show 2008 presentation (UIQ)
The presentation that was held by UIQ Technology at the Symbian Smartphone Show 2008 in Lo...
published: 28 Oct 2008
author: SeBlogvasion
Smartphone Show 2008 presentation (UIQ)
Smartphone Show 2008 presentation (UIQ)
The presentation that was held by UIQ Technology at the Symbian Smartphone Show 2008 in London.- published: 28 Oct 2008
- views: 1548
- author: SeBlogvasion

TEST 2 Navigation pen w960i / Symbian UIQ 3.1 / walkman
test 2 test de la rapidité de la navigation par l'ecran tactile via le stylet sur le smart...
published: 20 Jan 2008
author: frenchanitya
TEST 2 Navigation pen w960i / Symbian UIQ 3.1 / walkman
TEST 2 Navigation pen w960i / Symbian UIQ 3.1 / walkman
test 2 test de la rapidité de la navigation par l'ecran tactile via le stylet sur le smartphone w960i !! Programme du test de navigation : 1 - accés walkman ...- published: 20 Jan 2008
- views: 1474
- author: frenchanitya