Whats been going on at Warwick University?

A college student from Coventry has been attending the protests up at Warwick Uni, he’s a member of Red Youth and these are his reflections from the last week.

I’m a 17 year old French-Syrian student and my college is around the corner from the University of Warwick in Coventry. On Wednesday 3 December a group of students at Warwick University protested for free education – not only against tuition fees but also for a new system of education as a whole and the ensuing events have caused a real stir amongst students in Coventry.

The protest was organised by Warwick for Free Education (WFEE), which was founded only a few months ago by a group of students. Due to this and their relatively small size not many people will have heard of them, but they have attended several protests in London and Birmingham to protest against cuts to education.

I attended the big meetings last week which were held up at the University. I learnt that the Russell Group, of which Warwick is a member, supports raising fees to £16k a year. This doesn’t really surprise me, I already know how capitalism strives for maximum profit and that its current massive crisis of overproduction drives the commodification of every last aspect of society in a desperate search for a way out. I know this because I am a student of Marxism Leninism and a member of Red Youth since the summer.

Last Wednesday evening, when WFFE held a peaceful sit-in at the senate house near Warwick Arts Centre, police were called and together with the University’s own hired thugs proceeded to break up the gathering with completely disproportionate force.

A statement issued by WFFE describes the events: “Several police cars turned up and a police riot van as well as a police dog. We formed a human chain but they broke through using CS spray (active agent in tear gas) on many activists at close quarters, a taser gun was held up and threatened, it was also suspected to be used. Activists were punched, pushed onto the floor, dragged, rammed by their throat into the wall and kneed in the face. We were staging a peaceful protest and it was totally unprecedented; we were sitting in a circle talking in university space.” Read it here: (http://warwick4freeducation.wordpress.com/2014/12/03/police-brutality-on-warwick-campus/)

Obviously for the university a smooth operation of their business is what matters, not the safety of their students. We’ve seen what police brutality has done in the past years in the UK and what it is doing now in the country of the terrorists, the USA.

After speaking to students I learnt that when people saw blue lights and police cars parking at the university everyone was confused. Security initially said to a student that police were there for an unrelated incident. Of course, this wasn’t the case as soon it turned out:

The following days, WFFE organized demonstrations, protesting against the police brutality. The demos were big with what seemed to me like 1000 people attending. Speakers had the opportunity to read out letters written by the students who got arrested. They also encouraged students to get politically active and to join solidarity movements, to know about Palestine, Ferguson and other crimes done by the real terrorists. She also kept shouting that Police will be liquidated because of their crimes, i.e their crimes will cause them to be abolished and that revolution will come soon, the meetings were followed with chants: “HANDS OFF CAMPUS, NO JUSTICE NO PEACE”, and a song was even sung to mock the coward thugs.

Police say that their mission is to help people, are people getting any help from the police? Does even anyone feel safe when they see a police car? Because I seriously don’t, I feel paranoid, I get some sense of fear, how could anyone feel safe? I have a friend who got his door broken by West Midlands Police here at Coventry in Spon End, just because the police had “suspicions”. Once, me, him and couple other friends were walking back from a concert, whilst walking a police car just started following us and harassing us just because it was midnight and we were the only ones out. Eventually, these thugs left as we kept on shouting ‘ what are you doing? What do you want?’

From my own experiences I don’t trust the police and I can well imagine that the police enjoyed attacking students as they’re easy targets. I stand with the students who got attacked at Warwick University and I will continue to support their campaign and protests until they get some justice.

End all victimization of young people by the police!

Justice for the victims of police brutality!

More info here: http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/12/08/stud-d08.html

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Appeal for financial contributions this Christmas!

Please think about giving a donation this Christmas to the work of the Marxist Leninist party of the British proletariat. The CPGB-ML is Britain’s only truly revolutionary communist party. Our printing press is completely independent and our analysis is consistently anti-imperialist. We need your help in order to continue our work!

At present, the party is collecting funds for a new printing press. The machine we will buy will be second hand and fairly old, but even so we need £30,000 to buy it. We’ve now raised around £22,000 from members, supporters and friends and a Christmas push is now in order!

Unlike nearly all other ‘left’ parties, we operate and run our own press, which has required great sacrifices from comrades in the past, but which gives us the ability to be cheap, flexible and fully independent.

Any contribution, big or small is gratefully received, our ebay is selling calendars for 2015 at £6 each, all the proceeds will go towards the press, alternatively, you can transfer funds directly to our bank account [details below] or send your contributions in the post by cheque or postal order.

Donate online here

Bank details for direct transfer donations

Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

Sort code: 40 02 26

Acc no: 12620928

Postal donations:
[cheques payable to Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist), please]:

274 Moseley Road, Highgate, Birmingham, B12 0BS

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Why I Joined Red Youth


Another contribution of one of our newer members, explaining why they joined. This time from a comrade from the South East.

On the 26th of July, 2014, at the annual anti-imperialist barbecue, I joined the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist).
I inhabit a conservative town in a reactionary corner of south-eastern England, and know of no other communists nearby. I might easily have grown to maturity as another reactionary – why then did I come to the CPGB-ML?

I first encountered Marxism at the age of eleven years, shortly after entering secondary school, when, quite by chance, I encountered Friedrich Engels’ profound work The Principles of Communism on the internet. Gripped by that work, I have educated myself ever since that day on the workings and relations of society and have become firmly convinced that Marxism-Leninism is the only correct and scientific expression of the accumulated experience and class interests of the exploited working class, the proletariat. I have, therefore, long recognised the practical need for a sincere Communist Party armed with the advanced theory of Marxism-Leninism. However, there is in Great Britain today a plethora of different groups and ‘parties’ calling themselves communist, and therefore there was a large amount of material to sift through. While researching communist organisations in this country, I encountered, to name but a few, the Communist Party of Britain, the Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) and the odious Socialist Workers’ Party. What I found greatly disturbed me, for it seemed that all the parties and organisations I came across, particularly the Communist Party of Britain which advocates the absurd and revisionist notion of a parliamentary road to Socialism, were completely divorced from the real nature of society in this country, and thus could not know the genuine interests and tasks of the working class and its movement.

I was greatly relieved and inspired when I discovered that there was one organisation, one party, which cut through the thick layers of pseudo-socialist and revisionist rubbish, which was unrelenting in its fight against opportunism, and which was clearly and obviously acquainted with the objective reality of modern Britain and the true interests of the working class – this was, of course, the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist).
Over time, I studied the material of this Party, reading Lalkar, Proletarian, the books of Comrade Chairman Harpal Brar et al, etc. and became convinced that the theory and general line of the CPGB-ML were correct. However, one question remained: an advanced theory is all well and good, but as Stalin said, revolutionary theory “becomes sterile if not accompanied by revolutionary practice.” Indeed, all Marxist-Leninists, unlike the revisionists, Trotskyites, social democrats and the like, know that correct theory comes and can only come from practice, from accumulated historical experience and practice as it is now. So then, was this Party an active one?

Clearly, the communists are up against the odds in their work of attempting to build a genuinely revolutionary Marxist organisation in the United Kingdom. The super-profits plundered from the oppressed countries through merciless imperialist exploitation make it possible for the ruling class of this country to bribe significant sections of the working class, to bind them materially to capitalism. This phenomena of the embourgeoisification of workers was first observed by Marx and Engels in England towards the end of the nineteenth century, and the theory and practice regarding it was formulated and systematised by Comrade Lenin in such works as Imperialism and the Split in Socialism, in which he noted that it was basically this embourgeoisified section of the working class which provided the social and economic basis of opportunism and revisionism. Indeed, since Lenin’s day, as imperialism has become ever more decadent and moribund, this labour aristocracy, as it was called, has only grown, its influence has only increased and become more pervasive, and it is aided in its deception of the working class and its movement by decades of relentless and shameless social democracy and Khrushchevite revisionism. We see, then, that to build a sincerely and thoroughly anti-revisionist, anti-imperialist, revolutionary Communist Party in the conditions which exist in the United Kingdom is no easy task, and the Communists attempting it are faced with an enormous task.

With the above taken into account, the CPGB-ML is indeed incredibly active in its work. Day by day the party is growing in number, and having attended party meetings and talked to party comrades myself I can testify for the fact that it is the only communist party in the country which is really attracting active support from real British workers and a not insignificant number of young people. Increasingly, sincere Comrades from other organisations, realising that their own groupings have been castrated and robbed of their revolutionary heart by social democracy, Trotskyism and revisionism and opportunism of various kinds, are defecting to the CPGB-ML, which is the only party consciously striving to create and develop conscious links with the masses, which it does by selling its newspapers and journals, attending protests and demonstrations, issuing leaflets, conducting workers’ educational programmes, and, simply but effectively, talking to the masses, actually learning from them, as well as through various other activities.

Surely, the party can only intensify its work and spread its influence, and surely as the crisis of capitalism develops, as the British working class its jolted from hardship to hardship by its despotic imperialist rulers, the Marxist movement can only develop, grow, and spread, so that we may reasonably speak of having active cells and cadre in all corners of the country, ready to make their contributions with all their zeal and effort to the cause of the proletarian revolution, the dictatorship of the proletariat and communism.
So then, we may say, backed by the experience of the struggle of the proletariat and the truth of Marxism-Leninism, that this Party is the only thoroughly and consistently anti-imperialist, anti-revisionist and politically active communist organisation existing in Great Britain, it is the party of British socialism, and it is for all these reasons that I have joined the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist).

Long Live the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)!

Death to Capitalist-Imperialism! 

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Red Youth salute to the people of Ferguson


Once again, the outrageous murder of a young working-class black man, and the acquittal of his murderer in a bourgeois court, reveals the true brutal character of the “democratic” USA.

Time and again, the United States has demonstrated its repressive and supremacist character – armed police murder wantonly and without justification, time and again the state that these armed hooligans (police) serve goes out of its way to protect these criminals, even when its actions enrage and shame the entire planet!

Michael Brown was murdered in cold blood on the threshold of adulthood by a tool of the US imperialist state. He was an irreplaceable human being torn from the world of the living. Michael’s murderer, Officer Darren Wilson, was allowed to walk free by a so-called “grand jury”. What kind of judgement was this? What kind of justice? It is our belief that the real judgement is now taking place out on the streets of Ferguson and across the entire United States!

What kind of a ‘justice system’ is it where a murderer can walk free because he is white and wears a uniform? It is the justice system not of the people, but of those who rule despotically over the people; for although our rulers may claim to be ‘democratic’ and declare their state to be a ‘neutral’ body, the true nature of ‘American democracy’ is revealed when poor and oppressed people stand up for themselves and ask for justice in a bourgeois court. American democracy is democracy for the rich, it is bourgeois democracy, or as Lenin termed it, bourgeois dictatorship. It is democratic for the ruling class, and dictatorial towards the poor. It is the rule of the US financial elite, armed to the teeth to preserve their privileged position. It is a state of a minority organised against the people.

Working people cannot trust a justice system built to serve the class interests of their rulers. We should be under no illusion: the capitalist state is run by the rich, and it is run for the rich. Whenever anything threatens the power of the rich, the so-called “freedoms” of the US citizens – upon which imperialist countries like Britain and the US are supposed to be built – are cast aside like an old rag doll under the pretense of ‘security’ and ‘order.’

It is time we understood that the puppets used by this dictatorship of the rich are our enemies too. The police, the national guard and the military all exist to defend the power and privileges of the ruling elite against the interests of the mass of workers. Whilst recognising this fact, we also recognise that many of these puppets have no long-term interest standing with imperialism against the masses, they have been bribed by imperialism to be a Judas to their class, but if they continue to work only for gold and silver and refuse to be won over to the proletarian revolution they shall be smashed in battle! The criminal actions of capitalist imperialism are becoming so blatant that it will also, eventually, (and certainly if revolutionaries conduct proper illegal work inside these state forces) lead to the complete destruction of the fighting will of these puppets and their complete demise.

Darren Wilson is guilty of cold-blooded murder, and the state that he serves is guilty of exercising a brutal dictatorship against its own people, of inflicting a bloody terror upon the poorest and most marginalised communities of the United States.

The state machine has the blood of countless innocents on its hands, and it must be defeated in battle. Mao Zedong once said, “Without a people’s army, the people have nothing.” Red Youth is sure that the many excellent revolutionaries organised across the United States in various militant, revolutionary, communist organisations are doing everything in their power to bring knowledge and education to the masses. For as Lenin pointed out workers are the gunpowder, knowledge and education are the spark! Red Youth sends militant greetings to our comrades in America, lets light an inferno under US imperialism!

Justice for Mike Brown!

Down with the capitalist-imperialist dictatorship!

Red Salute to the people of Ferguson, the US working class and their revolutionary detachments!

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Cuban Embassy speak at CPGB-ML celebration

Jorge Luis Garcia, from the Cuban Embassy, speaks to British workers, members and supporters of the CPGB-ML, gathered to celebrate the 97th Anniversary of the October Revolution in Saklatvala hall in November 2014.

He explains that Cuba not only brought the October Revolution to the Americas, but outlines some of the practical ways in which the Cuban revolution serves the people of Cuba, the Americas and the world, showing its internationalism and in this way paying tribute to the spirit and essence of Socialism, that was first brought to the world by the earth shaking events of November 1917.

Cuba has sent 641 doctors to help the people of West Africa suffering from the Ebola outbreak, while the US response has been to send soldiers.

He makes reference to the hostility of the USA toward Cuba, and that the Cuban government continues to campaign for the release of the Miami 5 – three of whom remain incarcerated illegally in the USA, after 16 years!

Che Guevara’s daughter will address a Vigil outside the US Embassy (Grosvenor Square, London, W1A 2LQ – on Friday 3rd December 2014, between 6-7.30pm) to highlight the plight of the remaining political prisoners, held in US Jails.

We ask all our members and supporters in the region to make every effort to attend!

These 5 brave sons of Cuba travelled to the US to expose and bring to light the terrorist activities of CIA sponsored Cuban exile groups who perpetrated bombings and acts of terror against the Cuban people, in a vain attempt to enforce ‘regime change’, and restore the parasitic and decadent order of comprador capitalist rule.

But the Cuban people remain strong, confident in their gains and willing to face their adversities squarely on their own feet; they realise that nothing is more precious than independence and freedom.

Cuba, he says, may be a small country without huge financial reserves, but Cuba is rich in ‘human capital’. The generosity and bold spirit of Cuba is evident to all who learn of her international medical aid program, and her courageous and successful defiance of US imperialist aggression.

Long live Socialist Cuba! Long live the October Revolution!


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False “Friends of the People”

A poem written by one of our members

Here we are at a grassroots demo,
but here come Labour, they got the memo!

Rousing us all with their ‘working class’ chanting,
another blast of their Anti-Tory ranting.
The Tories ARE scum but have we forgotten,
that Labour and its policies have always been rotten?

No, you cry – Labour gave us NHS!
They did. This is true. Yes, oh yes!
The Soviet Union had free healthcare,
the Commies in Britain knew this to be fair.

Labour were sweating at the Communists strength,
they pondered and plotted and worried at length.
They gave us our healthcare, our fabulous concession,
we were pacified – they sold it! – this should be our lesson.

Labour brought Atos, PFI, higher tuition fees,
it brought OUR NHS down to its knees,
and my favourite – the policy it backed to the max,
then a U-turn for votes… its own pet – Bedroom Tax!

A vote for Labour results in as much action,
as an Olympic runner with both legs in traction.
Thatcher is dead but what do we gain,
by voting for Imperialists again and again?

Red Ed? Really? Enough of this crap.
There’s less Socialism in Labour than MPs with the Clap!
This Parliamentary system is a complete farce,
Us masses need a massive kick up the arse.

These MPs are getting fatter and fatter,
on the spoils of our labour and what do we matter?
But we can draw strength through our collective might,
for our emancipation we ALL have to fight!

So fists in the air, one and all,
Let us always remember there is only ONE war.
It’s going to take time, won’t happen over night,
but if we’re committed and organised our future’s in sight.

UKIP and the far right are a sickening joke,
and what use the Greens under reactionary yoke?
For Reformists and Revisionists sound the death knell,
Our ONLY alternative is the CPGB-ML!


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7th Congress of the CPGB-ML a great success

The 7th Congress of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) was held over two days, 8-9 November in London. The Congress marked the occasion of the 97th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution with a public celebration in the evening which was addressed by the Ambassador of the DPR Korea, comrade Hyon Hak Bong, and comrade Jorge Luis Garcia from the Cuban Embassy. Joti Brar from the Proletarian editorial board spoke first and the evening finished with a rousing speech from comrade Harpal Brar.

The 7th Congress received the reports of the various party committee’s and discussed a number of significant issue’s such as rising nationalism, deepening crisis and the class composition of British society in the 21st century. Congress also endorsed a number of documents which will be made public in due course, and announced the publication of a new book on the history of the first imperialist World War. Congress noted the continuing growth and development of our party nationally, pledged to continue to support and promote our youth and cadres in their ongoing ideological development, and recognised the leading role young communists play in the leadership of our Party.

The 7th Congress was attended by many working class red youth’s, all of whom are active members of the party and youth section and many of which lead our party branches and organisations in their various cities and regions. All the comrades demonstrated their commitment to the Party, their class and the ideology of Marxism Leninism.

Here’s some photo’s for those comrades who were unable to attend (we missed you greatly) taken during the speeches, contributions and discussion and a couple from the evening celebration. Red Youth has pledged to continue the work in the regions, to build up the party branches and ensure we are able to hold even more Marxist Leninist educational classes, discussion groups, public meetings and events in all corners of Britain in 2015!

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