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Daniel Spoerri
Daniel Spoerri
Daniel Spoerri
Archéologie contemporaine : le Déjeuner sous l'herbe de Daniel Spoerri à Jouy-en-Josas
Giardino di Daniel Spoerri Seggiano 0001
Daniel Spoerri, Dalla A alla Z, 1991 (2von3)
MEMA TV - KW 40 - Vernissage von Daniel Spoerri in Bruck
Daniel Spoerri im Naturhistorischen Museum - Ein inkompetenter Dialog?
Il Giardino di Daniel Spoerri
Nicholas Isherwood, SINGING TOUR of Daniel Spoerri's exhibit (clip #1)
Nicholas Isherwood, SINGING TOUR of Daniel Spoerri's exhibit (clip #2)
Daniel Spoerri - Stuhlgestrüpp - Galerie Rauminhalt
Daniel Spoerri - Stuhlgestrüpp - Galerie Rauminhalt
Daniel Spoerri : Golem - Natascha Nikeprelevic : Vernissage-Performance
He creates mixed media type sculptures and works of art that appear to be a table with objects on it hung on the wall.
Mostra Daniel Spoerri Museo Arte Contemporanea Villa Croce Via Jacopo Ruffini Genova.
Daniel Spoerri, Roemenië, 27 maart 1930 is een Zwitserse kunstenaar, regisseur en beeldhouwer. Exposeert in Antwerpen voor het eerst als kunstenaar in de ten...
Visite du site avec Jean-Paul Demoule, archéologue, professeur à l'université Paris I, Aurélia Allegri, archéologue, Inrap, et Bernard Müller, anthropologue,...
Daniel Spoerri.
Inspiriert durch viele Besuche in den Sammlungen, Depots und Werkstätten des NHM entwickelte Daniel Spoerri, eine der herausragendsten Künstlerpersönlichkeit...
Una grande tenuta poco distante dal centro abitato di Seggiano: 15 ettari di terreno dove la natura, addolcita nei suoi rilievi più aspri, fa bella mostra di sé fra ampi spazi erbosi e rigogliosi boschetti, dialogando costantemente con le sculture in bronzo che Daniel Spoerri vi ha collocato, talvolta loro alleata, altre volte controparte. Un percorso si snoda leggero senza una sua definizione fisica precisa, rivelando la presenza delle sculture a mano a mano che si procede: a volte esse si confondono nello spazio naturale o si celano nel rigoglio vegetale in un altalenare di sensazioni fra la sorpresa e l'incantamento.
Clip of Nicholas Isherwood and Daniel Spoerri as Isherwood sings Seneca's Death from L'Incoronazione di Poppea in front of Spoerri's work Resurrection a Dani...
Clip of Nicholas Isherwood and Daniel Spoerri as Isherwood sings Seneca's Death from L'Incoronazione di Poppea in front of Spoerri's work Resurrection a Dani...
Rauminstallation von Daniel Spoerri bei Galerie Rauminhalt. Im Rahmen der 2. Vienna Design Week 2008 (02. bis 12.10.2008)
Rauminstallation von Daniel Spoerri bei Galerie Rauminhalt. Im Rahmen der 2. Vienna Design Week 2008 (02. bis 12.10.2008)
09/09/2014: Inauguration of the "Acqua GOLEM" (Water Golem) at Sculpture-Garden of DANIEL SPOERRI (Giardino di Daniel Spoerri) in Seggiano, Italy. In a ceremony - attended by the artist himself and institutions - the wonderful voice of Natascha Nikeprelevic "baptized" the Golem. The Vocalist did the Vernissage-Performance for and with this sculpture named: "Breathing life into Golem". In an experimental performance Natascha turned her voice to any type of sound: noise, hiss, rattle, gurgling and splendid overtones. Natascha danced, "talked" and courted the Golem. "The singing of special Natascha - said Spoerri - makes Golem a living being." The sculpture - high over 2 meters and a half - built by assembling elements for pipelines and gate valves used in hydraulic systems of aqueduct of Fiora, with parts in plastic, stainless steel and brass, and characterized by a hydraulic system recirculating water that gives the characteristics of "fountain". The artist has found inspiration for this work by visiting the springs on Mount Amiata. He wanted to create a sort of "guardian of the water", so as to emphasize the importance of the protection and conservation of the resource water. Since 1998, Natascha Nikeprelevic sings in the context of work-inaugurations of the artist Daniel Spoerri. So she did a performance with his sculpture: "Sede di Giano" in 2005 on the occasion of his honorary citizenship in Seggiano (Italy). Together with Michael Vetter she sung in 1999 their radioplay: "soto voce" in the sculpture: "penetrable sonore" of J.R. Soto, which is also located in the Giardino di Daniel Spoerri. The radio play was recorded live there and broadcasted in DeutschlandRadio Berlin. Natascha is friendly and neighborly connected to Daniel Spoerri, also because her "Academy of Intermedial improvisation, music, painting and theater" is in close proximity to the "Giardino di Daniel Spoerri". ARTIST-WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: Daniel Spoerri:
demo version with an interview of the composer performers: Paolo Francese & Carlo Alessandro Lapegna: Pianos; Devis Tarolli: Drums.
Daniel Spoerri, Dalla A alla Z, 1991.
Bernhard Jordi und Marco Giacomoni bei Daniel Spoerri, Seggiano 1998 Jordi und Giacomoni helfen im Giardino di Daniel Spoerri, bei der Realisierung zweier We...
Daniel Spoerri.
Giardino Spoerri e Saturnia.
Cento anni di Pasta Di Martino a Gragnano e due chef stellati per celebrarli. Lo chef Marco Parizzi del Parizzi di Parma e lo chef Giuseppe Aversa del Buco d...
"Swiss artist Daniel Spoerri has created a large and enchanting sculpture park in Maremma, near the top of Monte Amiata in Tuscany. The park counts one hundr...
Daniel Spoerri, spingole francesi, 1993, tecnica mista su carta, 20 x 20 ca. In vendita presso Galleria de' Bonis, Reggio Emilia, Viale dei Mille, 44/B. Tel....
Daniel Spoerri ist einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter der Objektkunst, Mitbegründer der Künstlergruppierung Nouveau Réalisme und gilt als Erfinder der Eat-Art. Der Garten am Monte Amiata bei Seggiano lädt zu einer Entdeckungsreise mit kleiner Wanderung ein.
Im Ausstellungshaus von Daniel Spoerri in Hadersdorf am Kamp, Niederösterreich sahen wir die sehenswerte Ausstellung "Natürlich Natur - Paralipomena". Großar...
Daniel Padilla sample his bear hug to Kathryn Bernardo. Watch now! Subscribe to the ABS-CBN Online channel! - Watch the full episodes of The Buzz 15 on TFC.TV and on IWANT.TV for Philippine viewers, click: Visit our official website! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Actor Daniel Radcliffe is in the red chair on George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight. For more George visit:
Daniel Radcliffe talks Broadway, musicals and nudity. Subscribe to Late Night: » Get even more of Late Night with Seth Meyers: » Watch Late Night Weeknights 12:35/11:35c on NBC! Follow Late Night: Late Night Tumblr: Get more NBC: NBC YouTube: Like NBC: Follow NBC: NBC Tumblr: NBC Google+: Late Night with Seth Meyers on YouTube features A-list celebrity guests, memorable comedy and the best in musical talent. Daniel Radcliffe Interview - Late Night with Seth Meyers
In this interview for, film correspondent JAMES KLEINMANN asked DANIEL RADCLIFFE (Ig Perrish) what his initial reaction was when he read the screenplay for HORNS.
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More interviews with Daniel Radcliffe: Subscribe to ODE: We caught up with Daniel Radcliffe to talk about his latest film rom-com What if. Oh, he is such a lovely chap! A big shoutout to our Twitter followers @straussmel, @PaulineM_, @Dansheart and @radcliffemexico for getting their questions selected. We would have asked more, but we ran out of time! Interview by James Sloan. Produced by Andrea Lilly. Welcome to ODE - On Demand Entertainment! Formerly known as TheShowbiz411 we bring you the best celebrity interviews and showbiz news from our ITN Productions studios in London. Like our tunes? Check out Stone Ocean's music here: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Add us Google+: Folow us on Pinterest: More entertainment news from ODE- The Inbetweeners talk koalas with STDs: Is George Shelley dating Neon Jungle's Asami? Why Justin Bieber made us get weepy eyed: First look at Hunger Games Mockingjay: Tulisa talks cocaine after drugs trial collapses: Liam Payne sends fans wild with naked Instagram pic: Aw! Chris Pratt melts our hearts talking about his son: Benedict Cumberbatch meets a penguin: One Direction celebrates four years: FUNNY: Neon Jungle talk screaming nipples: Sam Smith opens up about the man behind his album: Bastille answer our favourite fan questions: Nicole Scherzinger says 1D owes her money! Cheryl Cole's secret marriage: Our favourite moments with Perrie from Little Mix: Exclusive 5SOS interview as superheroes: See 2013's Most Watched Videos: See our Top 20 Most Watched videos: See 2012's Most Watched Videos:
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How do you think he handled it? Daniel Radcliffe recently did an interview with the Associated Press while promoting his new film "Horns". When asked about what it's like to be an "unconventional male lead", he struck back asking why it's normal to sexualize young actresses but not actor's who have grown up in front of the camera. Pop Trigger discusses. Read more:;=Women Follow Pop Trigger on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Samantha Schacher: Bree Essrig: Brett Erlich: Check out Viral Video Film School With Brett: Support Pop Trigger for FREE by doing your Amazon shopping through this link (bookmark it!) New Pop Trigger Hoodie: A disgruntled Florida mom started a petition, urging Toys R Us to pull Breaking Bad action figures from it's shelves. After a tense few days, the toy store caved and pulled the toys. Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul have since responded, with the latter taking aim at both the mom and the store. Pop Trigger discusses. Pop Trigger, a smart show about dumb stuff. We break down *celebrities, dating, and other random pop culture (ish) topics with guests from TV/film, music, and of course **YouTube! Watch us here on Hulu. PS - No teleprompters allowed.
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Matthew and George about Glastonbury, growing in popularity, seizing an opportunity, an eclectic debut record, writing as an outlet, the soundtrack to their ...
@jdscoop82 meets former WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan in LA ahead of SummerSlam 2014. In an extremely honest interview, he chats about his father's passing, the recent burglary at his home, his marriage with Brie Bella, his recent neck surgeries, shouting at Triple H backstage and his dream matches in the future.
Daniel Seavey, a contestant on Season 14 of AMERICAN IDOL, talks with about his audition -- and being compared to Justin Beiber
BigPond Movies chats to Daniel Bruhl who plays Formula One legend Niki Lauda in RUSH. Also starring Chris Hemsworth and Olivia Wilde, RUSH hits Australian ci...
They did a Interview for the third Hp movie. Hear about the towel girl!!!! =) Do not own!
... artist Daniel Spoerri, and many other influential figures in the decades after World War II.
noodls 2015-02-19Conceived by ZERO artist Günther Uecker and decorated by other network artists, including Adolf ...
noodls 2014-10-21... Soto, Daniel Spoerri, Jean Tinguely, Günther Uecker, Jef Verheyen, Nanda Vigo, and herman de vries.
noodls 2014-10-10Download image ... Remnants of Violence", Bronze, Steel, and Wood, New York, 2014 ... Magdalena Abakanowicz ... Daniel Spoerri ... .1908
PR Newswire 2014-04-23(Source: ... Article Body 2010 ... Dieter Roth and Daniel Spoerri both use food, and its eventual decay, as sculptural material ... N. Y.
noodls 2014-04-04These are just a few of the provocative acts examined in "Feast: ... Daniel Spoerri's "Tableau piège, 17 ... T ... ) ... ) ... ) ... A.
Houston Chronicle 2013-11-12Instead, she moved to Paris in 1958 with her first husband, Swiss artist Daniel Spoerri, a former ...
Kansas City Star 2013-02-01Daniel (Hebrew: דָּנִיֵּאל, Modern Daniyyel Tiberian Dāniyyêl ; Arabic: دانيال, meaning in Hebrew "God is my Judge") is the protagonist in the Book of Daniel of the Hebrew Bible. In the narrative, when Daniel was a young man, he was taken into Babylonian captivity where he was educated in Chaldean thought. However, he never converted to Neo-Babylonian ways. By Divine Wisdom from his God, Yahweh, he interpreted dreams and visions of kings, thus becoming a prominent figure in the court of Babylon. Eventually, he had apocalyptic visions of his own that have been interpreted as the Four monarchies. Some of the most famous tales of Daniel are: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, The writing on the wall and Daniel in the lions' den.
In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim (BC 606), Daniel and his friends Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were among the young Jewish nobility carried off to Babylon. The four were chosen for their intellect and beauty to be trained as advisors to the Babylonian court,(Daniel 1) Daniel was given the name Belteshazzar, i.e., prince of Bel, or Bel protect the king!(not to be confused with the neo-Babylonian king, Belshazzar). Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were given the Babylonian names, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, respectively.
Daniel Spoerri (born 27 March 1930 in Galați) is a Swiss artist and writer born in Romania, who has been called "the central figure of European post-war art" and "one of the most renown[ed] [artists] of the 20th century." Spoerri is best known for his "snare-pictures," a type of assemblage or object art, in which he captures a group of objects, such as the remains of meals eaten by individuals, including the plates, silverware and glasses, all of which are fixed to the table or board, which is then displayed on a wall. He also is widely acclaimed for his book, Topographie Anécdotée* du Hasard (An Anecdoted Topography of Chance), a literary analog to his snare-pictures, in which he mapped all the objects located on his table at a particular moment, describing each with his personal recollections evoked by the object.
Spoerri was born Daniel Isaac Feinstein, on 27 March 1930, in Galați, Romania. Although his father, Isaac Feinstein, had converted to Christianity, after Romania entered the War on the side of Nazi Germany he was arrested and killed in 1941. His mother, born Lydia Spoerri, was Swiss and was therefore able to emigrate with her family of 6 children to Switzerland in 1942. There, he was adopted by his maternal uncle and registered as Daniel Spoerri, a name he has retained.