Cubomania is a surrealist method of making collages in which a picture or image is cut into squares and the squares are then reassembled without regard for the image, automatically "or at random," or a collage made using this method, a "rearrangement... suffic[ing] to create an entirely new work." It has been described as a "statistical method". Robert Hirsch has seemed to imply that this process can be done with digital photography.
Although seemingly a contradiction in terms, at least one cubomania has been made with triangular shapes.
Cubomania is done by cutting up an image into squares or rectangles (normally the same size) and reassembling randomly, the outcome is a new image with little resemblance to the starting image.
Penelope Rosemont and Joseph Jablonski have suggested that cubomania, with other surrealist methods, can "subvert the enslaving 'message' of advertising and to free images from repressive contexts."
Cubomania was invented by the Romanian surrealist Gherasim Luca.
She wore glass slippers
She held her head up high
She had that sparkle at her feet
And that twinkle in her eye
She smiled at me
And I wondered why
She said I'm looking for a cowboy
To take me for a ride
And he can rope me on the prarie
And he can ride me on the plain
And I will be his Cinderalla
If he'll be my cowboy man
She said I've got a 40-gallon stetson hat
With a 38-foot brim
We could dance around the outside baby
'Til we both fall in
And you can rope me on the prarie
And you can ride me on the plain
And I will be your Cinderalla
If you'll be my cowboy man
Now I ain't never been no cowboy
But heaven knows I try
'Cause I'll be riding tall in my saddle
With that Cinderalla by my side
And I can rope her on the prarie
And I can ride her on the plain
And she will be me my Cinderalla