
Synovitis of the Shoulder - DePuy Videos
Synovitis of the Shoulder - DePuy Videos
Synovitis is a condition that causes the entire shoulder joint to become swollen and tender. Your shoulder joints are held together by a capsule of tissues and ligaments. The inner-most tissue of the capsule is a membrane called the synovium. The synnovial membrane provides an oil-like fluid that helps lubricate the joints. When the synovium becomes inflamed, it is called synovitis. For more information about synovitis resources and treatment options visit www.depuy.com

Pediatrics: Transient Synovitis (Hip Pain)
Pediatrics: Transient Synovitis (Hip Pain)
People of all ages can experience hip pain: athletes, people growing older, even small children. "Something that we see very commonly in kids that mimics the infection of the bone or the joint is called transient synovitis," explains pediatric orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Matthew Wagner. Dr. Wagner is on the medical staff at The Children's Hospital of Southwest Florida. This is a pain or swelling of the tissues around the hip joint. Pediatric orthopedic surgeons like Dr. Wagner don't know the exact cause, but do have a few ideas. "It's a self-limiting condition. It's usually caused by a viral syndrome whether it's upper respiratory or GI, and it causes a child to limp and have pain. It most commonly affects the knee and the hip and the age of the child is somewhere between 5 and 10." The main symptom is pain in the hip. Sometimes it comes on gradually, other times sudden. The child may have trouble standing or complain of pain in the inner thigh. "They can have a viral element and then it can spontaneously lead to the child having pain and we of course are more concerned for bacterial infection." In prescribing the best treatment, physicians may examine the hip, take x-rays; even have blood drawn. "Those can be differentiated based on laboratory work and imaging such as ultrasounds of the joints or MRI of the bones." Anti-inflammatory medication is often prescribed and so is rest. Parents are sometimes advised to take their child's temperature at various times throughout the <b>...</b>

Knee aspiration technique Knee synovitis เจาะเข่า เข่าอักเสบ
Knee aspiration technique Knee synovitis เจาะเข่า เข่าอักเสบ
The VDO clip shows the knee aspiration technique of a patient with knee effusion. The technique is performed under sterile technique. The landmark of the aspiration is the point which is 2.5cm. down from the superior pole of patella.

Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis Surgery by Dr HC Chang.wmv
Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis Surgery by Dr HC Chang.wmv
Knee PVNS, pigmented villo-nodular synovitis, treatment of pvns, hc chang, dr chang haw chong, dr hc chang, knee surgeon singapore, sports surgeon singapore, sports surgeon sg. www.ortho.com.sg, www.kneesurgeon.com.sg, www.sportssurgeon.sg, singapore orthopaedic surgeon, gleneagles medical centre

Arthroscopic Surgery #1- Synovitis
Arthroscopic Surgery #1- Synovitis
From my right knee operation. The main issue was a torn medial meniscus but this was taken care (since they were in there anyway) of to offset the onset of osteoarthritis. Just pretty cool lookin' microsurgery. It seems to be recorded at half speed, so it looks double speed.

AA37 pigmented villonodular synovitis
AA37 pigmented villonodular synovitis
PVNS: a rare painful knee condition causing swelling that can be cured by keyhole surgery. This is an example of localised PVNS that can be biopsied by keyhole and the pedicle sealed using the Arthrocare Ambient radiofrequency wand. Google: Knee Surgeon - for the authors profile.

McKailey before knee surgery for Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis.
McKailey before knee surgery for Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis.
This is McKailey before they took her for her surgery. She had Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis. She is 8 years old! Subscribe to my video's and see what else we get on camera!

Landyn with transient synovitis.
Landyn with transient synovitis.
This is what we woke up to for 7 straight days. By day 2 I had figured out what was causing it even though the ER docs had no clue. A specialist diagnosed it as transient synovitis.

SynoVitis: Pain worse in damp weather. © Pankaj Oudhia
SynoVitis: Pain worse in damp weather. © Pankaj Oudhia
Thisfilm is a part of report titled "Pankaj Oudhia's Healing Herbs for Unique Symptoms." by Pankaj Oudhia. For details please visit www.pankajoudhia.com This Film is a part of plus 7000 parts series. It is better to watch this film after reading the research documents in order to understand it in real sense. Related Topics in pankajoudhia.com Millingtonia hortensis in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy from liver diseases (Ascites), Mimosa abstergens in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Lower half of the abdomen distended (Ascites), Mimosa amara in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy after suppressed eruption (Ascites), Mimosa cineraria in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Puffiness of the face with oedema about the eyelids (Ascites), Mimosa cinerea in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy from congestion of kidney (Ascites), Mimosa ferruginea in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy after suppressed eruption (Ascites), Mimosa flexuosa in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Renal Dropsy (Ascites), Mimosa hamata in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy with enlargement of spleen (Ascites), Mimosa intsia in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy with Thirstlessness (Ascites), Mimosa invisa in Pankaj Oudhia's <b>...</b>

SynoVitis: Rheumatic knee-joint. © Pankaj Oudhia
SynoVitis: Rheumatic knee-joint. © Pankaj Oudhia
Thisfilm is a part of report titled "Pankaj Oudhia's Healing Herbs for Unique Symptoms." by Pankaj Oudhia. For details please visit www.pankajoudhia.com This Film is a part of plus 7000 parts series. It is better to watch this film after reading the research documents in order to understand it in real sense. Related Topics in pankajoudhia.com Momordica muricata in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Oozing of serum (Ascites), Momordica tuberosa in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy due to portal obstruction (Ascites), Momordica umbellata in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Lower half of the abdomen distended (Ascites), Monetia barlerioides in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy after scarlet fever (Ascites), Moniera cuneate in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy after typhoid fever (Ascites), Moniera cuneifolia in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy due to portal obstruction (Ascites), Monochoria hastaefolia in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy with enlargement of spleen (Ascites), Monochoria hastata in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy from organic heart disease (Ascites), Monochoria vaginalis in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Oozing of serum (Ascites), Monotropa uniflora in Pankaj Oudhia's <b>...</b>

SynoVitis: Pain in the knee joint more outside and to the front. © Pankaj Oudhia
SynoVitis: Pain in the knee joint more outside and to the front. © Pankaj Oudhia
Thisfilm is a part of report titled "Pankaj Oudhia's Healing Herbs for Unique Symptoms." by Pankaj Oudhia. For details please visit www.pankajoudhia.com This Film is a part of plus 7000 parts series. It is better to watch this film after reading the research documents in order to understand it in real sense. Related Topics in pankajoudhia.com Morus indica in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy at puberty (Ascites), Morus laevigata in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy after typhoid fever (Ascites), Morus nigra in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy due to portal obstruction (Ascites), Moschosma polystachyum in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy from organic heart disease (Ascites), Moullava spicata in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy from liver complaint (Ascites), Mucuna atropurpurea in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Oozing of serum (Ascites), Mucuna bracteata in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy with great thirst (Ascites), Mucuna capitata in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy of abdomen with gastric disturbances (Ascites), Mucuna cochinchinensis in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy after scarlet fever (Ascites), Mucuna gigantea in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal <b>...</b>

Stenosing Synovitis
Stenosing Synovitis
Kinesio Tape Application For Stenosing Synovitis at RiverdaleWellness.com

SynoVitis: Painless swelling of the knee. © Pankaj Oudhia
SynoVitis: Painless swelling of the knee. © Pankaj Oudhia
Thisfilm is a part of report titled "Pankaj Oudhia's Healing Herbs for Unique Symptoms." by Pankaj Oudhia. For details please visit www.pankajoudhia.com This Film is a part of plus 7000 parts series. It is better to watch this film after reading the research documents in order to understand it in real sense. Related Topics in pankajoudhia.com Menanthes sumatrana in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Sensitiveness to cold drinks (Ascites), Menispermum cocculus in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy with Thirstlessness (Ascites), Menispermum columba in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy at puberty (Ascites), Menispermum cordifolium in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy with jelly like diarrhea (Ascites), Menispermum glabrum in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy with enlargement of liver (Ascites), Mentha aquatica in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Puffiness of the face with oedema about the eyelids (Ascites), Mentha arvensis in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy at puberty (Ascites), Mentha cordifolia in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy with jelly like diarrhea (Ascites), Mentha crispa Mentha dumetorium in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy at puberty (Ascites), Mentha longifolia in Pankaj <b>...</b>

SynoVitis: Pain worse during night. © Pankaj Oudhia
SynoVitis: Pain worse during night. © Pankaj Oudhia
Thisfilm is a part of report titled "Pankaj Oudhia's Healing Herbs for Unique Symptoms." by Pankaj Oudhia. For details please visit www.pankajoudhia.com This Film is a part of plus 7000 parts series. It is better to watch this film after reading the research documents in order to understand it in real sense. Related Topics in pankajoudhia.com Modecca palmata in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy after suppressed sweat (Ascites), Modecca trilobata in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy with enlargement of spleen (Ascites), Modecca wightiana in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy due to cancer of the liver (Ascites), Moghania bracteata in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy from organic heart disease (Ascites), Moghania chappar in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy with enlargement of spleen (Ascites), Moghania macrophylla in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Lower half of the abdomen distended (Ascites), Moghania nana in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy from congestion of kidney (Ascites), Moghania phursia in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy after suppressed sweat (Ascites), Moghania semialata in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Oozing of serum (Ascites), Moghania stricta in Pankaj Oudhia's <b>...</b>

SynoVitis: Stiffness and stitches when moving. © Pankaj Oudhia
SynoVitis: Stiffness and stitches when moving. © Pankaj Oudhia
Thisfilm is a part of report titled "Pankaj Oudhia's Healing Herbs for Unique Symptoms." by Pankaj Oudhia. For details please visit www.pankajoudhia.com This Film is a part of plus 7000 parts series. It is better to watch this film after reading the research documents in order to understand it in real sense. Related Topics in pankajoudhia.com Micromelum hirsutum in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy at menopause (Ascites), Micromelum integerrimum in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy with afternoon fever (Ascites), Micromelum minutum in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Renal Dropsy (Ascites), Micromelum pubescens in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy with jelly like diarrhea (Ascites), Micromeria biflora in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy after suppressed eruption (Ascites), Micromeria capitellata in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy from liver diseases (Ascites), Micrometum integerrimum in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy with dark urine (Ascites), Micropus xanthopus in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Puffiness of the face with oedema about the eyelids (Ascites), Microrhynchus nudicaulis in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy from liver complaint (Ascites), Microsorium alternifolium <b>...</b>

SynoVitis: Erratic tearing pain. © Pankaj Oudhia
SynoVitis: Erratic tearing pain. © Pankaj Oudhia
Thisfilm is a part of report titled "Pankaj Oudhia's Healing Herbs for Unique Symptoms." by Pankaj Oudhia. For details please visit www.pankajoudhia.com This Film is a part of plus 7000 parts series. It is better to watch this film after reading the research documents in order to understand it in real sense. Related Topics in pankajoudhia.com Merremia hederacea in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Puffiness of the face with oedema about the eyelids (Ascites), Merremia mammosa in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy with afternoon fever (Ascites), Merremia peltata in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Renal Dropsy (Ascites), Merremia tridentata in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy with enlargement of liver (Ascites), Merremia tridentata in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Sensitiveness to cold drinks (Ascites), Merremia tuberosa in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy with Thirstlessness (Ascites), Merremia turpethum in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy with jelly like diarrhea (Ascites), Merremia umbellata Merremia vitifolia in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Dropsy with afternoon fever (Ascites), Mesembryanthemum crystallinum in Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Mushroom based Herbal Formulations-Renal Dropsy (Ascites), Mesua ferrea in Pankaj <b>...</b>

SynoVitis: Due to synovial effusion in cold patients. © Pankaj Oudhia
SynoVitis: Due to synovial effusion in cold patients. © Pankaj Oudhia
Thisfilm is a part of report titled "Pankaj Oudhia's Healing Herbs for Unique Symptoms." by Pankaj Oudhia. For details please visit www.pankajoudhia.com This Film is a part of plus 7000 parts series. It is better to watch this film after reading the research documents in order to understand it in real sense. Related Topics in pankajoudhia.com Moringa concanensis in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional and Modern Healing Methods-नींद में चलने की बीमारी (पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज), Moringa conconensis in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional and Modern Healing Methods-कब्ज की पुरानी शिकायत (पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज), Moringa oleifera in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional and Modern Healing Methods-निराश व्यक्ति को समझाने पर उसका और अधिक दुखी हो जाना (पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज), Moringa pterygosperma in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional and Modern Healing Methods-सारे शरीर में पुराना आमवात (पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज), Morus acedosa in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional and Modern Healing Methods-निराश व्यक्ति को समझाने पर उसका और अधिक दुखी हो जाना (पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज), Morus alba in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional <b>...</b>


SynoVitis: Inflammation of house maid's knee. © Pankaj Oudhia
SynoVitis: Inflammation of house maid's knee. © Pankaj Oudhia
Thisfilm is a part of report titled "Pankaj Oudhia's Healing Herbs for Unique Symptoms." by Pankaj Oudhia. For details please visit www.pankajoudhia.com This Film is a part of plus 7000 parts series. It is better to watch this film after reading the research documents in order to understand it in real sense. Related Topics in pankajoudhia.com Mimulus strictus in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional and Modern Healing Methods-बबूल के प्रयोग से माइग्रेन का दर्द बढ़ना (पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज), Mimusops elengi in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional and Modern Healing through Terminalia based Formulations-सरगुजा के पारम्परिक औषधीय मिश्रणों में गुणात्मक सुधार (पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज), Mimusops hexandra in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional and Modern Healing through Tinospora based Formulations-देवभोग के पारम्परिक औषधीय मिश्रणों में गुणात्मक सुधार (पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज), Mimusops indica in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional and Modern Healing through Cassia based Formulations-रायपुर जिले के पारम्परिक औषधीय मिश्रणों में गुणात्मक सुधार (पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज), Mimusops kauki in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional and Modern <b>...</b>

SynoVitis: Hot inflammatory swelling of the knee. © Pankaj Oudhia
SynoVitis: Hot inflammatory swelling of the knee. © Pankaj Oudhia
Thisfilm is a part of report titled "Pankaj Oudhia's Healing Herbs for Unique Symptoms." by Pankaj Oudhia. For details please visit www.pankajoudhia.com This Film is a part of plus 7000 parts series. It is better to watch this film after reading the research documents in order to understand it in real sense. Related Topics in pankajoudhia.com Morinda angustifolia in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional and Modern Healing through Padri based Formulations-केशकाल के पारम्परिक औषधीय मिश्रणों में गुणात्मक सुधार (पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज), Morinda citrifolia in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional and Modern Healing through Bakkal based Formulations-दंतेवाडा के पारम्परिक औषधीय मिश्रणों में गुणात्मक सुधार (पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज), Morinda coreia in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional and Modern Healing through Neem based Formulations-अबूझमाड़ के पारम्परिक औषधीय मिश्रणों में गुणात्मक सुधार (पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज), Morinda pubescens in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional and Modern Healing through Cyperus based Formulations-अमरकंटक के पारम्परिक औषधीय मिश्रणों में गुणात्मक सुधार (पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज), Morinda pubescens in Pankaj <b>...</b>

SynoVitis: Dropsy of the knee-joints. © Pankaj Oudhia
SynoVitis: Dropsy of the knee-joints. © Pankaj Oudhia
Thisfilm is a part of report titled "Pankaj Oudhia's Healing Herbs for Unique Symptoms." by Pankaj Oudhia. For details please visit www.pankajoudhia.com This Film is a part of plus 7000 parts series. It is better to watch this film after reading the research documents in order to understand it in real sense. Related Topics in pankajoudhia.com Morus acedosa in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional and Modern Healing through Cyperus based Formulations-अमरकंटक के पारम्परिक औषधीय मिश्रणों में गुणात्मक सुधार (पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज), Morus alba in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional and Modern Healing through Curcuma based Formulations-कांकेर के पारम्परिक औषधीय मिश्रणों में गुणात्मक सुधार (पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज), Morus australis Morus indica in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional and Modern Healing through Sargi based Formulations-बीजापुर के पारम्परिक औषधीय मिश्रणों में गुणात्मक सुधार (पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज), Morus laevigata in Pankaj Oudhia's Research Documents on Traditional and Modern Healing through Buchanania based Formulations-नगरी सिहावा के पारम्परिक औषधीय मिश्रणों में गुणात्मक सुधार (पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज), Morus nigra in Pankaj <b>...</b>