Fred Hoyle's IFS Lecture December 1982.wmv
Lecture by Sir Fred Hoyle to the Sri Lanka Institute of Fundamental Studies, December 1982...
published: 20 Mar 2012
author: Buckingham Uni
Fred Hoyle's IFS Lecture December 1982.wmv
Fred Hoyle's IFS Lecture December 1982.wmv
Lecture by Sir Fred Hoyle to the Sri Lanka Institute of Fundamental Studies, December 1982, "From Virus to Cosmology", on the theory of cometary panspermia.- published: 20 Mar 2012
- views: 1281
- author: Buckingham Uni
Richard Feynman and Fred Hoyle discussing their moments of revelation
This is for one of my articles at HTML'S MAGIC....
published: 21 Mar 2012
author: MrSilvestris
Richard Feynman and Fred Hoyle discussing their moments of revelation
Richard Feynman and Fred Hoyle discussing their moments of revelation
This is for one of my articles at HTML'S MAGIC.- published: 21 Mar 2012
- views: 1258
- author: MrSilvestris
Was Hoyle Right?
On The Nature Of Science - Part 3
Owen Gingerich, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy and His...
published: 23 Oct 2013
Was Hoyle Right?
Was Hoyle Right?
On The Nature Of Science - Part 3 Owen Gingerich, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy and History of Science at Harvard University, Senior Astronomer Emeritus at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory - 2013 Herrmann Lectures on Faith and Science - Thursday October 10, 2013 Respondent - Ted Davis, Distinguished Professor of History of Science at Messiah College Hosted by Tal Howard, Associate Professor of History and Director of the Jerusalem & Athens Forum, Gordon College Presented by the Center for Faith and Inquiry at Gordon College www.gordon.edu/cfi- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 37
Fred Hoyle - Die Schwarze Wolke
SF-Hoerspiel, Westdeutscher Rundfunk (1966) Inhalt: Im Jahre 1967 machen Astronomen eine e...
published: 14 Jan 2011
author: netzgaenger
Fred Hoyle - Die Schwarze Wolke
Fred Hoyle - Die Schwarze Wolke
SF-Hoerspiel, Westdeutscher Rundfunk (1966) Inhalt: Im Jahre 1967 machen Astronomen eine erschreckende Entdeckung. Sie identifizieren in den unendlichen Weit...- published: 14 Jan 2011
- views: 69730
- author: netzgaenger
Must be a God - Part 1 - Creation vs Evolution
Two well-known scientists: 1) The late Sir Fred Hoyle - Prof. Cambridge, England, coined t...
published: 07 Mar 2007
author: orionpleiades
Must be a God - Part 1 - Creation vs Evolution
Must be a God - Part 1 - Creation vs Evolution
Two well-known scientists: 1) The late Sir Fred Hoyle - Prof. Cambridge, England, coined the evolutionist term "the big bang", atheist, agnostic, Astrophysic...- published: 07 Mar 2007
- views: 7618
- author: orionpleiades
Fred Hoyle on undergraduate school system
Sir Fred hoyle, pointing out most important mistake in under graduate teaching system of n...
published: 09 Jun 2010
author: Rohit Sharma
Fred Hoyle on undergraduate school system
Fred Hoyle on undergraduate school system
Sir Fred hoyle, pointing out most important mistake in under graduate teaching system of not giving chance to think freely to the students.- published: 09 Jun 2010
- views: 2010
- author: Rohit Sharma
Universe - Episode 1 - The Cosmology Quest - The Electric Universe and Plasma Physics
Buy the DVD: http://www.universe-film.com/ http://www.randallmeyers.com/films.php Episode ...
published: 04 Sep 2012
author: TheTruthAlwaysAddsUp
Universe - Episode 1 - The Cosmology Quest - The Electric Universe and Plasma Physics
Universe - Episode 1 - The Cosmology Quest - The Electric Universe and Plasma Physics
Buy the DVD: http://www.universe-film.com/ http://www.randallmeyers.com/films.php Episode 1 The first episode of "Universe -- The Cosmology Quest" presents a...- published: 04 Sep 2012
- views: 6263
- author: TheTruthAlwaysAddsUp
Sir Fred Hoyle: Cosmic Theories and the Scientific Establishment
Sir Fred Hoyle, British mathematician and astronomer: best known as the foremost proponent...
published: 13 Feb 2014
Sir Fred Hoyle: Cosmic Theories and the Scientific Establishment
Sir Fred Hoyle: Cosmic Theories and the Scientific Establishment
Sir Fred Hoyle, British mathematician and astronomer: best known as the foremost proponent and defender of the steady-state theory of the universe. This theory holds both that the universe is expanding and that matter is being continuously created. Hoyle often condemned the enormous social pressures that are brought to bear on scientists nowadays to conform. He sneered at the modern practices of peer review and science umpiring conducted by journals, declaring them to be an invitation to unconstructive conformism, an impediment to the progress of science. For expressing such forthright views, he was criticised by the scientific establishment and he made many enemies. Although he might be best remembered for his more daring scientific pursuits -- his unorthodox cosmology and more recently his support of panspermia -- there is scarcely an area of astronomy that has not been touched in some way by Hoyle's genius. Hoyle's work on nucleosynthesis in collaboration with William A. Fowler and Geoffrey and Margaret Burbidge led to our present-day understanding of the origin of chemical elements in stars. It was Hoyle's original prediction of the presence of an excited state of the nucleus of the atom Carbon via his studies of the structure and evolution of stars that heralded a long and profitable collaboration with the Caltech nuclear physicist Willy Fowler. In the 1940s Hoyle collaborated with R.A. Lyttleton and Hermann Bondi in laying the foundations of the theory of accretion -- the mechanism by which stars "suck in" nearby interstellar matter. A little later, he had worked out a theory of how interstellar clouds can break up into fragments to form stars, which again forms the basis of all modern theories of the formation of stars. In the 1950s Hoyle, together with Bondi and Thomas Gold, propounded the Steady State Theory of the Universe. This was to challenge the then fashionable cosmological theory that supposed the Universe to begin with the explosion of a super atom some 15 billion years ago. Hoyle and his colleagues found such a theory philosophically unsatisfactory -- it could not, for instance, answer the question: what was there before the initial explosion? In order to denigrate the theory that he disliked Hoyle coined the term "Big Bang Cosmology", a term that has stuck for nearly half a century. The discovery of a background of microwave radiation in the Universe by A. Penzias and R. Wilson in 1964 tipped the balance strongly against the original version of the Steady State Universe, the radiation being explained as the cooled-off relic of the heat of the Big Bang. Some scientists have not accepted this as a defeat for the Steady State, and indeed, several researchers have indicated many reasonable ways in which the background radiation can be produced without a Big Bang. For instance, the light of galaxies could be absorbed by iron whiskers expelled from supernovae and these whiskers then emit microwaves. In a recent book by Hoyle, with Narlikar and Burbidge, A Different Approach to Cosmology (1999), a revised form of the Steady State Theory, known as the "Quasi-Steady State Cosmology", is shown to be fully consistent with all the astronomical observation. Perhaps the most controversial aspect of Hoyle's work involves the ideas of pathogenic bacteria and viruses arriving from space, and that the evolution of life may be directed from outside. This work has raised fierce hostility in some circles. Although he paid little attention to accolades, awards and approbations, he received many honours and distinctions. He was awarded the UN Kalinga Prize for the popularisation of science in 1968. In 1997 the Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded him the Crafoord Prize designed to honour work in fields that were not eligible for the Nobel Prize. In 1957 he became a Fellow of the Royal Society, in 1969 a Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Sciences, and in 1971 the President of the Royal Astronomical Society. He was knighted in 1972. He was an Honorary Fellow at both St John's College and Emmanuel College, and an Honorary Professor at Cardiff University since 1975.- published: 13 Feb 2014
- views: 3
TS Learner talking about sir Fred Hoyle
My attempt to promote great unknown books Hoyle's sci-fi The Black Cloud...
published: 20 Feb 2014
TS Learner talking about sir Fred Hoyle
TS Learner talking about sir Fred Hoyle
My attempt to promote great unknown books Hoyle's sci-fi The Black Cloud- published: 20 Feb 2014
- views: 0
Sternengeschichten Folge 22: Fred Hoyle und die Krankheiten aus dem All
Fred Hoyle war ein genialer Astronom. Aber manchmal lag er auch genial daneben. http://www...
published: 26 Apr 2013
author: sternengeschichten
Sternengeschichten Folge 22: Fred Hoyle und die Krankheiten aus dem All
Sternengeschichten Folge 22: Fred Hoyle und die Krankheiten aus dem All
Fred Hoyle war ein genialer Astronom. Aber manchmal lag er auch genial daneben. http://www.sternengeschichten.org Abonniert den Podcast hier: http://feeds.fe...- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 292
- author: sternengeschichten
Part 5 Quantum Physics - Sir Fred Hoyle
I DID NOT MAKE THIS VIDEO This series explaines crystal clear the fundamental problems wit...
published: 23 Mar 2010
author: EdjeBos
Part 5 Quantum Physics - Sir Fred Hoyle
Part 5 Quantum Physics - Sir Fred Hoyle
I DID NOT MAKE THIS VIDEO This series explaines crystal clear the fundamental problems with the evolution theory. Evolution can not have occurred because of ...- published: 23 Mar 2010
- views: 285
- author: EdjeBos
Georges Lemaître vs Fred Hoyle: Contrasting Characters in Science and Religion - Rodney Holder, PhD
Astrophysicist Dr. Rodney Holder compares and contrasts Georges Lemaitre and Fred Hoyle. L...
published: 19 Jun 2012
author: firstcauseargument
Georges Lemaître vs Fred Hoyle: Contrasting Characters in Science and Religion - Rodney Holder, PhD
Georges Lemaître vs Fred Hoyle: Contrasting Characters in Science and Religion - Rodney Holder, PhD
Astrophysicist Dr. Rodney Holder compares and contrasts Georges Lemaitre and Fred Hoyle. Lemaitre held to the Big Bang Theory (a finite universe), while Fred...- published: 19 Jun 2012
- views: 1137
- author: firstcauseargument
Vimeo results:
Fred Hoyle, "hereje" de la Ciencia
published: 26 Feb 2012
author: Bisturi
Fred Hoyle, "hereje" de la Ciencia
Entrevista a Artur Sala
Artur Sala es licenciado en física y se define como una persona de mente abierta. Prueba d...
published: 20 Nov 2011
author: ellosViven
Entrevista a Artur Sala
Artur Sala es licenciado en física y se define como una persona de mente abierta. Prueba de ello es que ha trabajado de comercial, de consultor tecnológico, de actor, pero sobretodo, manifiesta admiración por la enseñanza y por el método pedagógico de Rudolf Steiner. Durante años, ha sido un buscador incansable de la verdad, adentrándose en los entresijos de muchas de las disciplinas que la historia ha considerado como pseudocientíficas, como la orgonomía, la transmutación biológica o la alquimia. Artur afirma que todos los problemas parten de que la ciencia oficial falla estrepitosamente cuando niega la existencia de un éter, una substancia primordial en forma de energía, que es presente en todo el universo, en cantidades que exceden a la imaginación humana, y que sería el responsable del orden y de la conciencia. Eso y el reduccionismo científico, ha llevado a la ciencia a un callejón sin salida, a una crisis encubierta. Para él, muchos de los aspectos que la ciencia da por sentados como la segunda ley de la termodinámica, la formación nuclear de las estrellas, los quarks, las ecuaciones de Maxwell, el darwinismo, están muy lejos de ser teorías científicas sólidas, sino aproximaciones parciales, medias verdades, y en algunos casos, absolutas falacias.
Artur adora a científicos como Rupert Sheldrake, John Eccles, Ylia Prigogine, Wilhelm Reich, Louis Kervran, Fred Hoyle, Viktor Schauberger, Jacques Benveniste, Loic Le Ribault, pero sin duda, por quien profesa una admiración absoluta es por Nikola Tesla, cuyo descubrimiento de la energía fría, que no es otra cosa que la manifestación física de esta abundancia energetica presente en todo el Universo, constituye el mayor hito en la historia del ser humano en la Tierra.
Open Cambridge
Open Cambridge is an annual event organised by Cambridge University held every September. ...
published: 25 Oct 2012
author: Andy Wilkinson
Open Cambridge
Open Cambridge is an annual event organised by Cambridge University held every September. Many Cambridge Colleges and other interesting and historically significant buildings open to the public allowing a glimpse of some rare treasures.
This film was shot in about 3 hours and features Christ's College and its Bodley Library, Corpus Christi College and its Parker Library, Queens' College, Chapel and Old Library and St John's College and Old Library (including a telescope that belonged to Fred Hoyle). The excellent Whipple Museum is also briefly covered (note the orrery as well as Charles Darwin's old microscope). The next Open Cambridge event is planned for 13-15th September 2013. You can find out more about it on this link:
More about the Whipple Museum and some of its gems on this link:
More about Ely based Shooting Image Ltd, my corporate video production company and the promotional and other business video work we do in and around Cambridge and further afield on this link:
That's it! Enjoy - and if this interests you don't forget to visit some of these and the many other Colleges at the next Open Cambridge event!
Luis Carlos Campos: La gran conspiracion reptiliana iluminati
Luis Carlos Campos
Luis Carlos Campos es periodista y escritor, autor de polémicos libros ...
published: 05 Apr 2012
author: Ciencia y Espìritu
Luis Carlos Campos: La gran conspiracion reptiliana iluminati
Luis Carlos Campos
Luis Carlos Campos es periodista y escritor, autor de polémicos libros como el bestseller internacional Calor Glacial y La Macroestafa del sida y el mito de la transmisión sexual. Licenciado en Filología y Máster en Periodismo, ha trabajado en medios nacionales como El País, Cambio 16, El Correo Español, Interviú etc.. y participado en numerosos programas de radio y TV. Sus masivos blogs contraperiodismomatrix > http://contraperiodismomatrix.nireblog.com/ han sido declarados en encuestas número 1 en conspiraciones. Es autor de libros de temática alien como Historias de Doc Horlock y Aliens y otras zarandajas. Desmonta los grandes mítos oficialistas y la conspiración illuminati. En su último libro El misterio de los vampiros bakaladeros-La conspiración illuminati reptiliana presenta la conspiración de la Mafia X secreta y psicopática que amenaza el mundo.
La gran conspiración reptiliana Illuminati
En 1998 David Icke presentó al mundo la teoría de la conspiración reptiliana en su increíble libro El Mayor Secreto. Añadió que preparaban un colapso de la economía mundial. Lo del crack fue un bingo, pero lo primero todavía no es público,aunque abundante información está saliendo a la luz a través de ex espías como James Casbolt y sicarios y esclavas MKultra de la CIA.Las élites secretas, nobleza negra o illuminatis provienen genéticamente de los anunnakis de la Atlántida y Babilonia y practican rituales donde invocan seres satánicos que en la mitologías son a menudo representados como demonios dracos y reptilianos .Se presentarán testimonios exclusivos. Los testigos , pruebas y referencias históricas y mitológicas son abrumadoras. Prestigiosos canalizadores y contactados como Barbara Marciniak y Alex Collier lo confirman, así como científicos famosos como Sir Fred Hoyle o David Horn. Además el gran erudito y contactado Jordan Maxwell se suma a esta teoría que parece ciencia ficción de la serie illuminati V. No los ves, pero cada día ves su psicopática agenda reptil, por ejemplo en la vacunación asesina del timo de la gripe cerda o lo autoatentados rituales que atribuyen a Alqaeda. Satán domina el mundo y preparan el Nuevo Orden Mundial.
Luis Carlos Campos
IV Congreso Ciencia y Espíritu Madrid
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Congresos en DVD
Youtube results:
Fred Hoyle's "pouf" vs Moses' "bang" p4 Edwin Kerr Interview
Interview for truthfultruth.com....
published: 01 Nov 2012
author: Truthful Truth
Fred Hoyle's "pouf" vs Moses' "bang" p4 Edwin Kerr Interview
Fred Hoyle's "pouf" vs Moses' "bang" p4 Edwin Kerr Interview
Interview for truthfultruth.com.- published: 01 Nov 2012
- views: 39
- author: Truthful Truth
Ünlü Astro-Fizikçi'nin Yaratılış İtirafı (Fred Hoyle)
Prof. Fred Hoyle'un Cambridge Üniversitesi'nden İngiliz Matemetikçi ve Astronom) Canlılığı...
published: 18 Mar 2014
Ünlü Astro-Fizikçi'nin Yaratılış İtirafı (Fred Hoyle)
Ünlü Astro-Fizikçi'nin Yaratılış İtirafı (Fred Hoyle)
Prof. Fred Hoyle'un Cambridge Üniversitesi'nden İngiliz Matemetikçi ve Astronom) Canlılığın Ancak Yaratılmış Olabileceği ile İlgili İtirafları- published: 18 Mar 2014
- views: 5
Sir Fred Hoyle - and that such a difference has no physical significance.
Sir Fred Hoyle We know that the difference between a heliocentric theory and a geocentric ...
published: 25 Apr 2013
author: LoneStar1776
Sir Fred Hoyle - and that such a difference has no physical significance.
Sir Fred Hoyle - and that such a difference has no physical significance.
Sir Fred Hoyle We know that the difference between a heliocentric theory and a geocentric theory is one of relative motion only, and that such a difference h...- published: 25 Apr 2013
- views: 68
- author: LoneStar1776
12. Red Shift . Dopplerr Effect . Hubble Constant . Fred Hoyle . [DVD 7, 31:20-37:00]
12. Red Shift . Dopplerr Effect . Hubble Constant . Fred Hoyle . [DVD 7, 31:20-37:00] FYI....
published: 18 Feb 2010
author: HovindSeminarSet
12. Red Shift . Dopplerr Effect . Hubble Constant . Fred Hoyle . [DVD 7, 31:20-37:00]
12. Red Shift . Dopplerr Effect . Hubble Constant . Fred Hoyle . [DVD 7, 31:20-37:00]
12. Red Shift . Dopplerr Effect . Hubble Constant . Fred Hoyle . [DVD 7, 31:20-37:00] FYI. I do not allow comments on these videos. If you notice, these vide...- published: 18 Feb 2010
- views: 675
- author: HovindSeminarSet