
Gaiser Live @ Sonar 2012 - Minus Enter Barcelona - 16.06.2012 (Recorded at 320kbs by EF) FULL SET
Gaiser live at Enter Barcelona....
published: 17 Jun 2012
author: emix8282
Gaiser Live @ Sonar 2012 - Minus Enter Barcelona - 16.06.2012 (Recorded at 320kbs by EF) FULL SET
Gaiser Live @ Sonar 2012 - Minus Enter Barcelona - 16.06.2012 (Recorded at 320kbs by EF) FULL SET
Gaiser live at Enter Barcelona.- published: 17 Jun 2012
- views: 348177
- author: emix8282

Joop Junior - Triangle (Original Mix) [MINUS]
Problems with the video ? Please tell me and it will be removed immediately !
Buy : http:/...
published: 31 Aug 2013
Joop Junior - Triangle (Original Mix) [MINUS]
Joop Junior - Triangle (Original Mix) [MINUS]
Problems with the video ? Please tell me and it will be removed immediately ! Buy : http://www.beatport.com/release/sonus-1/1140835 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/joopjunior Audio Quality : 128kbps Like for more : https://www.facebook.com/pages/TECH-MINIMAL-SOUND/117466024943987 joop junior triangle, joop junior, joop junior minus,- published: 31 Aug 2013
- views: 2885

Minus - Juntos ao Luar
Produzido por: Virtus Escrito por: Minus Realizado por: André Machado, Antonio Pinheiro, D...
published: 31 Jul 2012
author: Minus Dolly
Minus - Juntos ao Luar
Minus - Juntos ao Luar
Produzido por: Virtus Escrito por: Minus Realizado por: André Machado, Antonio Pinheiro, Diogo Baldaia e Diogo Guerner Façam o Download do EP Distracções em:...- published: 31 Jul 2012
- views: 109421
- author: Minus Dolly

MINUS Weekend Tour - April 2014
MINUS Weekend Tour - April 2014
Subscribe for the latest videos: http://bit.ly/1ftTGvn
published: 05 Jun 2014
MINUS Weekend Tour - April 2014
MINUS Weekend Tour - April 2014
MINUS Weekend Tour - April 2014 Subscribe for the latest videos: http://bit.ly/1ftTGvn Join the MINUS crew for a weekend getaway of showcases around Belgium, the Netherlands and Malta! Featuring Richie Hawtin, Florian Frings, Marc Faenger, Carlo Ruetz, Joran van Pol and Recondite. GIGS Friday, April 18th: Brussels, Belgium @ Fuse Saturday, April 19th: Rotterdam, Netherlands @ TOFFLER Sunday, April 20th: San Giljan, Malta @ Mansion (Sky Club) CONNECT MINUS Web: https://m-nus.com Facebook: https://facebook.com/MinusOfficialPage Twitter: https://twitter.com/minusinc SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/m-nus Video by Joan Martorell Alier https://www.facebook.com/bratvolkstudio- published: 05 Jun 2014
- views: 6306

Clip - Three Minus Bree - Lab Rats - Disney XD Official
Bree is accepted for a high school semester abroad program.
Watch Lab Rats on Disney XD!
published: 27 Jun 2014
Clip - Three Minus Bree - Lab Rats - Disney XD Official
Clip - Three Minus Bree - Lab Rats - Disney XD Official
Bree is accepted for a high school semester abroad program. Watch Lab Rats on Disney XD! Play games and watch full length episodes of Lab Rats at http://www.DisneyXD.com/LabRats Click the SUBSCRIBE button to get notifications when new Disney XD videos are posted!- published: 27 Jun 2014
- views: 3891

Robert Hood - Minus
Album: Internal Empire Label: Tresor Catalog#: Tresor 27 Format: 2 x Vinyl, 12", Album, 45...
published: 23 Jan 2010
author: kokotechy
Robert Hood - Minus
Robert Hood - Minus
Album: Internal Empire Label: Tresor Catalog#: Tresor 27 Format: 2 x Vinyl, 12", Album, 45 RPM Country: Germany Released: 1994 Genre: Electronic Style: Techn...- published: 23 Jan 2010
- views: 169714
- author: kokotechy

Matador - Gemini (Original Mix) [MINUS]
Problems with the video ? Please tell me and it will be removed immediately !
Buy : http:/...
published: 25 Nov 2013
Matador - Gemini (Original Mix) [MINUS]
Matador - Gemini (Original Mix) [MINUS]
Problems with the video ? Please tell me and it will be removed immediately ! Buy : http://www.beatport.com/release/zoles-ep/1194939 Matador : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Matador_Official/167147146664477 Minus : https://www.facebook.com/MinusOfficialPage Audio Quality : 128kbps TECH-MINIMAL SOUND : https://www.facebook.com/pages/TECH-MINIMAL-SOUND/117466024943987 matador minusmin16 gemini zoles ep matador gemini matador minus- published: 25 Nov 2013
- views: 4077

Minus - The Beast (Live on KEXP)
Minus performs "The Beast" live on KEXP during the Iceland Airwaves Festival 2010. Filmed ...
published: 27 Oct 2010
author: kexpradio
Minus - The Beast (Live on KEXP)
Minus - The Beast (Live on KEXP)
Minus performs "The Beast" live on KEXP during the Iceland Airwaves Festival 2010. Filmed at the RÚV in Reykjavik, Iceland. www.kexp.org cameras: Jim Beckman...- published: 27 Oct 2010
- views: 41444
- author: kexpradio

Minus - Sobes e Desces
E.P. Distrações do Minus....
published: 29 Mar 2013
author: João Ribeiro
Minus - Sobes e Desces
Minus - Sobes e Desces
E.P. Distrações do Minus.- published: 29 Mar 2013
- views: 246
- author: João Ribeiro

UY080 Ruede Hagelstein - Minus
UPC: 827170521162
Pre-Sale: 24.02.2014
Release: 17.03.2014
Beatport: http://www.bea...
published: 18 Mar 2014
UY080 Ruede Hagelstein - Minus
UY080 Ruede Hagelstein - Minus
UY080 UPC: 827170521162 Pre-Sale: 24.02.2014 Release: 17.03.2014 Beatport: http://www.beatport.com/release/minus/1255550 Special Remarks: One sided, white Vinyl ! Tracklist : 1. Minus Winter is almost over but for the UY080 we decided to dip our label paint-brush deep into a potty filled with white. The painter is called Ruede Hagelstein and his work of art is simply called "Minus". A track with the charm of a winter-landscape, fully accomplished, crystal clear and warming like an analogue heater. Wearing almost nothing and casted into a snow- white plate it will be a pleasure for all vinyl collectors.- published: 18 Mar 2014
- views: 371

Kid Rađa - Minus
Pjesma broj 13. s prvog albuma Kid Rađe - " Sve šta đaku treba ".
DOWNLOAD LINK: http://dj...
published: 06 Nov 2013
Kid Rađa - Minus
Kid Rađa - Minus
Pjesma broj 13. s prvog albuma Kid Rađe - " Sve šta đaku treba ". DOWNLOAD LINK: http://djecaci.net/download/?did=62 Rep: Kid Rađa Produkcija: Zondo Bass: Ishfaq Gitara: Fileo Extra bubanj: Đole Mix: Zondo Master: Carl Saff © Dječaci 2013. fotografije: Milan Latković obrada fotografija i dizajn: Zondo © KREATIVNA AGENCIJA D.O.O. http://djecaci.net https://www.facebook.com/kidrada1 http://www.facebook.com/djecaci http://djecaci.tumblr.com http://svjezezene.tumblr.com http://twitter.com/djecaci http://www.youtube.com/SinomSim KID RAĐA bilo mi je ludilo prije misec dana dug soma eura na samo par strana onda bi se snerva al bi marijana darovala var poput starih dana al društvo i kocka i luna kurva lako me zavedu kad je puna surla tako da se pare gube u tren oka ispare brale ka na suncu lokva pive poput soka znaš i sam Cale da sve bude OK dok cifre su male i samo varin za minus ne marin tu i tamo sitin se svih njenih čari REFREN x3 minus s lovon u ruci zna bit naopako dođu ti trenuci krenu samo tako oko tri i kvarat sta bi za aparat a doma bi bez kune otiša klaparat svin i svačin natrpa bi sinuse pa na kriv način tia krpat minuse svako drugi dan u sve većen sosu a moga mi je put bit cvijećen posut umisto toga dižen same kamate i brate znaj mrzin dane naplate taj tren kada ostanen bez snopa često me stegne nešto poput gropa REFREN x3 minus i zato sad kad san dužan ka Grčka u filmu san da puknen u stilu cvrčka jer svi su moji neslavni gušti nestali mahon ka novci u bušti al ostaje mi dug kojeg iman kalat a neman odakle pare svima davat znači da ću tribat nešto iskemijat sve velike cifre vješto isprebijat al plaća je maća za sve to vraćat morat će mi ruke malo dat i ćaća dignit kredu da ne buden u bedu zatvorit ću kamate sve će bit u redu REFREN x16 minus- published: 06 Nov 2013
- views: 2334

Minus Militia - Reign Supreme (Optimized Rip) [HQ + HD]
published: 21 Feb 2014
Minus Militia - Reign Supreme (Optimized Rip) [HQ + HD]
Minus Militia - Reign Supreme (Optimized Rip) [HQ + HD]
** THELEGENDARYUPLOADZZ ON YOUTUBE.COM ** CLICK THIS LINK TO SUBSCRIBE OUR CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/18YZWYE VISIT AND LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE HERE: http://on.fb.me/1eiM1tv BUY LEGENDARYUPLOADZZ MERCHANDISE HERE: http://bit.ly/147UCO2 __ Act: Minus Militia Individual Artists: Chain Reaction, Radical Redemption, Crypsis. Track Title: Reign Supreme (Optimized Rip) Track Quality: 128kbps (22,050Hz) Quality: High Quality & High Definition (1080p) Label: Minus Is More Release Date: N/A Event: Hard Bass 2014 - Exploration Audio is Administered by Minus Militia (Chain Reaction, Radical Redemption & Crypsis) and Minus Is More. - SOCIAL MEDIA: Minus Militia's Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MinusMilitia Chain Reaction's Social Media: Website: http://chainreaction.dj YouTube: http://youtube.com/chainreactiondj Facebook: http://facebook.com/chainreactiondj Twitter: http://twitter.com/djchainreaction Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/chainreactiondj Radical Redemption's Social Media: YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/RadicalRedemption Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RadicalRedemptionDJ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RdclRedemption Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/radical-redemption Crypsis' Social Media: Website: http://www.crypsis.nl/ YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/DJCrypsis Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crypsismusic Twitter: https://twitter.com/crypsis Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/crypsis Minus Is More's Social Media: Webite: http://www.minusismore.com/index.html YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/ORIGINALMINUSISMORE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialMinusIsMore Twitter: https://twitter.com/minusismore __ VIDEO LAYOUT: Video layout shown in the videos are made by Tomas Loktionoff. You can check out his work here: https://www.facebook.com/AbsoluteTomas __ NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Please feel free to leave us a notice if You find one or more of our uploads inappropriate. Contact us personally if You are against an upload which You may have rights to, instead of contacting YouTube about a Copyright Infringement. Thank You. __ VISIT AND LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE HERE: http://on.fb.me/1eiM1tv BUY LEGENDARYUPLOADZZ MERCHANDISE HERE: http://bit.ly/147UCO2 __ TheLegendaryUploadzz - "Even Aliens Are Listening."- published: 21 Feb 2014
- views: 1745

Matador (IE) - Zoles [Minus]
Zoles EP [MINUSmin16]
published: 25 Nov 2013
Matador (IE) - Zoles [Minus]
Matador (IE) - Zoles [Minus]
Zoles EP [MINUSmin16] http://www.beatport.com/release/zoles-ep/1194939 http://www.m-nus.com/#data.pl?release=MINUSmin16mp3;MiddleAndRight- published: 25 Nov 2013
- views: 1476

Coldplay - Major Minus (Live on Letterman)
Recorded live at the Ed Sullivan Theatre Sept 20, 2011. Taken from the album Mylo Xyloto (...
published: 26 Sep 2011
author: ColdplayVEVO
Coldplay - Major Minus (Live on Letterman)
Coldplay - Major Minus (Live on Letterman)
Recorded live at the Ed Sullivan Theatre Sept 20, 2011. Taken from the album Mylo Xyloto (out Oct 24, 2011). Order the album from iTunes now at http://cldp.l...- published: 26 Sep 2011
- views: 473804
- author: ColdplayVEVO
Vimeo results:

CONTAKT special @ Brixton Academy
Making CONTAKT movie is digitally released on Zero''
published: 12 May 2010
author: Ali M. Demirel
CONTAKT special @ Brixton Academy
Making CONTAKT movie is digitally released on Zero''
This is the bonus edit of the Brixton Academy special show by Joanie @ AntiVJ

Fight Club minus Tyler Durden
published: 19 Jan 2014
author: Richard Trammell
Fight Club minus Tyler Durden

Plus Minus
Plus Minus is the second original project to come out of Gnomon Studios. It's co-directed ...
published: 07 Jun 2011
author: Gnomon School of Visual Effects
Plus Minus
Plus Minus is the second original project to come out of Gnomon Studios. It's co-directed by feature film directors Shane Acker and Aristomenis Tsirbas.
Shane Acker approached Gnomon Studios in September 2009 with the idea for Plus Minus. Production began soon after with Teftt Smith acting as visual effects supervisor. Aristomenis Tsirbas joined the team in March of 2010 to co-direct and supervise the completion of the project.
Since Gnomon Studios is in the same studio lot as the acclaimed Gnomon School of Visual Effects and The Gnomon Workshop, the studio has been able to invite some of the word's greatest emerging visual effects and animation talents to participate in the production. The stunning results are a testament to the quality of education offered at the school.

Pepsimax "Uncle Drew"
Uncle Drew decides to play a little basketball game....
published: 23 May 2012
author: Minus L
Pepsimax "Uncle Drew"
Uncle Drew decides to play a little basketball game.
Youtube results:

One minus one plus one minus one - Numberphile
Discussing the brain-bending Grandi's Series and Thomson's Lamp - featuring Dr James Grime...
published: 25 Jun 2013
author: numberphile
One minus one plus one minus one - Numberphile
One minus one plus one minus one - Numberphile
Discussing the brain-bending Grandi's Series and Thomson's Lamp - featuring Dr James Grime. A little bit of extra footage from the very end of this interview...- published: 25 Jun 2013
- views: 448080
- author: numberphile

Minus Militia - The Endless Void (Optimized Rip) [HQ + HD]
published: 03 Feb 2014
Minus Militia - The Endless Void (Optimized Rip) [HQ + HD]
Minus Militia - The Endless Void (Optimized Rip) [HQ + HD]
** THELEGENDARYUPLOADZZ ON YOUTUBE.COM ** CLICK THIS LINK TO SUBSCRIBE OUR CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/18YZWYE VISIT AND LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE HERE: http://on.fb.me/1eiM1tv BUY LEGENDARYUPLOADZZ MERCHANDISE HERE: http://bit.ly/147UCO2 __ Act: Minus Militia Individual Artists: Chain Reaction, Radical Redemption, Crypsis. Track Title: The Endless Void (Optimized HQ Rip) Track Quality: 256kbps (44,100Hz) Quality: High Quality & High Definition (1080p) Label: Minus Is More Release Date: TBA Event: Hard Bass 2014 - Exploration Team: Red (LIVE) - Liveset: N/A Audio is Administered by Minus Militia (Chain Reaction, Radical Redemption & Crypsis) and Minus Is More. - SOCIAL MEDIA: Minus Militia's Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MinusMilitia Chain Reaction's Social Media: Website: http://chainreaction.dj YouTube: http://youtube.com/chainreactiondj Facebook: http://facebook.com/chainreactiondj Twitter: http://twitter.com/djchainreaction Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/chainreactiondj Radical Redemption's Social Media: YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/RadicalRedemption Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RadicalRedemptionDJ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RdclRedemption Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/radical-redemption Crypsis' Social Media: Website: http://www.crypsis.nl/ YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/DJCrypsis Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crypsismusic Twitter: https://twitter.com/crypsis Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/crypsis Minus Is More's Social Media: Webite: http://www.minusismore.com/index.html YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/ORIGINALMINUSISMORE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialMinusIsMore Twitter: https://twitter.com/minusismore __ VIDEO LAYOUT: Video layout shown in the videos are made by Tomas Loktionoff. You can check out his work here: https://www.facebook.com/AbsoluteTomas __ NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Please feel free to leave us a notice if You find one or more of our uploads inappropriate. Contact us personally if You are against an upload which You may have rights to, instead of contacting YouTube about a Copyright Infringement. Thank You. __ VISIT AND LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE HERE: http://on.fb.me/1eiM1tv BUY LEGENDARYUPLOADZZ MERCHANDISE HERE: http://bit.ly/147UCO2 __ TheLegendaryUploadzz - "Even Aliens Are Listening."- published: 03 Feb 2014
- views: 3458

Hazama - Relakan Jiwa Minus One [ Karaoke + Lyrics ]
Hazama - Relakan Jiwa (Karaoke Version + Tanpa Vokal + Minus One)
Karaoke - Minus One / In...
published: 23 Mar 2014
Hazama - Relakan Jiwa Minus One [ Karaoke + Lyrics ]
Hazama - Relakan Jiwa Minus One [ Karaoke + Lyrics ]
Hazama - Relakan Jiwa (Karaoke Version + Tanpa Vokal + Minus One) Karaoke - Minus One / Instrumental OST - Jika Itu Takdirku Download Minus One : http://www.mediafire.com/download/v0hy3yadmadvony/Relakan+Jiwa+by+Hazama+minus.mp3 Follow Me Twitter : https://twitter.com/KamalAzaley Don't Forget Subscribe Lyrics : Kusangka hidupku Selamanya kelam Terbelenggu ikatan tanpa manisnya cinta Memaksa diriku Menapaki jalan Arah yang tak pernah ku mahu dalam hatiku Kini kau pun hadir Memberi cahaya Membangunkan ku dari suramnya mimpi ngeri Menuntun hatiku ke palung asmara Seakan ku hidup kembali dari matiku Engkaulah cinta Yang selama ini aku cari Ku Relakan Jiwa Tuk menjadi penghuni dalam sangkar hatimu Kerna engkaulah nadi yang menghidupkan aku Yang mampu melarutkian setiap sepi hatiku Hati bukan untuk dimiliki Tapi untuk dicinta dan mencintai Kurelakan jiwaku padamu Engkaulah cinta Yang selama ini aku cari Ku relakan jiwa Tuk menjadi penghuni dalam sangkar hatimu Kerna engkaulah nadi yang menhidupkan aku Yang mampu melarutkan setiap sepi hatiku Seandainya waktu Tak pernah pertemukan aku dengan dirimu Akan kubiarkan mati hatiku selamanya Sehingga kau datang membangunkan aku Ku relakan jiwa Tuk menjadi penghuni dalam sangkar hatimu Kerna engkaulah nadi yang menhidupkan aku Yang mampu melarutkan setiap sepi hatiku- published: 23 Mar 2014
- views: 262

Repvblik - Sandiwara Cinta (Karaoke Minus One Cover Video Lirik)
Subscribe Jom Karoks! http://smarturl.it/JomKaroks
All music was produced and recorded in ...
published: 27 Mar 2014
Repvblik - Sandiwara Cinta (Karaoke Minus One Cover Video Lirik)
Repvblik - Sandiwara Cinta (Karaoke Minus One Cover Video Lirik)
Subscribe Jom Karoks! http://smarturl.it/JomKaroks All music was produced and recorded in house by Jom Karoks! None of the official recording was used. Midi audio sequenced by Jom Karoks! Video lyric produced by Jom Karoks! Repvblik - Sandiwara Cinta (Karaoke Minus One Cover Video Lirik) Facebook Jom Karoks! http://facebook.com/JomKaroks Subscribe Jom Karoks! http://smarturl.it/JomKaroks- published: 27 Mar 2014
- views: 1192