
Kirlian Photography Explanation
A slightly longer video presentation explaining more about Kirlian Photography, a precurso...
published: 27 Jan 2007
author: Aura Imaging
Kirlian Photography Explanation
Kirlian Photography Explanation
A slightly longer video presentation explaining more about Kirlian Photography, a precursor to Aura Photography.- published: 27 Jan 2007
- views: 119647
- author: Aura Imaging

Kirlian photography Into the world of Kirlian photography
These videos give an insight into Kirlian photography using a digitally enabled Kirlian ca...
published: 26 Jan 2013
author: Kirlian Reader
Kirlian photography Into the world of Kirlian photography
Kirlian photography Into the world of Kirlian photography
These videos give an insight into Kirlian photography using a digitally enabled Kirlian camera developed and sold by Fullspectrum. www.fullspectrum.org.uk We...- published: 26 Jan 2013
- views: 2978
- author: Kirlian Reader

HD Stock Footage 1970's Kirlian Photography Corona Discharge
Purchase link: http://www.buyoutfootage.com/pages/titles/pd_nr_182.php True HD direct film...
published: 10 Feb 2013
author: BuyoutFootage
HD Stock Footage 1970's Kirlian Photography Corona Discharge
HD Stock Footage 1970's Kirlian Photography Corona Discharge
Purchase link: http://www.buyoutfootage.com/pages/titles/pd_nr_182.php True HD direct film transfer 1970's Kirlian photography refers to a form of photogram ...- published: 10 Feb 2013
- views: 563
- author: BuyoutFootage

Kirlian photography & Acupuncture
http://www.steampunknaturalist.com/index.html http://www.cosmicpolymath.com/...
published: 21 Aug 2011
author: Cosmic Polymath
Kirlian photography & Acupuncture
Kirlian photography & Acupuncture
http://www.steampunknaturalist.com/index.html http://www.cosmicpolymath.com/- published: 21 Aug 2011
- views: 1778
- author: Cosmic Polymath

Scientist photographed soul leaving body, human aura & energetic fields [1/2]
http://HumansAreFree.com Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov photographed the human aura...
published: 14 Jan 2012
author: HumansAreFree
Scientist photographed soul leaving body, human aura & energetic fields [1/2]
Scientist photographed soul leaving body, human aura & energetic fields [1/2]
http://HumansAreFree.com Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov photographed the human aura, different energy fields in nature and most interesting the human ...- published: 14 Jan 2012
- views: 65329
- author: HumansAreFree

Kirlian Photography - shooting real time video
Kirlian Real Time Video Part 5. For more information on the DVD visit http://www.facebook....
published: 13 Feb 2010
author: johni1084
Kirlian Photography - shooting real time video
Kirlian Photography - shooting real time video
Kirlian Real Time Video Part 5. For more information on the DVD visit http://www.facebook.com/Kirlian.Photography or http://www.kirlian-photography.com/- published: 13 Feb 2010
- views: 13291
- author: johni1084

Kirlian photography - showing "Life Force Energy"
The Phantom Leaf Phenomenon http://www.cosmicpolymath.com/...
published: 11 Dec 2012
author: Cosmic Polymath
Kirlian photography - showing "Life Force Energy"
Kirlian photography - showing "Life Force Energy"
The Phantom Leaf Phenomenon http://www.cosmicpolymath.com/- published: 11 Dec 2012
- views: 894
- author: Cosmic Polymath

The difference and benefits between "LIVE" and "DEAD food - Dr ClaudiaK
Dr Claudia provide some amazing proof through Kirlian photography showing the difference b...
published: 27 Nov 2012
author: WellnessSurvival
The difference and benefits between "LIVE" and "DEAD food - Dr ClaudiaK
The difference and benefits between "LIVE" and "DEAD food - Dr ClaudiaK
Dr Claudia provide some amazing proof through Kirlian photography showing the difference between live and dead food. It's important to know this information ...- published: 27 Nov 2012
- views: 271
- author: WellnessSurvival

Kirlian Photography of water
published: 18 Jun 2011
author: christopher miller
Kirlian Photography of water

Clear Light Healing Session through a Kirlian Photography Camera
This is a videotaping of me giving a Clear Light Healing session to one of my clients, tak...
published: 29 May 2013
author: AllWithinNutrition
Clear Light Healing Session through a Kirlian Photography Camera
Clear Light Healing Session through a Kirlian Photography Camera
This is a videotaping of me giving a Clear Light Healing session to one of my clients, taken through the lens of the Kirlian Photography video Camera. You ac...- published: 29 May 2013
- views: 195
- author: AllWithinNutrition

Geeky Science - Remember Kirlian photography?
published: 26 Aug 2011
author: TheBigPictureRT
Geeky Science - Remember Kirlian photography?
Geeky Science - Remember Kirlian photography?
- published: 26 Aug 2011
- views: 1211
- author: TheBigPictureRT

Kirlian Photography of Bosnian Pyramid
Comments by Sam Osmanoganich April 2007 Yet another undisputable piece of evidence proving...
published: 12 Feb 2011
author: ForbiddenKnowledgeTV
Kirlian Photography of Bosnian Pyramid
Kirlian Photography of Bosnian Pyramid
Comments by Sam Osmanoganich April 2007 Yet another undisputable piece of evidence proving the existence of colossal pyramids in Visoko valley has come from ...- published: 12 Feb 2011
- views: 1493
- author: ForbiddenKnowledgeTV

Kirlian photography
http://www.cosmicpolymath.com/ http://www.steampunknaturalist.com/index.html....
published: 23 Aug 2011
author: Cosmic Polymath
Kirlian photography
Kirlian photography
http://www.cosmicpolymath.com/ http://www.steampunknaturalist.com/index.html.- published: 23 Aug 2011
- views: 156
- author: Cosmic Polymath

Kirlian Photography Device
Energy travels and discharges from living things constantly. The human aura is a corona di...
published: 22 Dec 2012
author: TheHealingFrequency
Kirlian Photography Device
Kirlian Photography Device
Energy travels and discharges from living things constantly. The human aura is a corona discharge. It can be raised or lowered through meditation.- published: 22 Dec 2012
- views: 195
- author: TheHealingFrequency
Vimeo results:

Aura Camera Aura Video Station 7. Kirlian Photography
What's Aura Camera AVS 7? Features, Testimonials and What's included in the package.
published: 13 Oct 2011
author: Inneractive Enterprises, Inc.
Aura Camera Aura Video Station 7. Kirlian Photography
What's Aura Camera AVS 7? Features, Testimonials and What's included in the package.
Check out our new AuraCloud 3D camera!
Aura Cloud Camera machine comes with cutting-edge technology, beautiful design, and stunning 3D graphics work in harmony to visualize human energy.
IES AuraCloud™ is a fantastic new tool for holistic practitioners!
This aura photography system not only measures aura health and color, but also Chakra strength, emotion and energy levels. Exclusive to InnerEnergy, the AuraCloud system allows you to store your session readings using cloud technology -- meaning you can access information anytime, anywhere!
Kirlian photography with Inneractive Aura Camer Machine!
To buy Aura Camera machine contact us by phone (toll free 888.692.8722) or visit us on the web.
Website - http://inneractive.com/energy/
Aura Cameras - http://inneractive.com/energy/products/
Energy Technology - http://inneractive.com/energy/energy-technology/
Holistic Health Benefits - http://inneractive.com/energy/benefits/
Aura Cameras Reviews - http://inneractive.com/energy/testimonials/
Free Brochure and Demosntration - http://inneractive.com/energy/contact/

NEED TO KNOW: The Story of Mankind Research Unlimited
MRU was the eastcoast counterpart of SRI in parapsychology. Click on the bottom right of t...
published: 08 Apr 2010
author: Iona Miller
NEED TO KNOW: The Story of Mankind Research Unlimited
MRU was the eastcoast counterpart of SRI in parapsychology. Click on the bottom right of the video control bar for full screen viewing. In 1973, the underground blockbuster PSYCHIC DISCOVERIES BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN came out and former Naval Intelligence Officer, Dr. Carl Schleicher actively wondered why the US had no comparable program in psychotronics, where esoterics meets science. He resolved to create one, recruited authors Ostrander & Schroeder, and began collecting researchers and creating experimental protocols. Thus, Mankind Research Unlimited (MRU) in Washington D.C. was born in 1973 as a private company, seeking government and corporate contracts. http://mankindresearchunlimited.weebly.com
MRU research was behind the holism revolution, the holographic paradigm, biophotonics, medical meditation, nonlocal healing, futuring, EVP, radionics, stress management, resonance, scalar physics, psychism, channeling, Kirlian photography, rapid scan medical diagnostics, ESP & hypnosis, hypnotherapy, remote viewing, earth energies, mind control and a variety of other subjects that now captivate the public imagination.MRU was among the vanguard that led to a revisioning of forbidden science as well as a holistic worldview, including self-care and self-regulatory practices.

Energie! in HD
From a mere technical point of view the TV/video screen comes alive by a controlled beam o...
published: 06 Jun 2009
author: Thorsten Fleisch
Energie! in HD
From a mere technical point of view the TV/video screen comes alive by a controlled beam of electrons in the cathode ray tube. For ‘Energie!’ an uncontrolled high voltage discharge of 30.000 volts exposes multiple sheets of photographic paper which are then arranged in time to create new visual systems of electron organization.
Music by Jens Thiele.
-Best Experimental Film at Fargo Film Festival
-Best Experimental Film at Dotfest
-1. Prize at In Out Festival 2009
-1. Prize at FLEXfest 2009
-Special Jury Mention at Film Anca 2009
-Emerging Experimental Video Artist Award at the Ann Arbor Film Festival
-Jury’s Choice First Prize at Black Maria Film & Video Festival
-Special Award at Optica 2007
-Best Visual Award at Fantoche 2007
-Special Mention at the International Festival of Animated Film Stuttgart 2008
-Best Visual Work at Vallecas Puerta del Cine
-Best Video at International Videofest Bochum
-3rd Price at Movies and Stills
-3rd Prize at Formula Mundi
-Best of Abstract Panorama at the Melbourne Int. Animation Festival
-Honorary Mention at the Milano Film Festival 2007
-Honorary Mention at Abstracta in Rome
-Honorary Mention at 25 FPS in Zagreb
-Honorary Mention at Flensburger Kurzfilmtage Tricky
-Honorary Mention at Visual Music Award Frankfurt
-nominated for Best Experimental Short at San Joaquin Film Festival

Iona Miller & Charles Stone on Untamed Dimensions, Mankind Research Unlimited, (c)2011
Spooks, Kooks and Alphabet Suits (c)2011
Science intel wizards of MRU and more...
While di...
published: 21 May 2011
author: Iona Miller
Iona Miller & Charles Stone on Untamed Dimensions, Mankind Research Unlimited, (c)2011
Spooks, Kooks and Alphabet Suits (c)2011
Science intel wizards of MRU and more...
While direct links of organizations to intelligence agencies is difficult, most wizards were associated with those in intelligence in some way, and they all went to the same professional conferences and shared information freely in many casual settings. It was a permeable atmosphere which influenced the military, metaphysics, esoterics, and the public's worldview over time.
The science of mind-body-environment relationships, psychotronics is an interdisciplinary science concerned with the interactions of matter, energy, and consciousness. MRU's aims were: "to combine the efforts of leading researchers and experimenters in the multi-disciplinary and interacting fields of human development and humanistic psychology which include research involving the body, mind and those forces and phenomena acting upon the health, education and welfare of mankind. Areas of study include biocommunication, biocybernetics, biophysics, psycho-physiology, educational development, cancer research and mind-body developments." There were mixed results of success and failures in scientific investigation. Some subjects that remained underdevloped at MRU went on to become successful elsewhere.
From the early 1970's through the 1990's, Washington DC-based MRU research was one coherent force behind the paradigm shift that led to the holism revolution, the holographic paradigm, and human potential movement. MRU explored and pioneered New Technologies, Alternative Health Modalities, Consciousness Studies, Radionics and Subtle Energies, including the human field body.
Subjects included psychotronics, quantum mind, bioholography, biophotonics, mindbody, medical meditation, nonlocal healing, futuring, EVP, radionics, stress management, resonance, psychic & paranormal phenomena, scalar physics, psychism, channeling, Kirlian photography, dreamwork, rapid scan medical diagnostics, biofeedback, ESP & hypnosis, hypnotherapy, remote viewing, plasma physics, biomedical engineering, earth energies, mind control, entanglement, UFOs and a variety of other subjects that now captivate the public imagination.
PSYCHOTRONICS: Czech term for “parapsychology” (excluding the study of survival), but embracing certain phenomena that are not now generally accepted as parapsychological. According to (the late) Larissa Vilenskaya (1983, p. 107), the term was first proposed with the analogy of “bionics” in mind, to refer to “the field dealing with the construction of devices capable of enhancing and/or reproducing certain psi phenomena (such as psychokinesis in the case of ‘psychotronic generators’ developed by Robert Pavlita) and later embraced some other phenomena.” [Dale & White, 1977] The science and discipline of how life functions includes the study of how technology interacts with the human mind, spirit, and body. Science, mathematics, philosophy, metaphysics, and esoteric studies are united through the study of psychotronics; it would also include other realities and how we interface with other dimensions of existence; psychotronic devices use radionic tuning to transmit brain waves and are used as mind amplifiers. The first Psychotronic Conference was held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, in June of 1973.
MRU was among the vanguard that led to a revisioning of forbidden science as well as a holistic worldview, including self-care and self-regulatory practices. The collision of spiritual science with intelligence applications led to a revisioning of the nature of reality and our own reality in terms of extraordinary human potential. It remains for us to implement what was learned for good or evil.
Adam Gorightly interviews MRU alumni on a variety of subjects from psychotronics and mind control to intelligence agents, to healing, superlearning and electronic voice phenomena (evp)
Youtube results:

aura photography
An insight into the equipment and process of aura photography along with a brief explanati...
published: 18 Apr 2012
author: Ian Doherty
aura photography
aura photography
An insight into the equipment and process of aura photography along with a brief explanation of the photographs used.- published: 18 Apr 2012
- views: 1748
- author: Ian Doherty

Kirlian Photography using digital camera Part 4
Kirlian Photography using transparent discharge plate and digital camera. For more informa...
published: 13 Feb 2010
author: johni1084
Kirlian Photography using digital camera Part 4
Kirlian Photography using digital camera Part 4
Kirlian Photography using transparent discharge plate and digital camera. For more information on the DVD visit http://www.facebook.com/Kirlian.Photography o...- published: 13 Feb 2010
- views: 9948
- author: johni1084

Kirlian Photography and Revitalized Water
This is a segment from The Basil Gold show. The experiment done here was to compare and co...
published: 28 Sep 2010
author: Theodor Yasko
Kirlian Photography and Revitalized Water
Kirlian Photography and Revitalized Water
This is a segment from The Basil Gold show. The experiment done here was to compare and contrast kirlian photographs of a gentleman before and after drinking...- published: 28 Sep 2010
- views: 1725
- author: Theodor Yasko