Ebola virus disease (EVD) (or Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF)) is the name for the human disease which may be caused by any of four of the five known ebola viruses. These four viruses are: Bundibugyo virus (BDBV), Ebola virus (EBOV), Sudan virus (SUDV), and Taï Forest virus (TAFV, formerly and more commonly Côte d'Ivoire Ebolavirus (Ivory Coast Ebolavirus, CIEBOV)). EVD is a viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF), and is clinically nearly indistinguishable from Marburg virus disease (MVD).
The genera Ebolavirus and Marburgvirus were originally classified as the species of the now-obsolete Filovirus genus. In March 1998, the Vertebrate Virus Subcommittee proposed in the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) to change the Filovirus genus to the Filoviridae family with two specific genera: Ebola-like viruses and Marburg-like viruses. This proposal was implemented in Washington, D.C., as of April 2001 and in Paris as of July 2002. In 2000 another proposal was made in Washington, D.C., to change the "-like viruses" to "-virus" resulting in today's Ebolavirus and Marburgvirus.
Major Elliott Garrett (born August 24, 1962 in San Diego, California) is a Congressional correspondent with the National Journal. Prior to joining the National Journal he was the senior White House correspondent for the Fox News Channel. He covered the 2004 presidential election, the War on Terror, and the 2008 presidential election where he covered the Democratic primaries and later Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee.
He is married to Julie Kirtz, a Washington, D.C. correspondent for Fox News weekend.
Garrett graduated, in 1984, with a Bachelor of Journalism degree and Bachelor of Science degree in political science from the University of Missouri. He is a member of the Fraternity Phi Gamma Delta.
Garrett was a senior editor and congressional correspondent for U.S. News and World Report and a congressional reporter for The Washington Times in the 1990s before joining CNN's White House team in early 2000, and later moving to Fox in 2002 as a general assignment reporter. There, he covered the 2004 election, and served as the network's congressional correspondent. He has also been a White House correspondent for CNN, and an award-winning reporter across the country for Houston Post, Las Vegas Review Journal, and Amarillo Globe-News. His articles have appeared in such magazines as The Weekly Standard, Washington Monthly, and Mother Jones. He currently lives with his family in Washington D.C.
Monkey Meat and the Ebola Outbreak in Liberia
'Goggle camera' records Ebola crisis
Band Aid for Ebola
5 Terrifying Facts About Ebola
Obama Grants Ebola Immunity to Corporate Friends
Outbreak in Liberia: The Fight Against Ebola (Part 1)
11 players, 11 messages, 1 goal – Together, we can beat Ebola.
"11 contre Ebola" Neymar Jr
The Fight Against Ebola (Full Length)
Ebola Virus: Film reveals scenes of horror in Liberia - BBC News
The Ebola Virus Explained — How Your Body Fights For Survival
Ebola : Inside the Deadly Outbreak (Documentary 2014)
Dr. Martin Salia dies from Ebola
President Obama Provides an Update on the U.S. Response to Ebola
Hendrick Goltzius: Every new technology is expensive, and sooner or later every new technology gets into bed with lechery.
This Spring, Get DIGESTED!
A rock 'n roll rugby road-trip comedy.
America mining engineers seek to gain the mining rights for uranium from the African chief & his tribe who control the area they want to mine. Secret foreign forces, who will stop at nothing, try to undermine the chief by winning over his witch doctor who wants to lead his people and gain great wealth.
Keywords: jungle
Monkey Meat and the Ebola Outbreak in Liberia
'Goggle camera' records Ebola crisis
Band Aid for Ebola
5 Terrifying Facts About Ebola
Obama Grants Ebola Immunity to Corporate Friends
Outbreak in Liberia: The Fight Against Ebola (Part 1)
11 players, 11 messages, 1 goal – Together, we can beat Ebola.
"11 contre Ebola" Neymar Jr
The Fight Against Ebola (Full Length)
Ebola Virus: Film reveals scenes of horror in Liberia - BBC News
The Ebola Virus Explained — How Your Body Fights For Survival
Ebola : Inside the Deadly Outbreak (Documentary 2014)
Dr. Martin Salia dies from Ebola
President Obama Provides an Update on the U.S. Response to Ebola
Fighting the 2014 Ebola Virus Outbreak Street by Street | The New York Times
What You Need to Know About Ebola
Bible Biologist: Ebola End Times Proven by Biblical Time Travel
Liberia: Living with Ebola
Ebola Training Presentation, including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Demonstration
EBOLA: Wie kriegt man es / Wie schützt man sich? [Tutorial] - Jow Tommy?!
Ebola Virus Outbreak 2014: Dying at the Hospital Door | The New York Times
Spike in pregnancies and abuse in Ebola-hit Sierra Leone
Ebola - The Truth About the Outbreak (Documentary)
Ebola: The 2014 Outbreak Explained
WARNING! Ebola Outbreak Beyond Control
CDC Ebola Outbreak Coverup Revealed
Ebola Virus Outbreaks - WARNING
The 2014 Ebola Outbreak: Update on an Unprecedented Public Health Event
Ebola in Texas - Ebola outbreak 2014 Texas Ebola Patient Thomas Duncan Virus Timeline!
BREAKING: 12 New Possible US Ebola Infections
Fighting To Contain Sierra Leone's Ebola Epidemic
Is The Ebola Outbreak A Manufactured False Flag?
Ebola Outrage as Outbreak Officially Begins In U.S.
How world’s worst Ebola outbreak began with one boy’s death
EBOLA: CDC Calls It Apocalyptic! Capitol Hill Hearing on Ebola Outbreak in Africa
Ebola Outbreak: Propaganda Decoded
Inside The Gates Of Hell - Ebola Outbreak Hot Zone - ABC News Documentary
Ebola Outbreak Becomes International Health Emergency
Burial Boys of Ebola | Virus Outbreak 2014 | The New York Times
Ebola in America: Everything You Need To Know
Ebola in America Explained
Gov't Works To Spread Ebola And Destroy America
Ebola’s spread to US “inevitable”
Obama Brings Ebola Into America Risking Millions
EBOLA IN AMERICA: NYC Doctor Tests Positive
ENGINEERED! Ebola Bio-weapon to Depopulate America
Ebola: 'First' possible transmission of the virus in America - BBC News
Media Completely Failing America On Ebola In Shocking New Study
America is An Ebola Portapotty
BREAKING: 3,000 "Ebola Martyrs" Ready To Strike America in biggest "Apocalyptic Attack"
Dr. Michael Savage- Ebola Comes To America (September 30, 2014)
Will There Be An Ebola Outbreak In America?
Pestilence : American Ebola Patient arrives at Emory University in Atlanta Georgia (Aug 02, 2014)
Medical Martial Law - Ebola Becomes Airborne As Flu Strain Virus Mutates
Ebola Fears - Airborne Virus Quarantine In America - Martial Law Population Control
Americans infected with Ebola to be evacuated back to US
Ebola In America | Ebola Virus Outbreak | The Untold Truth
Spread of Deadly Disease Across Europe is 'Unavoidable'
Ebola in Europe
Suspected Ebola cases mount in Europe as virus fears grow
The worst outbreak of ebola in history sparks concern in Europe
EBOLA IN EUROPE! Four Quarantined In Spain
"Pandemic Ebola" 7 Nations And Now Europe Spreading (Deaths)
Ebola Virus Strike Around the world including Europe and America
WHO says an Ebola outbreak in Europe is almost unavoidable
First Ebola infection in Europe confirmed in Spain
ISIS, Ebola, Russia: Cameron shortlists threats to Europe
Reports of Ebola Suspected In Europe: 'Broken Through All Containment Efforts'
Spain treats Europe's first case of Ebola
Ebola en Espagne : premier cas de contamination en Europe
'Europe's first Ebola contamination': Spanish nurse is infected
World Ebola Fears Grow. Europe & Asia On Alert
Putin Warns Europe! Iraq Crisis! Ebola Breakthroughs! Let Obama Golf!
Commission says Ebola outbreak in Europe "improbable"
First Ebola virus case reaches Europe
Ebola: Africa Outbreak Out of Control, But Europe and the US Have Little to Fear
What You Should Know About Ebola Virus! Updated Global Outbreak Map!
Ebola crisis: Spanish nurse contracts Ebola, first for Europe
Spain: Madrid nurse becomes first to contract Ebola in Europe
Surviving Ebola
เจ็บลึกๆกับ EBOLA
Ebola False Flag Conspiracy FULLY Exposed! Complete Compilation Of ALL The Evidence! CASE CLOSED!
Ebola - Yoruba Latest 2014 Movie.
THE EBOLA DECEPTION: Vaccine Agenda Fully Exposed - Final Edition [FULL DOCUMENTARY]
La Rosa De Guadalupe Ebola capitulo del de diciembre 2014
Bio Weapons Expert: Ebola Outbreak Is A Bio Weapon Release
Ebola : The Real Truth Behind - Full Documentary
O Vírus Ebola (aula completa) - Maratona de Atualidades
Dr Leonard Horowitz Emerging Viruses AIDS & Ebola Nature, Accident or Intentional YouTube
Ebola Crisis: Special Report From The Front Line
Ebola - Fear, Lies And The Evidence
‘World losing battle with Ebola’ – Doctors Without Borders Chief
Ebola Is A Scripted Disaster
Breaking WORLD NEWS (Solar Flares,FEMA,Tsunami, Ebola Virus, ISIS, Volcanic Activity...)
Watch Live: CDC Director Returns to Testify on Ebola Threat
Michael Savage Breaks Down Ebola, ED-68, Fence Jumper False Flag and Fake ISIS War
Famous Ebola Video Perfected
The Ebola Outbreak
Ebola goofs
Ebola in new york last week tonight review-Conan o'brien ebola in texas reviews
Ebola in new york last week tonight review-Conan o'brien ebola in texas reviews
Ebola virus info
Angel Felix Ebola
Ebola: UN envoy calls for “big surge” in efforts to reduce transmission rates in Sierra Leone
Ebola virus- USA
11 Against Ebola Xavi
People are so quick to assume someone has Ebola now
Bozbash Pictures Felaket Ebola
Video may contain Ebola
IF EBOLA COMES TO JAMAICA - @Kevin2wokrayzee
National Geographic| Ebola virus disease- History channel - bbc Documentary
National Geographic| Ebola virus disease- History channel - bbc Documentary
EBOLA | Inside the Deadly Outbreak [FULL DOCUMENTARY]
Documentary Ebola Inside the Deadly Outbreak national geographic - history channel
Anne Babadan Çocuklarına Ebola Şakası
VIEWS Echoes of the AIDS hysteria as we battle Ebola
The Ebola Effect: Hyping the Next Bioweapon For Fear and Profit
All relaxed with nails bit to the quick while golden was the silence,
like a foam filling the mouth of the exempt.
The burdened saw the damage, absorbed with our legs lost to heated white lies.
We remain to pull its frame from the ashen wreck of anxiety,
blown to conspicious borrowed attacks.
We've got the nerve to live so low like this,
with nails bit to quick and teething blood so warm.
The man who keeps sewing needles between his teeth prefabricates every spoken word,
with no weapons to lay in front of me.
Robbed of my skills in social weaponry, robbed.
Impending was the omen, no choice but to sever dead skin.
something loudless, invisible has infected your body
can't recognized that your days are counted
you think you got a cold
but the next day you spit out your innards
your lungs are just a braddlin mud
feasting from inside your body
you cry bloodstained tears of the incredible
pressure from your eyes
braincells rotting, fever burns - Ebola
skin is bursting, everything hurts - Ebola
the virus got ya, the virus kill ya - Ebola
you're cursed to death with Ebola
you'll die a painful death and all
who be with you get infected
no way to escape
the virus will survive!
Host and hostage
Hostile virus spread
Horrible infectious disease
Ebola breed
I’m your dying body now
Disolved from the inside, you turn back to clay
Host and hostage
Hostile virus spread
Horrible infectious disease
Ebola breed
Hospital visit
Wounds cover skin
Warm blood pours out from every hole (of your soul)
Strapped to the bed
White cloth, bled through
Unable to cure and heal
A devil’s creation
Satanic fever
Inverted life, final rest
Inside a mess
Hospital visit
Wounds cover skin
Warm blood pours out from every hole (of your soul)
Rotting world
The black plague returns
No mercy, no life spared
Piece by piece
Degraded and deformed
E-B-O-L-A prevails
Host and hostage
Hostile virus spread
Horrible infectious disease
Ebola breed
I’m your dying body now