Tag Archive 'blogs'

Nov 12 2008

Profile Image of Mana

The Return of the Meme

Filed under Blogroll, atheism

I’m coming out of Blog dormancy to give a shout out to Scepticon and Ben. Scepticon tagged me in a meme to which I will respond below. Ben gave a shout out a while back with a visual compliment to my home, Transylvania. I haven’t forgotten about you my blogging buddies I just haven’t found writing inspiration of late.

Here goes the Meme:


1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

The SIX:

I still love Charles David shoes

I’m about to have my second shoulder surgery in two years, this Friday

I drive the most beaten up Toyota Corrola and I plan on driving it until it won’t run anymor. However, that Japanese engine won’t give in, so I figure I will drive this car until the frame falls off, at which point I’ll have to choose between driving a go-cart or getting another car

I’m finally reading Devil in the White City

I only started reading Devil in the White City because I fell in love with history while reading Sin in the Second City

After re-reading above statement I realized it’s not love of history, it’s love of Chicago

I’ll do a bit of random tagging at this point–these are good blogs, new on my reading list:
Ayrshire Blog

Ionian Enchantment

Unreasonable Faith

The Conscious Earth

God is Pretend

The Liquid Thinker

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