Popular Threads

2The Paradox of Women’s Sexuality in Breast Feeding Advocacy and Breast Cancer Campaigns
My sister-in-law Charlotte was recently loudly admonished by a flight attendant on an international flight for allowing her “breast to fall out” after she fell asleep while nursing her baby. A strong advocate for breastfeeding, Charlotte has shared with me her own discomfort with public breastfeeding because it is considered gross, matronly, and “unsexy.” I […]
1 (4) - CopyInequality in the Skies: Applying the Gini Index to Airplanes
I’m on a plane right now, flying from Sacramento back to Albany. And sitting here I’m reminded of how air travel itself reflects the growing inequality of society in a trivial, but suggestive, way. Planes have always had first-class and passenger cabins, at least as far as I know. If the Titanic had this distinction, […]

3Just for Fun: Data is Plural, Except When It Isn’t
By xkcd. Lisa Wade is a professor of sociology at Occidental College and the co-author of Gender: Ideas, Interactions, Institutions. You can follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

Founder and Principal Writer

Lisa Wade, PhD, is a professor at Occidental College in Los Angeles. She holds an M.A. in human sexuality from New York University and an M.S. and Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Dr. Wade has published academic research on U.S. discourse about female genital cutting, hook up culture on college campuses, and the social significance of our body and its biology. She also travels for public speaking and appears in radio, tv, and print media. You can follow her on Twitter, on Facebook, or visit her website.

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