Ukraine Freedom Support

Nothing annoys me more than the way in which the war of Russia against Ukraine is described in the Western media. Here is one example:

Over the weekend, Congress passed the Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014, a bill which would impose stricter sanctions on key Russian sectors like weapons and energy, and which authorizes the President to provide lethal aid to Ukraine for the first time. . . President Obama so far appears to be holding back from signing the bill immediately, despite bipartisan pressure for him to put pen to paper. With the economic situation rapidly deteriorating in Russia, however, having the bill hanging over the Kremlin’s head, maximizing uncertainty and unease may not be the worst strategy.

Are you seeing the problem with this analysis? The journalist is discussing  a bill called “the Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014.” Got it? Ukraine freedom support. But the analysis is all about how wonderful not signing the bill will be in the dealings with the Kremlin. How about Ukraine, though? The one whose freedom this bill is supposed to support? It’s not even mentioned in this analysis!

The idea that any of the pathetic “sanctions” introduced against Russia have had any effect is completely bizarre. The idea that the Kremlin is anything but overjoyed with news of this bill is even more bizarre. The fantasy of Putin cowering in “uncertainty and unease” is simply deluded. 

It’s high-time to stop trying to impress Putin. The West has proven itself to be signally incapable of that. The only people who have managed to thwart Putin in any way recently are Ukrainians. Instead of pretending that they don’t exist, it would be much smarter to help them keep thwarting him.

The value of Ukraine Freedom Support Act is symbolic a lot more than anything else. Ukrainians need to hear that they matter to the West, that their struggle is understood and supported. They need at least a tiny gesture of goodwill in their direction. And while the American President is mumbling and fumbling, Ukrainians are dying for the Western values that they alone in the world seem to recall and cherish.

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An Honest Prep School

Well, at least this school is brutally honest:

Every YES Prep student, unless exempt from such requirements by the student’s ARD (Admission Review Dismissal) committee,must take and pass at least one Advanced Placement or dual-credit course for high school credit in order to be eligible to receive his/her high school diploma.

College Acceptance Requirement

A student must be accepted to at least one four-year college or university in order to be eligible for a YES Prep high school diploma.

This school just goes ahead and announces openly that its diploma is worthless unless followed up with a college degree. This is not the school’s fault. It simply responds to reality and should be commended for doing so with a greater honesty than the President of this country managed to muster when he promised high-schoolers white collar jobs by the thousand.

Offensive and Idiotic Products of 2014

Sometimes people come up with really stupid and offensive products:

Nazi Hanukkah Wrapping Paper: Just this past week, a Northridge, California, Walgreens didn’t think twice before putting Hanukkah wrapping paper on its shelves that happened to display swastikas as a part of its pattern. When one woman complained, Walgreens decided to pull the party wrap from its stores.

There’s more idiocy here including but not limited to the Zara Holocaust shirt, Hitler creamers, and sexy Ebola nurse costumes.

Stupid Nation

Decided to give another chance to The Nation. Opened the fresh issue and discovered that Putin is great, reasonable, wonderful, and unfairly persecuted by evil Americans. Spit on the magazine but didn’t feel any better.

The Nation seems to be going in the same direction as the nation-state. I need to go stare on the chart of the rouble plummeting to make myself feel better.

The Graph: A Riddle

With bated breath, I’m staring at the following graph:


I could just stare at it forever because of how beautiful it is.

Does anybody know what the blue line represents?

Shootings in Philly

When everybody was going, “Bring the soldiers back home! Withdraw the troops from Afghanistan and Iraq,” I was saying, “No, don’t. Just don’t. If you don’t have the money to rehabilitate them, you can’t just bring them back and let them deal with the trauma on their own.”

I predicted this was going to happen back in 2008. People are not toys. You can’t move them around like pieces of a puzzle and not expect them to react in any way.

A propos

A propos the previous post:

May I also note that it irritates me slightly that the married faculty couples (both in the department) bring one dish, prepared by the female partner. The married men in my department seem largely incapable of turning on a stove or oven; the ones who are married to non-department members always seem to note that their wives made their dish, unless they’ve chosen to bring cheese on a platter, in which case they may have made the purchase.

Is anybody still surprised that students are noticing?

About Evaluation Bias

Reader Evelina Anville asks:

Why do you see the student evaluation bias towards males as trivial? It is quite clear to me the bias exists. It’s not impossible for women to get good evaluations of course (mine are quite strong) but in my experience, students are far more forgiving of male professors than they are of female professors. In fact, some people on my campus did some unofficial comparisons and the male professors have (on average) _significantly_ higher evals scores; simultaneously, it’s also quite clear to me that the men aren’t significantly better teachers than the women on my campus.

Since evals tend to be an important part of a candidates tenure dossier, gender (and racial) bias on student evals strike me as an important concern. It’s not the most pressing concern in global politics of course. But I would never call something that can affect someone’s livelihood “trivial.” So I would be interested to know why you are so dismissive of eval bias.

I believe that the period of listing grievances is over. It was a crucial period, it served an enormously important goal, but it’s time to let it go. We need to stop listing grievances and start doing something to change the situation.

Let’s say this bias exists. Repeating a bizillion times that it, indeed, exists doesn’t bring us closer to any important goal. 

I don’t want to offend anybody but female academics on this continent mumble. They mumble, they fidget, they smile apologetically and nervously, their hands shake, they bend their shoulders in a servile posture, and they end affirmative statements with a questioning intonation. When I see women on campus behave differently, I immediately know they are immigrants. Or they are from the generation that’s about to retire. There is a lot of research on this. Please consult it before you get angry with me.

American female academics are painfully apologetic for working. They are even more painfully apologetic for having opinions. Sometimes, I get bored during committee meetings and begin to time people who speak. The duration and frequency of female participation in actual discussions is rarely over 15%, even when women constitute the majority on the committee. More often than not, the only female voice we hear is mine. But then we hear a lot of it.

And when the university’s President came to campus, can you guess the gender of the people who got up to ask questions? Right you are, they were a man, a man, a man, a man, me, and a man. After that I left but experience tells me nothing much changed. And can you guess how many women there were in the room? At least half of all workers present, and probably more, were female. And this wasn’t exceptional. It’s always like this. Does anybody think that students are not aware of this?

It’s time to stop concluding that students have noticed this insecurity, mumbliness, self-effacement, and dithering – yes, they have noticed, how shocking – and start doing something about it.

Let’s walk into the classroom, exude authority, have a presence, present ourselves as intellectuals in our own right, and I promise, I absolutely promise that student evaluations are going to turn into a flood of exuberant and adoring praise.

I’m getting so frustrated with these constant discussions of how nobody is prepared to see women as figures of authority, intellectuals, and bosses. I look around and I see the reason why it happens. But it’s not an easy, pleasing answer that anybody wants to discuss. It’s so much easier to stop the conversation right after concluding that the phenomenon exists because the moment we start delving into the reasons for it, we face the need actually to do something about it.

When the Nation-state Rebels

The nation-state state rebelled against its creator, the Enlightenment,  and waged a massive war – in the most literal sense possible – against the Enlightened values of individualism, reason, women’s rights, rationality, etc. Hitler ‘ s hatred for the Jews is very emblematic of this antagonism. Hitler ‘s philosophy rests on the deification of the nation-state. The historically stateless Jews subvert the legitimacy of the order that rests on the belief that everybody should be packed neatly into the box of “their own country.”

The very existence of the Jews, let alone their tendency to prosper, the ease with which they move around,  their multilingualism, and their culturally conditioned love of reason and learning is a threat to the myth of the nation-state. Of course, the Jews’ rejection of the nation-state was only one among many reasons for the pathological anti-Semitism of Germans in the 1930s – 1940s. But it was an important one. Germans had come by their nation-state late and with great difficulty. It had been quite a struggle for them to force themselves to believe in their imagined community and then to keep dying by the million for this bizarre fiction. And that entire time, there were the pesky Jews hanging around,  reminding the Germans how ridiculously useless that sacrifice had been.

Ultimately, the Enlightened values won and humanity put reason,  individualism, and hedonism above sacrificing oneself for an imaginary construct.

Curiously, that was precisely when many Jews decided to put aside the Enlightenment and choose the nation-state instead.