- published: 30 May 2011
- author: timothy flanders

The Sit-Ins (video made for 5th grade class)
This is a video I put together for a class of 5th graders to show them the power of nonvio...
published: 30 May 2011
author: timothy flanders
The Sit-Ins (video made for 5th grade class)
This is a video I put together for a class of 5th graders to show them the power of nonviolence in the Civil Rights movement. It used footage from the excell...
- published: 30 May 2011
- author: timothy flanders

published: 17 Aug 2011
- published: 17 Aug 2011
- views: 6395

Woolworth Lunch Counter
A History Lost and Found video clip on the Woolworth Lunch Counter which was one of the fo...
published: 23 Feb 2008
author: psychediva
Woolworth Lunch Counter
A History Lost and Found video clip on the Woolworth Lunch Counter which was one of the focal points of the Civil Rights movement.
- published: 23 Feb 2008
- author: psychediva

The South's First Sit- In
"Integration, Florida's Conflict Ahead" The story of the civil rights battle that took pla...
published: 25 Jan 2007
author: Bruce Turkel
The South's First Sit- In
"Integration, Florida's Conflict Ahead" The story of the civil rights battle that took place in Miami, and the Turkel family who stood up for what was right ...
- published: 25 Jan 2007
- views: 24857
- author: Bruce Turkel

Sit-in à La Haye en condamnation de l'agression sioniste contre la Syrie. 11.05.2013
Sit-in à La Haye en condamnation de l'agression sioniste contre la Syrie (11.05.2013).
published: 11 May 2013
Sit-in à La Haye en condamnation de l'agression sioniste contre la Syrie. 11.05.2013
Sit-in à La Haye en condamnation de l'agression sioniste contre la Syrie (11.05.2013).
اعتصام امام سفارة الكيان الصهيوني في لاهاي هولندا
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- published: 11 May 2013
- views: 21

LONDRES: SIT-IN LIBEREZ DIOMI NDONGALA, Les combattants demande la Liberation immediate de DIOMI !
https://www.voiceofcongo.net Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoiceOfCongo Twitter: http...
published: 12 May 2013
author: TheVoiceOfCongo
LONDRES: SIT-IN LIBEREZ DIOMI NDONGALA, Les combattants demande la Liberation immediate de DIOMI !
https://www.voiceofcongo.net Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoiceOfCongo Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/VoiceOfCongo.
- published: 12 May 2013
- views: 183
- author: TheVoiceOfCongo

Bulldog tries to sit in a box that's too small for him
Bo tries to squeeze into a box that is clearly too small for him. Bo "works" at Northern Y...
published: 24 Jan 2012
author: Botheofficebulldog
Bulldog tries to sit in a box that's too small for him
Bo tries to squeeze into a box that is clearly too small for him. Bo "works" at Northern Youth Abroad and keeps us entertained to no end and is a nice additi...
- published: 24 Jan 2012
- author: Botheofficebulldog

https://www.voiceofcongo.net Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoiceOfCongo Twitter: http...
published: 12 May 2013
author: TheVoiceOfCongo
https://www.voiceofcongo.net Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoiceOfCongo Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/VoiceOfCongo.
- published: 12 May 2013
- views: 1
- author: TheVoiceOfCongo

We Were There - The Greensboro Sit Ins
Georgie N. and Greg H....
published: 16 May 2007
author: Chuck Taft
We Were There - The Greensboro Sit Ins
Georgie N. and Greg H.
- published: 16 May 2007
- views: 37896
- author: Chuck Taft

Réactions en sit-in à la présence de personnalités de divers courants politiques
Réactions des forces de l'ordre en sit-in à la présence de personnalités de divers courant...
published: 10 May 2013
Réactions en sit-in à la présence de personnalités de divers courants politiques
Réactions des forces de l'ordre en sit-in à la présence de personnalités de divers courants politiques
ردود أفعال متباينة للأمنيين المحتجين مع عدد من الشخصيات السياسية المختلفة
- published: 10 May 2013
- views: 732

Yerevan Police Chief calls for sit-in protestor
Այսօր՝ մայիսի 11-ին, Ազատության հրապարակում նստացույց է հայտարարել ազատամարտիկ, պահեստազոր...
published: 11 May 2013
author: NewsamChannel
Yerevan Police Chief calls for sit-in protestor
Այսօր՝ մայիսի 11-ին, Ազատության հրապարակում նստացույց է հայտարարել ազատամարտիկ, պահեստազորի գնդապետ Վոլոդյա Ավետիսյանը, նա պահանջում է վերանայել զինծառայողնե...
- published: 11 May 2013
- author: NewsamChannel

Occupy AT&T; sit-in and arrests.mp4
Video shot from outside the building through glass walls; the sound you hear is a cop copt...
published: 14 Feb 2012
author: OccupyAtlantaVoices
Occupy AT&T; sit-in and arrests.mp4
Video shot from outside the building through glass walls; the sound you hear is a cop copter overhead and demonstrators outside building. What went down is d...
- published: 14 Feb 2012
- views: 686
- author: OccupyAtlantaVoices

Sit-in en Slovaquie en signe de protestation contre l'agression sioniste contre la Syrie.09.05.2013
Sit-in en Slovaquie en signe de protestation contre l'agression sioniste contre la Syrie V...
published: 10 May 2013
author: VeriteSurLaSyrie
Sit-in en Slovaquie en signe de protestation contre l'agression sioniste contre la Syrie.09.05.2013
Sit-in en Slovaquie en signe de protestation contre l'agression sioniste contre la Syrie Vienne / Le rassemblement de "levez vos mains de la Syrie" et la bra...
- published: 10 May 2013
- views: 74
- author: VeriteSurLaSyrie

First Person: Sitting-in at the Lunch Counter
One of the so-called 'Greensboro Four' talks about integrating the Woolworth lunch counter...
published: 30 Jan 2010
author: AssociatedPress
First Person: Sitting-in at the Lunch Counter
One of the so-called 'Greensboro Four' talks about integrating the Woolworth lunch counter in Greensboro, N.C., on Feb. 1, 1960, an action that the Rev. Mart...
- published: 30 Jan 2010
- author: AssociatedPress
Youtube results:

Hespress.com: Sit-in contre la police de Fnideq
Hespress.com: Sit-in contre la police de Fnideq....
published: 12 May 2013
author: Tarek EL Atifi
Hespress.com: Sit-in contre la police de Fnideq
Hespress.com: Sit-in contre la police de Fnideq.
- published: 12 May 2013
- views: 9122
- author: Tarek EL Atifi

Caire: Sit-in de solidarité avec la Syrie face à l'agression sioniste qui l'a visée. 09.05.2013.
Caire: Des égyptiens ont organisé un sit-in de solidarité avec la Syrie face à l'agression...
published: 09 May 2013
Caire: Sit-in de solidarité avec la Syrie face à l'agression sioniste qui l'a visée. 09.05.2013.
Caire: Des égyptiens ont organisé un sit-in de solidarité avec la Syrie face à l'agression sioniste qui l'a visée. (09.05.2013).
Le Caire / Nombre de Partis et de mouvements politiques en Egypte ont organisé un sit-in devant le syndicat des journalistes au Caire en signe de protestation contre l'agression israélienne barbare qui a visé nombre de sites en Syrie.
"Le peuple égyptien ne renoncera pas à la Syrie dans son épreuve actuelle", a fait noter les participants au sit-in, qui ont affirmé leur plein soutien à la Syrie, peuple, direction et armée.
Ils ont assuré que la Syrie sortira triomphante grâce à la fermeté et à la cohésion de ses fils, de son armée et de sa direction, et au soutien lui apporté par les hommes libres.
مصر تضامن شعبي واسع مع سورية
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- published: 09 May 2013
- views: 61

Sit-in di protesta dei lavoratori Axa ed Ecotecnica
Il servizio di raccolta rifiuti di Lecce si ferma: tutti i lavoratori di Axa ed Ecotecnica...
published: 10 May 2013
author: Salentoweb Lecce
Sit-in di protesta dei lavoratori Axa ed Ecotecnica
Il servizio di raccolta rifiuti di Lecce si ferma: tutti i lavoratori di Axa ed Ecotecnica stamattina hanno scioperato per dire NO al taglio di 2 milioni di ...
- published: 10 May 2013
- views: 11
- author: Salentoweb Lecce

Sit-in - Bambini sottratti - Comune di Trento 7 luglio 2012
Dopo il convegno con più di 300 persone ieri più di 100 persone in piazza. Non ci fermeran...
published: 08 Jul 2012
author: Crescoacasa
Sit-in - Bambini sottratti - Comune di Trento 7 luglio 2012
Dopo il convegno con più di 300 persone ieri più di 100 persone in piazza. Non ci fermeranno. Sit in organizzato da ATAIES e dalla fantastica Gabriella Maffi...
- published: 08 Jul 2012
- views: 327
- author: Crescoacasa