WoW Guide: Wie verdient man 1000g? - Barclay bekommt nen 3h Bann ;(
Barclay vs Araxo - Wer schneller nach Eisenschmiede kommt! Hässliches Mogg-Gear als Bestrafung!
Barclay Beales sings What Makes You Beautiful - Arena Auditions Week 2 -- The X Factor 2013
PvP Haustierkämpfe Level 19-20 mit Barclay - Beleidigungen tabu?!
Lustige WoW Aufnahmen von Barclay, Woax und den Bringern
WoW Kampfgilde Rang 1 - Barclay hat endlich die Blutverschmierte Einladung und legt direkt los!!
Barclay James Harvest - Eyes of the Universe 1979 (Full Album)
Insane in Azeroth reloaded #3: Woax, Barclay und Yumm - Die Arena wird gerockt!
WoW Guide - Wie Nerve ich Barclay richtig?
Frauenschläger von "Die Aldor" wird zur rede gestellt! Barclay macht RP im TS
Barclay rastet aus! 3on3 Arena mit Woax und Yuum + Betong der lacht ;D
Barclay rächt sich an Araxo für den Goldklau! Rache ist süß!
Yodeling Barclay Beales gets Nicole hot and bothered: WEEK 2 PREVIEW - The X Factor UK 2013
James Golden is a small town, middle aged lawyer. He has raised his family and spent his entire life in Harper, Alabama. When a major nursing home malpractice death case comes into his office, he is determined to handle the case all the way to a jury trial, even though it is an area of law in which he has never practiced and against corporate defendants that never lose. An inexperienced but eager young associate, Paul Bruce, joins the fight with him. The intensity of the litigation takes them both to places and challenges they never knew and far from a small town to a larger life.
When the stakes are high, the truth has a lot of competition.
Dizzy Harrison is an unpopular, high school geek going through a hellish senior year. In an attempt to make a new identity for himself, Dizzy gets himself expelled from his high school, learns the technics of being cool from a prison inmate, and enrolls at a new high school under the alias Gil Harris, to make new friends where he soon gains respect from the jocks and geeks alike. Dizzy then gets noticed by the head cheerleader, Danielle, and helps the school football team gain self-respect to win games. But things unknowingly begin to turn sour when Danielle's disgruntled boyfriend begins investigating into "Gil Harris'" past to uncover any dirt on him.
Keywords: american-football, bagpipes, bathroom, bully, bully-comeuppance, cheerleader, climbing-a-chain-link-fence, compassion, erection, escape-attempt
A zero will rise
Popularity isn't a contest... It's a War!
Luther: High school is a lot like prison: Bad food, high fences; the sex you want, you ain't gettin', the sex you gettin', you don't want. I've seen terrible things.::Dizzy: Yesterday, an eighty-year-old librarian broke my penis.::Luther: You win.
Danielle: I don't even know what to call you.::Dizzy/Gil: Broke-dick seems to be popular.
Luther: You know those moments when a man makes a decision that'll change his entire life and he steps up to become the hero he was meant to be? This ain't one of those moments.
Glen: I imagine God having an ass like that. Did that sound gay?
Luther: If you're gonna talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk. Otherwise you'll be lined in chalk.
Nora: He's got kind of a... Brad Pitt thing going there.::Glen: I saw a little... Anne Heche there too. Does *that* sound gay?
Danielle: Carmen: more cheer, less pole dance, 'kay? You don't want guys stuffing bills down your panties.::Carmen: What panties?
Connor: What are you doing, freak?::Dizzy: Knocking you into the hall, and me into the history books.
Connor: I think I oughta go over there and kick his ass.::Danielle: That's great, because I've always dreamed of dating the expelled guy.::Courtney: Expelled guys rock!
Dizzy: The point is, today nobody stuffed me in my locker or singed off my ass hair.
Brendan is a janitor at a university who has a fondness for gambling, especially betting on horse races. However, he doesn't have much skill at it, and poorly considered bets have drained the bank account he'd set aside for his daughter's education. Brendan's wife has made Brendan promise to give up gambling, but when their daughter announces she's just been accepted to Trinity College in Ireland, Brendan has to come up with the tuition money, and fast. While doing his sweeping at work, Brendan makes a remarkable discovery - the preserved head of an aboriginal tribesman who, under proper conditions, can pick the winners in horse races.
Keywords: affair, anatomy, bare-breasts, betting, betting-on-a-horse, chase, college, college-dean, college-education, dublin-ireland
The crime photographer Joe MacCormack is tired of his profession and he quits his job and he visits his Aunt Cora that has raised his brother and him since they were boys. Joe meets the deaf Laura, who helps his aunt in housekeeping and has visions of death, and they feel attracted for each other. Meanwhile a serial-killer is threatening Laura.
Keywords: aunt-nephew-relationship, baseball-cap, brother-brother-relationship, catholic, clairvoyant, crime-scene, deaf-mute, deafness, dream, evidence
In 1776, less than six months after the Declaraton of Independence, the Continental Army, under the command of General George Washington, was on the brink of utter defeat. Low on men, cannons and supplies, Washington decides to risk everything on one last desperately daring attack on the town of Trenton where over 1000 of the feared Hessian mercenaries are garrisoned. However to do that, the army must cross the Delaware to a seemingly hopeless battle that would turn out to be more successful than Washington ever dreamed of.
Keywords: ambush, american-revolution, american-soldier, based-on-novel, battle, battlefield, bayonet, blood, blood-spatter, boat
Gen. George Washington: [before entering a boat] Move your fat ass, Henry.::[Soldiers laugh]::Soldier #1: What did he say?::Soldier #2: Move your fat ass.::Gen. George Washington: [to Knox] Don't swing your balls or you'll swamp the boat.::[soldiers laugh again]
Gen. George Washington: [after explaining his plan to Glover] Can you do it?::Col. John Glover: No, but I will.::Gen. George Washington: Now what the devil is that supposed to mean?
Soldier #1: What are you smoking?::Soldier #2: Dried cow dung.::Soldier #1: What's it taste like?::Soldier #2: Shit.
Col. John Glover: The boats are ready, sir. The men are ready as they're going to be, provided we can cross that damn river at all.::Gen. George Washington: What was that?::Col. John Glover: About the men sir?::Gen. George Washington: No, something about not crossing the river? Glover, you have been a pain in my ass and a thorn in my side since the day I first met you. You'd have been a general by now, if not for your pithy bitching.
Gen. George Washington: Well, sir, I waited for you to broach this. What do you think?::Gen. Horatio Gates: You would not wish to know, sir.::Gen. George Washington: Then you have objections.::Gen. Horatio Gates: Many.::Gen. George Washington: Would you specify them?::Gen. Horatio Gates: Gladly. Firstly, in order to attack, one needs an army. You do not have an army. Secondly, in order to attack, one needs soldiers. Your men are not soldiers. Thirdly, your men always go one in direction. To attack requires the other direction. Shall I continue?
Gen. Horatio Gates: In eleven days' time the enlistments run out. Your men will not attack a fly before then. Why should they? They need only sit tight and go home.
Gen. Horatio Gates: Those big Durham boats of yours make damn good targets. Even a Yankee gunner couldn't miss them.
Gen. Horatio Gates: Surrender. This revolution is over.::Gen. George Washington: So we surrender. We weigh the pros and cons and reason prevails. But you see, sir, I am an unreasonable man as well as a poor soldier. But you are right. My men are not soldiers. They are lads. Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen. They run away. They fear the Hessians as they fear death. All this is true. Yet they have put their trust in me. They could have deserted. Thousands have. But these lads have not. They remain with me. And I, not you, General Gates, *I* command this army, and if I, a bumbling Virginia farmer, should decide to lead them into Hell, they will follow me into Hell.
Gen. George Washington: Now you hear me and you hear me well. You will ride out of my camp. You are not to discuss what has occurred here tonight, not with your staff, not with your men. Put your pistol on him, Alex, and go with him. See him onto his horse and out of this camp, and if he tries to take his men with him, shoot him.::Gen. Horatio Gates: You would not dare.::Gen. George Washington: Try me, General Gates. Only try me.
Tough criminal Hank McCain gets released from prison after serving twelve years for armed robbery. Hank hooks up with his son Jack, who has devised a daring plan to rob a Las Vegas casino. Unbeknownst to Hank, Jack is also involved with volatile and ambitious mob capo Charlie Adamo, who uses Hank as a pawn so he can gain control of Vegas territory that's currently being run by the formidable Don Francesco De Marco.
Keywords: 1960s, based-on-novel, casino, cynicism, death, disguise, ex-convict, explosion, gangster, las-vegas-nevada
Even the Mafia Calls Him Mister!
Rosemary Scott: It's a lot of work, ya know, just staying alive.
Hank McCain: What do you do? Sell women? Sell marijuana? - what d'you do? Where'd you get the twenty-five thousand? I wouldn't give you twenty-five cents. What d'you do? - you go out and you hustle yourself all over the street. Small time - no dignity! You don't beg.::Jack McCain: That's why, Hank - I need this chance. I got tired of being small change.::Hank McCain: You're gonna be small change all your life.
Don Francesco DeMarco: Do you think we want an ape like you for a partner?::Charlie Adamo: When I took over the West Coast it was full of apes. And the organization was in the toilet. Now I straightened it out - me - and nobody else. Now I'm takin' heat. Why? For what? How the hell do I run this district if I'm in the dark? What's the matter - I can't make an investment? I'm not allowed to make a dollar? I ain't got that right?::Don Francesco DeMarco: When someone talks to us about rights, he ends up like Gennarino Esposito, y'know? And with me, you don't raise your voice.
Joni Adamo: I can't stand the West any longer. You've absolutely got to get us to New York.::Don Francesco DeMarco: And what else?::Joni Adamo: Have Charlie transferred.::Don Francesco DeMarco: Joanie, this isn't the time to talk about it. Not now.::Joni Adamo: I've got to be - near you.::Don Francesco DeMarco: All right. I'll do my best.
Irene Tucker: Fabulous.::Hank McCain: Twelve years in prison, I still get a kick out of these lights.::Irene Tucker: They're beautiful.::Hank McCain: They're not beautiful. They're cheap. It's an attraction for sad, fat businessmen begging for more money. For hustlers, for thieves, for pimps. I love it.
Joni Adamo: How lovely to see you. What an elegant tuxedo.::Don Francesco DeMarco: Really? Do you like it?::Charlie Adamo: What do you call this, a pair of pajamas?::Don Francesco DeMarco: Your wife has good taste in men, Charlie.::Charlie Adamo: She's got good taste in money, too. She likes it green.::Margaret DeMarco: Well, green is a good color.::Charlie Adamo: The best.
Steve Carris, a medical student, is expelled from college, disowned by his father and joins a circus. He makes friends with Peg Palmer, and makes an enemy of Barclay, who has a yen for Peg himself. Steve works as a clown when old Harry Riley, the regular clown, is ill. Bobby, Riley's grandson, is also a pal of Steve's. After Barclay makes advances on Peg and turns the lions loose on Steve, when the circus is playing Steve's hometown, it is discovered that Bobby is the son of Steve's brother, Steve and his father are reconciled, and Steve becomes a doctor.
Keywords: 1920s, b-movie, big-top, cage, cigarette-smoking, circus, circus-clown, college, damsel-in-distress, doctor
WoW Guide: Wie verdient man 1000g? - Barclay bekommt nen 3h Bann ;(
Barclay vs Araxo - Wer schneller nach Eisenschmiede kommt! Hässliches Mogg-Gear als Bestrafung!
Barclay Beales sings What Makes You Beautiful - Arena Auditions Week 2 -- The X Factor 2013
PvP Haustierkämpfe Level 19-20 mit Barclay - Beleidigungen tabu?!
Lustige WoW Aufnahmen von Barclay, Woax und den Bringern
WoW Kampfgilde Rang 1 - Barclay hat endlich die Blutverschmierte Einladung und legt direkt los!!
Barclay James Harvest - Eyes of the Universe 1979 (Full Album)
Insane in Azeroth reloaded #3: Woax, Barclay und Yumm - Die Arena wird gerockt!
WoW Guide - Wie Nerve ich Barclay richtig?
Frauenschläger von "Die Aldor" wird zur rede gestellt! Barclay macht RP im TS
Barclay rastet aus! 3on3 Arena mit Woax und Yuum + Betong der lacht ;D
Barclay rächt sich an Araxo für den Goldklau! Rache ist süß!
Yodeling Barclay Beales gets Nicole hot and bothered: WEEK 2 PREVIEW - The X Factor UK 2013
WoW - Nervige Gildeneinladungen? Barclay weiß was zu tun ist! *Lachflash*
barclay james harvest 'hymn'
WoD Beta - Barclay am Dunklen Portal
Spass auf der Zeitlosen Insel mit Barclay, Araxo, Woax und Caeden!
Woax als E.T und Barclay die Sexpuppe in "Der fliegende Chopper" - MoP pre patch
WoW Guide: Wie bringt man dem Barclay Österreichisch bei?
Die WoW Dating-Show mit Barclay und Araxo #1 Sigrun, 22 aus Wien sucht einen Mann!
HYMN (Barclay James Harvest) - Lyrics English/German
GMs Verarschen mit Barclay :D
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST -- Best of B.J.H -- 1991.wmv
Barclay James Harvest - Berlin A Concert for the People (1883) [HD 720p]
JAY Z's Life+Times Presents: Where I'm From Documentary
Barclay James Harvest-BERLIN-a concert for the people
Barclay James Harvest Live Tapes (full album)
Barclay James Harvest - Barclay James Harvest & Once Again [Full Double Album]
Barclay James Harvest - The Ultimate Anthology (2004)
ET Visitation and Experiences by Brigitte Barclay
The Barclay Twins
Barclay James Harvest - Time Honoured Ghosts (1975) [Full Album] [HD]
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST -- Live -- 1974.wmv
Jay-Z Concert at The Barclay Center
SWR1 Weihnachtskonzert 2013 - John Lees' Barclay James Harvest
Barclay James Harvest - Octoberon Full Album
Beyoncé - 1+1 / Irreplaceable / Love on Top / Survivor Mrs. Carter Show Barclay's Center 12/19/13
La India Rocks The Barclay Center in NYC! Lo Mejor De Los 90s (Full Performance)
Barclay James Harvest - Gone To The Earth Full Album
Barclay James Harvest - Twelve XII - Full Album
Yoga Sculpt w: Maura Barclay
Paris Barclay Receives the HRC Visibility Award
Exercise TV - No Sweat Yoga with Maura Barclay
Fifa Manager 14 Gameplay - Part 20 - Newcastle United vs Norwich City - Barclay Premier League
Unit 202, 1720 Barclay St Vancouver BC V6G1K3 - Rob Joyce - Sutton West Coast Realty Broadway
ET Visitation and Experiences by Brigitte Barclay
10k Abo-Event von Barclay - Trailer und Infos! Sei dabei und hab Spass!
Peter Barclay "Barbecue Music For Gracious Living" EZ MOOD BACHELOR PAD LOUNGE LP
3944 Barclay Road
Barclay Road
Barclay's Premier League - West Ham v Southampton - Prediction #9 (23.08.14)
Barclay's Premier League - Spurs v Liverpool - Prediction #8 (31.08.14)
Barclay's Premier League - Everton v Chelsea - Prediction #7 (30.08.14)
Round 4 - James Barclay (Shaddoll) vs Daniel Jackson (Burning Abyss) - Feature Match
Joe Barclay High Sherriff
Charlie Barclay-webb's ALS ice bucket challenge (including The Making of the ice buckets)
Property for Sale - 2812 S Thomas Barclay DR, CHICAGO, IL 60608
Barclay Soccer vs Hillsdale Free Will Baptist 9.2.14
Barclay Soccer vs Calvary Bible College 8.30.14
Fifa Manager 14 Gameplay - Part 19 - Newcastle United vs Totenham Hotspur - Barclay Premier League
Home For Sale: 2453 Barclay St. Henderson, Nevada 89044
Tracy Barclay
Barclay's tribute to Deanna Troy Star Trek TNG
Home For Sale: 507 Barclay Muskogee, Oklahoma 74403
Deanna Troy's tribute to Barclay Q.I. Star Trek TNG
Barclay may refer to:
In the United States:
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
Living like everyone else
I get older don´t care still a rebel in my heart
Today tomorrow yesterday just want to be free
I change don´t care still not normalized by you
Today, tomorrow I never will, just want to be me
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
Living like everyone else
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
Living like everyone else
I´m odd I don´t care it´s the way I prefer to be
Today tomorrow since I was born just want to be free
I´m strange I don´t care it´s not business it is my life
Today tomorrow yesterday I will forever be me
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
We don´t need your rules
We ain´t nobody´s fool
We ain´t a part of your society anymore
We don´t need your rules
We ain´t your bloody tools
Your society is not worth fighting for
We don´t need your rules
We ain´t nobody´s fool
We ain´t a part of your society anymore
We don´t need your rules
We ain´t your bloody tools
Your society is not worth fighting for
We walk trough your life´s
With our heads held high
Ain´t take no shit from you, from you
We walk through our life´s
With our heads held high
We walk trough your life´s
With our heads held high
Ain´t take no shit from you, from you
We walk through our life´s
With our heads held high
We walk trough your life´s
With our heads held high
Ain´t take no shit from you, from you
We walk through our life´s
With our heads held high
We walk trough your life´s
With our heads held high
Ain´t take no shit from you, from you
We walk through our life´s
With our heads held high
We supposed to live like you
We ain´t go into
We ain´t gonna pay your puppets anymore
We walk trough your life´s
With our heads held high
Ain´t take no shit from you, from you
We walk through our life´s
With our heads held high
We walk trough your life´s
With our heads held high
Ain´t take no shit from you, from you
We walk through our life´s
With our heads held high
We walk trough your life´s
With our heads held high
Ain´t take no shit from you, from you
We walk through our life´s
With our heads held high
We walk trough your life´s
With our heads held high
Ain´t take no shit from you, from you
We walk through our life´s
With our heads held high
We walk trough your life´s
With our heads held high
Ain´t take no shit from you, from you
We walk through our life´s
With our heads held high
We walk trough your life´s
With our heads held high
Ain´t take no shit from you, from you
We walk through our life´s
With our heads held high
We walk trough your life´s
With our heads held high
Ain´t take no shit from you, from you
We walk through our life´s
With our heads held high
We walk trough your life´s
They're pointing at you behind your back, they're calling you names
But you always know what they do, the aggression that grows
When you're alone they try to attack, one day you explode
It's gone too far, you're full of hate, can't take it anymore
[Chorus 4x:]
Hang 'em high ...
Hang 'em high - Hang 'em high!
Now it's time for their punishment, you'll get them one by one
So you can see the fear in their eyes, they're praying to be reprieved
Show no mercy, hang 'em high, remember what they've done
Get the cowards, get 'em all, it's their time to run
[Chorus 4x]
Hang 'em high, hang 'em high - Let the cowards hang high! [4x]
The cops are here to beat you down
the pigs are chasing you
you've done no wrong
but they don't care
they got nothing better to do
the cops are always behind you back
they're always watching you
soon they're there to beat you up
for no reason at all
What you gonna do
when you're standing alone
when the people got enough
I'm tired of the boys in blue
always messing with us
with a cop car around the corner
full of wanking cops
maybe it's time to think again
you'd better watch your back
the people are full of hate
and waiting for revenge
It's normal using dope
for the kids today
the legalizing process
has gone to far
I'm not gonna wait
for the misery
the final solution
is behind your door
I can't believe
what I see
I'm waiting
for the blood to flow
The dope propaganda
is everywhere
on the children's CD's
and their TV screen
I'm gonna to hear
that shit anymore
the bomb is ready
to explode
Coz you got shaven head
And pair of marten boots
It does not mean that you're a skinhead
Coz you have spiked your hair
And ring in your nose
It does not mean that you're punk
You're subculture shame
It's your name
You're subculture shame
Coz you are shouting Oi!
And you got the attributes
It does not mean that you're an Oi! band
Coz you play punky chords
And you pose like the pistols did
I've got a heart full of pride,
and you can never take the pride away from me.
That feeling makes me full of strength,
It makes me want to live and fight for what I am
I've got a heart full of pride,
and you can never take the pride away from me.
That feeling makes me full of strength,
It makes me want to live and fight for what I am
I've got a flame in my heart that never dies,
I got a heart full of pride
[Chorus 3x]
I've got a heart full of strength,
a strength build with pride is keeping me alive
it makes my life worth fighting for,
and I will never think that I'm worthless anymore
The day we started the band
And the first gig we ever had
In the days when we were punks
The day I cropped my hair
And I did my first tattoo
When I understood the meaning of pride
[Chorus 2x:]
We all got stories from the past
We all got memories to share
We all got tales from our hearts
[Chorus 2x]
The day we're growing old
We might be at the pub
And we all look back in time
For all the good old days
We raise our glasses high
We all got stories from the past
[Chorus 2x]
It feels like I´m fighting all alone
And no one out there hears my voice
Am I hollow, Am I mute
Do I exists or am I dead
I know someday
Someone will hear my voice
And I will never be alone again
I know someday
Someone will hear my voice
And I will never be alone again
It feels like no one understands
And no one out there really cares
Can´t your hear, are you blind
Am I fighting all in vain
I know someday
Someone will hear my voice
And I will never be alone again
I know someday
Someone will hear my voice
And I will never be alone again
I know someday
Someone will hear my voice
And I will never be alone again
I know someday
Someone will hear my voice
Sweden belongs to us and not to the upper class
Workers built this country many years ago
Now it's time for revenge, we must fight for liberty
We can't be slaves anymore in our own country
[Chorus 2x:]
Fighting for freedom, fighting for liberty
Smash the scum - We have to fight to be free
Sweden belongs to us and not to the upper class
Workers built this country many years ago
Now it's time for revenge, we must fight for liberty
We can't be slaves anymore in our own country
[Chorus 2x]
[Chorus 4x]
You're using your power to try to brake us down
Full of corruption, full of lies, you suppose to rule our land
And give us a future - We're going straight to hell
We'll get a nightmare and it is because of you
[Chorus 4x:]
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit ... Shithead!
They are destroying
Parts of our history
Don't care about us
They're all full of greed
Our old buildings
Tells us about the past
I hate to see it
Smashed to the ground
It's really sad to see
It's really hering me
To see them rape our land
It is with sorrow
I look at our town
I can't forgive
I remember when I was a kid
And all the fun that we had
Also the days of sorrow
Also the days of pain
It has formed me to the one I am
It gave me a lot of strength
Try to remember look back in time
Don't forget your roots
Remember your
Remember your roots
It made you what you are
Remember you
Remember your roots
Can't live in shame because of your roots
It's part of you and me
Some those are sad
It's the way it got to be
It has made us all to what we are
And learned us a lot of things
Open your eyes and never deny
Don't do it for the money, don't do it for the fame
Just doing it for the love of Oi! - Oi! Oi! Oi!
Oi! is not a fashion - It's away of life
And we want to play it for you - You! You! You!
[Chorus 2x:]
Working Class Rebel Rock'n'Roll
This is the sound of the street - Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!
This is a part of me, keeps me going on
Pure love to the sound of Oi! - Oi! Oi! Oi!
Oi! will never be mainstream - Because it's about pride
And we want to play it for you - You! You! You!
[Chorus 2x]
Bands fighting each other, don't care about unity
Should fight for the strength of Oi! - Oi! Oi! Oi!
Oi! should be honest and it is for me
And I want to play it for you - You! You! You!
Don't let anyone mess with you - If someone tries, you know what to do
Don't be scared, use your strength - Now it's time to ... fight back!
Show your feelings, show your hate - Now it's time to raise your voice
If they want to fight with you - Then it's time to ... attack!
[Chorus 2x:]
Stand strong - Stand proud
Stand strong - Raise your voice
[Chorus 2x]
Don't let anyone put you down and try to tell you what to do
It's time to show your own opinion, raise your voice and say ... 'Fuck you!'
Show them aggression, show them pain - Now it's time to show your gain
You got your pride, you got your strength - Now it's their time ... to lose!
[Chorus 2x]
I can feel the anger, I can feel the pain
My heart beats faster and the battle is a fact
Take a look around, what do you see ...
The hate is running in my veins - It's time to fight
The hate is running in my veins - Get out of my sight
The hate is running in my veins - It's time to win
The hate is running in my veins - Let the struggle begin
I can feel the pressure, it's hard to take
My mind is rushing and something must be done
Take a look around, what do you see...
He's reading the papers in the morning
Everyday a murder or a rape
Childmolesters, perverts everywhere
He gets enough and goes to work
[Chorus 4x:]
With a baseball bat he's cleaning our streets
... He's cleaning our streets tonight!
[Chorus 4x]
He's waiting outside the court when you come out
To give the judgement you deserve
You will pray that you were innocent
There's no way out in this court
There's no feeling like the one
To drink a beer in the sun
To hear the music that you love
And to feel free
It's the moments I remember
When it's cold in December
It makes it easier to walk through the snow
This is the moments
It makes the life worth fighting for
This is the moments
That I remember
When I'm getting old
There's no feeling like the one
Having a holiday in the sun
To be with people that you love
And to feel free
It is the moments I remember
When it's wet in September
There are people who want to bring me down cause I want to fly the flag
With my head held high I'm fighting back
for the colours of my land
My feelings are so true to the Yellow and the Blue
It's the colours of my heart and it always beats for you
[Chorus: 2x]
My heart beats for you
The Yellow and the Blue
There are people full of ignorance
who want to bring me down
They're blind and full of prejudice
and I will fight 'em back
It seems to be a crime
being patriotic these days
But I will always fight for
What we need is a strong Working Class
Unity and a lot of pride
For our country and our Class
Not for the Upper Class and the government
[Chorus 2x:]
What we need is a strong...Working Class!
Unity and a lot of pride
[Chorus 2x]
We play our music for the Working Class
Oi! Oi!-music with a lot of pride
For our country and our Class
Not for the Upper Class and the government
Since he was a little boy, no-one seemed to care about him
The boy was all alone and no-one talked to him
The day he became 24, he disappeared and no-one cared
It started to smell in a couple of months, found him hanging in his flat
Then the competition began
About who was his closest friend...
[Chorus 2x:]
Everyone...everyone loves you when you are dead...when you are dead
Do you really care when you're six feet under the ground...
Since the day they found him dead, everyone seems to care
They tell each other they are so sad, don't even knew his name
You feel so bad because you did not care but now it is too late
Face the fact, you did not like him at all - I promise he don't care, anymore
Still the competition begins
About who was his closest friend...
You're standing against the mainstream
You're fighting against the scum
Having your own opinions
Ain't listen to anyone
Don't care what they think about you
Don't care what they say
You're hope you're future
You're the heroes of today
You're Heroes of today
You're the heroes
You're heroes of today
You're the heroes
of today
You're living for the music
You're keeping the scene alive
having your own alternative
A different way to live
Don't care what they say is normal
It's normal for you and me
You're hope you're future
It's hard to get somewhere to play
banned from every place
but we will fight till the end
the Oi! will never die
the music I play it's in my heart
and you can't rip it out
we're playing loud
and got something to stay
we are here to stay
We walk our way
and no matter what you say
we promise that the Oi! is here to stay
You can't stop us we're too strong
we got a will to win
we got the strength
we got the faith
we will never lose
we're playing Oi! we're proud of it
we will never change
with our pride we're here to play
My intention, was to be someone good
And I tried, oh god what I tried
I´m not perfect, please forgive me for my sins
And I, I will try once again
What have I done, what did I do
Did I deserve all these punishments
What have I done, What did I do
Did I deserve all these scars
What have I done, what did I do
Did I deserve all these punishments
What have I done, What did I do
Did I deserve all these scars
I never meant to, to do any harm
So please help me, please tell me what I´ve done
Oh god, please give me one more chance
And I promise, I will try one more time
What have I done, what did I do
Did I deserve all these punishments
What have I done, What did I do
Did I deserve all these scars
What have I done, what did I do
Did I deserve all these punishments
What have I done, What did I do
Did I deserve all these scars
You are welcome to the gig
To drink some beer and sing with us
We raise our glasses in the air
And we hope you will be there
To sing with us and drink some beer
To raise our glasses in the air
To sing with us and drink some beer
We hope you all will be there
You are welcome to the gig
To drink some beer and sing with us
We raise our glasses in the air
And we hope you will be there
You are welcome to the gig
To meet some friends and have some fun
We raise our bottles full of beer
And we hope you all are here
It's time for work and it feels like the first day will never end
My back it hurts and it hurts more for every day
I'm waiting for the weekend that I've been waiting for too long
Now the Friday is here and it's time to drink some beer
[Chorus 2x:]
And when the weekend's here
It's time to drink some beer
And the work is left behind
[Chorus 2x]
The weekend is over and now it's time to work again
And it's so sad because the weekend felt too short
But we all know that it's Friday soon again
When the weekend is here, we're going to drink some beer
I´m tired I don´t want to hear your bullshit all the time
It stinks so much it makes me want to puke
I´ve heard it all and I don´t need your rubbish in my ears
One word is one to much so full of shit
I´ve heard it I´ve seen it
Your stupid propaganda
It´s a waste of time
I´ve heard it I´ve seen it
Your stupid propaganda
It´s a waste of time
I´ve heard your prejudice
I´ve heard your lies - I´ve heard your lies
And you can stick it up your arse
I´ve heard your prejudice
I´ve heard your lies - I´ve heard your lies
And you can stick it up your arse
I´ve heard it I´ve seen it
Your stupid propaganda
It´s a waste of time
I´ve heard it I´ve seen it
Your stupid propaganda
It´s a waste of time
I´ve heard your prejudice
I´ve heard your lies - I´ve heard your lies
And you can stick it up your arse
I´ve heard your prejudice
I´ve heard your lies - I´ve heard your lies
And you can stick it up your arse
I´m fed up we won´t need your stupid marches on our streets
I thought your dream was buried 45
Your nonsense, dead end politics is just a waste of time
It´s time for you to wake up from you dream
I´ve heard it I´ve seen it
Your stupid propaganda
It´s a waste of time
I´ve heard it I´ve seen it
Your stupid propaganda
It´s a waste of time
I´ve heard your prejudice
I´ve heard your lies - I´ve heard your lies
And you can stick it up your arse
I´ve heard your prejudice
I´ve heard your lies - I´ve heard your lies
And you can stick it up your arse
I´ve heard your prejudice
I´ve heard your lies - I´ve heard your lies
And you can stick it up your arse
I´ve heard your prejudice
I´ve heard your lies - I´ve heard your lies
So much anger,
so much pain,
so much confusion in the peoples minds.
Voice of anger, voice of anger
on the streets tonight.
Voice of anger, voice of anger
on the streets tonight.
Voice of anger, voice of anger
on the streets tonight.
Got no money,
got no security,
got no trust in anyone.
Don't believe in future,
don't believe in hope,
don't believe in solutions of anything.
When we go to Stockholm, we will drink some beer with you
The same when we go to Oslo, we all know what to do
Have a party in New York and have a laugh with our friends
In every town, in every country, it's party time, Oi! Oi! Oi!
When we come to your town you'll name it
It's time to drink some beer
When we come to your town you'll name it
It's party time all the night
When we go to London, we will drink some pints with you
The same when we go to Glasgow, we all know what to do
Have a party in Berlin and have a laugh with our friends
In every town, in every country, it's party time, Oi! Oi! Oi!
Trendy wankers - Fuck off! ... [x2]
Going to the disco every Friday, acting like a wanker, looking like shit
Always following the latest trends, you really make me want to puke
Trendy cunts you really make me sick, I hate you, get out of my way
Fuck the discos, fuck you all, I don't like you, you make me pissed off
[Chorus x4:]
Trendy wankers, trendy wankers...
I hate you all - Fuck off!
Burn the discos to the ground, give the wankers what they deserve
I really hate your trendy music, sounds like shit, turn it off
MTV on the television, I put my boot in the TV-screen
That's enough, you're too much, you wankers are destroying my day
[Chorus x4]
I got a dream that I'm fighting for - That you're trying to destroy
What's wrong with you, what's the point - You better watch out
I am the winner, you are the loser - Get used to that
I got the truth, you got the lies - My dream will come true
[Chorus 4x:]
I'm so tired of you ... standing in my way, standing in my way
I do believe and I always will - What can you do about that
You got no chance, I'm too strong - You better give up
I got the strength and I know you don't - Stay away from me
I know what's right and I know you're wrong - I will fight till the end
My eyes are black, evil minds
Full of rage, don't know where to go
Full of pain, taste of blood
Nothing to loose, welcome to hell
I'm walking the evil way
Coz I don't know where else to go
I'm walking the evil way
The road to hell is the way I know
Broken ribs, spitting blood
See no future, can't think anymore
Where I am, I'm confused
I know, you know
That we die in poison in our vains
Don´t need anyone to tell me that it´s dumb
Don´t care, if you die
It´s your choice and no one forces you to
We´ll know what it does
Don´t feel sorry for you
Your choice
Your the one
Who puts it in your vains
You are the only one to blame (x4)
I know, you know
That we die if were blowing out our brains
Don´t need anyone to tell me that it´s dumb
Refuse, to pay
For your crimes and stupid drug abuse
Don´t cry, when you die
Junkies around the corner, kids are getting high
A land is getting diseased by the shitheads on the streets
Media spreading lies, papers full of shit
And who can you trust with these lies around
[Chorus 2x:]
We have to fight the disease
No, we ain't gonna take it anymore
Pedophiles in the bushes, kids are getting raped
Smash their fucking heads to fight the spreading disease
Sects delude people to believe in their fucking lies
And commit suicide for their sick belief
I got enough of your fucking shit,
all that you have done to destroy our world.
The day has come to get the fucking scum,
the day has come, we'll get them everyone.
I'm tired of you standing in my way,
and destroy my day, on your own risk.
I know your name and your name is scum,
you better start to run and you know why.
Oi! Oi! Oi!
Oi! Oi! Oi!
Oi! Oi! Oi!
Oi! Oi! Oi!
With the power of the chords
Gonna ram it down
The Punk Rock Army is here to fight
With the power of the beat
Gonna blow it up
Watch out for the Punk Rock Dynamite
Come on let´s go
Join The Punk Rock Army
Come on let´s go
It´s time for revolution
Come on let´s go
Join The Punk Rock Army
Come on let´s go
It´s time for revolution
Come on let´s go
Join The Punk Rock Army
Come on let´s go
It´s time for revolution
Come on let´s go
Join The Punk Rock Army
Come on let´s go
It´s time for revolution
With the power of the songs
Gonna knock ´em out
We gonna ram through every wall
With the power of the sound
Gonna punch you out
Watch out for the Punk Rock Cannon Ball
Come on let´s go
Join The Punk Rock Army
Come on let´s go
It´s time for revolution
Come on let´s go
Join The Punk Rock Army
Come on let´s go
It´s time for revolution
Come on let´s go
Join The Punk Rock Army
Come on let´s go
It´s time for revolution
Come on let´s go
Join The Punk Rock Army
Come on let´s go
It´s time for revolution
Come on let´s go
Join The Punk Rock Army
(Punk Rock Army)
Come on let´s go
It´s time for revolution
Come on let´s go
Join The Punk Rock Army
(Punk Rock Army)
Come on let´s go
It´s time for revolution
Come on let´s go
Join The Punk Rock Army
(Punk Rock Army)
Come on let´s go
It´s time for revolution
Come on let´s go
Join The Punk Rock Army
(Punk Rock Army)
Come on let´s go
It´s time for revolution
Come on let´s go
Join The Punk Rock Army
(Punk Rock Army)
Come on let´s go
It´s time for revolution
Come on let´s go
Join The Punk Rock Army
(Punk Rock Army)
He's a psychopath, he's a maniac
And he's after you
Look behind your back, he might follow you
He's a psycho killer, he's a driller killer
So run for your life
It's time to lock your door, he wants to kill you now
So try to find a knife
You should try to fight him back
Because he's evil and a maniac
He uses chainsaws, he uses drills
He thinks that tools are fun
He's dangerous, he's insane
So fight him back or run
If you don't kill him,
He'll always follow you
Until your death
He wants to cut your throat
He wants to rip your head off
He wants to hear your last breath
Politicians don't care about you and me
We don't fit in their society
They only think about how much they earn
So fight the politicians and let them burn
They don't care about you - you, you, you
They don't care about me - me, me, me
So why should we follow their lines
Lines that make us to slaves
Politicians don't care about you and me...
Politicians don't care about you and me
We don't fit in their society
They only think about how much they earn
So fight the politicians and let them burn
You promise and you promise
Trying to get us to believe
When are you giving us the truth
You´re talking and you´re talking
Trying to get us on your side
But you won´t take us for a ride
We´re waiting for the good times to come
We´re waiting for the change
We´re waiting for the good times to come
We´re waiting for the change
Waiting for the paradise
We´re waiting for the good times to come
We´re waiting for the change
We´re waiting for the good times to come
We´re waiting for the change
Waiting for the paradise
You´re preaching and you´re preaching
Trying to manipulate us all
But we´re convinced that all is just a joke
You argue and you argue
Trying to get us to obey
But you´re not fooling us no way
We´re waiting for the good times to come
We´re waiting for the change
We´re waiting for the good times to come
We´re waiting for the change
Waiting for the paradise
We´re waiting for the good times to come
We´re waiting for the change
We´re waiting for the good times to come
We´re waiting for the change
I will never be ashamed of what I am
of being born in the working class
that's made me strong and hard to break
no one can ever step on me
the shame I've got is a pride today
pride for my class where I've learned to fight
fight for my future and for my life
I will struggle till the day I die
I will always stand up
and fight for what I am
I will never take any shit
- from anyone
The working class life is the life I know
and made me to what I'm today
I will never let anyone mess with me
and never give up when the problems come
I will never take shit because I'm poor
It's nothing I choose that's the way it is
I can't go back and change the past
You are telling me that I'm violent
You're telling me that I'm sick
I'm a product of today
A product of a sick society
[Chorus 1:]
You keep telling me that I'm wrong
But you can't stop me from fighting for my future
You keep telling me that I'm wrong
Because I deal with the problems in my own way
You are telling me that I'm wrong
You're telling me that I'm dumb
Cause I don't follow their lines
Cause I follow my own way
[Chorus 1]
You think that you are smart
You think that you are right
Cause you do what you are told
You dress like anyone else
[Chorus 1]
[Chorus 2:]
You keep telling me that I'm wrong
Because I deal with the problems in my own way
You keep telling me that I'm wrong
I fly our flag for our football team
And the place where I belong, where I got my home
We got our four seasons, we got our way of life
It's the way I want to live, until the day I die - Until the day I die
[Chorus 2x:]
I have a lot of memories of places where I have been
But I can't remember that anything is like home
Great islands and skerries, mighty forests and fields
Drinking beer in the summer nights and looking at the views
It's a part of my life, it's a part of my heart
You can't deprive this feeling without killing me - Without killing me
I fly our flag for our football team
And the place where I belong, where I got my home
We got our four seasons, we got our way of life
It's the way I want to live, until the day I die - Until the day I die
[Chorus 2x:]
I have a lot of memories of places where I have been
But I can't remember that anything is like home
Great islands and skerries, mighty forests and fields
Drinking beer in the summer nights and looking at the views
It's a part of my life, it's a part of my heart
You can't deprive this feeling without killing me - Without killing me
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
Living like everyone else
I get older don´t care still a rebel in my heart
Today tomorrow yesterday just want to be free
I change don´t care still not normalized by you
Today, tomorrow I never will, just want to be me
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
Living like everyone else
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
Living like everyone else
I´m odd I don´t care it´s the way I prefer to be
Today tomorrow since I was born just want to be free
I´m strange I don´t care it´s not business it is my life
Today tomorrow yesterday I will forever be me
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
I don´t care what you say
This is my life this is my way
Can´t be happy living like everyone else
Do you think you're a hero when you are beating up your wife
Beating up your kids and drinking every day
Unemployed, feeling sorry for yourself
Blaming everyone for your misery
You are coming home late after fucking a whore
Drunk as hell and insulting your wife
The kids are scared because of your threats
You don't see the tears in their eyes
[Chorus 2x:]
You're a loser, you're scum - You're a shame for the mankind
You're such a coward, I hate your kind
I would feel so great while I'm punching your face
You're a loser, face the fact
You're not worth your kids and your wife
Complaining everyday, everything is shit
There's only one shit and the shit is you
You stupid scum, it's time to change
Or I will change your face to a misery
[Chorus 2x]
They want us to believe
in their fucking god
they want us to join in
and believe in miracles
and commit suicide
for their fucking lie
you can take your fucking god
and shove him up your arse
Liar liar liar liar
I will never join your sect
and listen to your lies
go on and kill yourself and
bring your god into your grave
coz we don't need your lies
about a paradise
I hope you'll find your paradise
in a coffin full of worms
The only thing you're interested in is our political wing
Listen to our music instead of spreading your fucking lies
We don't care about politics, we just care about the kids on the street
We play Oi! for the Working Class and not for the politicans
We're playing Oi! for the kids on the street
So why don't you leave us alone
We're playing Oi! for the kids on the street
So keep along way from here
I don't wear a political uniform, I dress for my way of life
Media and political fanatics are chasing us all the time
A constant fucking baiting, why can't they leave us alone
I believe in loyalty, I don't need to be betrayed
Don't need unhonest friends, only friends who I can trust
Wanna know who I should hate, wanna know who I should fight
Only need some honesty, hypocrites can go to hell
I wanna know, I wanna know - Who's my friend, who's my enemy
I wanna know, I want to know ...
I wanna know, I wanna know - Who's my friend, who's my enemy
I wanna know, I want to know ... Who I can trust
You wounder where the aggression's coming from
You wounder where the hate is coming from
Take a look around what do you see
People getting dumber everyday
Thinking about money everyday
There's only the one thing left to say
I hate
I hate the world
So much
You wounder where the violence are coming from
You wounder where the fists are coming from
Take a look in my eyes what do you see
People getting more selfish everyday
People getting more respectless everyday
Don't feel safe for something at all
can't see a future but I got to believe
got no money I'm always poor
feels like shit but I gotta go in
it's getting darker can't see the light
I'm not gonna fall I will never give up
it's getting worse and that's a fact
but I try to see the light in the end
I believe, I believe, I believe
That the change will come
Misery is here to knock on my door
he won't get me and that's for sure
I'm not gonna watch our nation fall
it's time to wash the shit of the streets
I believe in a country without trash
I've suffered enough it got to stop
your dragging people down in dirt
I promise you that your punishment will come
I still do believe in victory
I don't wanna live like this anymore
I believe that we will rise again
that we will end up in liberty
we're treated like shit and it got to change
it's time for you to feel the pain
you will face to fear your fucking cunt
I want to see you pray on your knees