Tawab Al Hajj (Tawaf ul Ziyarah/ifadah) Hajj 2011 Hijri 1432 Masjid Al Ḥaram Makkah Al Mukarramah
Umrah - Full Tawaf
Makkah Tawaf at 3:00am..July 2, 2013
Bab 11 Tawaf Ulangkaji i
tawaf kaaba hajj 2012
Tawaf Umrah
Do'a Tawaf Putaran Pertama
Hajj 2011, Tawaf-e-Kaaba
Tawaf & Adhan Mekkah
Collapse of the Tawaf Bridge in Makkah? [GRAPHIC]
Umroh, Tawaf di Baitullah dan Sa'i Safa Marwa
Tawaf dan azan Isyak di Masjidil Haram
Tawaf Practise
wonderful amazing ka'bah tawaf haji umrah from Above
Tawab Al Hajj (Tawaf ul Ziyarah/ifadah) Hajj 2011 Hijri 1432 Masjid Al Ḥaram Makkah Al Mukarramah
Umrah - Full Tawaf
Makkah Tawaf at 3:00am..July 2, 2013
Bab 11 Tawaf Ulangkaji i
tawaf kaaba hajj 2012
Tawaf Umrah
Do'a Tawaf Putaran Pertama
Hajj 2011, Tawaf-e-Kaaba
Tawaf & Adhan Mekkah
Collapse of the Tawaf Bridge in Makkah? [GRAPHIC]
Umroh, Tawaf di Baitullah dan Sa'i Safa Marwa
Tawaf dan azan Isyak di Masjidil Haram
Tawaf Practise
wonderful amazing ka'bah tawaf haji umrah from Above
Tawaf keliling ka'bah
Azza & Rayyan doing tawaf around Kaaba, 12th February 2014
Tawaf 1 Min
Makkah Live : Tawaf (FULL HD)
doa thawaf / tawaf dua 1 part 1 of 21
Cara Memakai Kain Ihram dan Tawaf
SubhanaAllah-Tawaf Haji Musim 1435-2014
Impressionnant tawaf autour de la Kaaba.flv
Tawaf at baitullah al-haram. Makkah hajj 2014
Ṭawāf (طواف) is one of the Islamic rituals of pilgrimage. During the Hajj and Umrah, Muslims are to circumambulate the Kaaba (most sacred site in Islam) seven times, in a counterclockwise direction. The circling is believed to demonstrate the unity of the believers in the worship of the One God, as they move in harmony together around the Kaaba, while supplicating to Allah.
The circle begins from the Black Stone (al-Ḥajar al-'Aswad) on the corner of the Kaaba. If possible, Muslims are to kiss or touch it, but this is often not possible because of the large crowds, so it is acceptable for them to simply point or hold up their hand to the Stone on each circuit. They are also to make the Takbeer prayer (Allāhu Akbar) each time they approach.
For men, it is recommended to make the first three circuits at a hurried pace, followed by four times, more closely, at a leisurely pace.
At the end of the circling, Muslims go to the Station of Ibrahim to pray two nafl prayer rak'ahs, and then drink water from the sacred Well of Zamzam, before proceeding to the next ritual of the Hajj, the S'ay.