A senate is a deliberative assembly, often the upper house or chamber of a legislature or parliament. There have been many such bodies in history, since senate means the assembly of the eldest and wiser members of the society and ruling class. Two of the first official senates were the Spartan Gerousia (Γερουσία) and the Roman Senate.
Many countries currently have an assembly named a senate, composed of senators who may be elected, appointed, have inherited the title, or gained membership by other methods, depending on the country. Modern senates typically serve to provide a chamber of "sober second thought" to consider legislation passed by a lower house, whose members are usually elected.
The modern word senate is derived from the Latin word senātus (senate), which comes from senex, "old man". The members or legislators of a senate are called senators. The Latin word senator was adopted into English with no change in spelling. Its meaning is derived from a very ancient form of simple social organization in which decision-making powers are reserved for the eldest men. For the same reason, the word senate is correctly used when referring to any powerful authority characteristically composed by the eldest members of a community, as a deliberative body of a faculty in an institution of higher learning is often called a senate. The original senate was the Roman Senate, which lasted until 580 (various efforts to revive it were made in Medieval Rome). In the Eastern Roman Empire, the Byzantine Senate continued until the Fourth Crusade, circa 1202–1204.
Gerald Otieno Kajwang is a Kenyan politician. He belongs to the Orange Democratic Movement and was elected to represent the Mbita Constituency in the National Assembly of Kenya since the Kenyan parliamentary election, 2007.
Randal Howard "Rand" Paul (born January 7, 1963) is the junior United States Senator for Kentucky. He is a member of the Republican Party. A member of the Tea Party movement, he describes himself as a "constitutional conservative" and a libertarian. He is the son of Republican Congressman and 2012 Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul of Texas and had never previously held political office. Paul first received national attention in 2008 when making political speeches on behalf of his father. Rand Paul is the first United States Senator in history to serve alongside a parent in the United States House of Representatives.
A graduate of the Duke University School of Medicine, Paul has been a practicing ophthalmologist in Bowling Green, Kentucky, since 1993, and established his own clinic in December 2007. In 1994, he founded Kentucky Taxpayers United, of which he is still the chairman.
In 2010, Paul ran as the Republican candidate for the United States Senate seat being vacated by retiring Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky and defeated Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway. As a supporter of the Tea Party movement, Paul has been vocal in advocating for term limits, a balanced budget amendment, and the Read the Bills Act, in addition to the widespread reduction of federal spending and taxation. He has gained prominence for his independent positions on many political issues, often clashing with both Republicans and Democrats.
John Forbes Kerry (born December 11, 1943) is the senior United States Senator from Massachusetts, the 10th most senior United States Senator and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He was the presidential nominee of the Democratic Party in the 2004 presidential election, but lost to then President George W. Bush.
The son of an Army Air Corps serviceman, Kerry was born in Aurora, Colorado. He attended boarding school in Massachusetts and New Hampshire and went on to graduate from Yale University class of 1966, where he majored in political science. He enlisted in the Naval Reserve in 1966 and, during 1968-1969, served a four-month tour of duty in South Vietnam as officer-in-charge (OIC) of a Swift Boat. For that service he was awarded several combat medals that include the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts. After returning to the United States, Kerry joined the Vietnam Veterans Against the War in which he served as a nationally recognized spokesperson and as an outspoken opponent of the Vietnam war. During that period, he appeared before the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs where he deemed United States war policy in Vietnam to be the cause of "war crimes".
Tarek Fatah (Urdu: طارق فتح) (born November 20, 1949), is a Canadian political activist, writer, and broadcaster. He is the author of Chasing a Mirage: The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State published by John Wiley & Sons. In the book Fatah challenges the notion that the establishment of an Islamic state is a necessary prerequisite to entering the state of Islam. He suggests that the idea of an Islamic state is merely a mirage that Muslims have been made to chase for over a millennium. Chasing a Mirage was shortlisted for the $35,000 Donner Prize for 2008–09.
Fatah's second book, titled The Jew Is Not My Enemy: Unveiling the Myths that Fuel Muslim Anti-Semitism, was published by McClelland & Stewart in October 2010. The book won the 2010 Annual Helen and Stan Vine Canadian Book Award in Politics and History.
In May 2009, Fatah joined CFRB 1010. Later that fall, he joined John Moore's morning show as a contributor. Currently, he hosts "The Tarek Fatah Show" on CFRB NewsTalk 1010' on Sundays.
Senator - American Dream [Comedy Skit]
Senator Arisekola - Latest Yoruba Movie 2014
GOP Senator Predicts Riots after Immigration Order
Senator Ludlam asks questions in parliament about cuts to the ABC and SBS
Burial preparations of departed Homa Bay senator Otieno Kajwang enteres the final phase today
Senator Rand Paul HUMILIATES and EXPOSES John Kerry!!
Tarek Fatah tells jackass Islamophile Senator Grant Mitchell where to get off
Senator Bernie Sanders, I Dare You To Comprehend This Speech! Jaw Dropping Truth!
Opel Senator b V8 ls3 6,2L neu Holden Commodore,Vauxhall
Moment of the Day: Celebration of late Senator Otieno Kajwang
Anti-Gun Senator Makes a Fool of Himself
The late senator Kajwang's memorial held at Nairobi Central SDA church
Friends, Family Attend Requiem Mass For The Late Homabay Senator In Nairobi
Stephen Malkmus and The Jicks - "Senator"
The Punky Pets begin their first six, city, rock and roll tour across the United States. The story starts as these eight musicians, all crammed together in a small van, haphazardly drive through Washington D.C. They call each other horrible names, criticize their past criminal records and make overt sexist remarks. Because they're distracted, they get lost and drive right into the Republican National Convention. They are out of gas and money! Turf tries to siphon gas out of a car but it gives him bad stomach problems. Things get worse when the other four Pets are hauled away by the police. The surviving Pets bump into a very important person, who is misbehaving. Hope comes in the form of an incriminating photo.
At the age of 9, Abraham Lincoln witnesses his mother being killed by a vampire, Jack Barts. Some 10 years later, he unsuccessfully tries to eliminate Barts but in the process makes the acquaintance of Henry Sturgess who teaches him how to fight and what is required to kill a vampire. The quid pro quo is that Abe will kill only those vampires that Henry directs him to. Abe relocates to Springfield where he gets a job as a store clerk while he studies the law and kills vampires by night. He also meets and eventually marries the pretty Mary Todd. Many years later as President of the United States, he comes to realize that vampires are fighting with the Confederate forces. As a result he mounts his own campaign to defeat them.
Keywords: 3-dimensional, 35-star-american-flag, action-hero, actress-shares-first-name-with-character, african-american, ambush, anti-hero, assistant, axe, axe-fight
Are you a patriot or a vampire?
President by day. Hunter by night.
[from trailer]::Johnny Cash - Himself: And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder. I looked, and behold, it was Death, saying, "Come and see." And I saw... and Hell followed me.
[from trailer]::Henry Sturgess: There is darkness EVERYWHERE! You are not the only one who has lost everything!
[from trailer]::Henry Sturgess: If vengeance is all you seek, you will never be able to save mankind. Fight this war with me, not for one man but for the whole world... Mr President.
[from trailer]::Abraham Lincoln: History prefers legends to men. It prefers nobility to brutality, soaring speeches to quiet deeds. History remembers the battle, but forgets the blood. Whatever history remembers me, if it remembers anything at all, it shall only remember a fraction of the truth. For whatever else I am, a husband, a lawyer... a president... I shall always think of myself first and foremost... as a hunter.
[from trailer]::Abraham Lincoln: I shall kill them all!
[first lines]::Abraham Lincoln: [voice-over in his journal] History prefers legends to men. It prefers nobility to brutality, soaring speeches to quiet deeds. History remembers the battle and forgets the blood. Whatever history remembers me, if it remembers me at all, it shall only remember a fraction of the truth. For what ever else I am, a husband, a lawyer... a President... I shall always think of myself as a man who struggled against darkness.
[last lines]::Henry Sturgess: A guy only gets that drunk when he wants to kiss a girl or kill a man. So which is it?
Mary Todd Lincoln: Well, I wouldn't back away from what's right just because it's hard. My father used to say: plant your feet and stand firm. The only question is where to put your feet.
Abraham Lincoln: I'm sorry, Mary. I'm sorry I've kept you in the dark all these years... I need you, Mary.::Mary Todd Lincoln: I've waited a long time to hear you say those words.
Abraham Lincoln: Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Jimmy, a business-like young man, enters a room where a man, the accountant for a shadowy drug lord, is shackled. Over the next week, Jimmy systematically tortures the accountant, demanding information about missing funds. The accountant denies any knowledge. In flashbacks to six months before, we see Jimmy's joining a group of the drug lord's enforcers, surviving brutal hazing, getting his first assignment, and keeping his cool. We also learn that Jimmy has another identity, friends in high places, and a girlfriend unhappy about both his work and his changing personality. Can Jimmy hold on to his humanity as he carries out increasingly nightmarish orders?
Keywords: bed, boyfriend-girlfriend-relationship, break-up, candy-bar, cell-phone, chinese-food, coffee, coffin, corpse, crowbar
Sometimes the only way to stop a criminal is to become one.
Die Grenzen zwischen Gut und Böse sind aufgehoben (Germany)
During a lecture about John Wilkes Booth and Thomas Gates, Ben Gates and his father Patrick are surprised by Mitch Wilkinson. He claims that their ancestor was a conspirator in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln based on the missing page of Booth's diary that he possesses. The outraged Ben decides to prove the honor of his ancestor. Together with his wife, Abigail, and his best friend, the writer Riley Poole, they head to France, England and Washington to collect clues. But Mitch Wilkinson is secretly following their every move.
Keywords: 1860s, 19th-century, 2000s, 21st-century, abduction, abyss, american-flag, amputee, assassination, backpack
Riley Poole: [over hearing Ben and Abigail's argument] You guys are so great together.
Patrick Gates: The Statue of Liberty! But which one?::Riley Poole: Exactly. Wait is there more than one?
Riley Poole: Did no one read my book?
Riley Poole: [Riley and Ben are standing by Abigail and her date] Awkward!
Ben Gates: Well, would you look at that.::Riley Poole: Oh yeah, it spells "smudge"!
Mitch Wilkinson: Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, one of the missing pages of the diary of John Wilkes Booth.
Mitch Wilkinson: Your great-great granddaddy planned the assassination of President Lincoln.::Patrick Gates: It can't be.
[from trailer]::Riley Poole: So let's recap: We've broken into Buckingham Palace, and the Oval Office, stolen a page from the President's super-secret book, and actually kidnapped the President of the United States. What are we gonna do next, short-sheet the Pope's bed?::Ben Gates: Well, you never know.
[from trailer]::Ben Gates: The past is filled with incredible mysteries. The clues to solving them are all around, hidden in plain sight. But this story begins with the most famous assassination in history. Abraham Lincoln's killer, John Wilkes Booth, kept a diary. A diary that was found the night Booth was killed, with 18 pages missing. Concealed in those pages is the key to something much, much bigger. A conspiracy that crosses the globe, and a discovery that the world isn't ready to believe.
[from trailer]::Riley Poole: [seeing several police pulling up to the building] Oh look. My tax dollars at work, coming to arrest me.
In 1945, the Marines attack twelve thousand Japaneses protecting the twenty square kilometers of the sacred Iwo Jima island in a very violent battle. When they reach the Mount Suribachi and six soldiers raise their flag on the top, the picture becomes a symbol in a post Great Depression America. The government brings the three survivors to America to raise funds for war, bringing hope to desolate people, and making the three men heroes of the war. However, the traumatized trio has difficulty dealing with the image built by their superiors, sharing the heroism with their mates.
Keywords: 1940s, airplane, alcoholism, ambush, american-flag, american-indian, american-indian-reservation, arizona, arlington-virginia, armada
A Single Shot Can End The War
Every Soldier Stands Beside A Hero
All it takes to win is the right picture.
The real heroes are the ones left on the island.
They fight for their country but they die for their friends.
Heroes are something we create, something we need.
General "Howlin' Mad" Smith: [on the telephone] I was promised ten days of shelling. You're giving me three and saying that's the best you can do?... I don't give a shit! My men hit that beach with less than ten, and I'll be taking them home to their mamas in buckets!... Yeah, I know exactly why. Because every Navy man with scrambled egg on his chest wants to offload us here and sail to Japan so they can be there for the big finish, tell their kids they captured the Emperor all by themselves. Well, you aren't going to Japan unless we take this piece of shit island! These little pricks are dug in... Okay, appreciate that, Jim. Three days is a fucking beautiful thing.
Colonel Chandler Johnson: Our target, Island X, is an ugly, smelly, dirty little scab of rock called Iwo Jima. It means "Sulfur Island," which accounts for the smell. Looks sort of like a burnt pork chop if you ask me. After twenty straight days of bombing, you won't find a blade of grass or a twig on it. It wasn't that pretty to start with.
[last lines]::James Bradley: I finally came to the conclusion that he maybe he was right. Maybe there's no such thing as heroes. Maybe there are just people like my dad. I finally came to understand why they were so uncomfortable being called heroes. Heroes are something we create, something we need. It's a way for us to understand what's almost incomprehensible, how people could sacrifice so much for us, but for my dad and these men, the risks they took, the wounds they suffered, they did that for their buddies. They may have fought for their country but they died for their friends. For the man in front, for the man beside him, and if we wish to truly honor these men we should remember them the way they really were, the way my dad remembered them.
Franklin Sousley: So, where do you think they're sending us?::Mike Strank: I think it's the desert, Frankllin.::Franklin Sousley: Well, that makes no sense at all.::Mike Strank: Well, it's just military psychology. They always train you for the desert on a volcano.::Franklin Sousley: Aw, now you're just havin' fun with me.::Mike Strank: Harlon, take your men right. Watch for Bedouins.::Harlon Block: Yes, sir.::Franklin Sousley: Hey, what's a Bedouin?::Harlon Block: It's a guy with a camel.::Franklin Sousley: Well, Jeez Louise, maybe we *are* going to the desert.
Lindberg: [while losing at poker] Chief, I had very little to do with Sitting Bull's death, so maybe you could stop taking it out on me.::Ira Hayes: Different tribe. The Pimas fought on the side of the white man.::Gust: See, now that's smart.::Hank Hansen: That *is* smart.::Ira Hayes: Yeah. Worked real good for us.
Lundsford: You actually chose the Marines because they had the best uniforms?::Rene Gagnon: No sense being a hero if you don't look like one.
Mike Strank: Any man that doesn't have his masturbation papers in order better get them signed by tomorrow night or he ain't going overseas.::Gust: I got mine already.::Lundsford: Oh, yeah, I'm square.::Franklin Sousley: Wait, wait. Why am I just hearing about this?::Mike Strank: That's horseshit, Franklin! I don't have to repeat everything twice for you.::Franklin Sousley: No, I didn't hear nothin' about no masturbating papers!::Ira Hayes: Heard they were running short.::Franklin Sousley: You know, nobody tells me nothing. That's real nice, guys!::Mike Strank: All right, get your ass over to the officer in charge of records. Maybe he's got some more left. Leave your smokes. I'll play for you.::Franklin Sousley: Thanks, Mike.::Mike Strank: Listen, if he calls you an idiot, you take it like a man, okay? Just *do not* leave without signing them.
Belle Block: Oh my Lord, that's Harlon!::Belle's Young Son: Where?::Belle Block: Right there. Planting that flag, that's your brother.::Belle's Young Son: Ma, all you can see is his behind.::Belle Block: And that's his. I powdered and diapered it, I know my son. That's him. Go get your father.::Belle's Young Son: Daddy, Ma's got a picture of Harlon's keister in the paper!
Captain Severance: Look, I've had to make a few other changes. I'm promoting you, to platoon sergeant.::Mike Strank: Thank you, sir. I appreciate it.::Captain Severance: You bet.::Mike Strank: The trouble is, I already told my men I'd see them through this.::Captain Severance: That your James Cagney impersonation? 'Cause I've heard better.::Mike Strank: Well, I'll keep practicing, then.::Captain Severance: Look, this isn't your first time through this. You don't need to prove anything.::Mike Strank: No, sir.::Captain Severance: You're not the *best* sergeant I've ever had, just the best one that's still walking. Block's a good man.::Mike Strank: Yes, sir, he is.::Captain Severance: The men know him, he can step right in. You know, I have actually thought this through. Platoon sergeant puts you further away from the bullets.::Mike Strank: I already gave them my word, sir. I told them I'd bring them all home to their mothers, which means I already lied to half of them. Can't lie to the rest.
Captain Severance: This isn't just any island to them. This isn't Tarawa, Guam, Tinian, or Saipan. This is Japanese soil, sacred ground. Twelve thousand Japanese defenders in eight square miles, they will not leave politely, gentlemen! It's up to us to convince them.
In New York, Alvin Sanders is a small-time thief who's just been hauled in for stealing a bunch of prawns (shrimp) from a local restaurant. He ends up in a cell with John Jaster, one half of a high-tech criminal team that's just stolen $42,000,000 worth of gold from the Federal Reserve. Realizing that he could die at any moment from his worsening heart condition, Jaster tells Alvin to relay a cryptic message to his wife about the whereabouts of the hidden gold. Alvin doesn't know exactly what the message means, and Edgar Clenteen, the U.S. Treasury investigator working the case, hopes it will lead to the gold or Jaster's partner Bristol, but it does neither. Eighteen months later, Jaster is dead, and both Clenteen and Bristol are still looking for that gold. Clenteen decides to secretly plant a tracking device in Alvin's jaw, release him from prison, and then let the word out that he knows where the gold is hidden. Knowing that Bristol is probably watching their every move, Clenteen hopes Alvin will act as the bait that'll lure Bristol in. To the dismay of Clenteen and his colleagues, agents Wooly, Blum, Boyle, and Walsh, who are tracking Alvin's every word and move, Alvin immediately gets into trouble, although he decides to go straight once he learns that while he was in prison, his girlfriend Lisa Hill gave birth to their son. Even so, run-ins with his criminal brother, Stevie Sanders and Stevie's two partners, Ramundo and Julio, puts Alvin in danger of being locked up again, which threatens to mess up Clenteen's plan. What will happen when Alvin realizes that he's being used as bait to nail Bristol?
Keywords: animated-title-sequence, audio-surveillance, bare-chested-male-bondage, betrayal, bomb, booby-trap, boxing, boyfriend-girlfriend-relationship, brooklyn-bridge, brother-brother-relationship
Alvin Sanders is going to help the Feds catch a killer. He just doesn't know it yet.
Julio: [Slamming Alvin against Ramundo's car] Your brother fucked us!::Ramundo: What the fuck are you doing? This is my fucking car man! This is my baby.::Julio: Sorry. [Slamming Alvin against the wall] Your brother fucked us!::Ramundo: So, Stevie's fucking my girl right?::Alvin: Well I think that's a point you're going to have to take with Stevie.::Julio: Well maybe Stevie isn't around to make a...point with anyone.::Ramundo: What the fuck are you saying?::Julio: I'm saying that Stevie didn't show.::Ramundo: Well just say it! Stop being so fucking complex!::Julio: I'm not complex, you're complex!::Alvin: Listen guys, do I have to be around for this?::Julio, Ramundo: Shut up!
[Bristol is nearly hit by a truck]::Trucker: You fucking nuts?::Bristol: No.::[shoots the trucker]::Bristol: I'm fine. Thanks for your concern.
[first lines]::Supervisor: Gentlemen, we owe a quarterly. Vault 23, encryption download.::Guard: Loaded.::Supervisor: Level five. Sonic, please.::Guard: Stable.::Supervisor: Motion?::Guard: Stable.::Supervisor: Status check, please.::Guard: All secure.::Supervisor: Excellent. Carry on, gentlemen.
Agent Wooly: We checked them all. We checked the monkey house, the reptile house, the giraffe house. We even checked the outhouse.
Edgar Clenteen: Citadel 4 is the same system we use to safeguard our nuclear missile launch facilities. This guy took it apart like he was hot-wiring a Toyota.
Senator: Mr. Clenteen, exactly how many laws are we breaking here?::Edgar Clenteen: You don't want to know.
Edgar Clenteen: A wolf will starve itself to death rather than make a mistake. You have to lay down a scent that smells real from far away. And the bait has to be fresh and untouched by human hands. Make no mistake about it, we are hunting a wolf.
Edgar Clenteen: When he's served his purpose, when he draws our man out of the shadows, well, you know what happens to bait...
Stevie Sanders: Alvin, you're an ex-con, man. You just got out the penitentiary. You got 26 dollars in your pocket, 25 of it is mine!
Alvin: So I'm bouncing from toy to toy like I'm some sort of drunk dude. Mom's smiling. My father's smiling. It's all good, right? Then around 8:30, cops show up. Take the toys, take my father. But for about two and a half hours I had a very, very happy childhood.
The deranged Roman emperor Gainus 'Caligula' (Little Boots) Caesar (12-41 A.D.) rules Rome with an iron fist and has anyone tortured and executed for even the slightest insubordination. Mostly set during the last year of his reign, as Caligula loses support due to his brutal and crazed excess, a young Moor woman, named Miriam, becomes his lover while plotting to kill him to avenge the murder of a friend which Caligula was responsible for. But Miriam is torn between her personal vendetta against Caligula and her own personal feelings towards him despite his madness and debauched lifestyle of orgies and bloody torture murders.
Keywords: ancient-rome, bestiality, blood, caligula, character-name-in-title, gore, hardcore, horse, horse-penis, independent-film
In ancient Rome, the people finally oust their despised king, Tarquinius, and declare the city a republic. Tarquinius makes an alliance with the Etruscan king, Porsenna, to take back power in Rome, but a Roman general, the heroic Mucius, sets out to stop him.
Keywords: ambush, ancient-rome, archer, assassination-attempt, battle, blood, burnt-hand, combat, coward, dagger
Arunte: [to Muzio] Perhaps when you've felt the most horrible of all tortures, you'll become a little more reasonable.
Robert Leffingwell is the president's candidate for Secretary of State. Prior to his approval, he must first go through a Senate investigation to determine if he's qualified. Leading the Senate committee is idealistic Senator Brig Anderson, who soon finds himself unprepared for the political dirt that's revealed, including Leffingwell's past affiliations with a Communist organization. When Leffingwell testifies about his political leanings, he proves his innocence. Later, however, Anderson learns that he lied under oath and even asks the president to withdraw Leffingwell for consideration, especially after the young senator begins receiving blackmail threats about a skeleton in his own closet.
Keywords: airplane, airport, american-politics, ampersand-in-title, anonymous-telephone-call, banquet, based-on-novel, bisexual, blackmail, closeted-homosexual
Are the men and women of Washington really like this?
Robert Leffingwell: Son, this is a Washington, D.C. kind of lie. It's when the other person knows you're lying, and also knows you *know* he knows.
Fred Van Ackerman: What I did was for the good of the country.::Bob Munson: Fortunately, our country always manages to survive patriots like you.
Bob Munson: Was that Brig? What's the matter?::Senator Lafe Smith: [Hanging up phone] He's dead.::Bob Munson: Brig?::Senator Lafe Smith: In his office. Cut his throat.
Robert Leffingwell: I'm an egghead. I'm not only an egghead, I'm a premeditated egghead. I set out to become an egghead and at this moment I'm in full flower of eggheadedness, and I hope to spread the spores of egghead everywhere I go.
[first lines]::[a boy is selling newspapers outside the U.S. Capitol, with the headline "Leffingwell Picked for Secretary of State"]::Paperboy: [to a customer] Thank you.::Stanley Danta: Morning, son.::Paperboy: [taking change from Danta] Good morning, senator... thank you.::[Danta gets into a taxicab]
Bob Munson: Mr. President, with the chair's permission, I shall be very brief.::The Vice President: The chair gladly gives any senator permission to be brief.
Bob Munson: He jumped the whale!
[last lines]::Bob Munson: Senators. A great leader is dead. A bitter loss for our country. A bitter personal loss for all of us here. I move we adjurn out of respect until further notice.::Senator Seabright Cooley: So ordered!
Journalist: Senator Anderson. Senator Van Ackerman is accusing the commitee of using smear tatics. Would you comment on this?::Senator Brigham Anderson: If Senator has any complaints to make he ought to write a letter to his congressman. [all the reporters laugh]
Senator Seabright Cooley: Now, Mr. Gelman. You told me something about names in this comunist cell.::Herbert Gelman: Yes. Nobody used their right names. Mr. Leffingwell was called Walker, Bukowski was called Fitzgerald. I never learn James Morton's real name. They tried to give me the name of Andrews. About that time I quit.::Senator Seabright Cooley: What happened when you quit?::Herbert Gelman: Mr. Leffingwell failed me in his class of Government administration.::Senator Seabright Cooley: Why didn't you report all of this to the University authorities?::Herbert Gelman: I was afraid.::Senator Seabright Cooley: And you're not afraid now?::Herbert Gelman: Yes. I'm afraid. But I couldn't stand by and see a man like Mr. Leffingwell get into a position of such power of Secretary of State.::Senator Brigham Anderson: Can you corroborate this story, Mr. Gelman?::Senator Seabright Cooley: This man is an eyewitness, under oath, Mr. Chairman.::Herbert Gelman: [shouting] I'm not lying!::Senator Brigham Anderson: I didn't say you were lying.
The political career of Woodrow Wilson is chronicled, beginning with his decision to leave his post at Princeton to run for Governor of New Jersey, and his subsequent ascent to the Presidency of the United States. During his terms in office, Wilson must deal with the death of his first wife, the onslaught of German hostilities leading to American involvement in the Great War, and his own country's reticence to join the League of Nations.
Keywords: 1900s, 1910s, 1920s, ambassador, american-football, armistice-day-1918, baltimore-maryland, baseball, blackface, character-name-in-title
Professor Henry Holmes: Now I know why the Democratic Party chose a jackass for a mascot.
[last lines]::Woodrow Wilson: The President has nothing further to communicate. Good day, sir.
Woodrow Wilson: I'm sorry I won't be able to stay for the inauguration ceremonies, but Mr. Harding and Mr. Coolidge have been kind enough to excuse me. I told them it was bad enough for the senate to throw me down without my stumbling and falling up the steps on my own account.
Senator - American Dream [Comedy Skit]
Senator Arisekola - Latest Yoruba Movie 2014
GOP Senator Predicts Riots after Immigration Order
Senator Ludlam asks questions in parliament about cuts to the ABC and SBS
Burial preparations of departed Homa Bay senator Otieno Kajwang enteres the final phase today
Senator Rand Paul HUMILIATES and EXPOSES John Kerry!!
Tarek Fatah tells jackass Islamophile Senator Grant Mitchell where to get off
Senator Bernie Sanders, I Dare You To Comprehend This Speech! Jaw Dropping Truth!
Opel Senator b V8 ls3 6,2L neu Holden Commodore,Vauxhall
Moment of the Day: Celebration of late Senator Otieno Kajwang
Anti-Gun Senator Makes a Fool of Himself
The late senator Kajwang's memorial held at Nairobi Central SDA church
Friends, Family Attend Requiem Mass For The Late Homabay Senator In Nairobi
Stephen Malkmus and The Jicks - "Senator"
Fare Thee Well: Requiem mass held for the late Senator Otieno Kajwang’
Senator David Norris" Israel bombs first and weeps later".
Necrological Services for the late Senator Juan M. Flavier (November 17, 2014)
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - Senator Armstrong Fight (Final Boss)
Senator Armstrong Plays Dark Souls II
senator vice
Senator Antonio Trillanes IV talks about VP Binay controversy (Part 2)
Real Time with Bill Maher: Senator Rand Paul - November 14, 2014 (HBO)
Senator Warren Asks FHFA Director Mel Watt About Principal Reduction
Wicker Floor Remarks on the 2nd Anniversary of Health Care Law
ObamaCare Was the Wrong Medicine
Obamacare: Broken Promises
Wicker Urges Members of the Senate to Vote to Repeal Obamacare
Wicker and Barrasso talk health care and Tenth Amendment on floor 120910.mpg
FOX NEWS: Senator Wicker Discusses Health Care On The Live Desk - 08.06.09
FLOOR SPEECH: Public Health Option is Bait and Switch Tactic - 08.03.09
FLOOR SPEECH: Senator Wicker Addresses The Costs of Democrats Health Care Proposals
FLOOR SPEECH: Senator Roger Wicker Delivers A Speech on Health Care 06.10.09
Blue Ribbon Committee (November 13, 2014)
Blue Ribbon Committee [Sub-Committee on P.S. No. 826] (November 6, 2014)
Anti-Gun Senator Kevin de Leόn Makes Complete Fool Out Of Himself! Full Video
Omo Senator 2 -( Latest Yoruba Movies 2014 )
Omo SenatoR -( Latest Yoruba Movies 2014)
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance Ending / Final Boss - Senator Armstrong - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 21
Senator Maria Chapelle-Nadal #Ferguson
Beetlejuice the Next Senator of New York on Howard Stern
Senator Bong Revilla privilege speech | June 9, 2014
Stella Damasus and Senator Yerima on Al-Jazeera Network THE STREAM
NMPA Honors Steven Tyler and Senator Chuck Grassley
Senator Beetlejuice.avi
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(Kemmler/Cretu - Kemmler/Hirschburger)
walk of life
feels so nice
an' here's
the perfect place
can't be nice
for you
if you can feel
an' you know you can't be cheated of your life
in the mirror of love
please feel me
we'll be drivin' away
the walk of life
in the mirror of love
please feel me
an' i wish you would stay
it's in the mirror of love
flyin' away
it's caught in crystal ice
in the mirror of love
fail your try
fail to cry
so warm
the walk of life
stay in trance
leave your chance
they call
an' you're not there
an' you know you can't be cheated of your life
in the mirror of love
please feel me
we'll be drivin' away
the walk of life
in the mirror of love
please feel me
an' i wish you would stay
it's in the mirror of love
flyin' away
it's caught in crystal ice
Bevor er kam
War ich so einsam
Das ist vorbei
Ich kann wieder singen
Kann wieder lachen
Er ist dabei
Before he came
I was so lonely
This is over
I can sing again
Can laugh again
He is there
Und in der Stra_e
W¤r' jedes M¤dchen
Glìcklich mit ihm
Doch ich geb' ihn niemals her
Denn ich liebe ihn so sehr
Kænnt ihr mich versteh'n?
And in the street
Every girl would be
Glad with him
But I shall never give him away
Because I love him so much
Can you understand me?
Andy mein Freund
Du bringst mir jeden Tag so viel Glìck
Kehr ich aus der Schule
Heim zu dir zurìck
Keine Stunde kann vergehen
In der dein Blick nicht Treue zeigt
Was du mir auch jeden Tag beweist
Er hat meine wahre Liebe die sich niemals ¤ndern Kann
Ich hab' seine wahre Treue
Was fang ich' ohne ihn an?
Andy mein Freund
Du bringst mir jeden Tag so viel Glìck
Kehr ich aus der Schule
Zu dir zurìck
Andy my friend
Everyday you bring me so much joy
When I come home from school
Back to you
No hour can go by
In which you're not faithful
You show it to me every day
He's got my true love that will never change
I have his true fidelity
What would I do without him?
Andy my friend
Everyday you bring me so much joy
When I come home from school
(Cretu - Cretu/Hirschburger)
sun came up this morning
broke into my room
i turned the tv on
the sun was red
i heard about the news
that turned me upside down
it's hard when you see it
there's torture and pain
i still have this feeling
there's something left to say
life may be a big insanity
but love will conquer hate to all eternity
don't you know
we are strong
life may be a big insanity
but there is more to life than reality
cause our hearts
make us strong
picking up the phone
the pictures always change
children playin in the streets
talking to somebody
i can only watch
til i get on my feet
dark times and mean crimes
they can't beat my dreams
the eyes of a child tell me
something's left to say
life may be a big insanity
but love will conquer hate to all eternity
don't you know
we are strong
life may be a big insanity
but there is more to life than reality
(Kemmler/Cretu - Kemmler/Hirschburger)
people crowd together
why don't you take it
wait a little longer
an' see how they make it
twinin' with time
why can't you see me
risk of eclipse
if you can't forgive me
return to zero
the breakup of the world
don't cry
we're gonna save our lifes
an' time is on my side
don't cry
i'm gonna realize
the breakup of the world
baby please don't cry
we can forgive
we're gonna try
baby please don't cry
i wanna live
i fear the breakup of the worldworld is torn an' tattered
why can't you take it
hope a little longer
an' see how we'll make it
swallow your pride
why can't you see me
risk of eclipse
if you can't forgive me
return to zero
the breakup of the world
don't cry
we're gonna save our lifes
an' time is on my side
don't cry
i'm gonna realize
the breakup of the world
baby please don't cry
we can forgive
we're gonna try
i wanna live
i fear the breakup of the world
Over my head
Is driving me mad
I'm so afraid what rules my mind
I only wanna live my life
You can't run
You can't hide
Will I ever find some piece of mind?
I'm so upset, yeah, we can try
We can't live together
Tell me why
Over my head
Is driving me mad
I'm so afraid what rules my mind
I only wanna live my life
Will you stand by me
Just hear me now
I've been always waiting
Can't you see?
Over my head
Is driving me mad
I'm so afraid what rules my mind
I only wanna live my life
Ich bin noch ein Kind
Darum frag ich dich
Denn du bist so reich an Jahren
Was mein Herz bewegt
Was es nicht versteht
Mæcht' ich heut' von dir erfahren
I am still a child
That's why I'm asking you
Because you are rich in years
What my heart is hurting
What it does not understand
I should like to know from you today
Warum gibt es Menschen auf unserer Welt
Die niemals Sorgen haben und immer reichlich Geld
Und andere sie schlafen vor Kummer nicht ein
Why there are people in our world
Who never feel sorrow and always have lots of money
And others who cannot sleep because of so much pain
Mother, I can give a try
Cause what I'm feeling
Conquers my mind
Mother, wall is understand
The time will be a healer
Adjust to lose a friend
I see your face
Those eyes so blue
I'm still under your spell
Leaving me you smile and wait
When love turns to pain
Big boys never cry
I can't play the game
Big boys never cry
So look what you're doing
Can't hold back that tears
I just go insane
When love turns to pain
Crying, I'm crying for you
You playing "cool" now
So what can I do
Hopeless, is driving me mad
I'm talking about the fever
That burns in my head
I don't know why you act so mean
I shiver deep inside
Leaving me you smile and wait
When love turns to pain
Big boys never cry
I can't play the game
Big boys never cry
So look what you're doing
Can't hold back that tears
I just go insane
When love turns to pain
When love turns to pain
Song: Johnny Wanna Live (Hit Single)
I got something on my mind,
makes me sad and makes me cry,
Oh no, Johnny wanna live
Just an ordinary day,
an animal will pass away,
Oh no, Johnny wanna live
Who's to say he got no rights
even not a right to life,
Don't know why it leaves you cold,
don't know how to make it show,
Oh no, Johnny wanna live
Johnny wanna live
Johnny wanna live
Through his eyes I look inside his heart
he can feel like me and you,
Can't defend himself 'cause he can't talk
and this is why I talk to you
Johnny isn't just a name
he stands for every creature's pain,
Oh no, Johnny wanna live
Johnny wanna live
Go and try to look inside his heart
you can find your own mistakes
try to hide them thinking he can't talk
but he can read them in your FACE
Got to give his skin away
for coats they wear on summerdays
Oh no,
Johnny wanna leaves cold
I swear I'm gonna make it show,
Oh no, Johnny wanna live,
Yeaah Yeaah, Johnny wanna live
Johnny wanna live
Johnny wanna live
Oh, Johnny
Johnny wanna live
You have the right to live
Oh, Johnny
Johnny wanna live
Johnny wanna live
Johnny wanna live
Questions?, Comments?
E-mail to: triant@pegasus.montclair.edu
(Cretu/Peterson - Cretu/Hirschburger)
one more night
one more night with you
close your eyes i'll give you my love
one more night
one more night with you
please hold me once again
cause i love you
here i stand
and i can't even cry
my heart is breakin up inside
you say goodbye
found somebody new
wherever you go
i'll be with you
one more night
one more night with you
hear me now i can't let you go
one more night
i'll open my heart to you
please hold me once again
cause i love you
before you leave
just take me in your arms
and let me feel you once again
can't help myself
i still depend on you
whatever you do
i'll be with you
one more night
one more night with you
close your eyes i'll give you my love
one more night
one more night with you
you know how long it gonna last
it's up to you
i wanna hold you once again
(Cassandra/Besser - Cretu/Hirschburger)
you stop my daydream
you choke my heart
why does the moment
find us apart
an' the heads are turnin' on my way
while i'm walkin' there alone
i got something that i can't delay
is it you
two lovers tonight are right
they catch my fall
i'm goin' to light that night with you
i'm gonna be right tonight
cos i'll catch your fall
two lovers tonight
you will be givin'
you got a start
why can't the music
light up your heart
does the music drift you far away
while the hours come an' go
who is startin' now to find a way
is it you
two lovers tonight are right
they catch my fall
i'm goin' to light that night with you
i'm gonna be right tonight
cos i'll catch your fall
Hey babe I'm mirrored in your eyes
Don't say you don't know why
Oh babe I'm mirrored in your eyes
I feel that it's love
It's love you can't denie
Remember times you touched my skin
I new I would be close
When I said I love you so
But then you run away - why?
Hey babe I'm mirrored in your eyes
Don't say you don't know why
Oh babe I'm mirrored in your eyes
I feel that it's love
It's love you can't denie
hey babe I'm mirrored in your eyes
Don't say you wonder why
Hey babe I'm mirrored in your eyes
I know that it's love
(I know that it's love)-[M.Cretu]
It's love you can't hide
(It's love you can't hide)-[M.Cretu]
Oh babe don't be so shy
(Oh babe don't be so shy)-[M.Cretu]
A little fawn so far away
Rice fields everywhere
Seven children with the mom
And nobody else, they have to suffer
When the rain... When the rain doesn't come
When the rain... When the rain doesn't come
Johnny Lee, about fourteen
No child lie in her life
Knowing then she has to live
To save her family
When the rain... When the rain doesn't come
When the rain... When the rain doesn't come
When the rain... When the rain doesn't come
When the rain... When the rain doesn't come
Meal time is big time and Johnny is back
In the doorway stands Johnny Lee
Some guy has got to touch her
She close her eyes and think
"It has to be"
When the rain... When the rain doesn't come
Her will is stronger than her pride
She sell her body to let her family survive
Gone tell the child behind those eyes
Don't blame the situation
Even if there rain... If the rain doesn't come
Even if there rain... If the rain doesn't come
Even if there rain... If the rain doesn't come
Heartbeat that's emotion
Heartbeat it's devotion
Ever more desire
Tell me is someone who's better
Heartbeat that's emotion
Heartbeat it's devotion
Ever more desire
Tell me is someone who's better
In my life
Oh I don't know if your love is right
On take you life away
I'm jealous of his begging you to stay
Even if dream of you
I'm doing all the scenes
I never thought you do it once again
I get my time to be longer
Heartbeat that's emotion
Heartbeat it's devotion
Ever more desire
Tell me is someone who's better
Heartbeat that's emotion
Heartbeat it's devotion
Ever more desire
Tell me is someone who's better
In my lifeI lock my soul for many times
Changing fells in me
Calling circles off
Confusion leaving me
I get my time to be longer
Heartbeat, heartbeat
That's emotion
Heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat
More desire
Tell me is someone who's better
Heartbeat that's emotion
Heartbeat it's devotion
Ever more desire
Tell me is someone who's better...
Wie wird deine Antwort sein?
What will be your answer?
La, la, la, la, la...
Warum zerstært der Regen das Korn mit einem Schlag
Der Bauer, er plagt sich doch den lieben langen Tag
Warum fragt das Schicksal den Raben oft allein
Wie wird deine Antwort sein?
Why does the rain damage all the corn in just one moment
The farmer, he works so hard all day long
Why does fate always ask the raven
What will be your answer?
La, la, la, la, la...
Warum ist die Liebe so oft nur ein Wort
Das Tr¤nen bringt Kummer und Schmerz
Warum sind die Menschen wie Ebbe und Flut
Heut' gìtevoll und morgen mit kaltem Herz
Why is love so often only a word
That brings tears, sorrow and pain
Why are people like tides
Today warm-hearted and tomorrow cold-hearted
Bis heute hat niemand mir ganz genau erkl¤rt
Was Liebe ist und wie sie sich zeigt
Nur einmal da war mir
Als h¤tt' ich sie gesehen
Als ein Junge
Um seinen Hund geweint
Sag, war das Liebe?
Wie wird deine Antwort sein?
Until now nobody explained me exactly
What is love and how you recognize it
Just once I felt
as if I saw it
When a boy
Cried for his dog
Tell me, was that love?
What will be your answer?
(Gad - Gad/Hirschburger)
Tell me more
Tell me more
Whatever I hear
It will be alright
Tell me more
Tell me more
I wanna believe in you
For all time
Baby you try to find solutions
When there is notning you can do
Baby I'm hidin my confusion
Just when all I need is you
Can't we try to understand each other
I will listen to you now
I will turn you Inside outTell me more
Tell me more
Whatever I hear
It will be alright
(I was never ever tryin to hurt you)
Tell me more
Tell me more
I wanna believe in you
For all time
(I didn't get to tell I love you)
I've got to tell you just one reason
Why we can never be apart
Cause when I look you in the eye I see it
Feels so good when I'm around
You just have to let it out
Tell me more
Tell me more
Whatever I hear
It will be alright
(I was never ever tryin to hurt you)
Tell me more
Tell me more
I wanna believe in you
For all time
(I didn't get to tell I love you)
(Gad - Cretu/Hirschburger)
Open your eyes
Don't say goodbye
Son of a time machine
Stay for a while
Learn how to smile
It's not the end of time
It wasn't a dream
It was on a journey
I heard a cry
It didn't sound like other children
He was alive
Lookin like dyin
He saw my tears
Heaving his hands
Like he was reachin out for help
Open your eyes
Don't say goodbye
Son of a time machine
Stay for a while
Learn how to smile
It's not the end of time
Could you believe
All that you need
It's hidden in your dreams
Don't say goodbye
The circle of life
Is like the endless timeHow does it feel
when your heart is breaking
How does it feel
Thaking the pain without complaining
I'm talking to you
I hope you can hear me
Just close your eyes
And you will find it
In your heart and in your dreams
Open your eyes
Don't say goodbye
Son of a time machine
Stay for a while
Learn how to smile
It's not the end of time
Could you believe
All that you need
It's hidden in your dreams
Don't say goodbye
The circle of life
Is like the endless time
(Cretu/Kemmler - Cretu/Hirschburger)
i've never been lyin'
you've never been tryin'
to my jealousy
you're leavin' me every night
if you would change your mind
just for me
you'll be mine, you'll be mine, b't empty time
seams to burn us up forever
we had that night an' day
looks so fine in my mind, we will find
just the calm where we can hide
i won't delay a promise i made
hear the poundin' of my heart
lyin' in the dark
you'll be mine, you'll be mine, take my time
i won't give up
i wanna be lonesome
i don't wanna rely on
oh my jealousy
it's gonna be for my life
an' if we have no doubt
we can see
you'll be mine, you'll be mine, b't empty time
seams to burn us up forever
we had that night an' day
looks so fine in my mind, we will find
just the calm where we can hide
i won't delay a promise i made
hear the poundin' of my heart
lyin' in the dark
you'll be mine, you'll be mine, take my time
(Cretu/Peterson - Peterson/Hirschburger)
people say
i need a new direction
people say
that i won't last
people change
opinions with their dresses
i have learned
how to protect
i don't need
to run for cover
always feel
like i am home
i don't care
what people think
it's just because
i like the skin i'm in
come what may
my love is true
it's double shelter
when i'm with you
can't deny
you're scared of their reaction
just understand
what's on my mind
my only fear
is love won't last forever
come over here
and look me in the eye
you don't need
to run for cover
make you feel
like you are home
i don't care
what people think
it's just because
i like the skin i'm in
come what may
my love is true
it's double shelter
when i'm with you
i don't care
what they might think
can't leave you
can't leave the skin i'm in
come what may
you must be true
we stick together
cause i'm in you
you see
people can do you no harm
do you feel
the way i feel
the second day will bring the answer
risk of eclipse lurks in the dark
a silent scream comes from the inside
why don't you hear the call?
Don't Cry (The Breakup Of The World)
(Kemmler/Cretu - Kemmler/Hirschburger)
people crowd together
why don't you take it
wait a little longer
an' see how they make it
twinin' with time
why can't you see me
risk of eclipse
if you can't forgive me
return to zero
the breakup of the world
don't cry
we're gonna save our lifes
an' time is on my side
don't cry
i'm gonna realize
the breakup of the world
baby please don't cry
we can forgive
we're gonna try
baby please don't cry
i wanna live
i fear the breakup of the world
world is torn an' tattered
why can't you take it
hope a little longer
an' see how we'll make it
swallow your pride
why can't you see me
risk of eclipse
if you can't forgive me
return to zero
the breakup of the world
don't cry
we're gonna save our lifes
an' time is on my side
don't cry
i'm gonna realize
the breakup of the world
baby please don't cry
we can forgive
we're gonna try
i wanna live
(A: Cold Out Here)
darkness forever
neverending night
flame in the ashes
water turns to ice
oh it's cold out here
it's cold out here
(B: I'm Alive)
wake up to the break of day
wake up from a dream
world outside is dark and grey
no one in the streets
can you hear me
i'm alive
don't know where you've been last night
don't know where to go
i hope that you're alright
walk an endless road
can you see me
i'm alive
can you hear me
i'm alive
(C: Paintings)
paintings in yellow
sun in the night
dream of life
will this dream come true some day
paintings in yellow
believe me when i say
don't know how
but i try to make you see
(D: Come Alive)
dreamin the impossible
cryin for the moon
i keep the dream alive
i know you'll learn this too
can you see me
come alive
can you hear me
come alive
(E: The End)
darkness is over
light is in your eyes
i hear your laughter
lyin by your side
won't be cold in here
Such a shame to believe in escape
'A life on every face', but that's a change
Until I'm finally left with an '8'
Tell me to relax, I just stare
Maybe I don't know if I should change
A feeling that we share, it's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me with rage, it's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me in haste
(Such a shame)
This eagerness to change
It's a shame
The dice decide my fate, that's a shame
In these trembling hands my faith
Tells me to react, I don't care
Maybe it's unkind if I should change
A feeling that we share, it's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me with rage, it's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me in haste
(Such a shame)
This eagerness to change
Such a shame
Tell me to relax, I just stare
Maybe I don't know
If I should change
A feeling that we share
It's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me with rage, it's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me in haste, it's a shame
(Such a shame)
Write across my name, it's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me in haste
(Such a shame)
This eagerness to change
I will try
I will try not to lose my own
If you cry rhat secret down.
Open up your eyes again
even you can try
Don't you think you toil in vain
What have you come to be
to be now?
Stop for a minute
you better change your heart in time
Stop for a minute
you can believe that part of mine.
I'll be protecting you from what you run into
If you will hold on
srop for a minute.
I rely
I rely on my chance to know
you and I could feel as one!
Open up and start again
take a look around
Don't you see what I have meant
What have you come to be
to be now?
Stop for a minute
you better change your heart in time
. . .
And what is left to you
where are you goin' to?
That sorrow in your life
what did you come to be
come to be now?
Stop for a minute
you better change your heart in time
. . .
Stop for a minute
for a minute
stop for a minute
Stop for a minute
stop for a minute
Come to me
Cold water is running all over me
I can choke myself
Baby steady me
Come to me now
Got fantasies I can't be without
You can set me free
Baby steady me
I can wait
I'll think about you everyday
I can find no sleep
Baby steady me
Cool it's in
I feel I got you under my skin
Won't you do me no harm
Baby steady me
I just wanna say
Let's do everything that I can take
You can set me free
Baby steady me
Baby steady me
Can I find the words to say
How I feel tonight
We are astrange
We can turn the time
Just look at me
I'm so scared
Would you be here
if I was sad, would you do?
I wanna be your guiding light
I wanna stay right by your side and
Seal it forever with love
I wanna say how much i care
Wanna tell you I'll be there
And seal it forever with love
Will you let me down someday
With a heart that burned
I call on you
We must live and learn
Just look at me
I love you
I still believe in what we do
I count on you
I wanna be your guiding light
I wanna stay right by your side and
Seal it forever with love
I wanna say how much i care
Wanna tell you I'll be there
And seal it forever with love
Baby I know that you matter in my eyes
A long time I was wondering why
Maybe I was follish and child
But now I know that's true love
Love I can deny it
Now my life is in your hands
Seal it forever
I wanna be your guiding light
I wanna stay right by your side and
Seal it forever with love
I wanna say how much i care
Wanna tell you I'll be there
Venice night
at five o'clock
the station
hazy light.
A sleepin' bum
a single girl
she's leavin' overnight.
And she knows that it's forever
and she'll never ever retun.
In Italy
on holidays
she had to see da Vinci's style.
All the arts of credit cards
she would forgive him for a smile.
And she knows that it's forever
and she'll never ever return.
little girl
don't wanna 'cause you pain
But the big boys feel no sorrow.
little girl - hey
little girl
They're all the same but they feel no sorrow.
There she is
inside a train
and now she's leaning back.
She's got money for one day and nothing in the rack.
And she knows that it's forever
and she'll never ever retun.
little girl
don't wanna 'cause you pain
. . .
little girl
don't wanna 'cause you pain
. . .
little girl
don't wanna 'cause you pain
(Peter/Cretu - Peter/Hirschburger)
take a walk
on a sunday mornin'
have a talk
be silent inside
did you only want the shelter
what is turnin' your mind
Loreen, Loreen
they are down on you
could you ever find again
just what you've been before
Loreen, Loreen
you're so down and blue
it's gettin' better every day
but you're about to lose your way
take a walk
an' i tail behind you
range your thoughts
look over your life
an' i know what you're recitin'
what is turnin' roun' your mind
Loreen, Loreen
they are down on you
could you ever find again
just what you've been before
Loreen, Loreen
you're so down and blue
it's gettin' better every day
(Cretu/Kemmler - Hirschburger/Cretu/Muller-Pi)
i know the name
of a lonely place
it's called: la vista de luna
when you're a part
of the island-life
you feel so warm inside
uh, heaven's child
uh, here's what you find
give me another
just another sign of love
an' i say: la vista de luna
love is a brother
under cover of the moon
i'll show you
it's really in my mind
when your part is done
even love could fade away
if you got to leave
just leave me on
la vista de luna
it's not the face
of the moon tonight
it's just la vista de luna
and if you promise
to hold me tight
i feel so warm inside
uh, all my life
uh, i'll stay by your side
give me another
just another sign of love
an' i say: la vista de luna
love is a brother
under cover of the moon
i'll show you
it's really in my mind
when your part is done
even love could fade away
if you got to leave
just leave me on
(Kemmler/Cretu/Lohr - Hirschburger/Kemmler)
fade away
my time in slow motion
any day
when i hear you call
i tremble deep inside
means love
Jesus handed down his love
an' cried
precious diamonds
you said you'd love me
i saw your eyes
shine like diamonds
an' my tears are nothing more
than a dream
just like diamonds
heard a song
my face on your shoulder
for so long
i could hear this song
it lingers in my heart
means love
Jesus handed down his love
an' cried
precious diamonds
you said you'd love me
i saw your eyes
shine like diamonds
an' my tears are nothing more
than a dream
just like diamonds
your eyes
keep shinin'
(Kemmler/Herter - Muller/Hirschburger)
this information is for everyone
i've never had my chance for much too long
i'm sick of byin' lots of jewelry
no matter if it's Rome or Tennessee
cause i wanna get in touch
with the man i miss so much
an' you should guarantee day by day
innocent love
you need my innocent love
my innocent love tonight
you can't get enough
you can stay by my side
an' give me everything
innocent boy
you need me, innocent boy
my innocent boy tonight
you can't get enough
you can stay by my side
an' show me everything
this information's for the borin' man
he's not in love, he's playin' just a game
i won't give up myself in luxury
don't wanna let him drown my ecstasy
cause i wanna get in touch
with the man i miss so much
an' you should guarantee day by day
innocent love
you need my innocent love
my innocent love tonight
you can't get enough
you can stay by my side
an' give me everything
innocent boy
you need me, innocent boy
my innocent boy tonight
you can't get enough
you can stay by my side
Talk to me - want my love. Talk to me - but not that stuff.
You ain't get enough using my love.
You call for me
again I'll see.
In the heat of the night -
You lose control and sell your soul -
I lose control in the heat of the night -
It's much too late to leave the trade -
But I can't stand it anymore -
You lose your heart and sell your soul -
I lose control in the heat of the night -
In the heat of the night -
Talk to me - want my love. Talk to me - but not that stuff.
Who's on my side losing my pride?
You call for me
again I'll see.
In the heat of the night - . . .
In the heat of the night -
In the heat of the night - . . .
You lose your heart and sell your soul -
(Cretu/Kemmler/Lohr - Hirschburger/Kemmler)
i saw your face
an' you saw mine
an' then we got much higher
i can't deny
you came in time
to set the night on fire
close your eyes
close your eyes an' say
you're the one
don't you feel the same
an' heaven can wait
cause you're my desire
heaven can wait
you're turnin' up in time
so take up my heart
livin' for this day of joy
it's never too late
an' heaven can wait
i saw your eyes
an' you saw mine
you can not be a liar
by day an' night
say what you like
i'll keep my love
much higher
close your eyes
close your eyes an' say
you're the one
don't you feel the same
an' heaven can wait
cause you're my desire
heaven can wait
you're turnin' up in time
so take up my heart
livin' for this day of joy
it's never too late
(Kemmler/Löhr/Sandra C. - Hirschburger/Kemmler)
days in blue
an' nights in fever
fall in Chinatown
flames an' light
a silent fire
not a single sound
who used to cry for love
time an' time again
i used to cry for some love tonight
an' we'll be together
with a little luck a little luck
we'll be comin' out of the dark
say you will
say you'll come my way
an' this means forever
with a little luck a little luck
we'll be comin' out of the dark
say you will
say you'll comenight is cold
an' moon is flashin'
in a lonesome dance
i don't care
cause you're beside me
i can take my chance
it's like a wave
that touched my skin
an' i'll let you stay
we'll be together
Turning my pages
What's gone is gone
you gonna show the way
Over the edges
in all I seem to you
It's always been the same
Take the pieces of my heart
Watching all reagenge
You and I belong together
You and I too proud to lie
Don t know why it took so long
Till' we got this far
You and I could love forever
You and I
don't know, we'll try
In the mirror of your eyes
I am not alone
You and I
Tell me the story
I know you're way
I wannna hear it allSecrets
Power and the glory
We're on the edge of life
I found this way before
Left the heavens for a part
Nothing else fade away
You and I belong together
You and I too proud to lie
Don t know why it took so long
Till' we got this far
You and I could love forever
You and I
don't know, we'll try
In the mirror of your eyes
I am not alone
You and I
(Gad - Gad/Hirschburger)
I won't run away from you
And I won't try to hide myself
For one more time
So many people come and go
They can be mean but they won't show
Smilin to all you've said
Talking behind your back
But I won't care forevermore
When I'm feelin like a stranger
Lost in the universe
When it's cold
I know you'll come and warm my heartI won't run away from you
And I won't try to hide myself
For one more time
Won't you please
Please tell me who I am
Cause I can only feel myself
When you are mine
So many people interfere
They know it all and disappear
They didn't know a thing
Wonders are happening
They said our love won't find a way
When you're feelin like a stranger
Lost in the universe
I'll be there
It doesn't matter where you are
I won't run away from you
And I won't try to hide myself
For one more time
Won't you please
Please tell me who I am
Cause I can only feel myself
When you are mine
(Gad - Gad/Hirschburger)
You are so beautiful to me
(As long as the world keeps turnin)
You are the only thing I need in my life
Will you be my guidin light
And forever on my side
Really need to know where I belong
When any show that's on TV
And any fashion magazine
Make believe what's right and what is wrong
Sometimes I feel lonely
But that won't last forever
I'm leaving this just behind
You are so beautiful to me
(As long as our hearts keep burnin)
You are the only thing I need in my life
Could you ever turn around
I could never let you down
Wanna look you straight into the eye
I don't even care about
What is in and what is out
Sometimes I feel lonely
But that won't last forever
I'm leaving this just behind
You are so beautiful to me
(As long as the world keeps turnin)
You are the only thing I need in my life
You are so beautiful to me
(As long as our hearts keep burnin)
Once in a year I'm looking back counting my rounds
Time after time it's been so hard holding my ground
And I miss you
For seven years,
An' need you
For seven years,
On this lonely game I don't wanna play
On the tray,
Just for seven years
Has the same old fears in my heart
You can understand my blues
I'm still trying to to lose
On the tray,
Just for seven years
Everytime we miss, you're the one
I have everything to say
It's much easy after play on the tray
Years pass me by
And still I'm here small on the dreams
Posing itself we suppose to smile
Trying to be strongAnd I miss you
For seven years,
An' need you
For seven years,
On this lonely game I don't wanna play
On the tray,
Just for seven years
Has the same old fears in my heart
You can understand my blues
I'm still trying to lose
On the tray,
Just for seven years
Everytime we miss, you're the one
I have everything to say
It's much easy after play on the tray
Count on my kisses
And children at play
Do you remember
Is so far away
Did we started with two?
Cause divided we fall
Sister and brothers are growing so tall
Strangers and lovers make fools of us all
Where is the laughter
That answer our pain
Where are the sunrise
Laid out in the rain
Can there ever return
All the years i recallSister and brothers are growing so tall
Strangers and lovers make fools of us all
If you can hear me i need you right now...
Sister and brothers are growing so tall
Strangers and lovers make fools of us all
(Cretu - Cretu/Hirschburger)
I need
I need love
I don't wanna be alone tonight
Don't wanna see the morning light
The only thing I need is love
I need
I need love
Baby I miss you so
Baby I need you
And I miss you so
My heart beats like crazy
I need love
Reach out and feel me
I need love
there's a shadow of a man at hiroshima
where he passed the moon
in a wonderland at hiroshima
beneath the august moon
and the world remembers his face
remembers the place was here
fly the metal-bird to hiroshima
and the way a load
speak a magic word to hiroshima
let the sky explode
and the world remembers his name
remembers the flame was hiroshima
and the world remembers his name
remembers the flame was
(Kemmler/Lohr - Hirschburger/Kemmler)
a child plays in silence
runnin' wild
he's never comin' home
king for a night
for a night
children of England
why do you run for your lives
when you need someone
i'm gonna show
my children of England
don't have to stand here aside
this reign has started long ago
mother i'll go far away
cause my heart is young
i find a way into their souls
an' understand
they're lookin' out for love
cry for the moon
for the moon
children of England
why do you run for your lives
when you need someone
i'm gonna show
my children of England
don't have to stand here aside
(Kemmler/Lohr/Sor Otto's/Peterson - Hirschburger/Kemmler)
some time back in 85
in July
when the summer was high
an' we've been alright
you know what money can't buy
one kiss on a flatbed truck
a hot rain
has completed our luck
you said
words don't mean nothing
but you will be mine
it goes around my heart
hey hey what a criminal man
life will go in circles
all around my heart
hey hey
it's such a dangerous game
i'm afraid
you'd lose your trust in love
good friend
in the darkest night
you feel blind
but my love is cateyed
just follow its light
you've got to follow the light
some day you'll be face to face
and you'll see
human nature can't waste
my love
words don't mean nothing
as long as you're mine
it goes around my heart
hey hey what a criminal man
life will go in circles
all around my heart
hey hey
it's such a dangerous game
i'm afraid
I will remember your first kiss
You're my shining star, my bliss
They must have sent you from heaven
and I feel we're the ones - you and me
I walk the desert to be with you
I swim the ocean to get to you
I wanna love you 'til the end of time
(Wanna fly with you)
I climb the mountain, you set me free
I cross the valley, you shelter me
I wanna stay with you all my life
(Wanna die for you)
You come and wash away the rain
You're gonna dry my tears of pain
They must have sent you from heaven
And I feel we're the ones - you and me
I walk the desert to be with you
I swim the ocean to get to you
I wanna love you 'til the end of time
I climb the mountain, you set me free
I cross the valley, you shelter me
I wanna stay with you all my life
(Wanna die for you)
(I wanna love you 'til the end of time)
I swim the ocean, I walk the desert
I wanna stay with you
Forgive me now, for all the words I said
Forgive me now, for all the things I made
Forgive me (Forgive me now), for all the words I said
(Forgive me)
Forgive me now, I hope it's not too late
Too late
I am waiting for any reaction
Tell me what changed my mind
Don't know what it is, don't know what you'll find
Maybe it's my own imagination
That turns the friendly card inside
I've no answer but I feel it's time to say
Forgive me now, for all the words I said
Forgive me (Forgive me now), for all the things I made
Forgive me now (Forgive me), for all the things I made
Believe me now, I hope it's not too late
Too late...
Forgive me now, for all the words I said
For all the words, for all the words I said
Forgive me now (Forgive me), forgive me, forgive me now
Forgive me now (Forgive me now), for all the words I said
(Forgive me)
Forgive me now, for all the things I made
Forgive me (Forgive me now), for all the words I said
Believe me now, I hope it's not too late
Too late
Too late
Forgive me, forgive me now
For all the words, for all the words I said
Forgive me
Change your mind
We getting closer
Change your mind
We can closer
Change your mind
We can closer
These eyes that shine
Are telling the story
I change your mind
All I need is time
Till' I show you
Where I wanna be
You think you know me
But you're wrong
To late for questions
When I'm gone
So if you're hear me I'll explain
I need your confort
Not you're blame
Change you're mind
We can get closer
These eyes that shine
Are telling the story
I change your mind
All I need is time
Till' I show you
Where I wanna be
How can you ever be so sure
I will adjust if any law
All I'm defending is my world
Do you believe in all you heard?
Change you're mind
We can get closer
These eyes that shine
Are telling the story
I change your mind
All I need is time
Till' I show you
You take my love
You want my soul
I would be crazy to share your life
Why can't you see what I want
Sharpen the senses and drawn the knife
Hold me and you'll understand
I'll never be Maria Magdalena
(You're a creature of the night)
Maria Magdalena
(you're a victim of the fight)
(you need love)
Promised me delight
(You need love)Why must I lie
Find any prize
When will you wake up and realize
I can't surrender to you
Play for affection and
Win the prize
I know these party games too
I'll never be Maria Magdalena
(You're a creature of the night)
Maria Magdalena
(you're a victim of the fight)
(you need love)
Promised me delight
(You need love)
(Cretu - Cretu/Hirschburger)
i take the train
i don't know why
maybe i
simply don't wanna fly
every day
an endless dream
of cigarettes and magazines
well i'm
on the road
i wonder why
you didn't call today
every time it rains
i start to pray
show me how you're feelin
show me no disguise
i am always dreamin
of the lovelight in your eyes
i'm lonely in the morning
i lie awake at night
i am always dreamin
of the lovelight in your eyes
i'm rollin on
time goes by
i see my life
the sorrow left behind
miss you so
you do me cold
i'm warm inside
you must know
that i can be alright
on my own
i wonder why
you didn't call today
every time it rains
i start to pray
show me how you're feelin
show me no disguise
i am always dreamin
of the lovelight in your eyes
i'm lonely in the morning
i lie awake at night
i am always dreamin
"Close To Seven"-1992
5.Your Way To India
You and I
Here we are - strangers
You and I
Still tastes the tears of cry
The world keeps turning
Without you I'm like a soul without a mind
You keep on searching
For something you left behind
(Deep in my heart I feel for you
If *lovening* on what can I do?)-[M.Cretu]
On your way to India
You'll see the light
On your way to India
Your eternal life
On your way to India
You'll have me in mind
Now I find
I just need you like I never did before
You love me blind
And we can't talk anymore
(Here is my heart I feel for you
If *lovening* on what can I do?)-[M.Cretu]
On your way to India
You'll see the light
On your way to India
Your eternal life
(I'm like a soul without a mind)-[M.Cretu]
On your way to India
(My world keeps turnin')-[M.Cretu]
You'll have my in mind
(I ceep on searching all the time)-[M.Cretu]
It's gotta be over
(I miss you)-[M.Cretu]
On your way to India
On your way to India
(I need you so)-[M.Cretu]
You'll see the light
(I was a fool to leave you)-[M.Cretu]
On your way to India
(But I already had no choice)-[M.Cretu]
Your eternal life
(I'm like a soul without a mind)-[M.Cretu]
On your way to India
(My world keeps turnin')-[M.Cretu]
You'll have me in mind
(I ceep on searching all the time)-[M.Cretu]
It's gotta be over
(I miss you)-[M.Cretu]
On your way to India
Hey all Sandra fan's
Let's write to eachother
My E-mail address is:
You take my love, you want my soul
I would be crazy to share your life
Why can't you see what I am?
Sharpen the senses and turn the knife
Hurt me and you'll understand
I'll never be Maria Magdalena
(You're a creature of the night)
Maria Magdalena
(You're a victim of the fight)
(You need love)
Promised me delight
(You need love)
Why must I lie find any prize
When will you wake up and realize
I can't surrender to you
Play for affection and win the prize
I know those party games too
I'll never be Maria Magdalena
(You're a creature of the night)
Maria Magdalena
(You're a victim of the fight)
(You need love)
Promised me delight