- published: 08 Jul 2016
- views: 322524
Patty Hou (December 20, 1977 in Taipei, Taiwan Province, Republic of China) is a former news anchor in Republic of China. She subsequently hosted an entertainment program on Azio TV and has published the book Patty's About Love.
Hou graduated with a degree in mass communications and psychology from the University of Southern California. She was a news anchor for TTV, Era News and CTi before resigning in 2004 and venturing into the entertainment scene.
Hou is currently an anchor at Azio TV for Entertainment in Asia (every weekday, 19:00-20:00) and for fashion news at Eranews (Saturdays, 12:00-12:30). She is also the spokeswoman for DHC cosmetics. She has also hosted the Star Awards, Singapore's Chinese language television awards, twice and the 2009 concert Huaren • Night in Phoenix City Concert. She continues to host her weekly show, "Entertainment Asia". Hou has also starred in several Taiwan and mainland China television series.
STV may refer to:
Often referred as “the most beautiful anchorwoman in Taiwan”, Patty Hou styles and shots the new Fall/Winter 2016-17 collections, exclusively for LUISAVIAROMA. Discover her take on the new season trends: http://firenze4ever13.luisaviaroma.com/single-style-lab/patty-hou/
This is the unedited version of the interview with Ben Barnes for the Azio Entertainment show on Taiwan with host Patty Hou. Part 1: You are at the first destination! Part 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJbDIZJoUuM Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNSiR65fyBk Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AN7wgj1F38c Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zQrTylCWo4 Hope you enjoy! Sub & comment, please! xoxo
【欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】Subscribe SMG TV: http://goo.gl/Zh6NFn 侯佩岑升级当妈后,每次出席活动,话题总是离不开儿子,但她5号出席珠宝活动,脸上似乎变得不太一样,笑肌明显“突出”许多,在接受采访时被问及,她不避谈微整话题,坦言若皮肤松弛会打肉毒杆菌提肌,效果极佳。而被问道最近有“动手脚”吗时,她则摇头说:“很久没打了。” 她的儿子Lan九月即将满一岁,现在正是调皮阶段,侯佩岑说儿子现在很好动、很会爬,常常跟不上他的脚步。儿子在地上爬,她也在一旁陪爬,结果让她双脚多了很多淤青印记。问到是否计划再生一胎,她笑说现在超怕被问这个问题。而关于是否有压力,她表示自己把它当祝福看待,生子一切顺其自然,看上天安排。 看看新闻网是上海东方传媒集团有限公司(SMG)上海广播电视台旗下的网络新闻媒体,是中国专业的视频新闻网站,提供最新最热的视频新闻在线播放,24小时视频直播及海量视频新闻搜索。我们的一线记者会采集娱乐、民生等很多好玩的视频分享给大家。所有最新最热门的华语新闻线索,尽在看看新闻! SMG KanKan News is a web based news and media channel under Shanghai Media Group. It is a professional news website, which provides the latest news videos 24/7.KanKan News will provide news clips in all different kinds of area. Please subscribe us to get in touch with more news and amusement. ★《生活大爆笑》GAG超清完整...
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头条娱乐资讯每天更新 观看地址: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo 台湾赞泰建设董事长邱嘉雄日前病逝,和他有着长达31年婚外情的侯佩岑母亲林月云,以及一直被他视如己出的侯佩岑,都没来送最后一程,还是妻子蔡贵照出面料理善后。侯佩岑甚至被拍到和友人开心吃火锅并去酒吧续摊,外界因此质疑林月云母女冷血绝情。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目: ★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6 ★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo ★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE ★Tonight's show with the 80s...
The Italian Pavilion continues to be a hit. Lots of Chinese VIPs have visited, fascinated by the products on display and the splendid architectural reconstructions in the rooms. Amongst them are ex-gymnast and Sydney olympic gold medal winner Liu Xuan and Patty Hou, the Taiwanese star, actress and television personality considered a true idol by the chinese.
【欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】Subscribe SMG TV: http://goo.gl/Zh6NFn 英国球星麦克-欧文(Michael Owen)现身台湾出席代言的酒品活动,与美女主持侯佩岑亲切合影。 SMG 上海电视台官方频道 看看新闻网是上海东方传媒集团有限公司(SMG)上海广播电视台旗下的网络新闻媒体,¬是中国专业的视频新闻网站,提供最新最热的-视频新闻在线播放,24小时视频直播及海¬量视频新闻搜索。 我们的YouTube频道汇集SMG(上海东方传媒集团有限公司)旗下电视频道的内容¬:包括东方卫视的:中国达人秀、不朽之名曲、顶级厨师、 中国梦之声等等。同时,我们的一线记者也会采集娱乐、民生等更多好玩的视频分享给大家¬。所有最新最热门的华语视频,尽在看看新闻网官方频道! SMG Shanghai TV Official Kankanews is a web based news and media channel under Shanghai Media Group. It is a professional news website, which provides the latest news videos 24/7. Our SMG YouTube channel includes shows from Dragon TV like: China's Got Talent, Immortal Songs, Master Chef and Chinese Idol, etc. You may find the latest and most popular Chinese entertainment videos on Kankanews official channel. ★《生活大爆笑》GAG超清完整版:htt...
甜姐兒侯佩岑從主播轉戰演藝圈後,唱歌、演戲、主持節目樣樣精通,現在還出了時尚新書,而在電視螢幕前面總是給人一種甜美的形象,但私底下的侯佩岑其實是個大剌剌、像的大男孩的女生?而現在又多了一個人妻的身分,又會給侯佩岑帶來甚麼改變呢?到底侯佩岑還有甚麼不為人知的一面,就讓我們一起來看看吧! 《更多康熙完整版》http://www.youtube.com/user/MrPeiStar/featured ←歡迎大家訂閱喔 《藍心湄藍教幫大集合》http://youtu.be/Aapan7RVReM 《人氣偶像韓庚光臨康熙來了》http://youtu.be/HKoHxCTqoNY 《戀情跟包包一樣有爆點》 http://youtu.be/rnGTYFb7x9U 《好友掏心掏肺來爆料-楊丞琳》http://youtu.be/sGSmJlHjnBE 《超夯網路紅人來按讚》http://youtu.be/zyKxuH8cREw 《吳宗憲驚人內幕自爆時間》http://youtu.be/RJuvHXz_dSk 《文青聚會都聊什麼?張懸、青峰、張鈞甯》http://youtu.be/eDB-xvZzhJg 《推薦ELLA專訪(上)》http://youtu.be/28lUD558VbA 《推薦ELLA專訪(下)》http://youtu.be/PJF6UN5vDpU 《推薦偉忠哥專訪》http://youtu.be/V10EyN14cL4 《推薦小豬、楊丞琳專訪》http://youtu.be/M_lGfKxCvY0 《推薦費翔專訪》http://youtu.be/9GRBWyfsu78 《推薦范范專訪》http://youtu.be/m910-fKyUA0
CoCo Lee 李玟 @王牌大明星 (2010.02.24) - 東西世界 天后獨行 主持人: Jacky Wu 吳忠憲, Patty Hou 侯佩岑 1. 雷鬼版"So Crazy" (reggae ver.) 2. 暗示 3. R&B;版 月光愛人 4. 愛琴海 (Aegean Sea) 5. Zoo & 柚子 - Magic Show 魔術表演 6. acapella 阿卡貝拉 + B-Box (公共澡堂 - One Night in 北京 + Las Vegas) 2009奧地利Graz "Vokal Total" 阿卡貝拉國際大賽- Pop組金牌&冠軍 7. Happy Birthday 生日快樂 8. 阿卡貝拉版 DiDaDi (acapella + B-Box) 9. 美少年電影主題曲 - 答案 10. 撒野 "CoCo Lee-Ai Qing Hai (Aegean Sea)", sound recording administered by: 17:57 SME Musical Composition administered by: EMI Music Publishing Copyright Info Entity: EMI Music Publishing Content Type: Musical Composition
CoCo李玟 @王牌大明星 (2009.08.06) 主持人: Jacky Wu 吳忠憲, Patty Hou 侯佩岑 1. 往日情 (Un-plug Ver.) 2. Party Time (Music Video) 3. DiDaDi 4. 台灣第一電臀女王 - 小敏 5. Mulan - Reflection 6. 陳文傑 - 香蕉煎餅 7. BYOB (Bring Yur Own Bag) 8. 美麗的主題曲 9. 暗示 "李玟-Byob", sound recording administered by: 33:04 Golden Dynamic "李玟-Party Time", sound recording administered by: 7:12 Golden Dynamic
VIC ZHOU Y PATTY HOU Aquí está el capítulo 6 que desde hace años les debía, mil disculpas por la tardanza. Espero les guste tanto como a mi. Ya estoy trabajando el siguiente... God bless you guys!!!
王志,衡阳市衡东县人,1965年5月出生于衡阳市衡阳县界牌镇。曾任湖南郴州电视台、湖南电视台、深圳广播电视台记者和中央电视台《东方之子》记者、主持人,《新闻调查》记者、主持人、《面对面》记者、主持人、制片人;云南省丽江市副市长兼云南省政府新闻办副主任、省委宣传部外宣办副主任;中国红十字基金会书记、常务副理事长(主持工作)。赵普,1971年4月24日出生于安徽省黄山市,中国内地男主持人,毕业于北京电影学院。侯佩岑(Patty Hou),1978年12月20日出生于台北,中国台湾女艺人。2004年,侯佩岑凭主播新闻成名,随后成为东风卫视节目《娱乐亚洲》的主持人。 Welcome to iFeng Official Channel. YouTube has released its new translation feature. Click on the following link to translate any show you like!欢迎进入“凤凰卫视官方频道”,youtube推出翻译新功能啦,点击后面的链接来翻译你喜欢的节目吧!https://goo.gl/3RtIUo 凤凰卫视官方频道 iFeng Official Channel【欢迎订阅】http://dwz.cn/2EQZg2 凤凰卫视评论官方频道 iFeng Comment Official Channel【欢迎订阅】http://dwz.cn/2ER1db 凤凰卫视访谈官方频道 iFeng Interview Official Channel【欢迎订阅】http://dwz.cn/2ER5rc 凤凰卫视官方社会频道 iFengSocial Official Channel【欢迎订阅】http://dwz.cn/2ER2WQ 凤凰卫视财经官方频道 iFeng Finance Official Chan...
This is the unedited version of the interview with Ben Barnes for the Azio Entertainment show on Taiwan with host Patty Hou. Part 1: You are at the first destination! Part 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJbDIZJoUuM Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNSiR65fyBk Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AN7wgj1F38c Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zQrTylCWo4 Hope you enjoy! Sub & comment, please! xoxo
This is the 2nd part to the unedited version of the interview with Ben Barnes for the Azio Entertainment show on Taiwan with host Patty Hou. Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wj6TVTA2T5I Part 2: You're on it! :O Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNSiR65fyBk Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AN7wgj1F38c Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zQrTylCWo4 Hope you enjoy! Sub & comment, please! xoxo
Entertaining interview...
Entertaining interview...
Push up
Haha, I never knew that a kid like me
Could take his mic around the world
Flash the big S.D.
And rock the masses
From Madrid to Calabasas
Tijuana, Mexico
Bootleg demos in Tokyo
Say they know me though
'Cause I'll be puttin' in work
Commit my life to rebirth
Well respected, 'cause that's my word
And I'm sure you heard
'Bout a new sound goin' 'round
She might have left my hood
But she was born in my town
You didn't know, thought we was new on the scene
(Well it's alright, it's alright)
I know you know, I see you smilin' at me
(Well it's alright, it's alright)
Here comes the
Ready or not?
Here comes the boys from the South
Here comes the
Ready or not?
How you like me now?, I say
We rep the South
So what you talkin' 'bout?
I'm not runnin' off my mouth
I know this without a doubt
'Cause if you know these streets
Then these streets know you
An' when it's time to handle business
Then you know what to do
(What to do)
Me and my crew
We stay true, old skool or new
Many were called
But the chosen are few
(We are few)
We rise to the top
What you want, just in case you forgot
Rush the stage, grab my mic
Show me what you got?
You didn't know, thought we was new on the scene
(Well it's alright, it's alright)
I know you know, I see you smiling at me
(Well it's alright, it's alright)
Here comes the
Ready or not?
Here comes the boys from the South
Here comes the
Ready or not ?
How you like me now?, I say
Here comes the
Ready or not?
Here comes the boys from the South
Here comes the
Ready or not?
How you like me now?
Is that all you got?, haha
I'll take your best shot
Is that all you got?, ha ha
I'll take your best shot
Is that all you got?, I'll take your best shot
Is that all you got?, I'll take your best shot
Is that all you got?, I'll take your best shot
I'll take your best shot, I'll take your best shot
Is that all you got?
(Well it's alright, it's alright)
I'll take your best shot
Is that all you got?
(Well it's alright, it's alright)
I'll take your best shot
Is that all you got?, I'll take your best shot
(Well it's alright, it's alright)
Take your best shot, take your best shot
Is that all you got?, I'll take your best shot
(Well it's alright, it's alright)
Take your best shot, take your best shot
Here comes the
Ready or not?
Here comes the boys from the South
Here comes the
Ready or not?
Haha, how you like me now?, I say
Here comes the
Ready or not?
Here comes the boys from the South
Here comes the
Ready or not?