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其實Gigi金曲串燒都upload左成年..不過因為煙霧瀰漫個mv搞到香港block 左。終於的起心肝搞番..香港朋友又可欣賞梁詠琪金曲串燒‧Gigi d 歌尤其是佢自己作曲,非常耐聽。現在又重溫佢一部份作品‧ G for Girl/ 出走地平線/ 新居/ 我鍾意/ 某年仲夏/ 膽小鬼/ 花火/ 煙霧彌漫/ 愛自...
Enjoy! And leave some comments if you like.
Gigi Leung - 魔幻季节.
梁咏琪与西班牙籍老公Sergio结婚3年多,昨日在微博宣布喜讯,女儿于前晚顺利诞生。圈中人缘甚好的梁咏琪还获郑秀文、蔡卓妍、钟欣潼、李克勤、莫文蔚、陈晓东、余思敏、蔡健雅与范玮琪等人送上祝福。 SMG 上海电视台官方频道 看看新闻网是上海东方传媒集团有限公司(SMG)上海广播电视台旗下的网络新闻媒体,是中国专业的视频新闻网站,提供最新最热的-视频新闻在线播放,24小时视频直播及海量视频新闻搜索。 我们的YouTube频道汇集SMG(上海东方传媒集团有限公司)旗下电视频道的内容:包括东方卫视的:中国达人秀、不朽之名曲、顶级厨师、 中国梦之声等等。同时,我们的一线记者也会采集娱乐、民生等更多好玩的视频分享给大家。所有最新最热门的华语视频,尽在看看新闻网官方频道! SMG Shanghai TV Official (Default) Kankanews is a web based news and media channel under Shanghai Media Group. It is a professional news website, which provides the latest news videos 24/7. Our SMG YouTube channel includes shows from Dragon TV like: China's Got Talent, Immortal Songs, Master Chef and Chinese Idol, etc. You may find the latest and most popular Chinese entertainment videos on Kankanews official channel. -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目: ★China's Immortal Songs HD Full Episodes: 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 ★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 ★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 ★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集;=dd&view;=50 ★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》&《谁能百里挑一》全集;=dd&view;=50 ★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e ★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 ★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa ★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀;=dd&view;=50 ★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown & Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会&马年春晚;=dd&view;=50 ★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! --------------------------------- Follow us online ---------------------------------- ★Facebook: ★Twitter:
Gigi Leung live in concert 2007 in the Asia World-Expo of Hong Kong.
近日媒体目击梁咏琪挺大肚香港中环血拼扫货,老公贴身陪护秀恩爱。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目: ★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 ★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 ★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 ★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50 ★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50 ★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e ★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 ★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa ★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀;=dd&view;=50 ★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚;=dd&view;=50 ★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! --------------------------------- Follow us online ---------------------------------- ★Facebook: ★Twitter:
来吧伴我飞不忧不谁去飞来尽力忘记两脚降落何地若记忆凭据到某一天告吹回望即使太蠢都相信我做得对原来风雪可以使我健壮使我坚强假使kam梦预想假使天真的唱我也会笑容漂亮原来岁月太长可以丰富可以荒凉能忘掉kit guo,未能忘记预想长路若太短花火生命更短双手可抓及你有眼泪亦是暖.
懷孕6個多月的Gigi(梁詠琪),首度與Prenetics 合作,更在懷孕初期使用Prenetics V® Test – 一個非入侵性、準確度極高及最全面的無創產前DNA測試,為準媽媽分析懷孕期内與胎兒健康相關的問題。檢測項目包括唐氏綜合症 (T21), 愛德華氏症(T18), 巴陶氏症 (T13), 性染色體檢測等16種染色體症。準確率高達99.9%,更比傳統檢測技術高於200倍。適合所有孕婦。即上 或者向妳的婦產科醫生查詢。
Osu!... haven't found it anywhere else :)
GiGi Leung - You Shi Hou (梁咏琪- 有时候) nice song, here's the 1st & only MV available in youtube,(from Enjoy.
据香港媒体报导,梁咏琪于2月28日诞下6.6磅混血女儿,为女儿改名Sofia的梁咏琪昨天(3月3日)再向传媒发放女儿的可爱照片,与大家分享她与西班牙籍老公Sergio的喜悦。Sofia已尽得母亲遗传属于美女,还拥有长腿,小公主身体超过半米长,加上“能吃能睡”,每隔两小时就要妈妈喂人奶,梁咏琪看着女儿表示只希望小公主健康快乐成长,生女儿时如何痛都值得。 梁咏琪(GiGi)自2011年嫁西班牙籍老公Sergio,3年多来都希望生儿育女,所以怀孕后的梁咏琪减少工作,静心等待小生命降临,在2月28日梁咏琪在老公Sergio陪同入产房,两夫妇见证小公主出生还喜极而泣。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目: ★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 ★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 ★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 ★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50 ★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50 ★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e ★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 ★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa ★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀;=dd&view;=50 ★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚;=dd&view;=50 ★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! --------------------------------- Follow us online ---------------------------------- ★Facebook: ★Twitter: // ▽歌詞▽ 作曲:林一峰作詞:林一峰編曲:林一峰監製:林一峰橄欖香衝浪而來一場味覺聽覺的戀愛你是我的Butterfly 陽光追逐著浪花海風撩動暖暖的細沙一個吻我的心就飛起來(Let's fly) * 飛過半個...
Hong Kong actress Gigi Leung on the red carpet at the Asian Film Awards.
The Married Life - Gigi Leung interview during the cover shooting for 《Keypad Magazine》 Episode 07 第7集.
9月19日Gigi到中環出席高級珠寶Mikimoto X Hello Kitty 系列活動。
北京G夜係2010.12.24平安夜舉行, 果日觀眾有成過萬人, 希望gigi可以快d係香港開show!
梁詠琪"禮物" MV.
This video is dedicated to all fans of Andy Lau and Gigi Leung, especially the fans of the movie. Music : Penantian - Iwan Fals & Vina Panduwinata
Liang Yong Qi Sorry for the glitch in the middle.
Ken Zhu as Gigi Leung boyfriend in her video clip.
梁詠琪-Gigi Leung 2012年國語EP-換約.
由梁咏琪、李心洁、杨采妮以及许茹芸所成立的“小黄花慈善教育基金”,今年暑假为来自低收入家庭小朋友,免费开办“儿童英语 唱游班”,希望借着音乐,让小朋友学会更多英文。 刚完成好友Eric Kwok演唱会的GiGi,与正在拍摄HKTV新剧的李心洁,早前抽空到其中一个位于东涌的受惠机构,了解小朋友的上课情況,GiGi说:“市面上虽然有好多playgroup课程,但学费不是个个都负担得起,尤其是那些来自低收入家庭的小朋友,所以希望搞些免费课程,好好地学英文,过一个开心暑假。” 至于同行的李心洁则透露,今年暑假“小黄花”除了开办英语唱游班,稍后还会邀請200多位小朋友同家长,一齐到剧院欣赏暑期动画电影,她说:“其实每年暑假我都有开办‘小黄花影院’,免费请低收入家庭成员,去剧院看电影,今年会继续搞。我同GiGi都希望每年搞多的活动,帮到更多小朋友,这都是我成立‘小黄花’的目的。” -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目: ★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 ★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 ★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 ★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50 ★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50 ★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e ★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 ★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa ★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀;=dd&view;=50 ★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚;=dd&view;=50 ★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! --------------------------------- Follow us online ---------------------------------- ★Facebook: ★Twitter:
夏花秋葉+ 一天一天Live.
Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文 & 梁詠琪 Gigi Leung - 花火 LIVE
梁詠琪獲上海電影節邀請,為2012“第十五届上海國際電影節”-女性微電影《幸運曲奇》。Gigi除了執導外,還親自落力演出。 故事講述餅店的老板娘Gigi,每天在店裡都看到來餅店的顧客們背後都有他們的故事、讓她體會不同的人情世態,也啟發Gigi探討人生不同的層面。而Gigi每天也會做不同的幸運曲奇送给客人,给他们鼓勵與祝福。
北京G夜係2010.12.24平安夜舉行, 果日觀眾有成過萬人, 希望gigi可以快d係香港開show!
北京G夜係2010.12.24平安夜舉行, 果日觀眾有成過萬人, 希望gigi可以快d係香港開show!
北京G夜係2010.12.24平安夜舉行, 果日觀眾有成過萬人, 希望gigi可以快d係香港開show!
On Christmas Eve, Gigi Leung invited Charlene Choi to be her special guest performer at her One Night in Beijing Concert to live duet perform her song "Firew...
Hong Kong based indie group My Little Airport. Song from the album "becoz i was too nervous at that time" (2005). All rights belong to Harbour Records. Sorry...
Gigi Leung.
梁詠琪(Gigi Leung)北京G夜演唱會.
Features two songs performed by Gigi Leung, "The Luck for Two People" and "The Edge of the Magic Roundabout" This is a movie about two people (Gigi Leung and Takeshi Kaneshiro). Leung plays a translator, and Kaneshiro plays a violinist, who live parallel lives and appear to be perfect for each other, but somehow fate seems to keep them apart. They live in the same apartment building, but never meet, because when they leave, one turns left, and one turns right.
Interview with Gigi Leung in the Mission Hills Star Trophy.
Matthew McConaughey and Gigi Leung(梁詠琪)being interviewed in the Mission Hills Star Trophy Unicef Charity Event.
梁詠琪GiGi Leung Sina 《越光宝盒》 新浪訪問Just Another Pandora's Box.
Yoon Eun Hye at Louis Vuitton 101 in Taipei. Other actresses in the video are Maggie Cheung and Gigi Leung.
Cast: Felix Wong, Max Mok, Eric Tsang, Hung Yan Yan, Ray Lui, Guo Tao, Gigi Leung, Ni Hong-Jie, Simon Yam, Kara Hui, and Ti Lung Genre: Action Country: China Here you'll find Movie Reviews,...
3月1日中午,梁咏琪宣布诞下千金:“小天使于昨天晚上,终于降临到我们的身边!我们心存感恩!平安喜悦!”而后初为人母的梁咏琪怀着感动激动的心情追述:“一直以来感觉你在我的肚子里转动,今天终于可以抱到你,感受你的重量,看到你这个浅浅的笑容,一切痛都是值得的”。并晒出与小天使握手的照片,画面十分温馨有爱。网友纷纷送上祝福。据台湾媒体称,梁咏琪是以剖腹产方式,顺利生下女儿。 SMG 上海电视台官方频道 看看新闻网是上海东方传媒集团有限公司(SMG)上海广播电视台旗下的网络新闻媒体,是中国专业的视频新闻网站,提供最新最热的-视频新闻在线播放,24小时视频直播及海量视频新闻搜索。 我们的YouTube频道汇集SMG(上海东方传媒集团有限公司)旗下电视频道的内容:包括东方卫视的:中国达人秀、不朽之名曲、顶级厨师、 中国梦之声等等。同时,我们的一线记者也会采集娱乐、民生等更多好玩的视频分享给大家。所有最新最热门的华语视频,尽在看看新闻网官方频道! SMG Shanghai TV Official (Default) Kankanews is a web based news and media channel under Shanghai Media Group. It is a professional news website, which provides the latest news videos 24/7. Our SMG YouTube channel includes shows from Dragon TV like: China's Got Talent, Immortal Songs, Master Chef and Chinese Idol, etc. You may find the latest and most popular Chinese entertainment videos on Kankanews official channel. -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目: ★China's Immortal Songs HD Full Episodes: 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 ★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 ★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 ★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集;=dd&view;=50 ★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》&《谁能百里挑一》全集;=dd&view;=50 ★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e ★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 ★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa ★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀;=dd&view;=50 ★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown & Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会&马年春晚;=dd&view;=50 ★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! --------------------------------- Follow us online ---------------------------------- ★Facebook: ★Twitter:
梁詠琪GiGi Leung@2010真维斯娛樂大典-港台年度女歌手JeansWest Entertainment Awards. Michael Lau - Happy Crazy X'mas interview - 2010 Time Square HK
梁詠琪 為 Zcoop Magazine issue 05 拍攝 封面Coverztory 幕後花絮 Zcoop Magazine issue 05 於2013年2月1日出版 派發地點及其他詳情,請參閱Zcoop Magazine facebook專頁:
梁詠琪-GiGi Leung 2012年國語EP “Butterfly Kisses” 首支主打歌.
Good! XD.
Feb 27, 2013 - Announcement Press Conference for the 38th Hong Kong International Film Festival. Directors Pang Ho Cheung and Fruit Chan were in attendance with their casts and festival ambassador Louis Koo. "Aberdeen" (香港仔) cast members Miriam Yeung, Gigi Leung and Louis Koo took the stage as well as Fruit Chan's "The Midnight After" (那夜凌晨,我坐上了旺角開往大埔的紅van) along with cast members Wong You-Nam, Chui Tien-You and Sam Lee. This video is brought to you in part by the support of - IAFT Hong Kong - Thanks!
Currently starring in Ang Lee's movie, "Lust, Caution". Leading man in movies with beautiful actresses. This interview was for Tony Leung's role in the movie...
Related coverage: Actress...
梁詠琪GiGi Leung@ChannelV全球華語榜中榜暨亞洲影響力大典.
For more Classic Cantonese Movies. 觀看更多經典粵語電影。 For more easily find your favorite movies. 更加容易找到您喜歡的電影。 ALAU PLEASE visit and l...
梁詠琪- 洗臉01. 洗臉00:00 02. 你是她的04:34 03. 多少08:31 04. 聽說她愛你12:32 05. 愛能不能戒17:18 06. 戒指22:01 07. 海豚飯店26:50 08. 有時候31:08 09. 煙火35:18 10. 情定日落橋39:47 11. ...
梁詠琪- 新鮮01. 新鮮00:00 02. 中意他03:54 03. 我很好06:45 04. 不跟你走了11:30 05. 原來是你14:43 06. 寂寞公寓18:45 07. 鬧情緒21:46 08. 愛上下雨天25:42 09. 收不到訊號30:11 10. 2+1=0 34:13.
梁詠琪- 歸屬感(香港版,一天一世非常好聽) 01. 狠心愛我00:00 02. 一天一世03:35 03. 歸屬感08:28 04. 回不來12:46 05. 慌心假期16:55 06. 沉迷21:28 07. 抱緊你26:21 08. 心不在焉30:28 09. 拔河比賽34:15 10...
梁詠琪- gigi 01. Spaghetti 00:00 02. 膽小鬼03:39 03. 很高興07:57 04. 氣象報告12:53 05. 自由落體16:41 06. 告訴他我不愛他20:45 07. 我們的笑很像25:45 08. 簡單生活30:23 09. 沈澱33:41 10. R...
Release : 2011 Description : In an unspecified time when epidemics run rampant, botanist Yan Guo (Aloys Chen) and his fiance-assistant Baobao (Zhang Yiyan) move to Moon Island, a nature reserve, to research the curing properties of rare plants. As is customary, they pray to the magical Eros Tree to cement their love, unaware that they have to undergo a severe trial, in which Baobao must remain unseen to Yan for three years in exchange for his life. Baobao transforms into a butterfly, and like the Little Mermaid, she watches two other women ? horticulturalist Bailan (Kueh Lun-Mei) and journalist Yang Lin (Gigi Leung) ? court her lonely boyfriend, but cannot speak out her feelings. Cheung does not exploit the plot potential to create a melodramatic love quadrangle. Instead, he opts for a more down-to-earth, feel-good emotional arc by describing how Yan?s platonic friendship with the two women motivates a breakthrough in his research. ? via
HK Movie: Thriler Hong Kong movie, Cast: Pinky Cheung, Gigi Lai Chi, Helena Law Lan Year: 2000 Director: Billy Tang Hin Sing, Wong Jing Starring: Pinky Cheung Man Chi, Gigi Lai Chi, Helena Law Lan, Anita Lee Yuen Wah, Samuel Leung Cheuk Moon, Jewel Li Fei, Kelly Lin Hsi Lei, Jimmy Wong Ka Lok Bon99 ID: RBAA5TFJ2000BTHSWJ Country: Hong Kong Genre: Cat III, Thriller This time around, it is a schoolgirl who is violated and left in a coma. Family matriarch Mrs Hong (Law Lan) calls in a unique team of investigators: psychiatrist Nancy (Gigi Lai Chi) and her patients, lawyer Nako Shek (Kelly Lin), street vendor Pinky (Pinky Cheung Man Chi), martial artist Bond Girl, aka Bonnie (Li Fei), and nightclub mama-san Moon (Anita Lee Yuen Wah). Tags: hk movie hk movie Thriler Hong Kong movie, Cast Pinky Cheung, Gigi Lai Chi, Helena Law Lan - HK Movie Thriler Hong Kong movie, Cast Pinky Cheung, Gigi Lai Chi, Helena Law Lan - HK Movie Thriler Hong Kong movie, Cast Pinky Cheung, Gigi Lai Chi, Helena Law Lan - HK Movie
cast: Leehom Wang, Stephen Fung Tak-Lun, Sammo Hung Kam-Bo, Gigi Leung Wing-Kei, Kristy Yeung Kung-Yu, Yuen Biao, Cecilia Yip Tung, Chin Kar-Lok, Roy Cheung Yiu-Yeung, Ekin Cheng Yee-Kin, Ron Smoorenburg.
Bobo Chan Ellen Chan Flora Chan Kelly Chan Jackie Chan Nadia Chan Sunny Chan Angela Chang Brandon Chang Chen Baoguo Chen Daoming Calvin Chen Edison Chen Ella Chen Kelly Chen Chin Tsi-ang Ekin Cheng Joe Cheng Sammi Cheng Angie Cheung Cecilia Cheung Leslie Cheung Maggie Cheung David Chiang Chin Han Ada Choi Charlene Choi Jay Chou Niki Chow Stephen Chow Chow Yun-fat Athena Chu Wu Chun Cherie Chung Christy Chung Gillian Chung F[edit] Fan Bing-Bing Theresa Fu G[edit] Ge You Gong Li H[edit] Benita Ha Chen Hao Mike He Denise Ho Josie Ho Jia Hongsheng Jessica Hester Hsuan Hu Ge Sammo Hung K[edit] Ella Koon Rosamund Kwan Shirley Kwan Kenix Kwok L[edit] Michael Lam Raymond Lam Gigi Lai Leon Lai Karena Lam Andy Lau Carina Lau Hawick Lau Angelica Lee Bruce Lee Brandon Lee Loletta Lee San San Lee Jet Lee Aarif Lee Gigi Leung Ken Leung Tony Leung Chiu Wai Li Ching Gong Li Jet Li Nina Li Chi Ariel Lin Brigitte Lin Jimmy Lin Ruby Lin Bernice Liu Tao Liu Bai Ling Candy Lo Gallen Lo Betty Loh Ti Zihan Loo M[edit] Annie Man Karen Mok Anita Mui N[edit] Kary Ng Richard Ng Man Tat Sandra Ng Rachel Ngan P[edit] Pan Wei Bo Byron Pang Diana Pang Jenny Pat Q[edit] Qin Hao R[edit] Michelle Reis Ruan Lingyu, silent-film actress S[edit] Charmaine Sheh Shi Qing Shu Qi Fiona Sit Maggie Siu Alec Su Betty Sun T[edit] Leila Tong Tang Guoqiang Stephy Tang Nicholas Tse Angela Tong V[edit] Vicki Zhao Wei W[edit] Irene Wan Jiro Wang Wang Gang Bosco Wong Emme Wong Fann Wong Faye Wong Joey Wong Race Wong Nancy Wu Chun Wu Daniel Wu Myolie Wu Vanness Wu X[edit] Xu Zheng Xu Jinglei Y[edit] Aaron Yan Jerry Yan Rainie Yang Liu Ye Sally Yeh Donnie Yen Ji Dan Michelle Yeoh Charlie Yeung Miki Yeung Miriam Yeung Cherrie Ying Amy Yip Shawn Yue Anita Yuen Yuen Biao Catalina Yue Joey Yung Z[edit] Dan Zhao Fengyi Zhang Ziyi Zhang Tielin Zhang Junli Zheng Vic Zhou Ken Zhu Bruce Lee, 李小龙, Jackie Chan, 成龙, Drunken Master, Snake in Eagle's Shadow, Rush Hour series, Police Story, Shanghai Affairs, Fist Of Fury, Jet Li, 李连杰,Donnie Yen, 甄子丹,Sammo Hung, 洪金宝,Chiu Man-Cheuk, 赵文卓,Dragon Tiger Gate, Geri situation, The Mummy: Tomb of The Dragon Emperor, The Warlords, Fearless and Hero, YueJacky Wu 吴京,n Biao, 元彪,Michelle Yeoh, 杨紫琼,Crouching Tiger, Hidden Drago, Chin Siu Ho, 钱小豪, Tai-Chi Master,Fist of Legend,Fist of Legend
Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master Cantonese Full Movie HD Jet Li The Kung Fu Cult Master Cantonese Full Movie HD Bobo Chan Ellen Chan Flora Chan Kelly Chan Jackie Chan Nadia Chan Sunny Chan Angela Chang Brandon Chang Chen Baoguo Chen Daoming Calvin Chen Edison Chen Ella Chen Kelly Chen Chin Tsi-ang Ekin Cheng Joe Cheng Sammi Cheng Angie Cheung Cecilia Cheung Leslie Cheung Maggie Cheung David Chiang Chin Han Ada Choi Charlene Choi Jay Chou Niki Chow Stephen Chow Chow Yun-fat Athena Chu Wu Chun Cherie Chung Christy Chung Gillian Chung F[edit] Fan Bing-Bing Theresa Fu G[edit] Ge You Gong Li H[edit] Benita Ha Chen Hao Mike He Denise Ho Josie Ho Jia Hongsheng Jessica Hester Hsuan Hu Ge Sammo Hung K[edit] Ella Koon Rosamund Kwan Shirley Kwan Kenix Kwok L[edit] Michael Lam Raymond Lam Gigi Lai Leon Lai Karena Lam Andy Lau Carina Lau Hawick Lau Angelica Lee Bruce Lee Brandon Lee Loletta Lee San San Lee Jet Lee Aarif Lee Gigi Leung Ken Leung Tony Leung Chiu Wai Li Ching Gong Li Jet Li Nina Li Chi Ariel Lin Brigitte Lin Jimmy Lin Ruby Lin Bernice Liu Tao Liu Bai Ling Candy Lo Gallen Lo Betty Loh Ti Zihan Loo M[edit] Annie Man Karen Mok Anita Mui N[edit] Kary Ng Richard Ng Man Tat Sandra Ng Rachel Ngan P[edit] Pan Wei Bo Byron Pang Diana Pang Jenny Pat Q[edit] Qin Hao R[edit] Michelle Reis Ruan Lingyu, silent-film actress S[edit] Charmaine Sheh Shi Qing Shu Qi Fiona Sit Maggie Siu Alec Su Betty Sun T[edit] Leila Tong Tang Guoqiang Stephy Tang Nicholas Tse Angela Tong V[edit] Vicki Zhao Wei W[edit] Irene Wan Jiro Wang Wang Gang Bosco Wong Emme Wong Fann Wong Faye Wong Joey Wong Race Wong Nancy Wu Chun Wu Daniel Wu Myolie Wu Vanness Wu X[edit] Xu Zheng Xu Jinglei Y[edit] Aaron Yan Jerry Yan Rainie Yang Liu Ye Sally Yeh Donnie Yen Ji Dan Michelle Yeoh Charlie Yeung Miki Yeung Miriam Yeung Cherrie Ying Amy Yip Shawn Yue Anita Yuen Yuen Biao Catalina Yue Joey Yung Z[edit] Dan Zhao Fengyi Zhang Ziyi Zhang Tielin Zhang Junli Zheng Vic Zhou Ken Zhu Bruce Lee, 李小龙, Jackie Chan, 成龙, Drunken Master, Snake in Eagle's Shadow, Rush Hour series, Police Story, Shanghai Affairs, Fist Of Fury, Jet Li, 李连杰,Donnie Yen, 甄子丹,Sammo Hung, 洪金宝,Chiu Man-Cheuk, 赵文卓,Dragon Tiger Gate, Geri situation, The Mummy: Tomb of The Dragon Emperor, The Warlords, Fearless and Hero, YueJacky Wu 吴京,n Biao, 元彪,Michelle Yeoh, 杨紫琼,Crouching Tiger, Hidden Drago, Chin Siu Ho, 钱小豪, Tai-Chi Master,Fist of Legend,Fist of Legend
Bobo Chan Ellen Chan Flora Chan Kelly Chan Jackie Chan Nadia Chan Sunny Chan Angela Chang Brandon Chang Chen Baoguo Chen Daoming Calvin Chen Edison Chen Ella...
On The 2nd Day Of Christmas Con-woman Trish and her niece/ward Patsy are caught trying to steal from a department store right before Christmas. With the holi...
Road Train Horror Road Train Horror Bobo Chan Ellen Chan Flora Chan Kelly Chan Jackie Chan Nadia Chan Sunny Chan Angela Chang Brandon Chang Chen Baoguo Chen ...
Bobo Chan Ellen Chan Flora Chan Kelly Chan Jackie Chan Nadia Chan Sunny Chan Angela Chang Brandon Chang Chen Baoguo Chen Daoming Calvin Chen Edison Chen Ella...
梁詠琪- Amour 01. 花火00:00 02. Amour 03:13 03. 全年無休07:09 04. 天使與海豚09:57 05. HAPPY ENDING 14:05 06. 愛情海18:21 07. 聊天23:01 08. 幸福26:07 09. 愛要加油29:01 10. 關於愛...
Year: 2000 Director: Billy Tang Hin Sing, Wong Jing Starring: Pinky Cheung Man Chi, Gigi Lai Chi, Helena Law Lan, Anita Lee Yuen Wah, Samuel Leung Cheuk Moon. Year: 2000 Director: Billy Tang Hin Sing, Wong Jing Starring: Pinky Cheung Man Chi, Gigi Lai Chi, Helena Law Lan, Anita Lee Yuen Wah, Samuel Leung Cheuk Moon, Jewel Li Fei, Kelly Lin Hsi Lei,. Year: 2000 Director: Billy Tang Hin Sing, Wong Jing Starring: Pinky Cheung Man Chi, Gigi Lai Chi, Helena Law Lan, Anita Lee Yuen Wah, Samuel Leung Cheuk Moon.
Watch Enjoy your Full Movies Click Link Play Here 7 Assassins (2013) Directors: Eric Tsang, Hung Yan Yan Stars: Eric Tsang, Felix Wong, Gigi Leung | See full cast and crew ✔✔ CLICK HERE FOR DETAIL : 【天下女人】官方頻道 更多精彩視頻【楊瀾訪談錄】官方頻道 更多精彩視頻 张艾嘉,祖籍山西五台,1953年生于中国台湾,曾名张爱嘉。毕业于美国学校。华语圈内具有极高知名度的全能女艺人,不但是优秀的歌星、演员,还是女性导演、编剧、制片。曾荣获两届台湾金马奖影后、两届香港电影金像奖影后、一届金马奖最佳女配角奖。被罗大佑称为"小妹",被李宗盛、梁咏琪称为"张姐",艺人徒弟有刘若英、李心洁、杨淇,是美国《时代》杂志曾以三页篇幅推介的人物。 从影三十多年来主演过近百部电影。张艾嘉,祖籍山西五台,1953年生于中国台湾,曾名张爱嘉。毕业于美国学校。华语圈内具有极高知名度的全能女艺人,不但是优秀的歌星、演员,还是女性导演、编剧、制片。曾荣获两届台湾金马奖影后、两届香港电影金像奖影后、一届金马奖最佳女配角奖。被罗大佑称为"小妹",被李宗盛、梁咏琪称为"张姐",艺人徒弟有刘若英、李心洁、杨淇,是美国《时代》杂志曾以三页篇幅推介的人物。 从影三十多年来主演过近百部电影。1986年作品《最爱》荣获金马奖最佳导演与最佳女主角双提名,最后获得影后。《最爱》曾获当年金马奖最佳影片等八项提名,另又获得1987年香港电影金像奖最佳女主角,堪称张艾嘉执导与从影以来最辉煌的时刻。当张艾嘉这个名字成为华语圈最有影响力的女导演之时,许多人大概都被她那信心十足的笑容和绰约的身姿所打动。作为一名七十年代只身闯荡演艺圈的女演员,在张艾嘉的电影之路背后,也充满了许多不为人知的艰辛和坎坷。张艾嘉中学时便被家教严格的母亲送往美国念书,17岁的时候,出于对音乐和表演的热爱,张艾嘉不顾家人的反对,放弃了在美国的学业,开始进入演艺圈发展。Zhang Aijia, native of Shanxi of five, was born in 1953 in China Taiwan, formerly known as Zhang Aijia. Graduated from the school of the United States of america. With the capacity of female artists, well-known high Chinese circle, not but a good singer, actor, director, screenwriter, producer or female. Has won the two session of the Taiwan Golden Horse Award winner, two Hongkong Film Awards Best Actress, a Golden Horse Award for best supporting actress. Luo Dayou was known as the " little sister ", by Jonathan Lee, Gigi Leung called " Zhang sister ", artists Rene Liu, Angelica Lee, Kate Yeung the apprentice, is the United States of America " times " magazine has three pages recommendation. From thirty years of nearly 100 Movie starring. Zhang Aijia, native of Shanxi of five, was born in 1953 in China Taiwan, formerly known as Zhang Aijia. Graduated from the school of the United States of america. With the capacity of female artists, well-known high Chinese circle, not but a good singer, actor, director, screenwriter, producer or female. Has won the two session of the Taiwan Golden Horse Award winner, two Hongkong Film Awards Best Actress, a Golden Horse Award for best supporting actress. Luo Dayou was known as the " little sister ", by Jonathan Lee, Gigi Leung called " Zhang sister ", artists Rene Liu, Angelica Lee, Kate Yeung the apprentice, is the United States of America " times " magazine has three pages recommendation. From thirty years of nearly 100 Movie starring. In 1986 the work " the love " won the Golden Horse Award for best director and best actress nomination finally get double, queen. " Love " has won the Golden Horse Award for best film with eight nominations, and won the 1987 Hongkong Film Award for best actress, was directed by Zhang Aijia and the film has the most glorious moment. When the name of Zhang Aijia to become the most influential Chinese circle of female director at the time, many people probably would be touched by her confident smile and graceful posture. As a seventy time alone to make entertainment actress, behind Zhang Aijia's road movie, also filled with many unknown hardships and frustrations. Zhang Aijia middle school is strict tutor mother sent to study in the United States, at the age of 17, his love of music and performing, Zhang Aijia regardless of family opposition, to give up his studies in the United States, began to enter the entertainment circle.
Bobo Chan Ellen Chan Flora Chan Kelly Chan Jackie Chan Nadia Chan Sunny Chan Angela Chang Brandon Chang Chen Baoguo Chen Daoming Calvin Chen Edison Chen Ella Chen Kelly Chen Chin Tsi-ang Ekin Cheng Joe Cheng Sammi Cheng Angie Cheung Cecilia Cheung Leslie Cheung Maggie Cheung David Chiang Chin Han Ada Choi Charlene Choi Jay Chou Niki Chow Stephen Chow Chow Yun-fat Athena Chu Wu Chun Cherie Chung Christy Chung Gillian Chung F[edit] Fan Bing-Bing Theresa Fu G[edit] Ge You Gong Li H[edit] Benita Ha Chen Hao Mike He Denise Ho Josie Ho Jia Hongsheng Jessica Hester Hsuan Hu Ge Sammo Hung K[edit] Ella Koon Rosamund Kwan Shirley Kwan Kenix Kwok L[edit] Michael Lam Raymond Lam Gigi Lai Leon Lai Karena Lam Andy Lau Carina Lau Hawick Lau Angelica Lee Bruce Lee Brandon Lee Loletta Lee San San Lee Jet Lee Aarif Lee Gigi Leung Ken Leung Tony Leung Chiu Wai Li Ching Gong Li Jet Li Nina Li Chi Ariel Lin Brigitte Lin Jimmy Lin Ruby Lin Bernice Liu Tao Liu Bai Ling Candy Lo Gallen Lo Betty Loh Ti Zihan Loo M[edit] Annie Man Karen Mok Anita Mui N[edit] Kary Ng Richard Ng Man Tat Sandra Ng Rachel Ngan P[edit] Pan Wei Bo Byron Pang Diana Pang Jenny Pat Q[edit] Qin Hao R[edit] Michelle Reis Ruan Lingyu, silent-film actress S[edit] Charmaine Sheh Shi Qing Shu Qi Fiona Sit Maggie Siu Alec Su Betty Sun T[edit] Leila Tong Tang Guoqiang Stephy Tang Nicholas Tse Angela Tong V[edit] Vicki Zhao Wei W[edit] Irene Wan Jiro Wang Wang Gang Bosco Wong Emme Wong Fann Wong Faye Wong Joey Wong Race Wong Nancy Wu Chun Wu Daniel Wu Myolie Wu Vanness Wu X[edit] Xu Zheng Xu Jinglei Y[edit] Aaron Yan Jerry Yan Rainie Yang Liu Ye Sally Yeh Donnie Yen Ji Dan Michelle Yeoh Charlie Yeung Miki Yeung Miriam Yeung Cherrie Ying Amy Yip Shawn Yue Anita Yuen Yuen Biao Catalina Yue Joey Yung Z[edit] Dan Zhao Fengyi Zhang Ziyi Zhang Tielin Zhang Junli Zheng Vic Zhou Ken Zhu Bruce Lee, 李小龙, Jackie Chan, 成龙, Drunken Master, Snake in Eagle's Shadow, Rush Hour series, Police Story, Shanghai Affairs, Fist Of Fury, Jet Li, 李连杰,Donnie Yen, 甄子丹,Sammo Hung, 洪金宝,Chiu Man-Cheuk, 赵文卓,Dragon Tiger Gate, Geri situation, The Mummy: Tomb of The Dragon Emperor, The Warlords, Fearless and Hero, YueJacky Wu 吴京,n Biao, 元彪,Michelle Yeoh, 杨紫琼,Crouching Tiger, Hidden Drago, Chin Siu Ho, 钱小豪, Tai-Chi Master,Fist of Legend,Fist of Legend
A futuristic research compound develops a new police tool called the Power Glove. Supposedly, it gives the wearer incredible powers by letting him tap into t...
Subscription: ================================================ Best Chinese Mov... Cast: Felix Wong, Max Mok, Eric Tsang, Hung Yan Yan, Ray Lui, Guo Tao, Gigi Leung, Ni Hong-Jie, Simon Yam, Kara Hui, and Ti Lung Genre: Action Country: China... Game of Death Chinese Martial Art Action movie, 2014 English Subtitle Best Movie" Chinese Martial Art (Action movie, 2014) : Game of Death full movie English... Hong kong full movie Hong kong movies with english subtitles, Hong kong movies with english subtitles 2013 love story, Hong kong movie with english subtitle. The White Fox, English subtitles, [ Chinese Martial Arts Movies 2014 ]OTHER MOVIES | FULL ENGSUB : Watch online The White Fox , Watch online The White Fox fu... The Abnormal Fam Game of Assassins (2013) Full Chinese movies with English subtitles Game of Assassins (2013) Full Chinese movies with English subtitles
Prenetics markets its V test - with the help of Canto-pop star Gigi Leung Wing-kei as its brand ...
South China Morning Post 2015-01-18... the members of an extended family starring Louis Koo, Eric Tsang, Miriam Yeung and Gigi Leung.
Screen Daily 2014-11-07... line-up includes Eason Chan, Gigi Leung Wing-kei, Edmund Leung Hon-man and Miriam Yeung Chin-wah.
South China Morning Post 2014-07-02Tao’s wife, Ceci (Gigi Leung) is a famous model but constantly faces competition from younger and prettier women.
New Straits/Business Times 2014-06-04The film, which also stars Gigi Leung and Louis Koo, follows the ups and downs of three ordinary Hong Kong families.
China Daily 2014-05-06Louis Koo Tin-lok, Gigi Leung Wing-kei, Miriam Yeung Chin-wah, Eric Tsang Chi-wai, Lee Man-kwai.
South China Morning Post 2014-04-30... Leung, Eric Tsang, Ng Man Tat and Carrie Ng, this is one of the must-see Hong Kong films of 2014.
IMDb 2014-04-28Directed by Jeffrey Lau, this parody film stars Ronald Cheng, Gigi Leung, Betty Sun, Eric Tsang and others.
New Straits/Business Times 2014-04-04His co-star, Gigi Leung, has something else to celebrate. Leung is turning 37 today and says that she ...
China Daily 2014-03-26Miriam Yeung, Louis Koo, Gigi Leung, Eric Tsang, Chapman To, Shawn Yue, Dada Chan, Carrie Ng, Miriam Yeung Chin Wah.
Screen Daily 2014-03-25Louis Koo, Gigi Leung, Eric Tsang, Miriam Yeung, Ng Man-tat, Carrie Ng ... Louis Koo, Gigi Leung, Eric ...
The Hollywood Reporter 2014-03-24The cast includes Louis Koo, Gigi Leung and Miriam Yeung, who starred in both Love In A Puff and its ...
Screen Daily 2014-03-24The strong ensemble cast includes Miriam Yeung, Louis Koo, Gigi Leung and Eric Tsang ... Why Aberdeen? ... Have your say ... Email Save.
Screen Daily 2014-03-24Gigi Leung Wing-kei (born March 25, 1976) is a Hong Kong Cantopop singer and actress.
Given the name Leung Bik-Zi (梁碧芝) at birth, at the age of 7 her mother changed her name changed to 'Wing-Kei' for superstitious reasons; as a child, Leung suffered from frequent asthma attacks and it was believed a change of name would bring better health. At 176 cm, Leung earned the nickname of 'Tall Girl'. She has a twin brother named Keith Leung (Leung Wing-Chun, 梁詠俊).
Gigi Leung attended Maryknoll Convent School. Later, she went to the Hong Kong Polytechnic University where she gained a diploma from the School of Design. It was during her study at university that she accepted a modelling assignment from the watch company City Chain and caught the attention of film director Lee Chi-Ngai who cast her in her very first movie, Doctor Mack (1995). The success of the movie brought her a further role in Full Throttle (1995), shot while she was finishing her diploma. For her supporting role in the film, Leung received a nomination for Best Newcomer at the 1995 Hong Kong Film Awards.
Ishq Na Puchey Zaat Na Vekhe Thakht Naa Veke Taaj
Ishq Na Puchey Zaat Na Vekhe Thakht Naa Veke Taaj
Soneyaa Ranjhana.. Joghi Banke Aa
Joghi Banke Aa, Joghi Banke Aa, Joghi Banke Aa
Ishq Na Puchey Zaat Na Vekhe Thakht Naa Veke Taaj
Ishq Na Puchey Zaat Na Vekhe Thakht Naa Veke Taaj
Soneyaa Ranjhana.. Joghi Banke Aa
Joghi Banke Aa, Joghi Banke Aa, Joghi Banke Aa
Tere Ishq Ne Chali Keeta Zehar Peeya Na Peeta
Tere Ishq Ne Chali Keeta Zehar Peeya Na Peeta
Vichhora Saandhi Da Ve Mukhra Chaandi Da
Vichhora Saandhi Da Ve Mukhra Chaandi Da
Soneyaa Ranjhana.. Joghi Banke Aa
Joghi Banke Aa, Joghi Banke Aa, Joghi Banke Aa
Raawa Raste Akhiyan Layia Rokhay Jaanan Keeta
Raawa Raste Akhiyan Layia Rokhay Jaanan Keeta
Mein Naa Tera Lendi Naa Tere Dil Rehndi Naa
Mein Naa Tera Lendi Naa Tere Dil Rehndi Naa
Soneyaa Ranjhana.. Joghi Banke Aa
Joghi Banke Aa, Joghi Banke Aa, Joghi Banke Aa
Ishq Na Puchey Zaat Na Vekhe Thakht Naa Veke Taaj
Ishq Na Puchey Zaat Na Vekhe Thakht Naa Veke Taaj
Soneyaa Ranjhana.. Joghi Banke Aa