结婚15载 张智霖Chi Lam袁咏仪Anita YUEN依旧“恋爱中”
结婚15载 张智霖Chi Lam袁咏仪Anita YUEN依旧“恋爱中”
结婚15载 张智霖Chi Lam袁咏仪Anita YUEN依旧“恋爱中”
结婚15载 张智霖Chi Lam袁咏仪Anita YUEN依旧“恋爱中”
结婚15载 张智霖Chi Lam袁咏仪Anita YUEN依旧“恋爱中”
结婚15载 张智霖Chi Lam袁咏仪Anita YUEN依旧“恋爱中”
结婚15载 张智霖Chi Lam袁咏仪Anita YUEN依旧“恋爱中”
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★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
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★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整
“重返20岁”!张智霖Chi Lam袁咏仪Anita YUEN重拍婚纱照 恩爱如初惹人羡
“重返20岁”!张智霖Chi Lam袁咏仪Anita YUEN重拍婚纱照 恩爱如初惹人羡
“重返20岁”!张智霖Chi Lam袁咏仪Anita YUEN重拍婚纱照 恩爱如初惹人羡
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Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo
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★Tonight's show wit
袁咏仪Anita Yuen吃醋儿子更爱张智霖Chilam 王岳伦为王诗龄不要二胎
袁咏仪Anita Yuen吃醋儿子更爱张智霖Chilam 王岳伦为王诗龄不要二胎
袁咏仪Anita Yuen吃醋儿子更爱张智霖Chilam 王岳伦为王诗龄不要二胎
她是鬼马小精灵,还是率性假小子,泼辣大姐大,百变的袁咏仪;他诚实憨厚,能言善辩,刚正不阿,他就是痴情男神张智霖。来自不同星球的他们一见钟情,用20年的时间书写了一个属于自己的现代爱情故事,成为了娱乐圈最登对的模范夫妻。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV...
袁咏仪Anita YUEN派儿子挑战冰桶 中秋与老公张智霖Chilam分隔两地
袁咏仪Anita YUEN派儿子挑战冰桶 中秋与老公张智霖Chilam分隔两地
袁咏仪Anita YUEN派儿子挑战冰桶 中秋与老公张智霖Chilam分隔两地
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Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo
★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE
★Tonight's show w
温馨!袁咏仪Anita YUEN邀众好友为张智霖Chilam庆生
温馨!袁咏仪Anita YUEN邀众好友为张智霖Chilam庆生
温馨!袁咏仪Anita YUEN邀众好友为张智霖Chilam庆生
张智霖43岁生日,老婆袁咏仪晒出了一组为张智霖庆生的照片。好友郭富城、伍咏薇、草蜢等都到场祝贺,照片上大家其乐融融,气氛十分温馨有爱。袁咏仪更是始终陪伴在老公身边,两人恩爱不已羡煞旁人。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SM...
可凡倾听之袁咏仪Anita Yuen专访——我不再是悍妇
可凡倾听之袁咏仪Anita Yuen专访——我不再是悍妇
可凡倾听之袁咏仪Anita Yuen专访——我不再是悍妇
深度明星访谈类节目《可凡倾听》完整版观看地址: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL62EEB8CA2601B631 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouT...
美國康寧餐具 - 袁詠儀(Anita Yuen)廣告短片
美國康寧餐具 - 袁詠儀(Anita Yuen)廣告短片
美國康寧餐具 - 袁詠儀(Anita Yuen)廣告短片
CORELLE® 美國康寧餐具
抗菌 ‧ 不易碎 ‧ 耐高溫 ‧ 耐用
20130903 天下女人 袁咏仪Anita Yuen和宁财神的喜剧人生
20130903 天下女人 袁咏仪Anita Yuen和宁财神的喜剧人生
20130903 天下女人 袁咏仪Anita Yuen和宁财神的喜剧人生
http://www.youtube.com/user/hervillage 更多精彩视频请关注【天下女人】 关于梦想,小时候我们总有很多憧憬。长大后,有些变为泡影,有些则一直是我们不断追寻的目标。它就像是一个灯塔,促使我们在人生之路上不彷徨、不迷失地步步为营。 从《网虫日记》到《武林外传》,从《龙门镖局》到"非...
No-Talent Nite (The Chinese Feast - 1995)
No-Talent Nite (The Chinese Feast - 1995)
No-Talent Nite (The Chinese Feast - 1995)
Anita Yuen slaughters the classics on HK karaoke night.
Anita Yuen and Chilam Cheung
Anita Yuen and Chilam Cheung
Anita Yuen and Chilam Cheung
Hey you all, this is another video of an Amazing All Time Favorite Couple! Anita and Chilam is another one of my favorite couple and they are so adorably cut...
The Wrath of Silence (1994) Anita Yuen - English subtitles
The Wrath of Silence (1994) Anita Yuen - English subtitles
The Wrath of Silence (1994) Anita Yuen - English subtitles
At the height of her popularity Hong Kong actress Anita Yuen inexplicably made this bizarre thriller about a female mortician who faces off against a psychotic rapist and murderer. Writer director Frankie Chan's movie is tasteless but colorful and mostly entertaining. Source is a Hong Kong laserdisc.
Who's the Woman, Who's the Man 1996
Who's the Woman, Who's the Man 1996
Who's the Woman, Who's the Man 1996
Cast: Leslie Cheung Carina Lau Anita Yuen Anita Mui Eric Tsang Jordan Chan Lawrence Cheng Law Kar-ying Jerry Lamb Plot: Wing (Anita Yuen) is a sassy girl who...
袁咏仪Anita Yuen吴绮莉Elaine Ng自曝为贪小便宜才选美
袁咏仪Anita Yuen吴绮莉Elaine Ng自曝为贪小便宜才选美
袁咏仪Anita Yuen吴绮莉Elaine Ng自曝为贪小便宜才选美
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Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
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[Stephen Chow] 動作電影 | From Beijing with Love | Anita Yuen | 武術電影
[Stephen Chow] 動作電影 | From Beijing with Love | Anita Yuen | 武術電影
[Stephen Chow] 動作電影 | From Beijing with Love | Anita Yuen | 武術電影
[Stephen Chow] 動作電影 | From Beijing with Love | Anita Yuen | 武術電影
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214 袁詠儀 Anita Yuen Furla "Smart Choice Furla" @memaghk
214 袁詠儀 Anita Yuen Furla "Smart Choice Furla" @memaghk
214 袁詠儀 Anita Yuen Furla "Smart Choice Furla" @memaghk
214 ME! fashion news http://hk.me.nextmedia.com/template/me/front.php.
《港媳嫁到》袁咏仪Anita Yuen一秒变身"八卦资讯中心" 驭夫有术力挺李心洁Angelica Lee
《港媳嫁到》袁咏仪Anita Yuen一秒变身"八卦资讯中心" 驭夫有术力挺李心洁Angelica Lee
《港媳嫁到》袁咏仪Anita Yuen一秒变身"八卦资讯中心" 驭夫有术力挺李心洁Angelica Lee
6月5日,正在青岛热拍的电视剧《港媳嫁到》组织媒体探班,袁咏仪接受媒体采访。谈到好友李心洁老公出轨一事,袁咏仪透露,"我有跟她沟通,感情的事不是外人可以评论的,我们只要给她空间就好。" -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG...
He Comes from Planet K - 戇星先生 (1997) Full Movie
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俞飞鸿Faye Yu搭档袁咏仪Anita Yuen:女神VS"女神经" 《东方战场》北京热拍 袁咏仪俞飞鸿演宋氏姐妹
俞飞鸿Faye Yu搭档袁咏仪Anita Yuen:女神VS"女神经" 《东方战场》北京热拍 袁咏仪俞飞鸿演宋氏姐妹
近日,电视剧《东方战场》在北京热拍,"宋氏三姐妹"宋霭龄、宋庆龄、宋美龄则分别由刘冬、袁咏仪、俞飞鸿饰演。据了解,该剧全景式展现了从1931年"9·18事变"到1945年8月15日日本法西斯战败投降这段人类历史上波澜壮阔的战争画卷。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Offi...
Wu Tang Collection: Liquid Swords
Wu Tang Collection: Liquid Swords
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In order the prove that he is the best swordsman around, Fragrant Chu (Aaron Kwok) and his three sisters (Gloria Yip, Anita Yuen, Winnie Lau) depart for a ma...
[Eng Sub] 150228 HYATW - Heechul angered Anita
[Eng Sub] 150228 HYATW - Heechul angered Anita
[Eng Sub] 150228 HYATW - Heechul angered Anita
Heechul making Anita angry when he said she used to be the prettiest girl. lol... Show name: Having You Along The Way
2011 04 09 HB Anita Yuen
2011 04 09 HB Anita Yuen
2011 04 09 HB Anita Yuen
结婚15载 张智霖Chi Lam袁咏仪Anita YUEN依旧“恋爱中”
结婚15载 张智霖Chi Lam袁咏仪Anita YUEN依旧“恋爱中”
wn.com/结婚15载 张智霖Chi Lam袁咏仪Anita Yuen依旧“恋爱中”
结婚15载 张智霖Chi Lam袁咏仪Anita YUEN依旧“恋爱中”
- published: 22 May 2015
- views: 1
结婚15载 张智霖Chi Lam袁咏仪Anita YUEN依旧“恋爱中”
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★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
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★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
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★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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wn.com/结婚15载 张智霖Chi Lam袁咏仪Anita Yuen依旧“恋爱中”
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★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort;=dd&view;=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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- published: 24 Mar 2015
- views: 1193
“重返20岁”!张智霖Chi Lam袁咏仪Anita YUEN重拍婚纱照 恩爱如初惹人羡
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★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
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★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort;=dd&view;=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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wn.com/“重返20岁”!张智霖Chi Lam袁咏仪Anita Yuen重拍婚纱照 恩爱如初惹人羡
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★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo
★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE
★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort;=dd&view;=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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- published: 05 Mar 2015
- views: 38
袁咏仪Anita Yuen吃醋儿子更爱张智霖Chilam 王岳伦为王诗龄不要二胎
她是鬼马小精灵,还是率性假小子,泼辣大姐大,百变的袁咏仪;他诚实憨厚,能言善辩,刚正不阿,他就是痴情男神张智霖。来自不同星球的他们一见钟情,用20年的时间书写了一个属于自己的现代爱情故事,成为了娱乐圈最登对的模范夫妻。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV...
wn.com/袁咏仪Anita Yuen吃醋儿子更爱张智霖Chilam 王岳伦为王诗龄不要二胎
她是鬼马小精灵,还是率性假小子,泼辣大姐大,百变的袁咏仪;他诚实憨厚,能言善辩,刚正不阿,他就是痴情男神张智霖。来自不同星球的他们一见钟情,用20年的时间书写了一个属于自己的现代爱情故事,成为了娱乐圈最登对的模范夫妻。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV...
袁咏仪Anita YUEN派儿子挑战冰桶 中秋与老公张智霖Chilam分隔两地
-------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】
★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews
Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo
★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE
★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort;=dd&view;=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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wn.com/袁咏仪Anita Yuen派儿子挑战冰桶 中秋与老公张智霖Chilam分隔两地
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★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews
Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo
★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE
★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort;=dd&view;=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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★Twitter: https://twitter.com/SMGKankanews
- published: 25 Aug 2014
- views: 313
温馨!袁咏仪Anita YUEN邀众好友为张智霖Chilam庆生
张智霖43岁生日,老婆袁咏仪晒出了一组为张智霖庆生的照片。好友郭富城、伍咏薇、草蜢等都到场祝贺,照片上大家其乐融融,气氛十分温馨有爱。袁咏仪更是始终陪伴在老公身边,两人恩爱不已羡煞旁人。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SM...
wn.com/温馨!袁咏仪Anita Yuen邀众好友为张智霖Chilam庆生
张智霖43岁生日,老婆袁咏仪晒出了一组为张智霖庆生的照片。好友郭富城、伍咏薇、草蜢等都到场祝贺,照片上大家其乐融融,气氛十分温馨有爱。袁咏仪更是始终陪伴在老公身边,两人恩爱不已羡煞旁人。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SM...
可凡倾听之袁咏仪Anita Yuen专访——我不再是悍妇
深度明星访谈类节目《可凡倾听》完整版观看地址: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL62EEB8CA2601B631 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouT...
wn.com/可凡倾听之袁咏仪Anita Yuen专访——我不再是悍妇
深度明星访谈类节目《可凡倾听》完整版观看地址: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL62EEB8CA2601B631 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouT...
美國康寧餐具 - 袁詠儀(Anita Yuen)廣告短片
CORELLE® 美國康寧餐具
抗菌 ‧ 不易碎 ‧ 耐高溫 ‧ 耐用
wn.com/美國康寧餐具 袁詠儀(Anita Yuen)廣告短片
CORELLE® 美國康寧餐具
抗菌 ‧ 不易碎 ‧ 耐高溫 ‧ 耐用
- published: 05 Aug 2014
- views: 303
20130903 天下女人 袁咏仪Anita Yuen和宁财神的喜剧人生
http://www.youtube.com/user/hervillage 更多精彩视频请关注【天下女人】 关于梦想,小时候我们总有很多憧憬。长大后,有些变为泡影,有些则一直是我们不断追寻的目标。它就像是一个灯塔,促使我们在人生之路上不彷徨、不迷失地步步为营。 从《网虫日记》到《武林外传》,从《龙门镖局》到"非...
wn.com/20130903 天下女人 袁咏仪Anita Yuen和宁财神的喜剧人生
http://www.youtube.com/user/hervillage 更多精彩视频请关注【天下女人】 关于梦想,小时候我们总有很多憧憬。长大后,有些变为泡影,有些则一直是我们不断追寻的目标。它就像是一个灯塔,促使我们在人生之路上不彷徨、不迷失地步步为营。 从《网虫日记》到《武林外传》,从《龙门镖局》到"非...
Anita Yuen and Chilam Cheung
Hey you all, this is another video of an Amazing All Time Favorite Couple! Anita and Chilam is another one of my favorite couple and they are so adorably cut...
wn.com/Anita Yuen And Chilam Cheung
Hey you all, this is another video of an Amazing All Time Favorite Couple! Anita and Chilam is another one of my favorite couple and they are so adorably cut...
The Wrath of Silence (1994) Anita Yuen - English subtitles
At the height of her popularity Hong Kong actress Anita Yuen inexplicably made this bizarre thriller about a female mortician who faces off against a psychotic rapist and murderer. Writer director Frankie Chan's movie is tasteless but colorful and mostly entertaining. Source is a Hong Kong laserdisc.
wn.com/The Wrath Of Silence (1994) Anita Yuen English Subtitles
At the height of her popularity Hong Kong actress Anita Yuen inexplicably made this bizarre thriller about a female mortician who faces off against a psychotic rapist and murderer. Writer director Frankie Chan's movie is tasteless but colorful and mostly entertaining. Source is a Hong Kong laserdisc.
- published: 10 Oct 2014
- views: 2
Who's the Woman, Who's the Man 1996
Cast: Leslie Cheung Carina Lau Anita Yuen Anita Mui Eric Tsang Jordan Chan Lawrence Cheng Law Kar-ying Jerry Lamb Plot: Wing (Anita Yuen) is a sassy girl who...
wn.com/Who's The Woman, Who's The Man 1996
Cast: Leslie Cheung Carina Lau Anita Yuen Anita Mui Eric Tsang Jordan Chan Lawrence Cheng Law Kar-ying Jerry Lamb Plot: Wing (Anita Yuen) is a sassy girl who...
- published: 20 Apr 2013
- views: 36617
Andy Huang
袁咏仪Anita Yuen吴绮莉Elaine Ng自曝为贪小便宜才选美
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★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews
Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo
★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE
★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort;=dd&view;=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
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wn.com/袁咏仪Anita Yuen吴绮莉Elaine Ng自曝为贪小便宜才选美
-------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】
★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews
Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo
★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE
★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》和《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=27&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list;=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort;=dd&view;=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown and Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会和马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort;=dd&view;=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I
--------------------------------- Follow us online ----------------------------------
★Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kankanews
★Twitter: https://twitter.com/SMGKankanews
- published: 07 Nov 2014
- views: 241
[Stephen Chow] 動作電影 | From Beijing with Love | Anita Yuen | 武術電影
[Stephen Chow] 動作電影 | From Beijing with Love | Anita Yuen | 武術電影
武打片, 電影2015,
電影 2015,
2015 电影,
电影 2015,
2015 電影,
电影2015 動作片,
电影 动作片,
2015 最新电影,
电影 2015,
2015 新電影,
2015 電影
wn.com/Stephen Chow 動作電影 | From Beijing With Love | Anita Yuen | 武術電影
[Stephen Chow] 動作電影 | From Beijing with Love | Anita Yuen | 武術電影
武打片, 電影2015,
電影 2015,
2015 电影,
电影 2015,
2015 電影,
电影2015 動作片,
电影 动作片,
2015 最新电影,
电影 2015,
2015 新電影,
2015 電影
- published: 14 Aug 2015
- views: 5
《港媳嫁到》袁咏仪Anita Yuen一秒变身"八卦资讯中心" 驭夫有术力挺李心洁Angelica Lee
6月5日,正在青岛热拍的电视剧《港媳嫁到》组织媒体探班,袁咏仪接受媒体采访。谈到好友李心洁老公出轨一事,袁咏仪透露,"我有跟她沟通,感情的事不是外人可以评论的,我们只要给她空间就好。" -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG...
wn.com/《港媳嫁到》袁咏仪Anita Yuen一秒变身 八卦资讯中心 驭夫有术力挺李心洁Angelica Lee
6月5日,正在青岛热拍的电视剧《港媳嫁到》组织媒体探班,袁咏仪接受媒体采访。谈到好友李心洁老公出轨一事,袁咏仪透露,"我有跟她沟通,感情的事不是外人可以评论的,我们只要给她空间就好。" -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG...
He Comes from Planet K - 戇星先生 (1997) Full Movie
Movie Title: He Comes from Planet K Chinese: 戇星先生Director: Joe Ma Wai-Ho Producer: Joe Ma Wai-Ho Cinematographer: Jingle Ma Choh-Shing Country: Hong Kong La...
wn.com/He Comes From Planet K 戇星先生 (1997) Full Movie
Movie Title: He Comes from Planet K Chinese: 戇星先生Director: Joe Ma Wai-Ho Producer: Joe Ma Wai-Ho Cinematographer: Jingle Ma Choh-Shing Country: Hong Kong La...
俞飞鸿Faye Yu搭档袁咏仪Anita Yuen:女神VS"女神经" 《东方战场》北京热拍 袁咏仪俞飞鸿演宋氏姐妹
近日,电视剧《东方战场》在北京热拍,"宋氏三姐妹"宋霭龄、宋庆龄、宋美龄则分别由刘冬、袁咏仪、俞飞鸿饰演。据了解,该剧全景式展现了从1931年"9·18事变"到1945年8月15日日本法西斯战败投降这段人类历史上波澜壮阔的战争画卷。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Offi...
wn.com/俞飞鸿Faye Yu搭档袁咏仪Anita Yuen:女神Vs 女神经 《东方战场》北京热拍 袁咏仪俞飞鸿演宋氏姐妹
近日,电视剧《东方战场》在北京热拍,"宋氏三姐妹"宋霭龄、宋庆龄、宋美龄则分别由刘冬、袁咏仪、俞飞鸿饰演。据了解,该剧全景式展现了从1931年"9·18事变"到1945年8月15日日本法西斯战败投降这段人类历史上波澜壮阔的战争画卷。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Offi...
Wu Tang Collection: Liquid Swords
In order the prove that he is the best swordsman around, Fragrant Chu (Aaron Kwok) and his three sisters (Gloria Yip, Anita Yuen, Winnie Lau) depart for a ma...
wn.com/Wu Tang Collection Liquid Swords
In order the prove that he is the best swordsman around, Fragrant Chu (Aaron Kwok) and his three sisters (Gloria Yip, Anita Yuen, Winnie Lau) depart for a ma...
[Eng Sub] 150228 HYATW - Heechul angered Anita
Heechul making Anita angry when he said she used to be the prettiest girl. lol... Show name: Having You Along The Way
wn.com/Eng Sub 150228 Hyatw Heechul Angered Anita
Heechul making Anita angry when he said she used to be the prettiest girl. lol... Show name: Having You Along The Way
- published: 08 Mar 2015
- views: 2996
Marcelo Iniarra and Anita Yuen: Surfing Digital Trends at IFC 2012
Marcelo Iniarra and Anita Yuen: Surfing Digital Trends at IFC 2012
Marcelo Iniarra and Anita Yuen: Surfing Digital Trends at IFC 2012
The workshop from Marcelo Iniarra and Anita Yuen at the International Fundraising Congress 2012 in Holland focused on 'surfing digital trends'.
爆囝囝開始追女仔 Chilam:我好快做阿爺
爆囝囝開始追女仔 Chilam:我好快做阿爺
爆囝囝開始追女仔 Chilam:我好快做阿爺
蘋果日報 : http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com
即 like 蘋果 fb : http://www.facebook.com/hk.nextmedia
iPhone App : http://bit.ly/AppleDailyApp-iPhone
Android App : http://bit.ly/AppleDailyApp-Android
HK Movie - A Warrior's Tragedy - 边城浪子 (1993) Full HK Movie
HK Movie - A Warrior's Tragedy - 边城浪子 (1993) Full HK Movie
HK Movie - A Warrior's Tragedy - 边城浪子 (1993) Full HK Movie
HK Movie:
A Warrior's Tragedy - 边城浪子 (1993) Full HK Movie
Title: A Warrior's Tragedy (The Invincible Power of Kindness) (边城浪子)
Year: 1993
Country: Hong Kong
Cast: Idy Chan, Julian Cheung, Hark-On Fung, Lung Ti, Anita Yuen, Fennie Yuen, Frankie Chan
hk movie
hk movie
HK Movie - A Warrior's Tragedy - 边城浪子 (1993) Full HK Movie
HK Movie - A Warrior's Tragedy - 边城浪子 (1993) Full HK Movie
HK Movie - A Warrior's Tragedy - 边城浪子 (1993) Full HK Movie
張國榮 Leslie Cheung - 13届HK金像奖开幕词+颁发最佳女主角奖
張國榮 Leslie Cheung - 13届HK金像奖开幕词+颁发最佳女主角奖
張國榮 Leslie Cheung - 13届HK金像奖开幕词+颁发最佳女主角奖
Anita Yuen won Best Actress Award for her touching performance in Derek Yee's 1994 "C'est la vie, mon chéri" . The great Leslie Cheung & Tony Leung Ka-fai we...
追 (電影版) 張國榮 電影《金枝玉葉》Zhui - Leslie Cheung
追 (電影版) 張國榮 電影《金枝玉葉》Zhui - Leslie Cheung
追 (電影版) 張國榮 電影《金枝玉葉》Zhui - Leslie Cheung
追(電影版) 張國榮曲:李迪文詞:林夕編:George Leong 電影《金枝玉葉》(1994) 導演: 陳可辛編劇: 阮世生.李志毅演員: 張國榮,劉嘉玲,袁詠儀備註: 因為張國榮在89年已經退出樂壇, 而這部電影是在94年拍, 所以滾石推出的電影原聲大碟只收錄了李迪文(Dick Lee)的版本,...
[ENG SUB] Episode 2 Part 1《一路上有你》With You All the Way with 金希澈 Heechul (Super Junior)
[ENG SUB] Episode 2 Part 1《一路上有你》With You All the Way with 金希澈 Heechul (Super Junior)
[ENG SUB] Episode 2 Part 1《一路上有你》With You All the Way with 金希澈 Heechul (Super Junior)
The variety show “Yi Lu Shang You Ni,” is a travel reality variety show jointly produced by Korea and China.
I don't own any copyrights for this video. I am a fan of this show and hope to let more people watch it by subbing it in English.
Please enjoy 《一路上有你》Yi Lu Shang You Ni (Translation: With You All the Way)!
新楚留香Xin Chu Liu Xiang E04-2 任賢齊Richie Ren,林心如Ruby Lin,袁詠儀Anita Yuen 2001
新楚留香Xin Chu Liu Xiang E04-2 任賢齊Richie Ren,林心如Ruby Lin,袁詠儀Anita Yuen 2001
新楚留香Xin Chu Liu Xiang E04-2 任賢齊Richie Ren,林心如Ruby Lin,袁詠儀Anita Yuen 2001
from 星雨论坛.@www.xy888.cn@04.rm
Chor Lau Heung 2001 - 新楚留香 2001年
監 製:鄭偉文
演 員:任賢齊 、林心如 、黎耀祥 、黎姿 、張茜 、楊蕊 、張衛健 、鄭伊健 、吳孟達 、陳曉東
Rouge 胭脂扣 (1988) - Eng Sub
Rouge 胭脂扣 (1988) - Eng Sub
Rouge 胭脂扣 (1988) - Eng Sub
Stanley Kwan's Rouge is a classic of 1980s Hong Kong cinema. By blending an intriguing romantic drama with an effective supernatural tale, this unforgettable...
NUS Jazz Band (featuring Yi Yang) - 新不了情 (Endless Love)
NUS Jazz Band (featuring Yi Yang) - 新不了情 (Endless Love)
NUS Jazz Band (featuring Yi Yang) - 新不了情 (Endless Love)
NUS Jazz Band at NUS Arts Festival (NAF 2011)'s LIVE! Platform at the University Cultural Centre, featuring Yi Yang performing his rendition of Endless Love ...
Lie Yan Gong Chun (Live in Concert '87-88)
Lie Yan Gong Chun (Live in Concert '87-88)
Lie Yan Gong Chun (Live in Concert '87-88)
Lie Yan Gong Chun
Live in Concert '87-88
Anita Mui
℗ 2013 Capital Artists Limited
Released on: 2014-07-01
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Marcelo Iniarra and Anita Yuen: Surfing Digital Trends at IFC 2012
The workshop from Marcelo Iniarra and Anita Yuen at the International Fundraising Congress 2012 in Holland focused on 'surfing digital trends'.
wn.com/Marcelo Iniarra And Anita Yuen Surfing Digital Trends At Ifc 2012
The workshop from Marcelo Iniarra and Anita Yuen at the International Fundraising Congress 2012 in Holland focused on 'surfing digital trends'.
爆囝囝開始追女仔 Chilam:我好快做阿爺
蘋果日報 : http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com
即 like 蘋果 fb : http://www.facebook.com/hk.nextmedia
iPhone App : http://bit.ly/AppleDailyApp-iPhone
Android App : http://bit.ly/AppleDailyApp-Android
wn.com/爆囝囝開始追女仔 Chilam:我好快做阿爺
蘋果日報 : http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com
即 like 蘋果 fb : http://www.facebook.com/hk.nextmedia
iPhone App : http://bit.ly/AppleDailyApp-iPhone
Android App : http://bit.ly/AppleDailyApp-Android
- published: 06 Mar 2015
- views: 1221
HK Movie - A Warrior's Tragedy - 边城浪子 (1993) Full HK Movie
HK Movie:
A Warrior's Tragedy - 边城浪子 (1993) Full HK Movie
Title: A Warrior's Tragedy (The Invincible Power of Kindness) (边城浪子)
Year: 1993
Country: Hong Kong
Cast: Idy Chan, Julian Cheung, Hark-On Fung, Lung Ti, Anita Yuen, Fennie Yuen, Frankie Chan
hk movie
hk movie
HK Movie - A Warrior's Tragedy - 边城浪子 (1993) Full HK Movie
HK Movie - A Warrior's Tragedy - 边城浪子 (1993) Full HK Movie
HK Movie - A Warrior's Tragedy - 边城浪子 (1993) Full HK Movie
wn.com/Hk Movie A Warrior's Tragedy 边城浪子 (1993) Full Hk Movie
HK Movie:
A Warrior's Tragedy - 边城浪子 (1993) Full HK Movie
Title: A Warrior's Tragedy (The Invincible Power of Kindness) (边城浪子)
Year: 1993
Country: Hong Kong
Cast: Idy Chan, Julian Cheung, Hark-On Fung, Lung Ti, Anita Yuen, Fennie Yuen, Frankie Chan
hk movie
hk movie
HK Movie - A Warrior's Tragedy - 边城浪子 (1993) Full HK Movie
HK Movie - A Warrior's Tragedy - 边城浪子 (1993) Full HK Movie
HK Movie - A Warrior's Tragedy - 边城浪子 (1993) Full HK Movie
- published: 20 Jan 2015
- views: 0
張國榮 Leslie Cheung - 13届HK金像奖开幕词+颁发最佳女主角奖
Anita Yuen won Best Actress Award for her touching performance in Derek Yee's 1994 "C'est la vie, mon chéri" . The great Leslie Cheung & Tony Leung Ka-fai we...
wn.com/張國榮 Leslie Cheung 13届Hk金像奖开幕词 颁发最佳女主角奖
Anita Yuen won Best Actress Award for her touching performance in Derek Yee's 1994 "C'est la vie, mon chéri" . The great Leslie Cheung & Tony Leung Ka-fai we...
- published: 26 Nov 2011
- views: 26629
Hang Nguyen
追 (電影版) 張國榮 電影《金枝玉葉》Zhui - Leslie Cheung
追(電影版) 張國榮曲:李迪文詞:林夕編:George Leong 電影《金枝玉葉》(1994) 導演: 陳可辛編劇: 阮世生.李志毅演員: 張國榮,劉嘉玲,袁詠儀備註: 因為張國榮在89年已經退出樂壇, 而這部電影是在94年拍, 所以滾石推出的電影原聲大碟只收錄了李迪文(Dick Lee)的版本,...
wn.com/追 (電影版) 張國榮 電影《金枝玉葉》Zhui Leslie Cheung
追(電影版) 張國榮曲:李迪文詞:林夕編:George Leong 電影《金枝玉葉》(1994) 導演: 陳可辛編劇: 阮世生.李志毅演員: 張國榮,劉嘉玲,袁詠儀備註: 因為張國榮在89年已經退出樂壇, 而這部電影是在94年拍, 所以滾石推出的電影原聲大碟只收錄了李迪文(Dick Lee)的版本,...
- published: 23 Dec 2006
- views: 784112
MrHuang HK
[ENG SUB] Episode 2 Part 1《一路上有你》With You All the Way with 金希澈 Heechul (Super Junior)
The variety show “Yi Lu Shang You Ni,” is a travel reality variety show jointly produced by Korea and China.
I don't own any copyrights for this video. I am a fan of this show and hope to let more people watch it by subbing it in English.
Please enjoy 《一路上有你》Yi Lu Shang You Ni (Translation: With You All the Way)!
wn.com/Eng Sub Episode 2 Part 1《一路上有你》With You All The Way With 金希澈 Heechul (Super Junior)
The variety show “Yi Lu Shang You Ni,” is a travel reality variety show jointly produced by Korea and China.
I don't own any copyrights for this video. I am a fan of this show and hope to let more people watch it by subbing it in English.
Please enjoy 《一路上有你》Yi Lu Shang You Ni (Translation: With You All the Way)!
- published: 11 Feb 2015
- views: 228
新楚留香Xin Chu Liu Xiang E04-2 任賢齊Richie Ren,林心如Ruby Lin,袁詠儀Anita Yuen 2001
from 星雨论坛.@www.xy888.cn@04.rm
Chor Lau Heung 2001 - 新楚留香 2001年
監 製:鄭偉文
演 員:任賢齊 、林心如 、黎耀祥 、黎姿 、張茜 、楊蕊 、張衛健 、鄭伊健 、吳孟達 、陳曉東
wn.com/新楚留香Xin Chu Liu Xiang E04 2 任賢齊Richie Ren,林心如Ruby Lin,袁詠儀Anita Yuen 2001
from 星雨论坛.@www.xy888.cn@04.rm
Chor Lau Heung 2001 - 新楚留香 2001年
監 製:鄭偉文
演 員:任賢齊 、林心如 、黎耀祥 、黎姿 、張茜 、楊蕊 、張衛健 、鄭伊健 、吳孟達 、陳曉東
- published: 18 Apr 2010
- views: 2547
Rouge 胭脂扣 (1988) - Eng Sub
Stanley Kwan's Rouge is a classic of 1980s Hong Kong cinema. By blending an intriguing romantic drama with an effective supernatural tale, this unforgettable...
wn.com/Rouge 胭脂扣 (1988) Eng Sub
Stanley Kwan's Rouge is a classic of 1980s Hong Kong cinema. By blending an intriguing romantic drama with an effective supernatural tale, this unforgettable...
NUS Jazz Band (featuring Yi Yang) - 新不了情 (Endless Love)
NUS Jazz Band at NUS Arts Festival (NAF 2011)'s LIVE! Platform at the University Cultural Centre, featuring Yi Yang performing his rendition of Endless Love ...
wn.com/Nus Jazz Band (Featuring Yi Yang) 新不了情 (Endless Love)
NUS Jazz Band at NUS Arts Festival (NAF 2011)'s LIVE! Platform at the University Cultural Centre, featuring Yi Yang performing his rendition of Endless Love ...
Lie Yan Gong Chun (Live in Concert '87-88)
Lie Yan Gong Chun
Live in Concert '87-88
Anita Mui
℗ 2013 Capital Artists Limited
Released on: 2014-07-01
Auto-generated by YouTube.
wn.com/Lie Yan Gong Chun (Live In Concert '87 88)
Lie Yan Gong Chun
Live in Concert '87-88
Anita Mui
℗ 2013 Capital Artists Limited
Released on: 2014-07-01
Auto-generated by YouTube.
- published: 18 Apr 2015
- views: 0
Home Sweet Home 第7集: 嘉賓袁詠儀
Home Sweet Home 第7集: 嘉賓袁詠儀
Home Sweet Home 第7集: 嘉賓袁詠儀
新年加長版! 袁詠儀袁靚靚小時候是怎樣?如何結識張智霖?二人如何相處?其子魔童二世出世後又對二人有什麼影響? 阿旦亦會大爆其老婆入產房時的趣事.
[Việt Sub] Tân Bất Liễu Tình (1993)
[Việt Sub] Tân Bất Liễu Tình (1993)
[Việt Sub] Tân Bất Liễu Tình (1993)
Tân Bất Liễu Tình | 新不了情 | Endless Love | C'est la vie mon chéri
Translator/ Typesetter/ encoder: saki-chan @ DienAnh.Net
Julian Cheung - Anita Yuen Box @ DienAnh.Net
Disclimer: We do not own the movie. All parts of movie belong to its respective owners, only the fansub is copyright to Julian Cheung - Anita Yuen Box @ DienAnh.Net. This fansub is created for entertainment purposes only. No profit is made from this project and no copyright infringement is intended.
[古装 电视剧] 花木兰 - 第25集 [赵文卓 袁咏仪]
[古装 电视剧] 花木兰 - 第25集 [赵文卓 袁咏仪]
[古装 电视剧] 花木兰 - 第25集 [赵文卓 袁咏仪]
连续播放: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAdAWhGQ6mA&list;=PLLLxK80tinW4ksjsU3U0vVVXOd54FMtFf
集数: 48
主演: 赵文卓 袁咏仪 孙兴 焦恩俊 关礼杰
Mr. Winner - Episode 6
Mr. Winner - Episode 6
Mr. Winner - Episode 6
敗家仔 (2002) Starring: Dicky Cheung (張衛健) , Anita Yuen (袁詠儀) Storyline: Fong Tin Mou, is a never-do-well troublemaker who has inherited his father's arrogant p...
Mr. Winner - Episode 7
Mr. Winner - Episode 7
Mr. Winner - Episode 7
敗家仔 (2002) Starring: Dicky Cheung (張衛健) , Anita Yuen (袁詠儀) Storyline: Fong Tin Mou, is a never-do-well troublemaker who has inherited his father's arrogant p...
【高清 720p】賭神3之少年賭神 黎明/袁詠儀/陳小春/吳鎮宇/梁詠琪 粵語廣東話 (1996年)中文字幕版 God of Gamblers 3: The Early Stage HD
【高清 720p】賭神3之少年賭神 黎明/袁詠儀/陳小春/吳鎮宇/梁詠琪 粵語廣東話 (1996年)中文字幕版 God of Gamblers 3: The Early Stage HD
【高清 720p】賭神3之少年賭神 黎明/袁詠儀/陳小春/吳鎮宇/梁詠琪 粵語廣東話 (1996年)中文字幕版 God of Gamblers 3: The Early Stage HD
黎明 袁詠儀《賭神3之少年賭神》中字超清粵語版 1996年 (Leon Lai Anita Yuen - God of Gamblers 3: The Early Stage HD 720p 1996)
主演: 黎明, 袁詠儀, 陳小春, 梁詠琪, 吳鎮宇, 鍾景輝, 張達明, 徐錦江,黃文慧, 吳志雄, 陳豪, 倪星, 張裕東, 黃美棋, 郭宏基, 蔡業信, 葉景文, 李道儒, 陳小昆, 張英莉, 潘翔光, 伍寶珍, 胡慧沖, 徐震華, 顧錦華, 陳鳳冰
《賭神3之少年賭神》(英文:God of Gamblers 3: The Early Stage)是由王晶執導,1996年上映的香港電影,是《賭神》系列的前傳,由黎明飾演周潤發的角色高進的少年時期,並有袁詠儀、陳小春、梁詠琪領銜主演。
God of Gamblers 3: The Early Stage (Chinese: 賭神三之少年賭神) is a 1997 Hong Kong action-comedy film written, produced and directed by Wong Jing and starring Leon Lai, Anita Yuen, Jordan Chan, Gigi Leung and Francis Ng. It is a successful and well-receiv
門徒(2007)- 香港電影 - 粵語中字 - Protégé (2007) - Hong Kong Movie - Cantonese
門徒(2007)- 香港電影 - 粵語中字 - Protégé (2007) - Hong Kong Movie - Cantonese
門徒(2007)- 香港電影 - 粵語中字 - Protégé (2007) - Hong Kong Movie - Cantonese
門徒(2007)- 香港電影 - 粵語中字 - Protégé (2007) - Hong Kong Movie - Cantonese
劉德華 吳彥祖 張靜初 古天樂 袁詠儀 何美鈿 爾冬升
Andy Lau, Daniel Wu, Zhang Jingchu, Louis Koo, Anita Yuen, Derek Yee, He Meitian
Stephen Chow movies, Comedy movies, Hong Kong Movie From Beijing With Love Full Eng Sub
Stephen Chow movies, Comedy movies, Hong Kong Movie From Beijing With Love Full Eng Sub
Stephen Chow movies, Comedy movies, Hong Kong Movie From Beijing With Love Full Eng Sub
From Beijing With Love 1994 HD Full cantonese movie (Eng Sub) - Stephen Chow From Beijing With Love (Chinese: 國產凌凌漆; 凌凌漆 is a homophone for the numbers "007" in Chinese) is a 1994 Hong Kong action and comedy film directed by Lee Lik-Chi and Stephen Chow. It's a very direct spoof of James Bond movies and stars Stephen Chow, Anita Yuen and Law Ka-Ying.
Golden Gun steals the cranium of China's only dinosaur fossil. Chow, starring as a hawker-cum-secret-agent 007, is sent to Hong Kong by a high-ranking government official to recapture the cranium. When he arrives in Hong Kong, he meets Siu Kam (Anita Yuen), who proposes to help him in his endeavo
[ Phim ] - Châu Tinh Trì : Quốc sản 007 - Bản đẹp, full
[ Phim ] - Châu Tinh Trì : Quốc sản 007 - Bản đẹp, full
[ Phim ] - Châu Tinh Trì : Quốc sản 007 - Bản đẹp, full
Tên phim: From Beijing With Love Diễn viên chính: Châu Tinh Trì, Anita Yuen, Pauline Chan, Law Kar Ying Đạo diễn: Châu Tinh Trì, Lee Lik Chee Nhà sản xuất: W...
The Sword Stained With Royal Blood Full Movie Yuen Biao Sharla Cheung
The Sword Stained With Royal Blood Full Movie Yuen Biao Sharla Cheung
The Sword Stained With Royal Blood Full Movie Yuen Biao Sharla Cheung
One of my favorites in the wire-fu/Swordplay genre, lots of creative and crazy choreography and starring two of my faves; Yuen Biao and Sharla Cheung Man. Ca...
Tom, Dick and Hairy (1993) - Part 1
Tom, Dick and Hairy (1993) - Part 1
Tom, Dick and Hairy (1993) - Part 1
One of the best Hong Kong comedies of the 90s, "Tom, Dick and Hairy" follows the antics of three longtime friends and roommates (Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Tony Le...
[Movie 1997] Thần Bài 3 - Thiếu Niên Đỗ Thần (Lê Minh, Viên Vịnh Nghi)
[Movie 1997] Thần Bài 3 - Thiếu Niên Đỗ Thần (Lê Minh, Viên Vịnh Nghi)
[Movie 1997] Thần Bài 3 - Thiếu Niên Đỗ Thần (Lê Minh, Viên Vịnh Nghi)
_ Tên phim: Thiếu niên Đỗ Thần _ Diễn viên: Lê Minh, Viên Vịnh Nghi, Trần Tiểu Xuân, Ngô Trấn Vũ, Lương Vịnh Kỳ, Chung Cảnh Huy _ Năm sản xuất: 1997 _ Quốc g...
電影《空手道少女組》- 林依晨 安以軒 陳坤 Full Movie "Karate Girls"
電影《空手道少女組》- 林依晨 安以軒 陳坤 Full Movie "Karate Girls"
電影《空手道少女組》- 林依晨 安以軒 陳坤 Full Movie "Karate Girls"
電影:空手道少女組(中國功夫少女組) Movie:Karate Girls 演員:陳坤林依晨安以軒袁詠儀黃湘怡Starring:Chen Kun Aloys Ariel Lin Ady Ang Anita Yuen 觀賞電影:《鴛鴦蝴蝶》(抹茶之戀味) Full Movie: A West Lake ...
[Movie 1993] Câu Chuyện Sát Thủ (Lưu Đức Hoa, Viên Vịnh Nghi)
[Movie 1993] Câu Chuyện Sát Thủ (Lưu Đức Hoa, Viên Vịnh Nghi)
[Movie 1993] Câu Chuyện Sát Thủ (Lưu Đức Hoa, Viên Vịnh Nghi)
Tên phim: Câu Chuyện Sát Thủ (A Taste Of Killing And Romance) Diễn viên: Lưu Đức Hoa, Viên Vịnh Nghi, Trịnh Hạo Nam, Lý Tử Hùng, Ngũ Vịnh Vy,..
[Series 1999] Hoa Mộc Lan - Tập 4 (Viên Vịnh Nghi, Triệu Văn Trác, Tiêu Ân Tuấn)
[Series 1999] Hoa Mộc Lan - Tập 4 (Viên Vịnh Nghi, Triệu Văn Trác, Tiêu Ân Tuấn)
[Series 1999] Hoa Mộc Lan - Tập 4 (Viên Vịnh Nghi, Triệu Văn Trác, Tiêu Ân Tuấn)
_ Tên phim: Hoa Mộc Lan _ Diễn viên: Viên Vịnh Nghi, Triệu Văn Trác, Tiêu Ân Tuấn, Quan Lễ Kiệt, Trịnh Phối Phối, _ Sản xuất: Dương Bội Bội _ Năm sản xuất: 1...
Home Sweet Home 第7集: 嘉賓袁詠儀
新年加長版! 袁詠儀袁靚靚小時候是怎樣?如何結識張智霖?二人如何相處?其子魔童二世出世後又對二人有什麼影響? 阿旦亦會大爆其老婆入產房時的趣事.
wn.com/Home Sweet Home 第7集 嘉賓袁詠儀
新年加長版! 袁詠儀袁靚靚小時候是怎樣?如何結識張智霖?二人如何相處?其子魔童二世出世後又對二人有什麼影響? 阿旦亦會大爆其老婆入產房時的趣事.
- published: 26 Jan 2009
- views: 340675
[Việt Sub] Tân Bất Liễu Tình (1993)
Tân Bất Liễu Tình | 新不了情 | Endless Love | C'est la vie mon chéri
Translator/ Typesetter/ encoder: saki-chan @ DienAnh.Net
Julian Cheung - Anita Yuen Box @ DienAnh.Net
Disclimer: We do not own the movie. All parts of movie belong to its respective owners, only the fansub is copyright to Julian Cheung - Anita Yuen Box @ DienAnh.Net. This fansub is created for entertainment purposes only. No profit is made from this project and no copyright infringement is intended.
wn.com/Việt Sub Tân Bất Liễu Tình (1993)
Tân Bất Liễu Tình | 新不了情 | Endless Love | C'est la vie mon chéri
Translator/ Typesetter/ encoder: saki-chan @ DienAnh.Net
Julian Cheung - Anita Yuen Box @ DienAnh.Net
Disclimer: We do not own the movie. All parts of movie belong to its respective owners, only the fansub is copyright to Julian Cheung - Anita Yuen Box @ DienAnh.Net. This fansub is created for entertainment purposes only. No profit is made from this project and no copyright infringement is intended.
- published: 07 May 2012
- views: 26048
[古装 电视剧] 花木兰 - 第25集 [赵文卓 袁咏仪]
连续播放: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAdAWhGQ6mA&list;=PLLLxK80tinW4ksjsU3U0vVVXOd54FMtFf
集数: 48
主演: 赵文卓 袁咏仪 孙兴 焦恩俊 关礼杰
wn.com/古装 电视剧 花木兰 第25集 赵文卓 袁咏仪
连续播放: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAdAWhGQ6mA&list;=PLLLxK80tinW4ksjsU3U0vVVXOd54FMtFf
集数: 48
主演: 赵文卓 袁咏仪 孙兴 焦恩俊 关礼杰
- published: 13 Aug 2013
- views: 1706
Mr. Winner - Episode 6
敗家仔 (2002) Starring: Dicky Cheung (張衛健) , Anita Yuen (袁詠儀) Storyline: Fong Tin Mou, is a never-do-well troublemaker who has inherited his father's arrogant p...
wn.com/Mr. Winner Episode 6
敗家仔 (2002) Starring: Dicky Cheung (張衛健) , Anita Yuen (袁詠儀) Storyline: Fong Tin Mou, is a never-do-well troublemaker who has inherited his father's arrogant p...
- published: 31 Aug 2012
- views: 8974
Mr. Winner - Episode 7
敗家仔 (2002) Starring: Dicky Cheung (張衛健) , Anita Yuen (袁詠儀) Storyline: Fong Tin Mou, is a never-do-well troublemaker who has inherited his father's arrogant p...
wn.com/Mr. Winner Episode 7
敗家仔 (2002) Starring: Dicky Cheung (張衛健) , Anita Yuen (袁詠儀) Storyline: Fong Tin Mou, is a never-do-well troublemaker who has inherited his father's arrogant p...
- published: 01 Sep 2012
- views: 3375
【高清 720p】賭神3之少年賭神 黎明/袁詠儀/陳小春/吳鎮宇/梁詠琪 粵語廣東話 (1996年)中文字幕版 God of Gamblers 3: The Early Stage HD
黎明 袁詠儀《賭神3之少年賭神》中字超清粵語版 1996年 (Leon Lai Anita Yuen - God of Gamblers 3: The Early Stage HD 720p 1996)
主演: 黎明, 袁詠儀, 陳小春, 梁詠琪, 吳鎮宇, 鍾景輝, 張達明, 徐錦江,黃文慧, 吳志雄, 陳豪, 倪星, 張裕東, 黃美棋, 郭宏基, 蔡業信, 葉景文, 李道儒, 陳小昆, 張英莉, 潘翔光, 伍寶珍, 胡慧沖, 徐震華, 顧錦華, 陳鳳冰
《賭神3之少年賭神》(英文:God of Gamblers 3: The Early Stage)是由王晶執導,1996年上映的香港電影,是《賭神》系列的前傳,由黎明飾演周潤發的角色高進的少年時期,並有袁詠儀、陳小春、梁詠琪領銜主演。
God of Gamblers 3: The Early Stage (Chinese: 賭神三之少年賭神) is a 1997 Hong Kong action-comedy film written, produced and directed by Wong Jing and starring Leon Lai, Anita Yuen, Jordan Chan, Gigi Leung and Francis Ng. It is a successful and well-received prequel to the original God of Gamblers film starring Chow Yun-fat and should not be mistaken with the Stephen Chow film God of Gamblers III: Back to Shanghai.
黎 明 飾 高進
袁詠儀 飾 細七/七姑娘
陳小春 飾 龍五
梁詠琪 飾 靳輕(高傲妻子,原為高進之未婚妻)
吳鎮宇 飾 高傲(高進師兄)
鍾景輝 飾 靳能(高進、高傲師父,靳輕之父)
張達明 飾 牙擦蘇
徐錦江 飾 劉大千(細七之父)
黃文慧 飾 四姐
吳志雄 飾 毛球
陳 豪 飾 蘇圖
倪 星 飾 豺狼
張裕東 飾 童年高進
黃美棋 飾 童年細七
郭宏基 飾 童年高傲
蔡業信 飾 綁匪乞丐阿貴
葉景文 飾 國際裁判
李道儒 飾 國際主持人
陳小昆 飾 醫 生
張英莉 飾 日本代表
潘翔光 飾 韓國代表
伍寶珍 飾 泰國代表
胡慧沖 飾 菲律賓代表(古明華配音)
徐震華 飾 荷 官
顧錦華 飾 奶 奶
陳鳳冰 飾 拜神婆
Leon Lai as Ko Chun
Anita Yuen as Seven
Jordan Chan as Lung Wu
Gigi Leung as Kent Hing
Francis Ng as Ko Ngo
Chung King-fai as Kent
Cheung Tat-ming as So
Elvis Tsui as Tai-Chin
Collin Chou as Vietnam Killer
Leon Lai plays Ko Chun, a young orphan under the tutelage of Kent (Chung King Fai), a veteran gambler. Ko Chun acquires his future legendary gambling skills from his mentor, while trying to claim the title as the God of Gamblers, but he is nearly murdered by Kent before he goes to win the final round and lapses into a coma.
1. 1996年,王晶以人物前傳方式打造的《賭神》系列第三部。
2. 編導王晶以人物前傳的方式拍攝,用黎明演出高進的年輕時代,並以陳小春演出龍五,同時一舉解釋了高進的失憶癥和好吃巧克力糖等已出現的謎團。
wn.com/【高清 720P】賭神3之少年賭神 黎明 袁詠儀 陳小春 吳鎮宇 梁詠琪 粵語廣東話 (1996年)中文字幕版 God Of Gamblers 3 The Early Stage Hd
黎明 袁詠儀《賭神3之少年賭神》中字超清粵語版 1996年 (Leon Lai Anita Yuen - God of Gamblers 3: The Early Stage HD 720p 1996)
主演: 黎明, 袁詠儀, 陳小春, 梁詠琪, 吳鎮宇, 鍾景輝, 張達明, 徐錦江,黃文慧, 吳志雄, 陳豪, 倪星, 張裕東, 黃美棋, 郭宏基, 蔡業信, 葉景文, 李道儒, 陳小昆, 張英莉, 潘翔光, 伍寶珍, 胡慧沖, 徐震華, 顧錦華, 陳鳳冰
《賭神3之少年賭神》(英文:God of Gamblers 3: The Early Stage)是由王晶執導,1996年上映的香港電影,是《賭神》系列的前傳,由黎明飾演周潤發的角色高進的少年時期,並有袁詠儀、陳小春、梁詠琪領銜主演。
God of Gamblers 3: The Early Stage (Chinese: 賭神三之少年賭神) is a 1997 Hong Kong action-comedy film written, produced and directed by Wong Jing and starring Leon Lai, Anita Yuen, Jordan Chan, Gigi Leung and Francis Ng. It is a successful and well-received prequel to the original God of Gamblers film starring Chow Yun-fat and should not be mistaken with the Stephen Chow film God of Gamblers III: Back to Shanghai.
黎 明 飾 高進
袁詠儀 飾 細七/七姑娘
陳小春 飾 龍五
梁詠琪 飾 靳輕(高傲妻子,原為高進之未婚妻)
吳鎮宇 飾 高傲(高進師兄)
鍾景輝 飾 靳能(高進、高傲師父,靳輕之父)
張達明 飾 牙擦蘇
徐錦江 飾 劉大千(細七之父)
黃文慧 飾 四姐
吳志雄 飾 毛球
陳 豪 飾 蘇圖
倪 星 飾 豺狼
張裕東 飾 童年高進
黃美棋 飾 童年細七
郭宏基 飾 童年高傲
蔡業信 飾 綁匪乞丐阿貴
葉景文 飾 國際裁判
李道儒 飾 國際主持人
陳小昆 飾 醫 生
張英莉 飾 日本代表
潘翔光 飾 韓國代表
伍寶珍 飾 泰國代表
胡慧沖 飾 菲律賓代表(古明華配音)
徐震華 飾 荷 官
顧錦華 飾 奶 奶
陳鳳冰 飾 拜神婆
Leon Lai as Ko Chun
Anita Yuen as Seven
Jordan Chan as Lung Wu
Gigi Leung as Kent Hing
Francis Ng as Ko Ngo
Chung King-fai as Kent
Cheung Tat-ming as So
Elvis Tsui as Tai-Chin
Collin Chou as Vietnam Killer
Leon Lai plays Ko Chun, a young orphan under the tutelage of Kent (Chung King Fai), a veteran gambler. Ko Chun acquires his future legendary gambling skills from his mentor, while trying to claim the title as the God of Gamblers, but he is nearly murdered by Kent before he goes to win the final round and lapses into a coma.
1. 1996年,王晶以人物前傳方式打造的《賭神》系列第三部。
2. 編導王晶以人物前傳的方式拍攝,用黎明演出高進的年輕時代,並以陳小春演出龍五,同時一舉解釋了高進的失憶癥和好吃巧克力糖等已出現的謎團。
- published: 14 Sep 2015
- views: 100
門徒(2007)- 香港電影 - 粵語中字 - Protégé (2007) - Hong Kong Movie - Cantonese
門徒(2007)- 香港電影 - 粵語中字 - Protégé (2007) - Hong Kong Movie - Cantonese
劉德華 吳彥祖 張靜初 古天樂 袁詠儀 何美鈿 爾冬升
Andy Lau, Daniel Wu, Zhang Jingchu, Louis Koo, Anita Yuen, Derek Yee, He Meitian
wn.com/門徒(2007) 香港電影 粵語中字 Protégé (2007) Hong Kong Movie Cantonese
門徒(2007)- 香港電影 - 粵語中字 - Protégé (2007) - Hong Kong Movie - Cantonese
劉德華 吳彥祖 張靜初 古天樂 袁詠儀 何美鈿 爾冬升
Andy Lau, Daniel Wu, Zhang Jingchu, Louis Koo, Anita Yuen, Derek Yee, He Meitian
- published: 11 Jan 2015
- views: 90
Stephen Chow movies, Comedy movies, Hong Kong Movie From Beijing With Love Full Eng Sub
From Beijing With Love 1994 HD Full cantonese movie (Eng Sub) - Stephen Chow From Beijing With Love (Chinese: 國產凌凌漆; 凌凌漆 is a homophone for the numbers "007" in Chinese) is a 1994 Hong Kong action and comedy film directed by Lee Lik-Chi and Stephen Chow. It's a very direct spoof of James Bond movies and stars Stephen Chow, Anita Yuen and Law Ka-Ying.
Golden Gun steals the cranium of China's only dinosaur fossil. Chow, starring as a hawker-cum-secret-agent 007, is sent to Hong Kong by a high-ranking government official to recapture the cranium. When he arrives in Hong Kong, he meets Siu Kam (Anita Yuen), who proposes to help him in his endeavor. However, Siu Kam turns out to be a subordinate of Golden Gun. Golden Gun is in actuality the government official who directs Chow to find the cranium.
Golden Gun instructs Siu Kam to send 007 on a false lead and tells him that the cranium may have been stolen by a smuggler. 007, with the help of Siu Kam, sneaks into a cocktail party held by the smuggler. Before he enters, he tells Siu Kam that he will fetch her some white roses. Siu Kam tells 007 to find evidence that the smuggler stole the cranium; meanwhile, Kam hides in a tree, planning to snipe 007 from afar. The party is interrupted by a mysterious man (modeled after Jaws from James Bond) and a mysterious woman who are out to kill 007. Taking this opportunity, Siu Kam shoots Chow several times, including once in the leg with 007 thinking another assassin has shot him. 007 (who was wearing a bulletproof vest but not bulletproof trousers) escapes, grabbing three white roses on the way out. Siu Kam is touched by this gesture and saves his life. She decides to defect from Golden Gun. Together, the two destroy the organization that is behind the theft of the cranium. Chow wins over Yuen and is rewarded with a meat cleaver emblazoned with the calligraphy of Deng Xiaoping.
☞ Don't be antisocial, let your friends have some fun... "LIKE" this video.
☞ If you like this animated movie please "COMMENT" on what you think.
wn.com/Stephen Chow Movies, Comedy Movies, Hong Kong Movie From Beijing With Love Full Eng Sub
From Beijing With Love 1994 HD Full cantonese movie (Eng Sub) - Stephen Chow From Beijing With Love (Chinese: 國產凌凌漆; 凌凌漆 is a homophone for the numbers "007" in Chinese) is a 1994 Hong Kong action and comedy film directed by Lee Lik-Chi and Stephen Chow. It's a very direct spoof of James Bond movies and stars Stephen Chow, Anita Yuen and Law Ka-Ying.
Golden Gun steals the cranium of China's only dinosaur fossil. Chow, starring as a hawker-cum-secret-agent 007, is sent to Hong Kong by a high-ranking government official to recapture the cranium. When he arrives in Hong Kong, he meets Siu Kam (Anita Yuen), who proposes to help him in his endeavor. However, Siu Kam turns out to be a subordinate of Golden Gun. Golden Gun is in actuality the government official who directs Chow to find the cranium.
Golden Gun instructs Siu Kam to send 007 on a false lead and tells him that the cranium may have been stolen by a smuggler. 007, with the help of Siu Kam, sneaks into a cocktail party held by the smuggler. Before he enters, he tells Siu Kam that he will fetch her some white roses. Siu Kam tells 007 to find evidence that the smuggler stole the cranium; meanwhile, Kam hides in a tree, planning to snipe 007 from afar. The party is interrupted by a mysterious man (modeled after Jaws from James Bond) and a mysterious woman who are out to kill 007. Taking this opportunity, Siu Kam shoots Chow several times, including once in the leg with 007 thinking another assassin has shot him. 007 (who was wearing a bulletproof vest but not bulletproof trousers) escapes, grabbing three white roses on the way out. Siu Kam is touched by this gesture and saves his life. She decides to defect from Golden Gun. Together, the two destroy the organization that is behind the theft of the cranium. Chow wins over Yuen and is rewarded with a meat cleaver emblazoned with the calligraphy of Deng Xiaoping.
☞ Don't be antisocial, let your friends have some fun... "LIKE" this video.
☞ If you like this animated movie please "COMMENT" on what you think.
- published: 27 Jul 2015
- views: 2216
[ Phim ] - Châu Tinh Trì : Quốc sản 007 - Bản đẹp, full
Tên phim: From Beijing With Love Diễn viên chính: Châu Tinh Trì, Anita Yuen, Pauline Chan, Law Kar Ying Đạo diễn: Châu Tinh Trì, Lee Lik Chee Nhà sản xuất: W...
wn.com/Phim Châu Tinh Trì Quốc Sản 007 Bản Đẹp, Full
Tên phim: From Beijing With Love Diễn viên chính: Châu Tinh Trì, Anita Yuen, Pauline Chan, Law Kar Ying Đạo diễn: Châu Tinh Trì, Lee Lik Chee Nhà sản xuất: W...
The Sword Stained With Royal Blood Full Movie Yuen Biao Sharla Cheung
One of my favorites in the wire-fu/Swordplay genre, lots of creative and crazy choreography and starring two of my faves; Yuen Biao and Sharla Cheung Man. Ca...
wn.com/The Sword Stained With Royal Blood Full Movie Yuen Biao Sharla Cheung
One of my favorites in the wire-fu/Swordplay genre, lots of creative and crazy choreography and starring two of my faves; Yuen Biao and Sharla Cheung Man. Ca...
Tom, Dick and Hairy (1993) - Part 1
One of the best Hong Kong comedies of the 90s, "Tom, Dick and Hairy" follows the antics of three longtime friends and roommates (Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Tony Le...
wn.com/Tom, Dick And Hairy (1993) Part 1
One of the best Hong Kong comedies of the 90s, "Tom, Dick and Hairy" follows the antics of three longtime friends and roommates (Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Tony Le...
- published: 03 Aug 2013
- views: 5910
[Movie 1997] Thần Bài 3 - Thiếu Niên Đỗ Thần (Lê Minh, Viên Vịnh Nghi)
_ Tên phim: Thiếu niên Đỗ Thần _ Diễn viên: Lê Minh, Viên Vịnh Nghi, Trần Tiểu Xuân, Ngô Trấn Vũ, Lương Vịnh Kỳ, Chung Cảnh Huy _ Năm sản xuất: 1997 _ Quốc g...
wn.com/Movie 1997 Thần Bài 3 Thiếu Niên Đỗ Thần (Lê Minh, Viên Vịnh Nghi)
_ Tên phim: Thiếu niên Đỗ Thần _ Diễn viên: Lê Minh, Viên Vịnh Nghi, Trần Tiểu Xuân, Ngô Trấn Vũ, Lương Vịnh Kỳ, Chung Cảnh Huy _ Năm sản xuất: 1997 _ Quốc g...
- published: 28 Feb 2013
- views: 300044
Anita Yuen
電影《空手道少女組》- 林依晨 安以軒 陳坤 Full Movie "Karate Girls"
電影:空手道少女組(中國功夫少女組) Movie:Karate Girls 演員:陳坤林依晨安以軒袁詠儀黃湘怡Starring:Chen Kun Aloys Ariel Lin Ady Ang Anita Yuen 觀賞電影:《鴛鴦蝴蝶》(抹茶之戀味) Full Movie: A West Lake ...
wn.com/電影《空手道少女組》 林依晨 安以軒 陳坤 Full Movie Karate Girls
電影:空手道少女組(中國功夫少女組) Movie:Karate Girls 演員:陳坤林依晨安以軒袁詠儀黃湘怡Starring:Chen Kun Aloys Ariel Lin Ady Ang Anita Yuen 觀賞電影:《鴛鴦蝴蝶》(抹茶之戀味) Full Movie: A West Lake ...
- published: 22 Dec 2010
- views: 334529
[Movie 1993] Câu Chuyện Sát Thủ (Lưu Đức Hoa, Viên Vịnh Nghi)
Tên phim: Câu Chuyện Sát Thủ (A Taste Of Killing And Romance) Diễn viên: Lưu Đức Hoa, Viên Vịnh Nghi, Trịnh Hạo Nam, Lý Tử Hùng, Ngũ Vịnh Vy,..
wn.com/Movie 1993 Câu Chuyện Sát Thủ (Lưu Đức Hoa, Viên Vịnh Nghi)
Tên phim: Câu Chuyện Sát Thủ (A Taste Of Killing And Romance) Diễn viên: Lưu Đức Hoa, Viên Vịnh Nghi, Trịnh Hạo Nam, Lý Tử Hùng, Ngũ Vịnh Vy,..
- published: 24 Feb 2013
- views: 12782
Anita Yuen
[Series 1999] Hoa Mộc Lan - Tập 4 (Viên Vịnh Nghi, Triệu Văn Trác, Tiêu Ân Tuấn)
_ Tên phim: Hoa Mộc Lan _ Diễn viên: Viên Vịnh Nghi, Triệu Văn Trác, Tiêu Ân Tuấn, Quan Lễ Kiệt, Trịnh Phối Phối, _ Sản xuất: Dương Bội Bội _ Năm sản xuất: 1...
wn.com/Series 1999 Hoa Mộc Lan Tập 4 (Viên Vịnh Nghi, Triệu Văn Trác, Tiêu Ân Tuấn)
_ Tên phim: Hoa Mộc Lan _ Diễn viên: Viên Vịnh Nghi, Triệu Văn Trác, Tiêu Ân Tuấn, Quan Lễ Kiệt, Trịnh Phối Phối, _ Sản xuất: Dương Bội Bội _ Năm sản xuất: 1...
- published: 28 Feb 2013
- views: 810
Anita Yuen
心霖透視 : 第7集 --揭Chilam死穴 Insider's Look at Chilam and Annie - Episode 7 - The Scariest: Chilam
心霖透視 : 第7集 --揭Chilam死穴 Insider's Look at Chilam and Annie - Episode 7 - The Scariest: Chilam
心霖透視 : 第7集 --揭Chilam死穴 Insider's Look at Chilam and Annie - Episode 7 - The Scariest: Chilam
What scares Chilam most? Widely known for his eternally youthful look, how does Chilam beat the clock of life? Let's divulge his secrets.
Team Crowdily on SAP Tech Ed 2013 InnoJam - Las Vegas
Team Crowdily on SAP Tech Ed 2013 InnoJam - Las Vegas
Team Crowdily on SAP Tech Ed 2013 InnoJam - Las Vegas
Anita Yuen, with SAP, interviews Darijo Pavlic, principal consultant at Darijo Pavlic ITP Consulting, about his InnoJam team -- Crowdily - at SAP TechEd 2013 in Las Vegas.
Crowdily's challenge focuses on using crowd tracking to improve the sporting event experience, and @D_Pavlic shares a bit on how the team is use SAP Lumira and mobility to visual crowd tracking.
張智霖/Julian Cheung ChiLam - ELLE Photoshoot & Interview
張智霖/Julian Cheung ChiLam - ELLE Photoshoot & Interview
張智霖/Julian Cheung ChiLam - ELLE Photoshoot & Interview
Name: 張智霖 (张智霖) / Cheung Chi Lam (Zhang Zhi Lin)
English name: Julian Cheung
Also known as: Chilam Cheung
Profession: Actor, singer and songwriter
Birthdate: 1971-Aug-27
Birthplace: Hong Kong
Nationality: Australian
Height: 180cm
Weight: 64kg
Star sign: Virgo
Chinese zodiac: Pig
Blood type: A
Family: Wife/actress Anita Yuen (since 2001) and son Morton Cheung (born 2006-Nov-12)
新楚留香Xin Chu Liu Xiang E01-1 任賢齊Richie Ren,林心如Ruby Lin,袁詠儀Anita Yuen 2001
新楚留香Xin Chu Liu Xiang E01-1 任賢齊Richie Ren,林心如Ruby Lin,袁詠儀Anita Yuen 2001
新楚留香Xin Chu Liu Xiang E01-1 任賢齊Richie Ren,林心如Ruby Lin,袁詠儀Anita Yuen 2001
from 星雨论坛.@www.xy888.cn@01.rm Chor Lau Heung 2001 - 新楚留香2001年監製:鄭偉文演員:任賢齊、林心如、黎耀祥、黎姿、張茜、楊蕊、張衛健、鄭伊健、吳孟達、陳曉東《新楚留香》,王晶導演,任賢齊飾楚留香,林心如飾司空星兒,黎耀祥飾胡鐵花...
死亡派对 The Deathday Party (2014) Official Chinese Trailer HD 1080 Anita Yuen HK Neo Reviews
死亡派对 The Deathday Party (2014) Official Chinese Trailer HD 1080 Anita Yuen HK Neo Reviews
死亡派对 The Deathday Party (2014) Official Chinese Trailer HD 1080 Anita Yuen HK Neo Reviews
Film Store: http://stores.ebay.com.au/Neo-Distribution-Store
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hkneoreviews
Review Site: http://thehkneo.com/blog/
Anthony Wong Chau Sang ,Anita Yuen ,Andy Lau ,Alec Su
Anthony Wong Chau Sang ,Anita Yuen ,Andy Lau ,Alec Su
Anthony Wong Chau Sang ,Anita Yuen ,Andy Lau ,Alec Su
新楚留香Xin Chu Liu Xiang E08-4 任賢齊Richie Ren,林心如Ruby Lin,袁詠儀Anita Yuen 2001
新楚留香Xin Chu Liu Xiang E08-4 任賢齊Richie Ren,林心如Ruby Lin,袁詠儀Anita Yuen 2001
新楚留香Xin Chu Liu Xiang E08-4 任賢齊Richie Ren,林心如Ruby Lin,袁詠儀Anita Yuen 2001
from 星雨论坛.@www.xy888.cn@08.rm
Chor Lau Heung 2001 - 新楚留香 2001年
監 製:鄭偉文
演 員:任賢齊 、林心如 、黎耀祥 、黎姿 、張茜 、楊蕊 、張衛健 、鄭伊健 、吳孟達 、陳曉東
Dr. Kendrick interview with Fennie Yuen 2 2012
Dr. Kendrick interview with Fennie Yuen 2 2012
Dr. Kendrick interview with Fennie Yuen 2 2012
Dr. Kendrick interview with Fennie Yuen 2 2012.
心霖透視 : 第7集 --揭Chilam死穴 Insider's Look at Chilam and Annie - Episode 7 - The Scariest: Chilam
What scares Chilam most? Widely known for his eternally youthful look, how does Chilam beat the clock of life? Let's divulge his secrets.
wn.com/心霖透視 第7集 揭Chilam死穴 Insider's Look At Chilam And Annie Episode 7 The Scariest Chilam
What scares Chilam most? Widely known for his eternally youthful look, how does Chilam beat the clock of life? Let's divulge his secrets.
- published: 17 Jul 2013
- views: 332
Team Crowdily on SAP Tech Ed 2013 InnoJam - Las Vegas
Anita Yuen, with SAP, interviews Darijo Pavlic, principal consultant at Darijo Pavlic ITP Consulting, about his InnoJam team -- Crowdily - at SAP TechEd 2013 in Las Vegas.
Crowdily's challenge focuses on using crowd tracking to improve the sporting event experience, and @D_Pavlic shares a bit on how the team is use SAP Lumira and mobility to visual crowd tracking.
wn.com/Team Crowdily On Sap Tech Ed 2013 Innojam Las Vegas
Anita Yuen, with SAP, interviews Darijo Pavlic, principal consultant at Darijo Pavlic ITP Consulting, about his InnoJam team -- Crowdily - at SAP TechEd 2013 in Las Vegas.
Crowdily's challenge focuses on using crowd tracking to improve the sporting event experience, and @D_Pavlic shares a bit on how the team is use SAP Lumira and mobility to visual crowd tracking.
- published: 21 Oct 2013
- views: 65
張智霖/Julian Cheung ChiLam - ELLE Photoshoot & Interview
Name: 張智霖 (张智霖) / Cheung Chi Lam (Zhang Zhi Lin)
English name: Julian Cheung
Also known as: Chilam Cheung
Profession: Actor, singer and songwriter
Birthdate: 1971-Aug-27
Birthplace: Hong Kong
Nationality: Australian
Height: 180cm
Weight: 64kg
Star sign: Virgo
Chinese zodiac: Pig
Blood type: A
Family: Wife/actress Anita Yuen (since 2001) and son Morton Cheung (born 2006-Nov-12)
wn.com/張智霖 Julian Cheung Chilam Elle Photoshoot Interview
Name: 張智霖 (张智霖) / Cheung Chi Lam (Zhang Zhi Lin)
English name: Julian Cheung
Also known as: Chilam Cheung
Profession: Actor, singer and songwriter
Birthdate: 1971-Aug-27
Birthplace: Hong Kong
Nationality: Australian
Height: 180cm
Weight: 64kg
Star sign: Virgo
Chinese zodiac: Pig
Blood type: A
Family: Wife/actress Anita Yuen (since 2001) and son Morton Cheung (born 2006-Nov-12)
- published: 20 May 2015
- views: 16
新楚留香Xin Chu Liu Xiang E01-1 任賢齊Richie Ren,林心如Ruby Lin,袁詠儀Anita Yuen 2001
from 星雨论坛.@www.xy888.cn@01.rm Chor Lau Heung 2001 - 新楚留香2001年監製:鄭偉文演員:任賢齊、林心如、黎耀祥、黎姿、張茜、楊蕊、張衛健、鄭伊健、吳孟達、陳曉東《新楚留香》,王晶導演,任賢齊飾楚留香,林心如飾司空星兒,黎耀祥飾胡鐵花...
wn.com/新楚留香Xin Chu Liu Xiang E01 1 任賢齊Richie Ren,林心如Ruby Lin,袁詠儀Anita Yuen 2001
from 星雨论坛.@www.xy888.cn@01.rm Chor Lau Heung 2001 - 新楚留香2001年監製:鄭偉文演員:任賢齊、林心如、黎耀祥、黎姿、張茜、楊蕊、張衛健、鄭伊健、吳孟達、陳曉東《新楚留香》,王晶導演,任賢齊飾楚留香,林心如飾司空星兒,黎耀祥飾胡鐵花...
死亡派对 The Deathday Party (2014) Official Chinese Trailer HD 1080 Anita Yuen HK Neo Reviews
Film Store: http://stores.ebay.com.au/Neo-Distribution-Store
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hkneoreviews
Review Site: http://thehkneo.com/blog/
wn.com/死亡派对 The Deathday Party (2014) Official Chinese Trailer Hd 1080 Anita Yuen Hk Neo Reviews
Film Store: http://stores.ebay.com.au/Neo-Distribution-Store
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hkneoreviews
Review Site: http://thehkneo.com/blog/
- published: 07 Mar 2015
- views: 188
新楚留香Xin Chu Liu Xiang E08-4 任賢齊Richie Ren,林心如Ruby Lin,袁詠儀Anita Yuen 2001
from 星雨论坛.@www.xy888.cn@08.rm
Chor Lau Heung 2001 - 新楚留香 2001年
監 製:鄭偉文
演 員:任賢齊 、林心如 、黎耀祥 、黎姿 、張茜 、楊蕊 、張衛健 、鄭伊健 、吳孟達 、陳曉東
wn.com/新楚留香Xin Chu Liu Xiang E08 4 任賢齊Richie Ren,林心如Ruby Lin,袁詠儀Anita Yuen 2001
from 星雨论坛.@www.xy888.cn@08.rm
Chor Lau Heung 2001 - 新楚留香 2001年
監 製:鄭偉文
演 員:任賢齊 、林心如 、黎耀祥 、黎姿 、張茜 、楊蕊 、張衛健 、鄭伊健 、吳孟達 、陳曉東
- published: 18 Apr 2010
- views: 1593