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Diary of Dreams - a day in December
Diary Of Dreams - She And Her Darkness (Subtitulada)
Diary Of Dreams - The Wedding
Diary of Dreams- the colours of grey
Diary of Dreams - Butterfly Dance!
Diary Of Dreams - House Of Odds "Elegies in Darkness"
Diary Of Dreams - Traumtänzer
Diary of Dreams -.- Traumtänzer
Diary of Dreams - Rumours about angels
Diary Of Dreams - Tears Of Laughter
Diary of dreams - Malum - ( Elegies in darkness )
Diary of Dreams KING OF NOWHERE
Diary of Dreams - Painkiller
Diary of Dreams - She
Upcoming Concerts: 26.09.2014 D Görlitz Landskron Kulturbrauerei 27.09.2014 PL Warshau Progresja Music Zone 28.09.2014 D Berlin Postbahnhof 10.10.2014 NL Ams...
Quizás... algún día despierte con la noticia de que toda mi vida fue un sueño... . . . Gracias por todo lo que me has dado Gracias! por todo lo que has hecho...
Diary Of Dreams - The Wedding.
diary od dreams the colours of gray.
Live recording of Diary of Dreams - Chemicals.
Elegies In Darkness 2014.
Diary Of Dreams - Traumtänzer from Live DVD Nine In Numbers.
Die Zeit steht still in diesem Raum Doch merken's andere Menschen kaum Es steht die Luft hier in der Schwebe Als ob der Windhauch nicht mehr lebe Die Stille ...
Song: Rumours about angels Album:One of 18 angels (2000) By Diary of Dreams Film: Dark City (1998) Directed by Alex Proyas Lyrics: I will plaster all you mor...
No copyright infringement intended!. This is just for entertainment and information, I get no profit from making nor publishing this video. I would be crying...
Nice music with sembly.
She, by Diary of Dreams. With lyrics. This is one of my favorite songs ♥ I don't own ANYTHING. Made just for fun. Found the picture here: http://images2.layo...
"Der Mensch hat nicht die Freiheit, zu tun, was er will, aber er hat das Recht, nicht tun zu müssen, was er nicht will." Isa..... ich sehs anders.
Titulo: The Curse Artista: Diary of Dreams Genero: Drak Wave Álbum: Dream Collector Diary of Dreams es un alemán Darkwave banda. El cantante y miembro fundad...
German gothic-electro.
Dreams Of A Ghost.
Elegies in Darkness 2014
Diary Of Dreams "The Curse" Written by Adrian Hates Album: Freak Perfume.
Album: Elegies in Darkness - 2014
Diary of Dreams - Stimulation.
Album - Freak Perfume (2002) 1. TraumA 2. The Curse 3. O'Brother Sleep 4. Chrysalis 5. Traumtänzer 6. Rebellion 7. Bastard 8. Amok 9. She 10.Verdict 11.Play ...
01. 00:10 The Wedding 02. 05:05 Butterfly:Dance! 04. 10:40 Lebenslang 05. 15:30 Reign of Chaos 06. 19:45 Echo in Me 07. 24:05 Amok 08. 28:05 Giftraum 09. 32:35 The Plague 10. 38:40 hypo)crypticK(al 11. 43:10 Chemicals 12. 47:10 Mein-Eid 13. 52:00 MenschFeind 14. 57:50 King of Nowhere 15. 01:03:45 The Curse Encore: 16. 01:09:00 Undividable ( Gifttraum) 17. Kindrom 18. False Affection, False Creation
from dvd Nine In Numbers...
from dvd Nine In Numbers...
Diary of Dreams live im Amphitheater in Gelsenkirchen am 21.06.2014
Live recording of Diary of Dreams - Chemicals.
11.04.2014 @ C-Club Berlin supported by In strict Confidence
Diary Of Dreams - Psycho Logic - Alive In Thessaloniki/Greece At Eightball Live Stage 16 November 2014 16/11/2014 HD
Live at Ekaterinburg in Russia on 2nd May 2009...
Live recording of Diary of Dreams - Amok.
12.04.14 Markthalle Hamburg
Diary of Dreams Akustik Tour live in der Theaterfabrik in Leipzig 30.10.2012.
C-club Elegies Of Darkness tour
German gothic-electro.
from dvd Nine In Numbers...
11.04.2014 @ C-Club Berlin supported by In strict Confidence
from DVD Nine in Numbers.
from DVD Nine in Numbers.
from DVD Nine in Numbers.
from DVD Nine in Numbers.
Gothic & Metal Community / Webzine / Music Kostenlos Anmelden auf
UnArt Live TV - Interview Adrian Hates 'Diary of Dreams', Pulp Duisburg 2011 ht...
Diary of Dreams - Autograph session at Amphi Festival 2013 HD Clip 1 Filmed 21.07.2013 in Cologne, Germany (HD) SHOUT! Online / / music we like
Adrian is interviewed in German.
from dvd Nine In Numbers...
from dvd Nine In Numbers...
from dvd Nine In Numbers...
from dvd Nine In Numbers...
Bearbeitung: Nachtgeist. Fotos: Cruel23 und Harald. Mit besonderen Dank an Diary of Dreams und Cruel23.
Extract from my interview with Adrian from "Diary Of Dreams" (February 2009) Часть моего интервью с Адрианом (Diary Of Dreams). Прочитать интервью целиком можно на моем сайте
Aufnahmen/Recordings (Juni 2011*Ralph Ernst): Der Alte Südfriedhof in München Der Alte Südfriedhof in München wurde 1563 als Pestfriedhof "Äußerer Freithof" ...
Моя работа))
she and her darkness album: freak perfume released 2002.
German gothic-electro.
my first attempt at making a tribute video Come to me... feel with me...
Это видео создано с помощью видеоредактора YouTube (
This DJ-Set is a tribute to the band Diary of Dreams. Enjoy it and feel free to visit my other sets at - Please give me feedback how ...
Show realizado no dia 21/01/2012 na casa de show Cine Jóia ... Gravações feitas por Guto Sioux e Jackie Sioux! Produção do evento Projeto Ferro Velho.
Nocturnal Culture Night ein Event in Deutzen in der Nähe von Leipzig. Das Festival fand im dortigen Kulturpark statt, auf dem Gelände finden sich eine einem Amphitheater gleichende Freilichtbühne, und eine kleine, von Weiden umgebene Bühne. Viele bekannte Gesichter hatten sich in den ersten Reihen eingefunden, um einen der seltenen Live-Auftritte in diesem Jahr zu erleben. Gespannt verfolgten wir den Soundcheck und warteten voller Vorfreude. Dann endlich war es soweit, das Intro erklang, alle Bandmitglieder betraten gemeinsam die Bühne und nahmen ihre Positionen ein. Das wundervolle und eher selten gespielte „Rumours about Angels“ verwandelte die Anspannung in Verzauberung. Mit jedem Ton und jeder Sekunde sog ich die Musik und die Stimmung in mich auf. Sänger Adrian Hates wirkte faszinierend und charismatisch wie immer. Doch jedes Mal ist man von neuem beeindruckt von seiner Erscheinung, Ausstrahlung und Stimmgewalt. Torben Wendt am Keyboard bediente feinfühlig die Tasten und verfeinerte die Songs mit seiner unnachahmlichen Stimme. Die Setlist wirkte wohl überlegt und bot gerade den Fans, die schon viele Konzerte besucht hatten eine schöne Abwechslung aus alten Stücken wie „Chemicals“, „O´Brother Sleep“ oder „Methusalem“ und den aggressiver klingenden, neueren Tracks à la „Giftraum“ oder „Psycho-Logic“. D.N.S an den Drums bewies einmal mehr eindrucksvoll, wie man dieses Instrument mit ganzem Körpereinsatz bedient und gab damit jedem Song eine gewisse „Bewegung“. Eine ganz besondere Ehre wurde uns zuteil, indem wir an diesem Abend das erste Mal die bald erscheinende neue Single „The Plague“ live erleben durften. Gaun:A und Adrian griffen beide in die Gitarrenseiten und ließen ungewohnt rockige und harte Klänge aufkommen. Düstere Effekte und ein wunderbar tiefer Gesang von Adrian ließen den neuen Wind des kommenden Albums erahnen. Spätestens der Refrain überzeugte uns dann alle, denn mit melodiöser, unverkennbarer DIARY OF DREAMS-Note bleibt man sich treu, ohne sich zu wiederholen oder gar langweilig zu klingen. Für mich genau die Mischung, die ich nicht kannte, nicht erahnt hatte, aber die mir sofort gefiel und die die Vorfreude auf das neue Material ins Unermessliche steigen lässt. Nach heftigem Applaus und vielen begeisterten Gesichtern schien auch Adrian ein Stein vom Herzen zu fallen. Die Angespanntheit wich und im weiteren Verlauf merkte man deutlich, wie der Spaßfaktor zunahm. Wundervoll passend folgten „The Witching Hour“ und ein weiteres Highlight für mich mit „Treibsand“. Natürlich durfte auch der Kult-Song „Traumtänzer“ nicht fehlen, bei dem wir im Publikum liebend gerne den Refrain sangen. Glücklich und dankbar verabschiedete sich die Band von uns, jedoch wohl wissend, dass wir sie nicht ohne weiteres gehen lassen würden. Die Zugabe enthielt „The Curse“ und „Kindrom“. Bei beiden Songs gab es aktive Gesangshilfe und viel Bewegung aus dem Publikum, was Adrian sichtlich Spaß bereitete. Wieder verneigte sich die Band tief vor uns und wieder wurden „Zugabe“-Chöre laut, die Adrian und Torben auf die Bühne zurückholten. Zu wunderschönem Licht kamen wir in den Genuss der „Amok“ Akustik-Version bei der Torben Adrian am Piano begleitete. Sanft Klänge und ein Gesang, der einen einfach nur starr stehen und darin versinken ließ, hallte in die Nacht, die uns wie durch ein Wunder für diesen Auftritt regenfrei genießen ließ. Es hätte keinen schöneren Ausklang (für mich) geben können! Setlist: Rumours about Angels Chemicals Giftraum Psycho-Logic O Brother Sleep Methusalem The Plague The Witching Hour Soul Stripper Treibsand But the wind was stronger
извиняюсь за звук снимал на обычный цифровик Это видео создано с помощью видеоредактора YouTube (
Live in P!pl, Moscow 28.04.2012 =========================== Видео - Евгений Пятницин, Елена Соловьёва. Звук - взят с других видео в интернете,так как наш ока...
Diary of Dreams - minsk, 2008.
Diary of Dreams in der Röhre 2010. Erst Synch, dann Live. Plus DOD Video und Song. Bad Quality sponsered by BB.
An ear to ear whispered asmr video of the journal where I write all of my dreams in. PO Box: Charlotte Angel PO Box 528 Middlesbrough TS1 9EH England Please don't forget to rate, comment and subscribe if you haven't already! **************************************************************************** Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Google+: Donations: I'll continue to make videos regardless of donations however every penny helps towards new equipment, any donation is greatly appreciated.
ALL-GERMAN SPECIAL!! Communion After Dark spins music from Diary of Dreams, Blutengel, Endanger and more. PLAYLIST BELOW! We are a weekly podcast bringing yo...
This week Communion After Dark spins new music from Diary of Dreams, Seabound, Laibach and more. We are a weekly podcast bringing you the newest Gothic/Indus...
"SOME OF OUR FAVORITES OF 2014: PART 1" : Communion After Dark spins some of 2014's best tracks, including music by And One, Diary of Dreams, THYX and more. PLAYLIST BELOW! We are a weekly podcast bringing you the newest Gothic/Industrial, EBM and Electro music from around the world. Like the show and let us know what you think! Communion After Dark is DJ's Mark Paradise, Bryant Griffin and Maus, based out of Tampa, FL. WEBSITE: ITUNES!: FRIEND US: ~ Model: Kiara Kazumi CAD PLAYLIST (DATE): 22 Dec. 14 "Some of our Favorites of 2014: Part 1" BAND...SONG....NAME OF RELEASE....RELEASE TYPE (album, single, etc.) DJ NAME: Maus 0:16 Noisuf-X - The Typical Fuck You Song - Invasion - Pronoize 3:49 E-Craft - Gone - Rearrested - Infacted 08:00 Electrovot - Saving My Soul - Elegant Love - COP International 12:31 Too Dead to Die - Another Sin - Murder on the Dancefloor - Out of Line 16:17 THYX - Fur Immer - Supervision – Metropolis 20:33 Banana-Orange Jagermeister shot DJ NAME: Paradise 25:39 Diary of Dreams - Luxury of Insanity - Elegies of Darkness - Accession Records 31:31 Mondtraume - Far From Pain – Empty - Alfa Matrix 36:30 RROYCE - Thank You I'M Scared - Dreams & Doubts & Fears - Self Released 40:24 HARMJOY - Pain Decay - Silver Lining of The Mushroom Cloud - Emmo.Biz 45:18 Electro Spectre – Fashion - Bullets and Desert Blooms - Nordic Records 48:44 DJ NAME: Griffin 51:30 Faderhead - Someone Else's Dream - Atoms & Emptiness - L-Tracks 56:08 Iris - Phenom (Elevated Mix) - Seabound & Iris EP: Radiant Turbulence - Dependent 1:00:46 And One - Everybody Lies At Night - Magnet - DMS 1:04:16 Torul - All (Original) - All - Infacted Recordings 1:07:31 1:13:54 Drunk Mission (Feat. Rebeca Vorig) - R.I.P. (Roppongi Inc. Project) - Drunk Mission, Single - self-released
"Beyoncé: Year of 4" documents the year-long personal and artistic journey that inspired Beyoncé's fourth solo album, 4.
So hier mein Neuer Mix, viel spaß beim anhören 1 Diary of Dreams: Elemet 4 Angst 2 Funker Vogt : Gott noch nicht 3 Pride and Fall : Blood 4 Unzucht Fleisch Körper 5 Project Pitchfork: Rain 6 VNV Nation: Off Screen 7 Blut Engel : All These Lies 8 SIDT: Autoaggression 9 Helium Vola : Omnis Mundi Creatura 10 Solitary Experiments:Now or Never 11 Heimataerde : Bruderschaft. 12 Cephalgy: Leid statt Liebe 13 Rotersand Electronic World Transmission
Ein Dark Wave Mix über eineinhalb Stunden Musik Mixed by [:Violent Vampire:] Playlist: 1. Cancer Barrack - Beischlaf mit 60 kg Hackfleisch 2. Farblos - Winte...
The first Empty Shadows'Demo. 1: Diary of a Shattered Heart [ 0:00 ] 2: A Little Message [ 03:14 ] 3: Asshole Girls [ 06:15] 4: Intro [ 10:39 ] 5: The Hell S...
Gul (Udita Goswami) arrives in Bombay from Jaipur to pursue her dream of fashion designing. She joins the company of Vivek (Harsh Chhaya), but soon complains about her boss Adi (Ronny Jhutti), who seeks sexual favors for approving her designs. While becoming Vivek's promoted blue-eyed employee she soon stabs him in the back when she gets a far more lucrative job from his competitor, Ravi Bajaj (Aryan Vaid). Before long, she ditches Ravi Bajaj too to join Xavier (Rajesh Khattar).
Diary of Dreams is a German Darkwave band. The lead singer and founding member Adrian Hates has produced most of the albums by himself or with minimal help from others. He rarely uses a full band, except when he is on tour.
Adrian Hates is a classically trained guitarist and pianist who started out as the guitarist for Garden of Delight. He initiated the Diary of Dreams project in the late 1980s, taking the name from one of his early classical guitar compositions, "Tagebuch der Träume." The first album, Cholymelan, appeared in 1994 on the Dion Fortune label.
Encouraged by this success, Adrian formed his own label called Accession Records and released a series of albums over the following years, building a loyal fanbase each step of the way. The second album End of Flowers was released in 1996, expanding on the darkwave sound of the debut. Bird Without Wings followed a year later, whilst the more experimental work Psychoma? arrived in 1998.
The first sign of consolidation came in 1999, when a compilation album Moments of Bloom appeared, containing two reworked tracks from each album. The next two albums One of 18 Angels and Freak Perfume (plus its companion EP PaniK Manifesto) made greater use of electronic rhythms, resulting in greater club play and wider recognition for the band.
I would be crying tears of laughter
If I could see me smile again
I still reach for the stars, but all I touch is my horizon
I still believe my eyes, but all I see is my blindness
I still reach for the stars, but all I touch is my horizon
I still believe my ears, but all I hear is lasting silence
Like a disciple of a witness
I judge upon my sacred eye
Still found the origin
In what's left of me inside
Ca I call this my burden
Or is this just my dream to fly ?
Weaker, weaker every day
I forgot my urge to fly away
And is my life as bare as it is ?
Cold and lonely enough ?
Have you achieved what you were longing for ?
Sad enough this cannot be undone
I drop my eyes and shiver as I see
The reflection in the mirror of me
Have you given up, my friend ?
I cannot see when day is night,
Disguise my true identity
When all has shattered, all is lost,
The cage remains my home, now and forever.
I run and seek the world for you,
But you have gone in silence.
Every day a forgotten stranger,
I’ll write it down for you,
Absurd! My life in danger,
This face is new to me.
No matter what I may have done,
No matter what I may have said, -
I’ll let you go.
Sad indeed, my world is dying,
I wander past some burning trees,
When daylight turns into darkness
I stand alone, whisper for help.
Every day a forgotten stranger,
I’ll write it down for you,
Absurd! My life in danger,
This face is new to me.
Every day a forgotten stranger,
I’ll write it down for you,
Absurd! My life in danger,
This face is new to me.
I run and seek the world for you,
But you have gone in silence.
Every day a forgotten stranger,
I’ll write it down for you,
Absurd! My life in danger,
This face is new to me.
Every day a forgotten stranger,
I’ll write it down for you,
Absurd! My life in danger,
This face is new to me.
Every day a forgotten stranger,
I’ll write it down for you,
Absurd! My life in danger,
When you're slaved to your perception
When you're bound to your ideals
When you're blinded by deception
When you fail to solve the secrets
It is not enough to humiliate me
It is not enough to put me back in chains
It is not enough to manipulate me
It is not enough to hold me back from you
Because we read it on every page
We take it all for granted
It is proven that nothing's proven
But I think it is real to you
What is this chain for?
What am I here for?
Where did my pride go?
This is my color
This is my legacy
Take what you need
And leave me behind
This is my offer
Take it or leave it
End of all games
Without me it all remains the same
Come here and live my life
As if it's yours my friend
I know it's hard
So hard to understand
And you let me beg you
I am tired and weak
Let go of my hand
I feel no regret
Tell me please
Where do you come from?
And let me know the price to pay
I wish I knew where I belong to
Plastic needles in my skin
Don't ask me what they're for
no clue, except for pain and shock
You tied me to the bed to mock
my eyelids kept wide open
so I can see all that you do
All this liquid in my eyes
come inside my world, friend, if you dare... the curse
It's cold, I shiver while I sweat
room without a glimpse of sunlight
my head is shaved, my body bruised
Can't feel my fingers, everything is numb... the curse
Your reality is twisted
It seems you just don't notice
that all you do to me
can never touch me mentally,
but you can do all this to me
It's not like it would matter
Much worse than, so much worse than that
I can't get you out of my head
Where is that strong human will now?
guess there are things you can't escape from...
I don't know, but something isn't right here...
I guess what you expect from me is fear... the curse
I stare....but there is nothing I can see
God knows, with only one hand I could...
your giggles reach me from next door
Is this your true world definition?
you cannot help, where help is not wanted!
You cannot escape from your reality
Give me more of your salvation
Hello? ...are you listening to me?
Hello? ...why don't you speak a word to me?
I tried to see you in my future
I tried to find you in my past
Let me feel your recognition
I can taste the way you look
I guess it was the right decision!
My thoughts are my bible, that's by what I live
You live your life between these worlds
Color twists around your body
You and I got lost in rainbows
Pretty face, you think that you can hide
Behind this mask of yours,
Prison cell, you cannot keep me here,
Silent waters are deep, you know.
I cannot see the man that you could see in me,
I cannot kill this guy not even if I tried,
I think I need to run to make myself at home,
I need to separate the living from the dead.
This is the mind you came to fight, call it fateful,
Don’t be a plague, a spell to kill, you should be
(You should be grateful)
Call it fateful,
You should be grateful.
(You should be grateful).
Pathetic fool, you do not see this curse,
You’ll be a blessing in disguise,
Little malady, I’ve found your fatal trace
That led me to your hideaway.
I cannot see the man that you could see in me,
I cannot kill this guy not even if I tried,
I think I need to run to make myself at home,
I need to separate the living from the dead.
This is the mind you came to fight, call it fateful,
Don’t be a plague, a spell to kill, you should be
This is the mind you came to fight, call it fateful,
Don’t be a plague, a spell to kill, you should be
This is the mind you came to fight, call it fateful,
Don’t be a plague, a spell to kill, you should be
This is the mind you came to fight, call it fateful,
Don’t be a plague, a spell to kill, you should be
I tried to prevent this.
How I wished that you were wrong
Bear with me a few more days.
You said you foresee things
This is for sure not a coincidence
This is not fate and it's not luck.
Maybe it is just meant to be...
Give me a moment to wonder
Give me a moment to fall apart
Give me a reason to keep you
Give me a reason for an excuse
We breathe the same air, you know
We feed on the same thoughts
We drink from the same spring
And all this is not enough...
We hide from the surface
We want to be left alone
We're searching for reasons
But answers do not exist
A crime is the thought itself
The implementation
Is only the consequence
Come face the things you did
Tell me where you've been
Tell me what you've seen
Tell me what you've heard
Read my lips and speak out loud
My fingertips are more than proud
To touch your skin, to feel your face
I'm drowning in your sweet embrace
Emptyness and Incompleteness
Endlessness and in-defeat-less
has never been this little
No longer I could spare a thought
You said I'm welcome any time
Be sure I know all flaws are mine
Your promises are never lasting
for longer than it takes to say them.
Ease my pain and say again...
I heard of a man who can see through the heart
A fountain of truth as a stranger reveals
A sarcastic smile proves his true disrespect
His hands so tranquil and his eyes a deep well
To fall for your words - as profound as they are -
seems somehow absurd. How foolish to fall for
but sympathy is not what I feel for you
I know that your talk is as wise as untrue
The words of a wise man are not worth a dime
His conscience is burdened. His wisdom a crime
I forgive what I can, but my will is too strong
I won't let you go. You were trapped all along
Your temper is curbed and your fire put out
I try to form words, but your mind is too loud
I fear all this talk and I'm scared of my senses
Lost in words of anticipation
Lost in words of revelations
23 and 5 resulting
Equally absorbed their sigh
And I need my chemicals
I need your chemicals
Are my dreams gone?
Are my words forgiven?
Are my deeds undone?
Am I now forgiven?
The walls of this chamber
were made to set you free
So soft, so clean
My friend, where have you been
I'm a revolutionary
A christian fairy tale
I'm a missionary
A visionary anarchist
I'm a full moon fever
I'm a non-believer
I have hope and I regret
Strangers ask for souvenirs
Give pride to those without my fears
Rejected child finds peace in mind
Remember you are one of my kind
Don't call, don't call
The Charma Sleeper
Don't say, don't say
Your faith goes deeper
Angels speak of lullabies
Adorming you when sleepers mind
All hate that sleeps reborn in you
All lies you spread becoming true
Noble men with noble words
Ladies wrapped in tainted lies
I scream at you, but you don't answer
It's you my dear, I really fear
My hate in rage I wish I dared...
My anger burns in every pore
But still my temper way too scared
I'm bursting all your bubbles
I'm cold while you deceive
I don't care 'bout your troubles
I pray to get some sleep
Define the state of matter
Declare your eyes the war
You should have known it better
But still you wanted more
Mystical, not physical
Is there faith enough for all these souls
Hysterical, not logical
Is there room enough for all their shells?
Pale forces in fake environment
And biblical speeches so full of regret
Strange voices so full of agony
It sounds like it reaches deep into my head
Suffocate, deliberate
It is within, it is without
Gestures, eyes and invocations
It hides somewhere,
Waiting - for he is yet to come...
I begged for answers all my life!
Is it true crime to say the truth?
This world is darker...
This life is darker...
My words may seem cruel
At times i regret ...
When my tongue is in rage
I tend to forget
but life remains the same
but life remains the same
What have we become?
A cynical crowd
Sarcastic and tempted
Why are we so proud?
but life remains the same
but life remains the same
Congratulations - you're so pitiful
Congratulations - you're so immature
Congratulation - you wasted my life for yours
There are things in life you just can't forsee
Incidents and accidents
You blame the world for your pain
but life remains the same
but life remains the same
There are people that try to manipulate
They want you to believe ...
to follow their path
but life remains the same
I wonder how I got here,
My feet are bare so sore,
I must have walked for ages,
I wish I'd know what for.
Children with black eyes
Can't see through my disguise,
I don't belong here,
I don't know where I'm from.
Since I remember nothing
I just keep marching on.
My last word will be my first one,
A new desire born,
I feel my sadness growing,
No more children of the corn.
Is this a tragedy or blessing in disguise?
Is this the end of days
And no one saw the signs?
Is this a tragedy or blessing in disguise?
Is this the end of days
And no one saw the signs?
I don't belong here,
I don't know where I'm from.
Since I remember nothing,
I just keep marching on.
No absolution, no respect,
I still remember, I can't forget,
My deepest secrets unentdeckt,
Can you take me...take me home?
Never hold remaining secrets
Please let go what wants to go.
Is this a tragedy or blessing in disguise?
Is this the end of days
And no one saw the signs?
Is this a tragedy or blessing in disguise?
Is this the end of days
Crucified in my mortal chamber
Begging eyes deceive my strength
Stumbling feet into horizons
Tear - stained cheeks taint my soul
In cold deceit
In captive secrecy still waiting
For the truth that I can't find
A stranger's words in cryptic silence
My paradise in cold deceit
While my sympathy is dying
I loose belief of who I am
Victims fatefully united
Imploring now in seclusion
Have you seen through my disguise ?
In cold deceit
Have you felt my shattered eyes ?
What is?
What was?
Where is that vivid look?
We came, we saw what all these visions took!
They cry in fear hoping for mercy
and how you scream, you beg for silence.
Whatever happens please foresee,
only trust your enemy.
Whatever happens please foresee,
only trust your memory.
Confront me with this sort of madness,
unkind indeed to be this helpless.
I know, I want my little world back,
this place of light where life is intact.
No heart - no pain!
I think I am insane...
So still - my shell!
One step closer to hell!
My rage, my hate have a rendez-vous with fate.
Eyes in silence
Eyes in the dark
A life in patience
To survive and surrender
Whatever I feel
Whatever I see is just
A sign of hope
A reflection of my memories
Words covered with dust
In a book to my left
An urge to read
No permission
Helpless eyes
Voices fading
I regret
I regret
I tilt my head
I close my eyes
Voice - louder
Temptation rising
I shiver
I'm a stranger in my own skin
I'll survive
But for how long?
And silence still remains
Whatever my belief and identity will offer
I can never purify my thoughts
And still
I linger in temptation
Still not daring to reach out
The book
My dreams
Written out in words that I can't read
My fingers write
What my mind is not capable to think of
And silence still remains
I'm a stranger in my own skin
But I'll survive
My fingers write
What my mind is not capable to think of
But I'll survive
Mephisto's brother
Now returns to wimmer with the wind
Out of life and out of color
Circular world of ancient dust ->
New born in (n)o. state
Und wie hat die Seuche zahlen gelernt...?
This is tranceformation!
gamma, memoryless child in no man's land
Searching for remains of its soul
I could not reject this!
I could never slaughter! ->11
Und wie hat die Seuche sprechen gelernt...?
This is tranceformation!
What a thrill in X-ray hell
rated X-low
To the deepest, to the finest point be-low
Fortune-tellers know:
Crowned with thorns ->
Try this God given Gift - 8 flat
Und nie hat die Seuche leben gelernt!
Why don't you come...?
Why don't you come on home to me...?
Stabilize me,
I hear them knocking on my door,
For quick relief, for quick sensations
Why are you scratching on the floor?
What can I see for...?
What I can speak for...?
What can I touch
What can I see for...?
What I can speak for...?
What can I touch
Suffer to feel relief,
Kiss to taste some blood,
Sleep to stay awake,
Die to feel alive.
Ride for a fall,
Fain to fail to feel it's fake,
A little shock! Inhale it! Quick!
Admit yourself that you are sick.
What can I see for...?
What I can speak for...?
Die Zeit steht still in diesem raum
Doch merken's andere menschen kaum
Es steht die luft hier in der schwebe
Die stille schmerzt in meinen ohren
Ich wunscht ich hatt dich nicht verloren.
Wahrend Traume sich erinnern
an die zeit vor unserer zeit
Vergi?t du alle sorge
Was dir ein wenig kraft verleiht
Du enthalst dich vieler dinge
Erklarst dich klug als philosoph
Du entehrst so viele dinge
Bist dir horig wie ein zof!
Wirst du mich nie verstehen?
Wirst du denn nie verstehen?
Hast du noch nie gesehen...
wie meine augen glitzern?
Keiner mag dir mehr vertrauen
Schenkt kein wort dir edler gunst
Siehst deinen schatten schon verschwinden
Dort am horizont im dunst
...denn es ist zeit, fur eine neue melodie,
fur eine neue phantasie, fur eine neue harmonie
Ich stehe auf und geh nun fort
an einen fremden, fernen ort
gesichter reden auf mich ein
So werd ich nie zu hause sein.
Wirst du mich nie verstehen?
Wirst du denn nie verstehen?
Hast du noch nie gesehen...
My daddy ask for secrets
My mother doesn't care
To hide the hidden
Deep inside
And while I sleep
Shivering faces
In candle-light
Lose their names
Affected sympathy
Victim or witness
While fathers
Betray themselves
I hear your selfish words
Whispers of support
I feel your touch
Shivering too much
O` Aphelion
See my fear is gone
I tasted grapes of wrath
Just funny how the sparrows die
While eagles fly
So way up, so high
My daddy asks for secrets
My mother doesn't care
But who cares to see
Who I one day may be
And I still belong
Where my cradle once has been
I still belong
Where I was born with grapes of wrath
O` Aphelion
See my fear is gone
I tasted grapes of wrath
See my fear is gone
You follow the path that you meant to avoid
A matter of time till an echo unfolds
What the next step might bring? You take a look back
While your heartbeat is raging to this song you sing
When silence evolves into a deafening noise
When the blackening coat reaves a ceiling of darkness
When I speak the words that you wish me to say
When voices of sound come to life all around
I could never say these words to you
I could never doubt the way you do
I could never trace the steps for you
I could never live the way you do
Adrenaline pumping in every vein
I must go now and look for a new place to hide
You will chase me again, I am certain of that
But be sure that the next time you will not succeed
I could never say these words to you
I could never doubt the way you do
I could never trace the steps for you
I could never live the way you do
The wedding!
The wedding!
The wedding!
When you're begging for shelter, don't knock on my door
When you say that you've changed, you have done that before
When the tear in your eye - what a great alibi -
Tries to weaken my senses - shatter all that I've learned
I could never say these words to you
I could never doubt the way you do
I could never trace the steps for you
I could never live the way you do
I will never say these words to you
I will never doubt the way you do
I will never trace the steps for you
Deep down in this river
I'm sure I'd be free.
I know I would shiver
And surely could not see a thing.
But maybe all that matters not
I might even remember what I forgot.
The reason of it and of it all.
The rise and, yes for sure, also the fall.
Let go of me, my friend.
You do not understand.
The pain I'm going through
Is only because... because of you.
So dark is my light
My demons were so right
To leave me here...
So painful my fight
As every night when I lay down to sleep
I listen to my heart,
Expecting it to stop it's beating.
But every morning sun
Wakes up the sadness in me once again.
You see now how it ends,
I lay it in your hands.
Take care of it my friend,
In case you... understand...
So dark is my light
My demons were so right
To leave me here...
So painful my fight
As every night when I lay down to sleep
I listen to my heart,
Expecting it to stop it's beating.
But every morning sun
To conquer the angel's laugh
An urge implied
A captious offer in your hands
My hymne of praise denied
Disguising, fading scarlet of your belief
Drowning gently in commands
It's your defeat
Mephisto, my fallen angel
Corrupted patience in your eyes
Your urge to rise denied
Your justice shivering in faded trust
Mankind like puppets in your hands
It's our defeat
Mephisto, o Mephisto
Our shattered pride inhaled by you
Rejecting innocence
Betrayed by your own kind - a selfish deed
I'm calling you to conquer me
Rescue me
To conquer the angel's laugh
Inside my head
An urge to feel temptation rise
A deed of pure illusions
To feel just silence move
My total reception
Of unknown disasters
My complete redemption
Define the state of war
A trip to my consience
My pain made of slander
My guilt in denial
Cause anger with fear
Revenge with devotion
Witchcraft remorse
The last refugee
Who pays the reward?
Encounted danger
Intrigues of a friend
Defeat for a stranger
Mankind kills as one
My haunted desires
Infamous liars
This intoxication
Will kiss you goodnight
I lost my temper
This is my terrorzone
I lost my temper
This bird so crippled - little bird
Just wants to learn to fly - Longing for the sky
Tell me fellow - sufferer - Tear apart my fate
Who broke them and why - Just another try
Tar-stained feathers - broken wings
Preachers rise your hands - Like shattered pride
Now life can be damn boring - Hunted, wanted
With your eyes raised to the sky-dancing-wild
Sophistication - Heaven , sky
Sophistication - Tell me why ?
Sophistication - Heaven, sky
Sophistication - No wings to fly
Circles, vicious circles - Faith and fate
As the wind denies my wish - Belief and doubts
How can you leave me here ? - Struggling helpless
I'm missing what's still there - Between the clouds
Broken wings - Heaven , sky
With remains of reflexes - Attempt, temptations
Trying to lift me up - Helpless cries
I will plaster all you mortals with my dominating guts
I will torment revelations - I did never ask for much
I will taste the detonation while the geminis go wild
I'll absorb the human sigh, eradicate your dormant lie
Does it suck your breasts for milk, golden honey,
dressed in silk
Does it feel your patient care in your dreadful glassy
or does it feel your true emotions in its scars and
bruises burn
Do you really think your lies will tear open cloudy
and I hear rumours about angels
and I hear rumours about angels
Feel my fingers in your wound while my eyes ascend the
Questions wasting all my time - I see your eyes
detesting mine
Sick of a life you never had, e.dead.motion, you look
so sad
I could care less if I'd like - I let you go into the
Is my ignorance my fate, or is my love distorted hate
Is deliverance my mate or am I sleeping while awake
Is this place that we call home adorned by devastating
Am I mortal, am I god - Am I brighter than you thought?
and I hear rumours about angels
and I hear rumours about angels
I will never beg for mercy - I will never kiss your
I will never ask forgiveness and all of that I want to
I will guide the blind in darkness though I cannot see
I will whisper in a deaf ear while I know you cannot
and I hear rumours about angels
Horizon of the depth
as the fog surrounds my being
takes control and slaves my moves
Motionless I stare in emtyness
as bodies fall and disappear in darkness
of my borderland
Is this fake, or is this real?
Am I sick, or am I cured?
Overwhelmed by the dominating density
Not a word to break the silence
Nothing visible to fear
So what can we do ...
with my possessive senses?
with my borderland?
Is this fake, or is this real?
Am I sick, or am I cured?
Implanted anger rising
A decay within my dreams
Inner urge to relatiate upon my enemies and friends
Weeping gently in this moisture
and this quivering inside of me intoxicates my senses
Is this ground I stand on holy
or is this just my borderland?
So what can we do ...
with my possessive senses?
Wind o` carry me away
Guide my angels -unlink their chains
Words find echoes in my past
My delusion now unmasked
I dare to touch this bodies surface
Temptation blinding my resistance
I could linger so much longer
But the wind was stronger
Yes I know my eyes are sinning
Longing for what is not mine
Defend her purity with mercy
Thread my guts, cut off my tongue
Merge my conflict with the wind
Mesmerise my childish instincts
Then I will not suffer any longer
But still the wind was stronger
My puppets, angels, dolls and she
Starring, whispering at me
Ready to drop - in chains paralysed
On naked skin I feel their glares
Embarrassed of what they might see
I cannot speak, I cannot think
Scared to death I move no longer
The sky ranges the past
Enclosed in ancient walls
Captured in memories
A kingdom to survive
Immortal silence gathers illusions inside
I see the desert sand
Whirled up by the feet of war
A mournful eye in isolation
Blinded by a silent spell
Slaved to my debility
My future in those hands
That I can't move
Like a victim
On his knees
The guidance still mine?
I take the blame
To find salvatation
And I await
The worst to come
The guidance still mine?
Tomorrow seems remote - so distant
My expectations evapurate
Leaving nothing to breathe
It's kind of strange how
You put the blame away from you.
I understand now
We were in danger of ourselves!
What is our flesh for,
If not to feel our mortal shell!
What is our soul for,
If not to know we never die!
I try to face now
What I did never understand
What are these words you speak
Why are they all unknown to me?
Welcome to babylon
The traitors' homes of nower days
Come feel my terror
Or watch the anger rise in me
You'd like to faint now,
To fall asleep into my arms
Where is your fate now
The one you spoke of in my arms
What was this war for,
If it is you who wins at last?
What is your word for,
If it is us who breaks the laws?
Detest my vices!
Watch the signs I've given you!
I speak of silence
Regret... that's all it is!
But what for?
What is the purpose...
And yet you always look back.
You go to all these familiar places.
You see familiar faces.
Forgive and forget.
My tears dry in this desert
My laughter dies within your smile
I shall rest here, for a while
clouds are mounting in the field of oppressions
frozen lands of endless beauty
colliding notions, like a mirage to my dreams
In here united, in my sheltered eyes
Skies of wrath, between the clouds above
naked eyes to say I'm yours
folded hands see night creeping
empathic strikes to exploit my body
may the young believe in "sarectasion"
excrements of our thoughts
beyond belief hence their retention
excrements of our thoughts
between the clouds
misdirected senses
land of voices out of dreams
between the clouds
misdirected senses
land of voices, our screams
beyond belief hence their retention
excrements of our thoughts
between the clouds
misdirected senses
Your trembling voice is calling me
Step by step you set me free
My urge too strong my body weak
The curse in mind for which I seek
Welcome Cannibals
Welcome Cannibals
These walls are built to last
Memories were always born here
Decades of youth and centuries of silence
Welcome Cannibals
These walls are built to last
Memories were always born here
Decades of youth and centuries of silence
Welcome Cannibals
Your dark embrace consoling me
Your fading lights forgotten beauty
And everything I see is taking strength away from me
Inhail the last one
Why hesitate?
These walls are built to last
Memories were always born here
Decades of youth and centuries of silence
Welcome Cannibals
Welcome Cannibals
These walls are built to last
Memories were always born here
Decades of youth and centuries of silence
Welcome Cannibals-4x
This is the violence you pray for
You talked of science, biology and gods
Now look straight into the eye
I read the words you send me
Addicted to the joy
of someone's caring
I cannot help it but hunger still for more
How beautiful
to lean back
and smile out to the world
Make peace, Mr. Conscience says to me
i take a moment
and figure out the spell
I let go of all my doubts
and open up my heart
Come in and conquer what you find
be sure that i don't mind
So here I am, all the shadows did return
Release me, from this room that I call home
And bring light, into the darkest of all hours
And guide me back, into the holy ground of life
Yes i know it is difficult
to find some answers
to enter and see my secret world
Be patient and feel trusted in return
Be gentle with this heart of mine, it is still torn in
I'm well aware that I should know you
and yet I feel it's not the case
It feels like talking to a stranger
I hardly recognize your voice
We live a life we never wanted
Hard to believe but it came true
We never thought that this could happen to us
Not to you and not to me
And nothing seems to make it any better
We live in memories. That's all
The dream we had is long forgotten
We walk away and don't look back
And though we shiver when we sleep at night
We have no way of finding back
Have we done all that we could have
to avoid where we are now?
Or have we known what we have done to us
and watched the dying process grow?
I really never dared to doubt you
Neither you nor your words
It is so hard to let you go now
but still I bid farewell to you
And instinct tells us that we're wrong
and still our feet keep stumbling on
Just give me nails
To be my burden
Crucified emotions struggle to survive
And the truth, she has not heard for long
Cold and bare, but sacred ?
Who has the guts to spread such lies
A picture of a willow - with a widow in black
A child ton bear - in blooming beauty
For she gave birth to dust
Roses covered by a layer of snow
Freezing wind surrounding,
What you call holy feet
Just a child without a wooden cross
Afflicted hands towards heaven
How could you dare deny ?
How can you blame a widow
For detesting who you are ?
Bare of sore - touch naked boundaries
I would not dare to blame you
I wouldn't dare too much
I only ask for pity
So these faces feel your touch...
...upon their skin
My eyes see many faces
Many faces made of stone
I figure they are angels
All neglected by your throne
Deserted as lifeform
Between heaven, between hell
Unknown to one another
They know your eyes betray their spell
Down from heaven where you hide
You have demented all your pride
O' give these faces holy glance
back their monumental trance
Your anger and your rage still silent
as I provoke that weakness too
So byouti-full, out of control
Your temper now is overwhelming
Is this the place you're born for?
Is this the last frontier?
Is this the world we fight for?
Is this our sense of creed?
Winter souls regain their powers
to multiply the pain in you
Winter souls greed to bear silence
to take away all life from you!
And as I lay your head to sleep
Ancient sights to slave his longings
Lost and captive between two worlds
Have you seen this place before?
Have you seen my fields of joy?
But within his eyes the beauty fading
Sacrificed my life of lies
Torn apart to fade in cries
Hiding in the conflict of confusion
To quiver gently, torn apart inside
But facing sights that my lies can't hide
Defaced by war to ruin my shelter
But still my memories cannot dissolve
But still I'm drowning deep inside
And all my hoping seems in vain
Have you seen this place before?
Have you seen my fields of joy?
[2nd Tribe]
I welcome you with open arms
As a receit for feelings
Floating sand through desert lands
Like a million stitches in my skin
No use to hide, no use to run
I sacrifice my body
I fear the snake's teeth, like a stranger's torch
Enjoy what's - raging - left of me
In my desert
Long lasting life for me
And my last breath
Messiah took from me
This is the last one of a sacrilegious dance
Embodied here, in the melody of wind
Understand to believe and feel to realize
Who are you to say the desert's not alive
Can you feel the satin sea
So deeply blue, inside of me
Collected moments - fractured fruits of blindness
Militant, you offer me your hand
As I see your body sink in sand
And I smile to reject with noble kindness
Welcome you! with open arms
Enormous fire - it's just the state I'm in
A million stitches - I'm one with these injections
[An ode to sleep]
Observe the strategies of war
I know you needed so much more
This is mental, so sentimental
Any way is my way
Anything I cared for you destroyed,
any promise null and void
Can't you take my pain away. Tell me, can you?
Can't we close our eyes forever. Help me, can you?
And now, you wonder why I'm asking you to go.
I'd give up anything to make your dreams come true
and if I'd pray I'd pray for you.
I'd leave your world to find a new one,
but don't you dare misunderstand!
How can this be a sacrifice,
if you did not lose anything?
I know it isn't fair,
but have we ever asked for fairness?
Save yourself from needless harm.
An overdose for now?
How can I talk about completeness,
if I consist of many pieces?
How can these walls come closer,
if there are really none?
To prevent misinterpretations:
This song tells the story of the urge
And have you seen
Through the curtain of my life ?
Get down to the rescue -
For my shelter - mental incest
Archaic disciples
Offer their support
But who to fuck am I to dare to accept ?
So take your victimized lies
Take your generous disguise
Sceptic privilege of mine
To the conquest of an angel
To the defeat of a beast
Glued to senses
Attached to all I need
And continuous monologues of insanity
Blood in floods
Rushing - longing
Urging to believe
Give me strength
Give me idols
Give my dreams a rest
I fear this curse will never end
No need to fight, there’s nothing left to possibly defend
Sometimes at night I wake up pale from fright
When I feel your breath upon my face
Don’t let me be silent
I am breathing like the wind
I need to forget
It is time for honesty
And all these years ended here
I live now in a cage of glass
My hands are bleeding from what I’ve done
All in all what for, what for?
It’s so difficult to bear in mind
The human kind remains unkind
Irren ist menschlich
Let me ask you one last question
Where is that whisper coming from
My mother says she prays for you
I will stay here, make sure you're scared
Your breath is slower than the tide
Your fear is darker than the night
I will make sure you don't run away
And yet I wonder why you stay
Fight, fight: UnMensch!
Dream your dream of humanity
Mankind needs this perversity
No more filth, no more disgust
Hate finds fertile soil so easily
I know you fear this liquid pain
Das Gift des Messias
Rainbow's End
The new Messiah
Das Gift wartet auf uns am anderen Ende des
Thankful as I stumble into future
I fall asleep in this god-given Gift
Kind of weird your absolution
Father, make them go!
Your hand touches my face
As if it glides through water
A kiss on lifeless flesh
You should have practiced what you preach!
First you asked for darkness
And now you want the sun
It's been so long since someone cared
A hostage just to have a friend
How thoughtful and how kind
Drown my head in water
Slice me into halves
You really think I'd care?
Legenden werden geboren und in kleinen
gepolsterten Zimmern aufbewahrt.
Einsam lernst Du das zu lieben was Du nie
beruhren wirst
It is rather indefinable whether a dream can response
to reality,
or if it is possibly more likely that the knowledge
of the existence of our subconscious being,
which sincerely rejects what is not in our
definate(range of) acceptance,
can survive much longer...
However our decision may turn out,
the magic of its inspirative influence issurely the
best proof
to what research has made me accept...
Metablic, schizoid indeed, s-care-ful-d we may tremble
towards our future,
but still always being aware of nothing else more
Autumn leaves are falling
A kingdom left behind
Aimless steps in silence
My crutches fall
I crawl along this path
A stare - possessed
I cannot remain conscious
I sink to the ground
Have you crowned me
To kill a king ?
Or did you just need
A fool to blame ?
Why have you disguised me ?
I urge to bare
Your wisdom slaved
To my debility
You abused my senses
In case of need
You made me depend
On stranger's hands
A kingdom falls
A king, a fool to blame
And how could you dare betray me -
You left to find a stranger
To ask him for advice
Whatever he might tell you
Look deep into his eyes
You beg this man for answers
You swear to him an oath
That no-one else will find out
The secrets spoken here
Where have you been, my friend?
What have you seen, my dear?
What are you scared of?
And what has brought you here?
Enlightened you come back
Insecure and with regret
Aware of what you did
A new obsession born
A man needs to be found
With knowledge of the mind
Memories must vanish
When the sweetest voice is murdered in this stubborn
and precaucious world
When the glimpses go and the stare remains
When the moment dies and eternity prevails
When the single sound becomes a lasting tone
What was it all good for
If you give it up now
If you lay down now to rest
If you stop the fighting
What was it all good for
If you give it up now
If you lay down now to rest
If you stop the fighting
What was it all good for
When four seasons slash and only one is left
When all the movements of this world end up to be just
When all this tears we cry would gather to the flood
And when it hurts you feel the pain in every single
What was it all good for
What was it all good for
If you give it up now
If you lay down now to rest
If you stop the fighting
What was it all good for
If you give it up now
If you lay down now to rest
If you stop the fighting
What was it all good for
Called you sinner's
I was wrong
Inaccurate intention
Should have said you're sorry
Might have reduced the conflict
But tough, admit it's said
God's creation
To put your blame on
God's creation
To turn away from
Appreciate those hands you're given
Before you really need to beg for them
Try to understand my incantation
Out of breath, your fingers shiver
Apocalyptically divided
Mentally disturbed they call me
Respect instead of affection
Disclaim that I am one of you
Can I fall down from the stars
Can I rise up from hell
Absurd - Your protest avoids the consequences
How can you cheat yourself ?
Ridiculous - to see you smile
I put so much faith into you
I trusted everybody except myself
Tales of your behaviour
Like paper in a book
You try to be my saviour
How come you can not see the truth?
I Am-oK, if I Am-oK, you see...
Don't se such a stranger -
I Am-oK, But you're in danger!
I walked for years to get this far
I have to tell you once again...
You say my dreams have all turned grey
How ignorant of you to say!
You claim that you can feel my pain
This artificial comfort
A shiver down my spine
What is that declaration
that you carry on you skin
I take you by your clammy hand
Come see the scene of the crime!
We celebrate the deed with laughter
but to be hones (we) look the same
A cripple in the bathroom mirror
How did he get inside my house?
I look at him and gently shiver
I think i've seen this man before
I never dared to doubt
I want to scream out loud
You say that you're my friend
I fear I understand
If you're th one I fear
I wish you were not here
The world outside can't hear
me anymore they all
forgot to listen too
the sound remains unheard
What is this beauty for
if not to want some more?
Keep screaming though you won't be heard
I know it really sounds absurd
I hear the screams and feel your cries
but your lips don't risk my sacrifice
The voice i hear, the man i see ...
I understand he must be me
Would you care for color if you were blind?
Would you listen to my words if you could only see my lips move?
You search these faces for a smile, but you can't see them with your eyes
Come to me,
Feel with me,
See with me,
This world has changed.......
The world has now forgotten you, for you have done that first!
Would you rather listen to the wind?
Would you rather search the stars for signs?
For it is us you live with, and we have never ever closed our eyes!
What do I need your comfort for?
If there is no place to live...
Your angel cheeks are stained with blood,
I dared to believe what you said in your sleep
But a master at this even lies under tears,
I never felt home in a life of regret,
Your embrace was so tight that I woke up at night.
I feel my tears of joy
Revealing my relief,
Finally home,
Finally home,
Finally here on my own!
I did speak out loud but my voice was too weak
So my whisper decayed in the silence you left,
Inhaling the truth, digesting the past
If one thing’s for sure then it’s that nothing will last.
I feel my tears of joy
Revealing my relief,
Finally home,
Finally home,
Finally here on my own!
Give back what you took, give our wounds time to heal,
My eyes remain closed, as I’m counting the days,
Now I’m paying the price for forsaking my strength,
Einst war schillernd stets Dein Glanz
Brachtest Licht der Welt aus Schatten
Wo der Himmel auf die Erde trifft
bleibt kein Horizont zum Atmen
Der Erde Blut vereint
mit dem Donnern der Giganten
Wir atmen tief das Leben ein
dort, wo die Heimat keiner kennt
Es blendet uns zu sehen
und schmerzt uns, Dir zu Lauschen
Doch scheint es so, als würd es hier
nichts geben mehr als Rauschen
Schliess die Augen sanft, mein Kind
und bleib in meinen Armen
Ich trage Dich hinweg
durch diese alte Welt
Wir lassen alles hinter uns
und weinen keine Träne
Wir traumen von der Freiheit
You(-das), You(-das)
Maybe you were not expected
And maybe I just wasn't either
Regarding you I speak in riddles
Only I can understand
Ease it all for I feel better
Still there's pity in this smile
Ease it all for I feel better
Better in my skin
You(-das), You(-das)
Justified in little whispers
And never waste a tear for this
Let me know when to feel guilty
Even though I should myself
Enter in this world of silence
Feeling comfortably embraced
You(-das), You(-das)
Embodied here - in no direction
Restless I reach out in time
Intimacy loosing face
Nowhere else you feel as mine
[An ode to grace]
Tranquility has lost its silence
Disguised in wildest rage
A thoughtful friend, the chosen sinner
My stability too vague
For what now have I suffered?
For what now have I died?
The wildest creatures touch my body
I feel my breath disperse
I tried to see my liberty
I tried to find my conscious mind
I tried to see humanity
I tried to fly away from my mortality
Enflame my paradise with wisdom
Strangely rare
A legend dies to stay alive
A priest will hold your hand
Trust in god and pray for the devil
An angel heals the deepest wounds
Or at least I think so?
Was it ever in my range of chance
Call viper's son
Fear the suns of my horizons
Sequential movements in reverse
Paradise denies its treasure
A higher dose regains the silence
"Ambiguous", the wiseman said
Virgin-white my pale disguise
The traitor is still alive
Legends rise
And Legends falls
Little lies
As we know all
Eyes - a stare and I don't care
Milk glass distorts my view
Deliver me to my reality
You cannot kill, what cannot die
Avoid the touch my cold body
Avoid to fall into my eyes
Creatures shiver and preachers lie
My legend's not a lullaby
You waited here in vain
You cannot forgive yourself
And the wonders of a lifetime
in each and everyone's face
Like a ship close to the shore
Like an anchor in the deep
Like the calm before the storm
Like a homeless back at home
Would we ever dare to see in it the beauty?
Will we ever see it's fine the way it is?
Could we make it all undone?
Would we dare now to start over
We fear the next step
You find yourself in the benefit of the doubt
The prospect of a change both a blessing and a curse
These are the consequences that you might have to bear
To make it all come true it's just one step to take
On days like this, you feel your desires
I know that you care and you see what this world is about to unfold
Fear not this is not the end of this world
Step close to the edge to believe the absurd
The wind in your hair is the freedom we share
A tear in your eye proves at least that you try
This man has lived in grim diversity
Uncertain and in doubt, if his choices were ideal
A lifetime feeling torn. The king of nowhere never home
And now about to find a new philosophy
Yes, I find rest when I feel your breath,
Cleaning my dirty pores
When I sense the wind in my hair.
I find rest when my eyes swallow beauty,
When my body gently disappears in the sea of life.
Oh what a pleasure,
Oh what an honor
To be here, to feel, to regret
Too scared to say a word.
Our worlds have always collided,
Our worlds have never been one.
Will you drown with me, out there ...
In the deserted sea?
Would you walk with me till the end of time
And see with me what no-one else has seen?
Please don't look at me like that,
It feels like you're killing me.
Please don't touch my skin like that
As if you're not here with me.
Our worlds have always collided,
Our worlds have never been one.
Our worlds have always collided,
What is left, and what is right
What is wrong and what alright
Nimm Abschied mein Kind
This is my shadow, this is my life
But where is my body?
How do I survive
Nimm Abschied mein Kind
Life is of sweetness
Of unknown compulsion
Come and walk with me
Into decay
Life is of sweetness
Of unknown compulsion
Come and walk with me
Into decay
Day by day we all move on
Scared to look back
Scared to foresee
This is the darkness in our souls
Life is so sweet but so imperfect
Bitter to finally understand
Day by day...
Mask of shame
Life is of sweetness
Of unknown compulsion
Come and walk with me
Into decay
Life is of sweetness
Of unknown compulsion
Come and walk with me
Mankind is suffering a severe instability
My friend you know, I swear, this was never written
We are not alone, but we are left by ourselves
We thirst for water, we hunger for a bite to eat
What is this faith for?
...if there is nothing to believe in?
What is this world for?
...if there is nothing to adore?
I can feel the warmth of the dying sun upon my face
I can see the bloody circle diving into the horizon
Deeply in love with the gloom disappearing
to leave me on my own
What is it that I can do to make this moment last forever?
For mankind! - This is mankind!
Mankind! - This is mankind!
What is this world without you in it,
without you giving it its colors?
What is that feeling
that conquers me once you are gone,
I feel forgotten!
How can I be so naive,
so ignorant to think you really care!
Watching the world around me change its ugly faces,
I dread panic within your tight embrace
I ban the violence from my feeble frame
Choose your weapon and go to war instead!
Anchor me in a sea of silence
Harbor me with my restless mind
I live revenge with my second skin
I feel the echo pounding in my head
I know this feeling deep within
It makes no sense to hide from what you are
Malice, i dare to linger
Malice, i won't attempt to flee
Malice, just for a moment
Malice, to bundle all my rage
Poorly gifted i still try to reluct
Let me surrender my weakish sense of bliss
Kind of awkward to find this faith in you
Torn between extremes
Please meet my state of mind
Please accept my reason for being born
to grant my last request
All the rebels in the world can't bring me down!
All the psychos in the world can't bring me down!
Can't reveal what I feel - no control to compromise
Live in fear since I hear that your eyes consist in lies
Can't count on you - you're my friend - understand -
you're cold as ice
Make your choice - make it quick - let me go - true
Made my choice - hear my voice - make me sick - true
Made my choice - hear my voice - make me sick - true
All the rebels in the world can't bring me down
Down, down!
All the psychos in the world can't bring me down
Down, down!
You say - I must stay - I must teach what I was taught
Learn to dream - learn to pray - dead end - I will never
Made my choice - hear my voice - make me sick - true
5 chambers, 5 saviours, 5 walls, 5 traitors
Observing my inhuman environment
Nothing here to become attached to
Make it easy to let go ...
A plague on you! No placebo left for you.
What is sanity?
What is serenity?
Maybe one day, in my white room,
someone remembers me?!
And maybe some day some creature
might even cherish me?!
How disturbing! A demon in my eyes?
You put me here, I guess to let me die.
This cannibals mask is only for your protection
The virus travels through my tongue, they say.
Compassion, not part of your vocabulary
Forgiveness, not for mine.
Fear my revenge you pathetic fool
I'm well aware that I should know you
and yet I feel it's not the case
It feels like talking to a stranger
I hardly recognize your voice
We live a life we never wanted
Hard to believe but it came true
We never thought that this could happen to us
Not to you and not to me
And nothing seems to make it any better
We live in memories. That's all
The dream we had is long forgotten
We walk away and don't look back
And though we shiver when we sleep at night
We have no way of finding back
Have we done all that we could have
to avoid where we are now?
Or have we known what we have done to us
and watched the dying process grow?
I really never dared to doubt you
Neither you nor your words
It is so hard to let you go now
but still I bid farewell to you
And instinct tells us that we're wrong
Wildest creatures sliver dreams
Which phantasy gave birth to once
A fairy-tale to make me shiver
A unicorn at rainbow's end
To wear the willow for mankind
Embodied in these eyes of glass
This diagnosis kills the cause
Swallow now antitoxin
O' can't you see my little Never!Land?
My little rage, you took my Never!Land!
Play black and white keys
And write a book to understand...
Search for a flower in ice
Do not tranceform into a slave of lies
Accumulation of mankind
How stupid must we be to...Disagree to this!
And now you know I'm doubting
Eternal ice as far as eyes can see
Deserted wind, an inspiration need
This white horizon, so sure a lonely guard
Oath to preserve, admire graceful art
Flower in ice, this artificial life
The beauty lies to your devoted feet
Down on my knees, they feel so numb,
are blue
I talk to her, I dedicate my words
Of course not, how could I dare to thaw
Of course not, why should I care for life all
Immortal beauty, unbearable in splendour
A season change as days fly by
I see her thaw, give life to beauty
To rouse me out of transformation
Ice now bursts in thousand pieces
Imprisoned I now under her
I listen to this lifeless rushing
And hear her speak to me now, softly
Of course not, how could I dare to thaw
Of course not, why should I care for life
Until you put your spell on me
I did not know - who you are!
A little incantation now
You hypnotize the crowd
According to you
no-body else does matter now
According to you
nothing else does matter now
Your wings can spread around the world
Take all our sun away
Absorb the human pleasure dome
A lifetime in despair
I wonder how you lie to me
without the use of words?
I wonder why you came to me
A torch in your darkness will guide you the way
while dozens of others pretend to be free
Obscure limitations put the boundaries at stake
I know there is more than we can see
This is my aggravation
A simple cause
I come here to flee from you
I come here to free my guilt
This is my alibi
My secret inferno
And this is the world I hide
My place to recover
I'd carry this burden on your behalf
Corrupted integrity
Inexistent identity
So hard to believe
what I had to witness
what I'm supposed to forget
to forgive and forget
This is my alibi - Underneath your ruins I'm buried
My secret inferno - My endless source of despair
And this is the world I hide - A shelter I cannot share
My place to recover - SO i can return to your world
with a cynical smile
I swear it is true
INvisible scars prove me right
I'd be your abettor
I tried to see/feel/be/heal it
The way you said
I tried to see your eyes on me
And everything else seems irrelevant
I dare to feel now, I know what I have lost
I dare to leave now, no matter what it costs
And still I do no movements
I'm glued here to the spot
But still I cannot free my mind
Abandoned in exile
A veil to conceal
What on eath could be worse than
not to know what you feel
A piece of me still holding on
to what is lost
and gone
You know every liar will burn in my fire
and still I keep asking me why do you lie to me?
You know every liar will burn in my fire
and still I keep asking me what do you want from me?
So desperate with grace
A disguise to protect
Still no words to describe
what it is that I feel
A piece of me still holding to what is lost
and gone
Your soul consolation
is the time that goes by
and the only companions:
the grimaces of life
Did it hurt now to end here
or is the pain more distinct
Was it worth to give in now
I know that I don`t know
what you think that I should.
I`m writing my bible
so you know what I could.
Could you be the one
to abandon my spirits?
Get rid of my blindness
I need to see clearly...
I need to see clearly
for I love you dearly.
My little inferno
and all these illusions
from my total light.
To my infinite fright
is insanity my friend?
First nail in my hand...
Monsters and demons
regretful intrigues and
I`m counting the days
as my self-conscience stays...
In this room full of nothing
the fool that I`m painting
while you are the warmth
and the violence I long for...
Rebellious as I am
I sing what I can`t feel,
I feel like I`m crying
still always denying
and constantly craving
for heavenly places
that I couldn`t find
in your ignorant faces...
Now who are we, in this sterile sea?
Diving into floods of emotions.
We end right here, see black and white.
Finding answers? We wasted a lifetime.
I'll take your place upon that throne.
My crown will stand for endless deception
We end right here, see black and white.
Finding answers, We wasted a lifetime.
[Anti Methusalem Syndrome]
I plastered all these walls with color
I drank your tears watered with wine
Contented with this taste of anger
Regarding this was mine
I tested all in vague proportions
I drank your tears like they were mine
I dared to speak of new horizons
and blinded both your eyes with mine
Can you feel it coming?
Can you feel it go?
Anti Methusalem Syndrome
Misled by an angel
I thought I saw the sun bleed
Up my throat they crawl
To turn in little rumours
Infinite temptation
Fateful, formless, rare
Distant condulation
I know whose words they are
How dare you speak, or even move
Dimorphicly disabled gestures
Prophylactic tendencies
as bodies need their prostitution
My tongue was bent in all directions
Circling motion in slight confusion
E-dead spies return in failure
prayer after prayer (just) in case it helps
It's in our kind
It's on my mind
It's pure and holy
It's what I've done...,done to you
Can you see him running?
Can you see his home?
(Never go, never let me go)
(Soul stripper)
A walk, no destination
Backwards, never forwards
You sound like you,
but look like someone else
What is this world you come from?
Who taught you how to be that way?
Are you not scared to hurt yourself?
Go count the stars with someone else!
A schizophrenic attitude,
determined admiration,
explicit language overkill
with mimic deformation.
In constant search for your next thrill...
Sacrilegious beast of mind,
Brain alert!
Apocalyptic overdose
if you can`t sense the danger!
One way ticket passenger
Your lies will bring you nowhere.
Drastic methods to assure
that you have true intentions.
Nobody dares to ask you why...
They keep you calm on drugs.
I will plaster all you mortals with my dominating guts
I will torment revelations - I did never ask for much
I will taste the detonation while the geminis go wild
I'll absorb the human sigh, eradicate your dormant lie
Does it suck your breasts for milk, golden honey,
dressed in silk
Does it feel your patient care in your dreadful glassy
or does it feel your true emotions in its scars and
bruises burn
Do you really think your lies will tear open cloudy
And I hear rumours about angels
And I hear rumours about angels
Feel my fingers in your wound while my eyes ascend the
Questions wasting all my time - I see your eyes
detesting mine
Sick of a life you never had, e.dead.motion, you look
so sad
I could care less if I'd like - I let you go into the
Is my ignorance my fate, or is my love distorted hate
Is deliverance my mate or am I sleeping while awake
Is this place that we call home adorned by devastating
Am I mortal, am I god - Am I brighter than you thought?
And I hear rumours about angels
And I hear rumours about angels
I will never beg for mercy - I will never kiss your
I will never ask forgiveness and all of that I want to
I will guide the blind in darkness though I cannot see
I will whisper in a deaf ear while I know you cannot
And I hear rumours about angels
And I hear rumours about angels
- You are confused, aren't you? Frightened. That's all
right. I can help you.
- Who is this?
- I am a doctor. Now you must listen to me. You have
lost your memory. There was an experiment. Something
went wrong. Your memory was erased. Do you understand
- No, I don't understand. What the hell is going on
- Just listen. There are people coming for you even as
we speak. You must not let them find you. You must
leave now.
- Hello?
These faces, noone embraces,
trade your intelligence for a smile
He wo harasses - innocent masses -
forgives, to save your soul - in time
Desperate believers, emotion dealers
have never learned to cry liquid pearls
And silently these T.ribes o.f T.raitors
have captured everyone, including you
Have you commanded painfully?
Have you avoided endlessly?
Have you not seen these tired faces?
Have only left your gruesome traces!
These are my words to make an empire fall
and to raise a New, a better one.
Read my lips and speak out loud
My fingertips are more than proud
To touch your skin, to feel your face
I'm drowning in your sweet embrace
Emptyness and Incompleteness
Endlessness and in-defeat-less
has never been this little
No longer I could spare a thought
You said I'm welcome any time
Be sure I know all flaws are mine
Your promises are never lasting
for longer than it takes to say them.
Ease my pain and say again...
Tell me that you think the same
Echo in me
A creature like you is born for defeat
You lure me to places where giants sleep
Schlaf, schlaf...
Schlaf ein mein Kind
Schlaf, schlaf...
Es ist besser für Dich!
Echo in me
I betray you and me as your world still decays and awaits me
I could heal this disease, but why should I destroy what survives me
Awoken now at last from slumber
I set my eyes upon the truth
And I see beauty in the secret
and I sense light for the inward eye
I know for sure
You left me here
I came for shelter
My last conviction
I'll fight for sure
You found me stranded
My hand in yours
A farewell whisper
Tell me what for...
Tell me why...
Tell me the reason...
Tell me how...
Tremble on...
My last conviction...
My last farewell...
My last prediction...
This is my cell
I fear this curse will never end
No need to fight, there’s nothing left to possibly defend
Sometimes at night I wake up pale from fright
When I feel your breath upon my face
Don’t let me be silent
I am breathing like the wind
I need to forget
It is time for honesty
And all these years ended here
I live now in a cage of glass
My hands are bleeding from what I’ve done
All in all what for, what for?
It’s so difficult to bear in mind
The human kind remains unkind
Irren ist menschlich
Irren ist menschlich
Grey clouds passing by Reflected in my eyes Above the sky, blood-red I turn to stone I want to move I want to move I want to move
My hope, my belief My pain, my sorrow so uncertain so uncertain
And still a day to come Winter's decay Winter's decay Winter's decay Winter's decay
Lost in words of anticipation
Lost in words of revelations
23 and 5 resulting
Equally absorbed their sigh
And I need my chemicals
I need your chemicals
Are my dreams gone?
Are my words forgiven?
Are my deeds undone?
Am I now forgiven?
The walls of this chamber
were made to set you free
So soft, so clean
My friend, where have you been
I'm a revolutionary
A christian fairy tale
I'm a missionary
A visionary anarchist
I'm a full moon fever
I'm a non-believer
I have hope and I regret
I accept and I neglect
Watch the shore
As the tide will never end
Feel the wind
As the clouds will breathe your name
Our faces pale and thin
Embraces cold and bare
We whisper lullabies
So tearful as we glare
When old companions say:
I'm here for you
When one by one they stray
I'll stay for you
Touch the sky
As the horizon greys the blue
Hold your breath
Can you feel my burden's weight?
You crave for your revenge
Are you disappointed too?
You wish you had the strength
To sacrifice your dream
The road to perdition
A dead ending dream
Will you paint the horizon
If it leads to the end?
It may not feel right
To leave us behind
But do you feel the relief?
What can I see for ...?
What can I speak for ...?
What can I touch for... free?
Suffer to feel relief
Kiss to taste some blood
Sleep to stay awake
Die to feel alive
Ride for a fall
Fain to fail to feel it's fake
A little shock! Inhale it! Quick! Admit yourself that you are sick
Ein Gefuhl,
das wir uns, so denke ich, alle ersehnen,
ist das Gefuhl der Vollkommenheit,
der Eleganz in geschmeidiger Bewegung.
Wenn es etwas gottlich perfektes gibt oder
geben kann, dann das-
mit einem Ursprung der so unbegreifbar fern
und undurchsichtig ist, dass ich uber jeden
Fetzen der mir erhalten bleibt dankbar bin.
Der Zustand als solches umfasst uber
ausreichend Perfektion und bedarf keiner
These faces, noone embraces,
trade your intelligence for a smile
He wo harasses - innocent masses -
forgives, to save your soul - in time
Desperate believers, emotion dealers
have never learned to cry liquid pearls
And silently these T.ribes o.f T.raitors
have captured everyone, including you
Have you commanded painfully?
Have you avoided endlessly?
Have you not seen these tired faces?
Have only left your gruesome traces!
These are my words to make an empire fall
Never trust this world
Never trust, rely on someone else
Deeper down, where all my anger burns
Far beyond the surface
You know you need revenge
Tonight, we watch the world pass by
Tonight, we watch the sky
Still someone else said
"Believe the wisemans' words"
I wonder why? to say the truth!
Like marionettes: aimless, wordless and remote
I wish you'd said a word
The pride of the moment
Lost now in memories
The truth of this beauty
In vague saturation
Embarrassed in silence
Incantation implied
A true liberation
That no-one can fight
Please let the rain fall down on me
Please let me feel the miracles of life
Stranded in peace
The joy of a weakness
No fear of seclusion
A life of it's own
You love your illusions
Without them, you're lost
Please let the rain wash away all my tears
Please let me learn the spell of confusion
With endless compulsion
Confess your defeat
The obvious reason
No need for a trial
Put an end to this fight
Take a rest from your odyssey
Let go of your world
Immortal hatred longing
For what I've done to you
A shattered dream of greed
Confess of a faded bloom
Reminded day by day
The scars just cannot heal
Still unforgiven guilt
Am I a child within your hands ?
Tear my heart out, let me fall
Keep my faith enclosed in walls
Like a child within your hands
Close my eyes and let me fall
Into oblivion I urge
For you I dare to feel regret
A sacrifice I cannot fear
How can I cure what you protect ?
Immortal hatred longing
For what I've done for you
A shattered dream of need
Moments without truth
A mournful sacrifice
Radical impulse
invading present thinking.
Dead end dreams
sore throat from all these lies.
Liberty, dignity
one nasty ego.
We thought we had a choice
panik manifesto.
Angel, how much longer...
Angel, how much further...
...until your sweet cocoon?
I scribble on the ceiling,
on the walls and on the floor.
I shiver in the corner,
cause I forgot to lock the door.
Deleted memories of false identities,
unfortunately I
Tell me who is next?
And who was the last one?
No word to disturb this endless beauty,
a single thought will prove me wrong!
A single thought will prove me wrong
as if it was my last one!
Come see, without the color
there`s nothing left to love.
Say good-bye to all your memories
Don`t ask me why!
I count my yesterdays.
Soul surgery, electric dream treatment,
eyes turned blind that once could see...
Es gibt kein zweites wiedersehen
im schlaf, mein bruder
Wirst du mich schon verstehen
bevor ein neuer tag vergeht, nur du...
Fangst du mir einen traum.
So please be quiet in this room,
Just like a hundred thousand snakes
You crawl around my legs
Without pride, a beggar for respect
How could you lose your self respect?
We see the signs and yes we learn from them
And still we never understand
Our hopes should not be buried yet alive,
but gain more strength with every smile
We see the stars' eternal distance
As we reach out to take them home
Confused you speak of silence
As a scream ends in disguise
Your search for your excuses
One of hundreds of your tries
The past will gain your wisdom
The future through your lies
Lay down now all your weapons
To see the peace within your hands
We all move move further towards nowhere
To understand where we belong
Confused I speak of silence
As you start screaming to be heard
You gave up responsibility
A virus had been born.
It was to rage for 5 days.
Don't promise paradise to our kind,
if you don't know where it is.
I celebrate this moment without you by my side
My kingdom born to shatter, in shelter to survive
Take me back. Please take me back.
Brothers in arms. Prepared to let go.
The curtain now closes,
to put an end to the show.
When the teardrops fall,
What is this penetration?
If not some pre-salvation?
What is a mental attitude?
Why is my fever not in mood?
It's me combining numbers
It's me just playing God
It's me who's making rules here
I cannot come undone
Why don't you compensate
my pain and all my hate
Have you really tried to compromise?
Have you never realized...
Accompanied by faces
that stare at you at night
I'm travelling into your sleep
until you wake up pale from fright
And after all you've been through
I sleep safe like a child
A coward in deceit
It's garbage what you feed
Consider penetration
as instant motivation
Regarding what you said to me
I think that you should never be forgiven
Don't persecute me for what I've done
perplex, poisened, predictable
Permissable disaster, patriotic smiles
predominant agression
And I meander in mortal lanes of festering
But still my childish instincts bloom
Screaming out my soul to the rhythm of the pendulum
Droplets of despair - apparition distorted
My lifeless pulse still rushing on
Pumping to the pendulum
Time's elapsing while I'm waiting
Waiting in anticipation
And I still try to hold on
To what is fading from my eyes
My lifeless pulse still rushing on
She has the silence deep in her breasts embraced
She wears a perfume of a truly vicious taste.
She has the wisdom in her empathic eyes.
She knows the truth to all unspoken lies.
She says she'd seel her angel for a dream
She says that she is not who she might seem
She says that she has lost her self-esteem
She says that she will not give up her dream
She offers traitors her lap to feel like home.
She masteres violence as if she fears noone.
She makes your anger turn into quiet tears.
She makes you laugh about intimate fears.
She hears the voices that tell me what to do.
She look into our eyes, but only smiles at you.
She knows the warmth she feels is not for long.
She stopped to speak that's why I end this song.
It's kind of funny, you know...
'cause I'm not really hear for your psycho games
Little demons make your eyes turn silver, you freak!
Your lips are turning blue
No, this is really not my kind of stimulation
No, this is not a proper treatment
Life? You can have it if you want!
Have you felt the forgiveness
He has spread across the land?
Have you felt the dignity
In each of the people's heads?
But have you also seen the pain
Or did he give you eyes in vain?
Diseases, wars and shattered pride
And a nation dressed in black
I shiver as I read your words
They're all depraved as I can see
Though you've got more children
Or better servants than you can use
You keep us blind, you keep us weak
You don't allow to introspect
I say: You're more depraved than thou appear
Holier than thou approach?
I shiver as I read your words
You don't allow to introspect
Was it you to spread the blood
That once has flown in Garden Eden?
Though your servants still believe the words
That you're supposed to have said
I say: You're holier than thou appear
This is a poison Area
This is a poison Area
This is a poison Area
If I am in your care would decline
Give me noble dreams
Thus I do not sleep in drowning
Donate your blessing me
This is a poison Area
Because nothing can be pestering me
Like a dream in black night
So I beg for help
Ask me to check your watch
This is a poison Area
Mag light of day call me
Then back out of your world
I wake up, may freeze
Because you keep on living
This is a poison Area
Show me
What is left of me?
Hear me
And heal my wounds ...
Show me
What is left of me?
Hear me
In eternity connected ...
This is a poison Area
This is a poison Area
Drohst you once despair
Schenk I give you consolation from my room
My loss will not hurt
Because you know my little life
Immediately, I feel no resentment
Nehm I leave you now
No shelter, no home
I closed the door behind me now
Show me
Hear me
Show me
Hear me
In eternity connected ...
Show me
What is left of me?
Hear me
And heal my wounds ...
Show me
What is left of me?
Hear me
In eternity connected ...
This is a poison Area
This is a poison Area
Where I am now, you can not be ...
Let me not alone
This is a poison Area
This is a poison Area
This is a poison Area
This is a poison Area
If I am in your care would decline
Give me noble dreams
Thus I do not sleep in drowning
Donate your blessing me
This is a poison Area
Because nothing can be pestering me
Like a dream in black night
So I beg for help
Ask me to check your watch
This is a poison Area
Mag light of day call me
Then back out of your world
I wake up, may freeze
Because you keep on living
This is a poison Area
Show me
What is left of me?
Hear me
And heal my wounds ...
Show me
What is left of me?
Hear me
In eternity connected ...
This is a poison Area
This is a poison Area
Drohst you once despair
Schenk I give you consolation from my room
My loss will not hurt
Because you know my little life
Immediately, I feel no resentment
Nehm I leave you now
No shelter, no home
I closed the door behind me now
Show me
Hear me
Show me
Hear me
In eternity connected ...
Show me
What is left of me?
Hear me
And heal my wounds ...
Show me
What is left of me?
Hear me
In eternity connected ...
This is a poison Area
This is a poison Area
Where I am now, you can not be ...
Let me not alone
Now I'm living life without you
And I'm waiting to hear you grasp for air
June lies hidden in those ruins of your eyes
Have you seen me stumble in this demented world ?
June you've lost your colour
Could one stray under your wings
Liberty, a word I read once in a book
Frozen roses, as a gift to your content
I figured I could risk this stupid absolution
O` disillusioned, I'm face to face with silence
Your quivering breath, too weak to survive
What a shame, we never spoke a word
Liberty, a word I read once in a book
Frozen roses, as a gift to your content
Icicle-rain pounding on my head
Images demand to take a smile for granted
Tomorrow is always the first day of
What is this fever that makes me tick?
What is this anger that makes me tick?
What is this hate that makes me tick?
I feel my disgust like a taste of sin
I feel my remorse like I have never been
In this dead end solution, this mortal condition
Now facing the face of my saviour's good-bye
Please take this one last assignment
Turn silent my friends
Welcome fate
We're in this together
What is this pain that makes me tick?
What is this fear that makes me tick?
What is this noise that makes me tick?
Take the crippled mind next door
What do you think this room is for?
You came to test my sanity
You had to learn my mind is free
You came to talk but you don't listen
I try to walk but crawl instead
You know the secrets of aggravation
You know the flaws of every soul
So tired of surviving
So sick of being hunted
So sick of being silent
Viscious words and false belief
Chains around my wrists
A sad sensation
The craving for life is gone
Intoxicate me in the trot of life
A yelling laugh decays my dream
A laugh to fear my deed
A false affection, a false creation
Suspicious eyes enslaved within
Imprisoned - shame and guilt
But still a child
Confessing all my sins
Elaborated, but still out of reach
My hands still shiver
My eyes don't move
A deed you can't neglect
Not locatable
Is there truth to this?
Can I live with this?
Can I die without?
Is there any doubt?
Luresia, no salvation
Luresia, the last temptation
I have faith in me
I know what you see
Are you happy now?
Did you enjoy the show?
Here comes my surprise
Death for lullabies
If you think I am mad
Look at the life I had
Your nature is so demanding
When will you let me go
Your spell is so destructive
Your beauty out of reach
Is your faith enough to prove me wrong
You follow traces
To guide you back inside
You have forgotten
how to create this sound
Beyond this modulation
You filter what you hear
And then you notice
that you are back in here
Let's break these fences
Step over borders
Break through the wall
and tear the sky apart!
You search for moments
To find yourself in here
This is your forestown
entitled to the crown
And with your eyes closed
you hear the syrens scream
Decay in sound confusion
To find its echo soon
These are the last notes
of your sequential dreams
These are the last hopes
Mother see, that all my life
I planted flowers to survive
And as they faded I stopped to speak
I painted flowers
And nobody knows why.....
No awakening, no lullaby
I only felt the need to try
To have the guts or the stupidity
To grab for stars, that I can't reach at all
Father see, that I have tried
To find that angel deep inside
That you once promised I would meet
And once again I ended in defeat
Even here I could feel your eyes
Heard your whispers and felt your eyes
Brother said "Come back to life"
I asked some friends
And nobody knew why .....
Nobody had ever seen
My flood of tears
I can't believe you found me here
It took some time to find these words
I wrote them down in hope that they might help
Watch me walk barefoot on glass
Insecure as only a newborn child can be
Others came to laugh at me
They pointed fingers as I could see
Believe me saying it's not the skin
It's the stranger living deep inside
Mother see, that all my life
I painted flowers to survive
And as they faded I stopped to paint
I fell asleep
And nobody knows why.....
Father see, that I have tried
To build a world with only me inside
Millions of flowers surround my bed
Raindrops fall to cleanse my soul
The song of whales tear me apart
My eyes still stray along this shore
A seagulls` plaint adoring mine
My tongue too weak to speak a word
O` was I born to be misunderstood
Fingers touch, but do not feel
O` tired seem my restless eyes
So tired is my smile
In my endless depth of guilt
A cripple of my fear
And the needle serves me well
Memories now wash ashore
I feel remains of sympathy
Imagine the ability
To gather roses in winter....
Welcomed me
On the other side
Dank and gentle
Moist and soft
Almost like lone
The needle serves me well
But whom have I to blame ?
Just the cripple of my fear
Just call my disguise
The needle serves me well
The needle serves me well
But whom have I to blame ?
So tired is my smile
Was I born to astray
In my endless depth of guilt ?
Just a cripple of my fear
Just call my disguise
Just almost like love
Now sit - sucker - and beg for mercy
I saved your life a million times
Why serve if you can rule yourself ?
So sceptical of my existence
My mutation-gently gliding - switched to normal
So desperate, so sincere like a child
O` I can't see my face in any mirrors
Fanatically I'm moving on...into
Ex-ile exploited - Humiliation costs
But words can never change the facts
But fanatics never lose their trace
Your enemies surround your kingdom
Your disciples in defeat
Come home, we'll welcome you with laughter
And your longing turns concrete
Reject the courts decision
Sweat pearls gliding, as the judge regains the word
Put blame on your breast until it bursts apart
Or choose to vegetate ... into
All the noise I heard outside
and all my senses were never right
I hesitate and watch you breathe
What we need now is so much more than sleep
Your frightened look out to the dark
I heard some voices they must be here
And when I fight to stay awake
My mind is open to what they feed
You cannot believe the things you see with your own eyes
You fail to understand, the choice you made was based on
Unique indeed a different kind
Where did you come from poison breed
I must confess my lack of sleep
I know for sure
You left me here
I came for shelter
My last conviction
I'll fight for sure
You found me stranded
My hand in yours
A farewell whisper
Tell me what for...
Tell me why...
Tell me the reason...
Tell me how...
Tremble on...
My last conviction...
My last farewell...
My last prediction...
Praise the sinner
Sin skinner
Delete my memory
My sanity never in control
Horror-fied, I hate my dreams at night
I wake up without identity
Awaking's killing me, I can't believe I'm breathing
I invented hate for you
I revocered from my pain
I'm back, please fear me
I'm back, please heal me
There's no one left to read your words
There's no one left to hear you talk
There's no one left to hear you cry
You knows the reason why
My mortal remains I'd trade my life for yours
I see your face in water, shimmering in the light
I hear voices speaking to me
They tell me what to do
Questions don't spare with thoughts
Give birth to a new world
Curiosity dies in echoes
Till your thirst is quenched
Mortal remains
Motionless silence
I bear this war
Reality takes shape
Child, thy will be done
This is me
It's me and my
Reality of mine
My veil in growing fear
To burst apart
Declare the war
But harmony preserved
Eyes are closed
But still see many things
So sentimental
Like a child
Scared to death
Without a single word
Reduced to the essential
Reality takes shape
Child, thy will be done
Reality takes shape
Child, thy will be done
This is me
It's me and my
Just like scarred (the way) you touch my skin
Can you handle that shock
Fragments of words rush through me
As I see your lips move fast
Echoed voices never end
Blinded wisdom in empty hands
And as I come closer to the truth
I figure there is none
So where are you
The whore to walk, aside
And all those faces I haved lived in
Attach me to my doubtful past
Forgotten forces regain strength
Because strangers die in silence
Crosses fade in shimmering white
Obused reflexes born inside
So tell me now, where are you?
Fingers longing for this gentle chaos
Hallow bodies with draconic lips
Idyllic smiles decay in laughter Kisses stimulate
My skin
Voices dumb, without sentiments
Digusting taste and eyes so blind
Fingers numb , perceptions out of reach
Breathless as a perfume kills
Perverted dreams my fractual bindings
As my puzzle falls apart
Logic questions the existence
Of this strange phenomena
Hidden in those eyes
Like a gentle flimsy kiss
Believe me saying it`s not the skin
IOU this.
In-cest!, my kingdom is krank
PrisonER mesh, slash my flesh
This is my privacy, God,
Within a childish disguise
If I AM-OK surprise!
Dead end dreams end
Now and here
I.D.-Fic(a)tion in fear
Faithful and clear
I sit in front of you, near!
I feel your breath on my skin
Like I am living within
Try, understand how I feel
When you are ready to heal
Then touch my lips with your eyes
To kill this ugly disguise
Did I fulfill every praise
For I am one of this race
Have I not told you in time
That you comitted a crime?
To say that I have to stay
Has even scared me away
And now I look at my hands,
This is my personal trance!
Believe the synchronised thought
In-cubus. Land(lord) of Nod
Down-vein the gemini dead
"I am alone, hiding.
I am scared, I can hear someone's heartbeat.
It's coming closer.
Is somebody out there?
My friends of slaughter
Noble brothers
Sisters of violence
And fathers of destruction
I enslave you all
You shall not deny me
You must obey
Marching into death with me
Die with me!
This is my gift for you
This is my therapy of hate
This is the poison room
This is your home my friend
Slaves of this kingdom
Entitled to suffer
Victims by change
Deception routine
He who commands
Finds justice in rage
A gamble of moods
Obliged to obey
Prince of darkness
Give life to the lost
King of the dead
Give names to the nameless
This is my gift
This is my therapy
This is the poison
You are the chosen one
Maybe not the only one
You say you hold your breath
until you feel alive again
Your hair is grey, your childhood gone
You dance around and sing along
The tune you hear inside your head
A theme like this must be your own
Dear friend I have no illusions
You owe me a pretty apology
I'm facing the last necessity
of leaving it all behind
My home is where my heart died
Don't listen to what they say
I may not be your best friend
[Arena Silentii Mea]
Ich mochte die stille mein eigen nennen.
Die zeit rast, als hatte sie es eilig zu vergehen.
Raub den menschen Ihre Illusion, so zerstorst du auch Ihr streben
Es fehlen so viele worte in einem buch, so viele Tone in einem stuck musik
Das einzige woran ich wirklich zu glauben vermag ist die wut.
Die gro?te starke des menschen ist demnach auch seine schwache...
Ich mochte die stille mein eigen nennen, mein besitz.
Verstehst du mich nicht?
Horst du mich nicht?
Avec des larmes dans la voix
Je t'ecoute
Tu deformes la resignation
Je te demande cent fois
Comment etait-ce possible?
La rebellion du silence
Fragile image
juste un moment avant
You had to learn
This catastrophe is not my fault
You fail to believe
the things you hear inside your head
Raise your voices
Sense the danger
Warn me of the storm
You became the man that you were scared of
You commit the deeds that we all need
You paint the words that we all dream of
You see the signs that we ignore
We count the minutes
until we call the mutiny
Go Strange strangers
so they become your alibi
Raise your voices
Hear the silence
Long, lost faces jump off fences
Taste the fall on bloody lips
Sit up, bend down
Connect the masses
Grounded, reduced to soil
Feel, fake - reject my touch
Shiver, shake - don't trust my language
But still it's up to you!
How can you cope with rare conditions
That you've caused by yourself
Never try to understand me!
Monuments of grace
Discharge my credits
The future is my past
Take a risk - survive
Fortunate belief
Enter - communicate
Contrasts - black and white
Disgusting beauty
Roses dying
Just in secrecy
Children crying
Their flowers bloom
Innocence rejected
Virginal deceit
You dare to speak
Learn to fake
Learn to feel
[An ode to grace]
Tranquility has lost its silence
Disguised in wildest rage
A thoughtful friend, the chosen sinner
My stability too vague
For what now have I suffered?
For what now have I died?
The wildest creatures touch my body
I feel my breath disperse
I tried to see my liberty
I tried to find my conscious mind
I tried to see humanity
I tried to fly away from my mortality
Enflame my paradise with wisdom
Strangely rare
A legend dies to stay alive
A priest will hold your hand
Trust in god and pray for the devil
An angel heals the deepest wounds
Or at least I think so?
Was it ever in my range of chance
Drop dead-permanently gorgeous
In the mood to lose control
Go leave me as my best friend, (but please)
stay out of sight
I hunger for the next one-tonight
Are you cleaned in your soul?
Or is a victim the one who speaks the truth?
What can you tell about a person with a gun?
Come on, give up, give up!
My little servant is just like a tattoo
You cannot wash it off - you cannot seem to let it go
Maybe it may be, that you need shelter
Run for help, run for miles and find no one to blame!
I cannot see you
I cannot feel you
What can I say ?
What can I do ?
Why can I face this world ?
In which I must endure
Intimate compulsion
"Legitimate" , you say
But nothing ever prospers
If not the thought is noble
I'm not alone
But still lonely
What else eludes my eyes
Distracted fingers
Regarding others
However impressive words might be
Do they distract me ?
Consider me demented ?!
Disposess my secrets
In a concept hidden well
See my silhouettes in absence
Alive as body swell
In dissolution
Absorbing life from others
Like sucking from a straw
Abstracted methods fear the truth
Dissolving what may last
Melting life in naked hands
Eyes now open
Rebellious hearts delivered
As a gift of a good friend
In dissolution
You come from far away
looking for a place to stay.
No matter where you go
they say that you can`t stay.
You can`t decide what`s wrong or right,
frustration overcomes the pride.
You only want some sleep,
you only want to spend the night.
It is tragic to hope for magic,
it is tragic, so dramatic.
Yes, it is tragic to hope for magic,
it is tragic, so dramatic.
A stranded stranger masqueraded
noble gestures complimenting.
My sentiment, temptation`s hand,
I know you think you`re clever
since you tell me vivid lies
that I believe and then repeat to feel alright.
It seems like nothing mattered
to you or anyone
until one day it happened...
And with these words you ask for justice?
And do your deeds make you feel better?
The sound of voices echoes deep into the touch
of my fingers, fragile, asking questions
You seemed like yourself...
until you slaughtered,
until you raped these feelings,
until you couldn't tell apart,
what true and what false is in your life,
what dream or what reality is in your sleep.
And then you see them rising
Born into your sleep
Rising towards your horizon
Feel these
Dead souls dreaming
in your sleep
Last night I heard you speaking,
whisper in your sleep
You were talking about strangers,
And the place was burning
Where once my cradle stood
Memories still yearning
For what my childhood took
In peaceful shelter I may rest
Just instincts of salvation
O`deviate from the within
But hate I may not feel
A nations decay within my eyes
Imploring still in vague seclusion
A tear from a child's eye- obeying still
But fate just ties together
What's my flesh ?
And what my skin ?
What my privilege ?
And what a sin ?
Have I come to stay
What I can never be ?
Have I come to beg
For a new identity ? blame...
O` I have tried to fly
But I did not have wings
I have tried to speak
But I did not know how
Like a new-born child
I have tried to trust
Reaching out
But my cradle burning
A nations decay within my eyes
Imploring still in vague seclusion
A tear from a child's eye- obeying still
But fate just ties together
Just memories today
Yes, I exist, but do I also live ?
I must deviate from the within
Sacred therapy
Secrecy on hand
Divine luxury
A liberty demand
A means to an end
You do not understand
Does it matter much?
A hand for a hand
Sick of you
Sick of thee
No excuses left for me (2x)
Step forward my friend
My enemy
Was really all this for nothing?
I can still fell her shine
Depending on others
We choose who you are
5 faces for one
"I have no words that I could say to you to make you
Everthing is lost
Everything is mine now
All the beauty, gone
- All the faith...
It's watching over you, my friend
And you, you fear nothing
More than
My eyes filled with water that no one can drink,
Dispair made of laughter on my knees I sink
I hold in my hands what my life has forsaken
I keep in my heart what's already been taken
Beneath my subconscience a lake of my sorrows
I live for today and I fear my tomorrow
Blood flows down in rivers for 23 years
The wind in my face can't dry all my tears
Declare us the war, we have all been forgiven
Be thankful my friend, for all you've been given
Day in and day out they will feed you with poison
One day you wake up and give way to their thoughts
Come with me
You have nothing to lose
So calm down here
I'll sleep for a while
This is the violence I brought here to you
This is the life that I sacrificed
This is the morning without a day after
This is the silence that never breaks
This is the violence I brought here to you
This is the life that I sacrificed
This is the morning without a day after
This is the silence that never breaks
Through you
Come with me
You have nothing to lose
So calm down here
I'll sleep for a while
"I know one thing for sure:
I have doubts about life,
But none about death.
I have hopes
I have hopes
I have hopes
I have hopes about death,
I will plaster all you mortals with my dominating guts
I will torment revelations - I did never ask for much
I will taste the detonation while the geminis go wild
I'll absorb the human sigh, eradicate your dormant lie
Does it suck your breasts for milk, golden honey,
dressed in silk
Does it feel your patient care in your dreadful glassy
or does it feel your true emotions in its scars and
bruises burn
Do you really think your lies will tear open cloudy
And I hear rumours about angels
And I hear rumours about angels
Feel my fingers in your wound while my eyes ascend the
Questions wasting all my time - I see your eyes
detesting mine
Sick of a life you never had, e.dead.motion, you look
so sad
I could care less if I'd like - I let you go into the
Is my ignorance my fate, or is my love distorted hate
Is deliverance my mate or am I sleeping while awake
Is this place that we call home adorned by devastating
Am I mortal, am I god - Am I brighter than you thought?
And I hear rumours about angels
And I hear rumours about angels
I will never beg for mercy - I will never kiss your
I will never ask forgiveness and all of that I want to
I will guide the blind in darkness though I cannot see
I will whisper in a deaf ear while I know you cannot
And I hear rumours about angels
And I hear rumours about angels
- You are confused, aren't you? Frightened. That's all
right. I can help you.
- Who is this?
- I am a doctor. Now you must listen to me. You have
lost your memory. There was an experiment. Something
went wrong. Your memory was erased. Do you understand
- No, I don't understand. What the hell is going on
- Just listen. There are people coming for you even as
we speak. You must not let them find you. You must
leave now.
Enemies adorned by childish innocence
Dictators rule
Granted words you offer
I urge to spread wings of decay
Bridges fall to split the nation
Walls enrise for better days to please
Draining ditch - water from my eyes
A veil of mystery I feel
Blindfold in obscurity
In the shade of a tree
I cannot remain here
My sweetest passion
My sweet, sweet revenge
My sweetest passion
My sweet retaliation
Hammering on my fragile ideals
In a cage of manic patience
Drawn into a growing chaos
My intentions seem to fall
My state of mind an inferno
This mind, which cannot comprehend
A torment to my conscience
My objectives lost in frozen shades
The scars of time
Yet never healed
But still, the spark of hope does never rest
My sweetest passion
My sweet, sweet revenge
My sweetest passion
Others cry for help
Just like it would change anything
v Lunatics find no conclusion
Bodies simply gliding
Figures draw wildest illusions
Drag me in their draft
My back so strong like thousand reptiles
My fingers reach for miles
Perversion finds its roots within our hearts
Some-body dares to love
Fingertips touch so many bodies
Motionless accepted
Lips regret so many kisses
Whispered words just as well
Mistaken seem my careful moves
Misunderstood my choice of words
Psycho-logically seen
(Never go, never let me go)
(Soul stripper)
A walk, no destination
Backwards, never forwards
You sound like you,
but look like someone else
What is this world you come from?
Who taught you how to be that way?
Are you not scared to hurt yourself?
Go count the stars with someone else!
A schizophrenic attitude,
determined admiration,
explicit language overkill
with mimic deformation.
In constant search for your next thrill...
Sacrilegious beast of mind,
Brain alert!
Apocalyptic overdose
if you can`t sense the danger!
One way ticket passenger
Your lies will bring you nowhere.
Drastic methods to assure
that you have true intentions.
Nobody dares to ask you why...
So sick of being friendly
So sick of being nice
So sick of being thoughtful
You think I hate my kind.
So sick of all the liars
So sick of all your words
So sick of all you cherish
You think I hate my kind.
I fall down on my knees
And kiss your holy feet
You noble majesty
I end here in defeat
I beg you to forgive
I, son of a thief,
Have to confess a sin
I stole the skin I'm in.
So sick of explanations
So sick of revelations
So sick of your disease
You think I hate my kind.
So sick of what I feel
So sick of compromises
So sick of how you look
You think I hate my kind.
I fall down on my knees
And kiss your holy feet
You noble majesty
I end here in defeat
I beg you to forgive
I, son of a thief,
Have to confess a sin
I stole the skin I'm in.
I fall down on my knees
And kiss your holy feet
You noble majesty
I end here in defeat
I beg you to forgive
I, son of a thief,
Have to confess a sin
I stole the skin I'm in.
Your secret world is far away,
you don`t listen to what I say.
Give me permission to enter.
I`d like to understand,
let me hold your hand.
Let me be your sin skinner...
My liberty in isolation,
my fingertips in consolation.
A sad condition, my intuition.
Let me be your friend,
I`m here to heal the sand.
Keep my integrity intact,
I want to base my life on facts.
Whatever comes, I never know,
but life will ultimately show.
Still very silent
I even hear your breath.
What have I come for?
I know I wanted more...
Have you not understood?
It is your life they took,
And all you do is cry,
My heart weights minimum a ton
An army's feet pounding on my head
Maybe I'll wake up one day to notice
that all my life was just a dream...
And maybe I'll be better off without you
You left me here with all my thoughts
I'd write a zillion words or walk a million miles
I'd sleep on broken glass just not to lose your smiles
I travel for you around the world
Collecting moments, o how absurd
To bring you beauty, to bring you joy
I wish I'd be a little boy
Where is that silence you primised me?
Why is that distance so close to me?
Why is your violence still hurting me?
Why are your eyes avoiding me?
Let me say thank you for all that you have given me.
Thank you for everything you've done.
Forgive me for saying one last thing:
I miss you and I hope you hear this song!
I travel for you around the world
Collecting moments, o how absurd
To bring you beauty, to bring you joy
I wish I'd be a little boy
I'm dying for you, can't you see?
I'm lying for you to be free!
I hunger for you, 'cause I can't eat!
Eyes in silence
Eyes in the dark
A life in patience
To survive and surrender
Whatever I feel
Whatever I see is just
A sign of hope
A reflection of my memories
Words covered with dust
In a book to my left
An urge to read
No permission
Helpless eyes
Voices fading
I regret
I regret
I tilt my head
I close my eyes
Voice - louder
Temptation rising
I shiver
I'm a stranger in my own skin
I'll survive
But for how long?
And silence still remains
Whatever my belief and identity will offer
I can never purify my thoughts
And still
I linger in temptation
Still not daring to reach out
The book
My dreams
Written out in words that I can't read
My fingers write
What my mind is not capable to think of
And silence still remains
I'm a stranger in my own skin
But I'll survive
My fingers write
What my mind is not capable to think of
But I'll survive
To the sound of your laughter
To the sound of your cries
Decays within silence
In the depth of your eyes
Numb expectations in my shattering voice
Face to face with existence
Ashes of hope in my shivering hands
Melting illusions like a bridge to my dreams
As I fall
Into the depth of your eyes
As I fall
Into your shattered disguise
Silhouettes slowly fading
As darkness dissolves
I detest what I sense
O`angels come to guide me in my sacred land
Thine holy glance enlights my chamber
Stranger worlds in fractal thoughts
A gentle thrill
I'm crowned with thorns
Who will remember this ?
Quiet doms of whispering circling in my head
Collapsing mental boundries
Draconic lips of mine
And angels still corrupting with a silent word of wisdom
O`angels find their sacred land
In my debility they bloom
Kill my flesh
Kill my skin
Cure my sore
Cure my belief
A wince, just to regret
To wear a willow
A wince, just to regret self - sacrifice
To wear the willow- lost within
And grieve for what I've lost - a mournful eye
My thirst for life embodies prayers at night
I sentence myself - a wilful execution
Disclaiming innocence indeed
O`angel find their sacred land in mine
What they have never dared to be
O`angel find their sacred land in mine
Where they can be what they greed
O`angel find their sacred land in mine
For they can still make me believe
O`angel find their sacred land in mine
For they have crowned me ......
They say most of your brain shuts down in cryosleep
All but the primitive side, the animal side
No wonder I am still awake
Confront me one last time
to tell me all your lies
I wish I had the power
to make this anger go...
Lost something on the way
Something precicus, thought I'd stray...
Beneath my kingdom,so they say,
sleeping dogs protect the way
And furthermore, I know I'll suffer
from all the losses back on earth
And Surely Kain had known it better
if he had heard my story end
Careful, but still avoiding
I feel your noble skin
These creatures you call human
have treated me like a schismatic
Please feed me wiht some truth
I hunger for your bitter words
Injured, but still standing