AMX 40 - Мыло и верёвка
WoT: AMX 40 - Duck Tank Review!
World of Tanks: Tank Guides - S2 E2 - AMX 40
Это AMX 40
AMX 40 / Airfield / "Top Duck"
AMX-40 ~ Весёлый Утёнок
World of Tanks. This is the AMX 40
Гайд по AMX 40
Мастер на все танки №2 AMX 40 - от Tiberian39 [World of Tanks]
French AMX 40 Main Battle Tank
WoT Franzosen: AMX 40 - Stromlinienförmig heißt nicht zwingend hübsch...
Живучий AMX 40 с 1% убивает топ танки
World of tanks AMX 40 France's Failure
Strzelmy Sobie Randomka #87 - World Of Tanks - BlooDekk na AMX 40
AMX 40 - Мыло и верёвка
WoT: AMX 40 - Duck Tank Review!
World of Tanks: Tank Guides - S2 E2 - AMX 40
Это AMX 40
AMX 40 / Airfield / "Top Duck"
AMX-40 ~ Весёлый Утёнок
World of Tanks. This is the AMX 40
Гайд по AMX 40
Мастер на все танки №2 AMX 40 - от Tiberian39 [World of Tanks]
French AMX 40 Main Battle Tank
WoT Franzosen: AMX 40 - Stromlinienförmig heißt nicht zwingend hübsch...
Живучий AMX 40 с 1% убивает топ танки
World of tanks AMX 40 France's Failure
Strzelmy Sobie Randomka #87 - World Of Tanks - BlooDekk na AMX 40
AMX 40 doing what bouncy ducks do best
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World of Tanks Review - AMX 40
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AMX 40
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World of Tanks - Gameplay of the AMX 40
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А Чур Меня!!! AMX 40!
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AMX 40 - небольшая игра
AMX 40 and Matilda rush base
AMX 40 Schnappimaster
(LAYS) World Of Tanks | E04 | AMX 40 (CZ/SK)
World of tanks бой на Amx 40
Sims 2 Car Conversion by VoVillia Corp. - 1940 AMX-40 Concept
WOT: - AMX 40
World Of Tanks #Обзор танков# (AMX 40)
AMX-40 gameplay 6 kills
WoT amx 40 replay
The AMX-40 was a French prototype main battle tank.
In the early 1980s came the next in the GIAT manufactured, export-driven AMX series. As the AMX-32 had failed to attract any potential sales, the company decided to produce yet another upgrade. This was the AMX-40 Main Battle Tank. The development of the AMX-40 began in 1980 as a clean sheet design. In 1983 the first prototype was finished and presented at the Satory Exhibition of that year. Two further prototypes were produced in 1984; the last, fourth, was fabricated in 1985. The design was not intended for service in France, but as a successor to the AMX-32, the improved export version of the AMX-30. However the efforts to obtain foreign orders failed, the most serious potential customer to have considered the design being Spain. In 1990 it was no longer offered for export.
The tank was of fairly standard configuration, with the driver at the front, the turret in the center, housing a gunner, commander and loader, and the engine at the rear. Its armament consisted of a 120 millimetre calibre smoothbore gun, with an optionally coaxial 20 millimetre calibre F2 autocannon. The fire control system was the COTAC also used for the AMX 30 B2. As its dimensions were rather small: 6.8 metres (22 ft 4 in) long, 3.36 m (11 ft 0 in) wide and 2.38 m (7 ft 10 in) high at the turret roof, the ammunition load was limited to just 35 rounds. The tank was powered by a 1,100 horsepower (820 kW) Poyaud V12X diesel engine coupled to an automatic ZF transmission. The number of road wheels per side was increased from five to six, compared to the AMX-32.