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I am currently saving to do a PC upgrade, any donations would be much appreciated. You can donate through paypal here: ▻ In this army sh...
"The Successors of Alexander the Great Added a new dynamic to the Hellenistic system: War Elephants." - Prince_of_Macedon (my quote) I command the army of the Seleucid Empire. My opponent, GpickHead, commands the army of Baktria. FUNDS: Large RULES: No artillery MAP: Nemetocenna ONLINE BATTLE: 0272
1 of my Total War: Rome 2 - Seleucid Campaign New Video Schedule - June 2014: Missing My Uploads - Subscribe to ...
A Total War: Rome 2 Macedon campaign on legendary difficulty. In this campaign I plan on building an empire greater than Alexanders, the time has come for ma...
I play as the Iceni with a risky build against a Seleucid army with a nice hilltop position. Enjoy!
Please watch in "High Quality." I command the Seleucid army. My opponent, [SPQR]-ACHILLES-[Scippi-F1], leads the Egyptians. Map: Grassy Flatlands.
I am sallying forth to attack the full stack that I mistook for a single unit. A seleucid army at Sardis. My faction leader leads a medium-sized army of hopl...
Check out my Iron Throne:; This will be recorded from the replay. Not a live-commentary. I comman...
In this battle I lead a historically feasible Roman army into battle against a much larger, but lower quality Seleucid army. Can I pull this off? Will the Ca...
Check out my thoughts on "300: Rise of an Empire" here:; In this battle, I utilize the Mercenary ...
In this battle I face off against huggybear who is in command of the Seleucids. This map brings back memories of my army being picked to pieces by Prince of ...
I command the Dacian horde My opponent, Skrobert, commands the Seleucid army.
Total War 1v1 Cup tournament round 1 I command the army of Seleucid. My opponent, {V.O.D}_Nonnos{R}, commands the army of Rome. Funds: Large GAME TYPE: Quick Battle Check him out: Don't forget to subscribe: Twitter: Facebook: Google+: Subscribing on my channel and liking, favoriting, sharing my videos. Commenting on my videos helps me out. Thank you.
Hey guys, heres another live commentary video of mine! Hope that you all enjoy. I command the army of Baktria. My opponent, [IG]-Svar7500_Rus-{XI}, commands the army of Seleucid. GAME TYPE: Quick Battle Subscribe, pressing thumbs up & leaving a comment is always appreciated!
My forces are outnumbered and outmatched! I fight 3 armies to my one army. Subscribe;
In this video I face off against the Seleucids. I bring my cavalry heavy rush army that I use often with Carthage. My opponent calls my tactics cowardly and ...
With the new Seleucid Empire faction available as free DLC I thought I would start up another Let's Play to add to the variety here on YouTube. There is some...
Rome 2 Total War: Online battle Grand Master Championship tournament round 3 the finals! I command the army of Parthia. My opponent, Медвепут, commands the army of Seleucid. Funds: Large GAME TYPE: Quick Battle Don't forget to subscribe: Twitter: Facebook: Google+: Subscribing on my channel and liking, favoriting, sharing my videos. Commenting on my videos helps me out. Thank you.
I command the army of Macedon. My opponent, HELLBOY M.D, commands the army of the Seleucids.
Rome 2 Total War: Online battle Seleucid vs Carthage #367 I command the army of Seleucid. My opponent, PeekoSD, commands the army of Carthage. Funds: Large GAME TYPE: Quick Battle Subscribe: Subscribing on my channel and liking, favoriting, sharing my videos. Commenting on my videos helps me out. Thank you.
Time for some live commentary so you can see how horrible my micro is in real time. I'm trying a Polybian army against the Seleucids - possibly a tall order, depending on what the Seleucid commander fields from his vast roster. Gl and hf!
The main prize will be a Intel Core i7-4770k (boxed) for the winner. Furthermore, the first three seeds will receive official shirts from CA and the card game "Punic War" which was part of the Rome 2 Collector's Edition. Additionally, there will be a "lottery" among all participants of the tournament (excluding Blackfish Tully and me) which randomly gives away three more shirts from CA. This is the list of the champions: I command the army of Seleucid. My opponent, Panda_Warrior, commands the army of Getae. Funds: Large GAME TYPE: Quick Battle Don't forget to subscribe: Twitter: Facebook: Google+: Subscribing on my channel and liking, favoriting, sharing my videos. Commenting on my videos helps me out. Thank you.
This is the first of 5 matches i played against Roberticus, each and every one of them was extremely enjoyable, had a laugh. I play as Pontus with its mobile...
Hey guys, heres another live commentary video of mine! Hope that you all enjoy! I command the army of Seleucid. My opponent, [NofW] 8th Tran Of Magis, commands the army of Rome. GAME TYPE: Quick Battle Subscribe, pressing thumbs up & leaving a comment is always appreciated!
For some, it is the story of the triumph of the small rebel Maccabee forces over the mighty Seleucid ...
Huffington Post 2014-12-20... used guerilla warfare tactics and over many battles eventually conquered the Seleucid army.
Huffington Post 2014-12-17And so when the Roman wolf at their door forced the Seleucids to clamp down, few populations were so ...
Huffington Post 2013-12-20The story of the fight against the larger Seleucid army is a close parallel to our own beginnings in the United States.
Richmond Times Dispatch 2012-12-08The Seleucid army was the army of the Seleucid Empire, one of the numerous Hellenistic states that emerged after the death of Alexander the Great.
As with the other major Hellenistic armies, the Seleucid army fought primarily in the Graeco-Macedonian style, with its main body being the phalanx. The phalanx was a large, dense formation of men armed with small shields and a long pike called sarissa. This form of fighting had been developed by the Macedonian army in the reign of Philip II of Macedon and his son Alexander the Great. Alongside the phalanx, the Seleucid armies used a great deal of native and mercenary troops to supplement their Greek forces, which were limited due to the distance from the Seleucid rulers' Macedonian homeland.
The distance from Greece put a strain on the Seleucid military system as it was primarily based around the recruitment of Greeks as the key segment of the army. In order to increase the population of Greeks in their kingdom the Seleucid rulers created military settlements. There were two main periods in the establishment of settlements, firstly under Seleucus I and Antiochus I and then under Antiochus IV. The military settlers were given land, "varying in size according to rank and arm of service'. They were settled in 'colonies of an urban character, which at some point could acquire the status of a polis". Unlike the Ptolemaic military settlers, who were known as Kleruchoi, the Seleucid settlers were called Katoikoi. The settlers would maintain the land as their own and in return they would serve in the Seleucid army when called. The majority of settlements were concentrated in Lydia, northern Syria, the upper Euphrates and Media. The Greeks and Macedonians were dominant in Lydia, Phrygia and Syria. For example Antiochus III brought Greeks from Euboea, Crete and Aetolia and settled them in Antioch.