Hosiery, also referred to as legwear, describes garments worn directly on the feet and legs. The term originated as the collective term for products of which a maker or seller is termed a hosier; and those products are also known generically as hose. The term is also used for all types of knitted fabric, and its thickness and weight is defined in terms of denier or opacity. Lower denier measurements of 5 to 15 describe a hose which may be sheer in appearance, whereas styles of 40 and above are dense, with little to no light able to come through on 100 denier items.
The first references to hosiery can be found in works of Hesiod, where Romans are said to have used leather or cloth in forms of strips to cover their lower body parts. Even the Egyptians are speculated to have used hosiery as socks have been found in certain tombs.
Most hosiery garments are made by knitting methods. Modern hosiery is usually tight-fitting by virtue of stretchy fabrics and meshes. Older forms include binding to achieve a tight fit. Due to its close fit, most hosiery can be worn as an undergarment, but it is more commonly worn as a combined under/outer garment.
William Pierre Robert (born August 1, 1955) is a radio disc jockey who, since 1981, has been a highly popular on-air personality for 93.3FM WMMR in Philadelphia, one of the nation's most recognized rock music stations.
He is known as WMMR's most identifiable personality, and is often described as a hippie by many locals. Robert is also famous for addressing his listeners as "citizens", as well as saying "Great day in the morning!".
Robert also holds significant stature in the American rock music industry, where he is held in high esteem by many rock musicians and groups, many of whom have granted Robert rare interviews and appeared in person on his program.
Pierre Robert (pronounced "row-BEAR") began his radio career at 94.9 KSAN-FM, one of the country's first progressive rock stations, in his hometown of San Francisco. When KSAN changed its format to an Urban Country & Western style in the early 1980s Robert assumed the on-air name "Will Robertson" for a brief period of time.
Not long after, Robert moved to Philadelphia where he joined WMMR.
No me pueden culpar
de que no sea un heroe
de que no sea tan popular
como el presidente.
Soy más allá de lo
que me pueden ver
soy resurrección de
poesía maldita.
Soy un sobreviviente del
infierno, ya nada me puede asustar.
Soy un sobreviviente del
Infierno, inmune a la calamidad.
De mi vida sangran
ilusiones torcidas
momificadas en recuerdos
de alaridos torturas
Millanto ha bañado
el coraje y la tristeza
mi alma esta excomulgada
de la divina providencia
Soy un sobreviviente del
infierno, ya nada me puede asustar.
Soy un sobreviviente del
Infierno, inmune a la calamidad.
No conocían ninguna regla
no respetaban ninguna moral
nacieron de su propio mundo
donde la ley es voluptuosidad.
Sus pieles eran dos calderas
se calentaban sin condición
el toma y daca era su idioma
malabaristas son de su pasión
Exploradores de las formas
de encumbrar la satisfacción
el deseo eran sus vidas
su filosofía es hacer el amor.
Escultores de sus caricias
sus cuerpos son de veneración
total entrega son sus momentos
vivir así es su reventón.
Amantes sintregua
amantes sin temor
amantes sin tregua
amantes sin temor
amantes sin condición
Ha llegado el momentode contestar
todas las culpas que se encajan sobre mi
ya mis pecados rebasaron mi conciencia
me ha empezado a podrir
No me quedan amigos en quien confiar
he traicionado el amor la felicidad
soy un fantasma encarnado que profesa
el juicio final
Bienvenidos a mi apocalipsis individual
bienvenidos a mi apocalipsis no me puedo escapar
bienvenidos a mi apocalipsis no recibo perdón
bienvenidos a mi apocalipsis personal
He quebrado las leyes de la sociedad
he vendido el honor de la moral
ni siquiera el santo padre me perdona
mi negra realidad
No tengo entrada al maldito infierno
al cielo núnca podré llegar
mi futuro será vagar en el mundo
nadie me encontrará
Bienvenidos a mi apocalipsis individual
bienvenidos a mi apocalipsis no me puedo escapar
bienvenidos a mi apocalipsis no recibo perdón
bienvenidos a mi apocalipsis personal