Long life tipped for rail bridge

Replacing 109-year-old wooden bridge

KiwiRail expects the $5 million bridge over the Otaio River to be finished by March.
otaio rail bridge

Dairies pop up again

Timaru has enjoyed a resurgence of dairies opening.

Forecast hits big loan gamble

Couple who took a $350,000 gamble on a less productive dairy farm expect to lose up to $75,000.

'We thought the battle was over'

Ad Sintenie's wife Cathy showed him a world he never knew existed before losing cancer fight.

Cool damp day ahead

After a warm end to yesterday, South Canterbury temperatures have dipped today.

Weather woes for potatoes

While this season's crop has not been the best for North Otago Jersey benne potato growers, there's still enough product to meet local demand.

Small school earns big praise

Working with pupils with English as their second language was a strength of Aoraki Mt Cook School, according to the (ERO).

DOC euthanises hybrid stilts

Hybrid black stilts are being euthanised to prevent gene contamination.

New rules for freedom camping

December 10, 2014: Police Notebook

Santa tops off 'fantastic' evening

A record number of floats were on show at Geraldine's Christmas parade on Friday.

Bolderston can't stop the slide

Gleniti's Ginny Bolderston was the shining light for Aorangi South Canterbury, notching two wins at women's NZ Interprovincial at Lochiel.

Women struggle in quad bowls

South Canterbury struggled in the annual quadrangular bowls tournament at the Westend Bowling Club last weekend.

Porter proves worth for Waimate

Sky loses out again

Matthews to coach South Canty

Barry Matthews has been confirmed as the new South Canterbury Heartland rugby head coach.

Purr-fect house guest

It was an opportunity to indulge in a spot of deja vu.

Letters to the editor: December 10

Herald readers share their views on news and events far and wide.

Letters to the editor: December 9

Nothing to see here, or is there?

Pub smoking ban was one more nail

It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since smoking was banned in pubs. Ten years today, actually.

Bullets and flying shrapnel

carol bell strap George King went from preaching in Pleasant Point to bullets flying over his head at Gallipoli.

Observant recorder of nature

Former Timaru Herald editor John Hardcastle - an early 20th century scientific thinker - is starting to get the recognition he deserves.

Women making mischief

Troops occupy German Samoa

carol bell strap

Will it be Armageddon?

At last, Timaru Herald readers wake up to a full report on escalating tensions in Europe.

Table-tennis ends in love

A night of table-tennis in Oamaru in 1950 changed everything for Ray Gibb.

Blisters worth the win

Opihi Services Academy's Coast to Coast team has come home with the winning trophy.

Provincial pipe band results

Results of the South Canterbury Provincial Pipe Band Competitions held at Geraldine on Sunday.

Let's live in ... Timaru

The town that is north of Dunedin, south of Christchurch, and has been immortalised in song at least twice.

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Should your GPS be an official record of your speed?

Why not? They are incredibly accurate.

No. Who knows if they all work properly.

Vote Result

Related story: GPS speed readings not accepted

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